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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, Torchwood, and Twilight. For those subscribers of Eternal Rose, I've handed it over to Sunfall E to manage. You should be able to find all the original stories and possible more there! So, if anyone has noticed that my updating is few and far between, it's because on top of real life I've been trying to edit more than write at the moment, which is why I have a request for you all. If anyone feels up to the task of betaing either of my stories, send me a PM and I'll check out your writing and let you know. I could really use the help, as you've probably noticed, I'm not exactly the queen of grammer or spelling. Anyway, any help will be appreciated. Thanks. Hey Everyone! Lady Squish here. I just thought I'd let everyone know a little about myself, so here you go! Age: 21 (whoo!) and in college (Uck) I love lots of books and movies and music, too many to list actually, so I won't bore you with the list. It would take forever to go through. Favorite Ships: Harry Potter: Harry/Anyone (except Ron, Hermione, Dumbles, or Voldie),Remus/Sirius, Lily/James. I just really like anything that focuses on Harry's struggle and I especially like it when he's not some mindless idiot. I want my hero to have a brain. I also like fics with bashing. I don't know what it is, but I love when people point out the stupid things and the plot holes. Torchwood: Jack/Ianto all the way. Startrek(reboot): Yes, i have been sucked into this(but I promise I was a fan before, just not at much), but you can't havea situation with all theses gorgeous men if you don't want the attention. I like just about any paring really but Spock/Kirk is my OTP. Merlin: Arthur/Merlin is just so great! I lovecrossovers too. I mostly read the ones that are crossovers with Harry Potter. Twilight, Torchwood, Charmed, Chronicles of Narnia, Mummy, X-men and LOTR are just a few that I like. I also like the ocassional random fic from other fandoms but those are my main ones. PERSONAL RULE FOR UPDATING: I update when I can and I don't when I'm busy. I have lots of other things going on and this is just a hobby that only takes up a small bit of my time. Also, I have written some things and have ideas for more but that doesn't mean that they will all be completed. I'll try my best, but if a story just kinda flops, I'm not going to push it just to get an idea out sooner. I think that takes away from the quality of the work, and I'd rather have a story of good quality rather than something long that is updated regularly, but is bad. I will always try my best to finish my stories, but I make no promises. Sorry. Basically, My stories, my updating schedule and if they're not completed, there's not much I can do about it. I'm not going to force it. -Stories that I am currently working on- My Main Project: HP/Torchwood Story Title: A Shot in the Dark Summary : Things didn’t go exactly as planned during the final battle between Voldemortand Harry. Now, five years later, Ianto Jones has a secret that he hasn’t told anyone. What do these two haveto do with each other? Pairings - Ianto/Jack FAQ-(beware Spoilers!) First - A Reply to some of my reviewers: I feel that my Jack is a little OOC, but I want him to be. Trust me, it will all work out in the end. Why did you name the fic A Shot in the Dark?Well, if you've read the fic you'll know that it's partly a reference to the coffee shop where Ianto and Jack met but it also points out the uniqueness of their relationship and how amazing it was that they found each other. Will Ianto still be joining Torchwood? Yes, but that's all I'll tell you... :) Didn't Ianto work for Torchwood 1? No, not in this story. It is AU and I've changed some things right off the bat. Will this follow the Torchwood timeline?Umm...I'm going to say yes, but take that very loosely. When I do start using some things that happen in the Torchwood episodes, I'll let you know in the AN so that you have an idea of where I'm at in the timeline. Isn't this similar to Ianto Jones or Harry Potter by Hope Night? Well, yes and no. I've talked with Hope Night and she had agreed to let me use the idea of Harry Potter as Ianto Jones and the fact that he is immortal. Besides that this is all from my mind and the writers of Torchwood and Harry Potter. (But if you haven't read Hope Night's fic you need to. It's brilliant!) Why does Teddy call Ianto Tad?I had Teddy call Ianto Tad, because he has been raising him since he was just a baby. While Ianto made sure he remembers his real Mum and Dad (and that's what he calls them) I wanted to show that there is a closeness between the two and that they think of each other as father and son. Also, I didn't use something like uncle because Harry didn't havegood memories with the word uncle. Plus, Ianto/Harry's new name is welsh based so I wanted him to have that reminder of where he's supposed to be from, as Tad is the welsh word for Dad. And if you want to know why Harry/Ianto picked whales, well part of it was throwing darts at a map, but another was that in my head I think Godrics Hollow is in Wales somewhere. Is Teddy a werewolf? No. Not really. He has some unusual traits that might be considered "wolfish" but he does not turn. I address this in chapter 7. Is Teddy a Metamorphmagus? Yes. I address this in chapter 7. Is Harry an animagus and if so what is his form? Yes, he is a Falcon. Look at next question for more info. Why did the twins call Harry Falk (Chapter 6)? I had a poll on here that asked what Ianto's animagus form should be and Falcon won. I then asked what his form should be called and you guys chose Falk which is the German/Yiddish translation of the word Falcon. That is why the twins call him Falk, just like the maruaders were referred to as Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Are you going to be adding Children of Earth to this story?Well, for anyone who's actually seen it, you know that some of it won't really fit into the story but i might decide later to add certain elements, but don't take my word on it. I was a bit disappointed with this season anyway. Why isn't Ianto using magic more?I wanted to show that he doesn't rely completely on his magic and that he knows how to take care of himself without it. The further we get into the story, the more he will use it. it might explain some of the mystery that is Ianto Jones. I’ve had some notes about it being confusing that I only refer to Harry/Ianto as Ianto, but I want to explain why I do this. It’s because the life that he is living now is Ianto’s life. He doesn’t want to be Harry Potter anymore and so he thinks of himself as Ianto. Well, that's all I can think of at the moment, but if you have any more questions Please ask and I hope you enjoy the story! HP/Twilight Story Summary: In a world where Neville was claimed the Boy-who-lived and, due to Dumbledore’s manipulations, harry never got his letter, our young raven grew up with his aunt and uncle. Now at 16 his world is turned upside down when the family makes a move to Washington. Pairings – Harry/Edward, Remus/Sirius, Carlisle/Esme, Alice/Jasper, Rosalie/Emmet. Remember this fic is set about a year before Bella shows up in cannon. This means that class schedule's are going to be different and people are going to be in different grades. I'm basing the class schedules from what I remember from high school. Edward’s schedule - (1)French, (2)Trigonometry, (3)English, (4)Gym, Lunch, (5)Biology, (6)World History Harry's Schedule - (1)World History, (2)Algebra 2, (3)English, (4)French, Lunch, (5)Biology, (6) Gym Alice's Schedule - (1)World History, (2)Trigonometry, (3)Gym, (4)English, Lunch, (5)Spanish, (6)Biology Some pic's of the Dursley's house and layout. Outside of House (Think Blue!) - http:///albums/vv167/ladysquish/HPTwOutsidefront.jpg Inside - First Floor - http:///albums/vv167/ladysquish/forkshphouse.jpg Inside - Second Floor - http:///albums/vv167/ladysquish/FlorksHphouse2.jpg FAQ-(beware Spoilers!) What are everyone's ages? Harry is 16, Edward and Alice are both pretending to be sixteen. Jasper and Rosalie are both pretending to be 17. And Emmmett is pretending to be 18 and got held back a year just because he's so big. This does not mean he is stupid. Will Harry be abused in this story?That is a very touchy subject. In this story when we do see the Dursley's anything they do will mostly be considered neglect. There might be a hit here or there and if there is it willl be in a flashback or vaugly mentioned or there might be something about scars, but that will be the only type of abuse. I'm not going to go into detail and I don't think the Dursley's would outright torture Harry, mainly because it would cause them to be noticed as different. I also want to comment that I think the Dursley's might be mean and petty people, but are not evil on the scale that Voldemortis, so no torture. So, stick with neglect. I can't see why Harry would go back to the wizarding world after this? Well, that is going to be very interesting scene and I can't tell you anything about this because it would just kill the story, so sorry. :) What's the deal with Jacob/Bella maybe? I couldn't decide if I was going to go into this, but I've pretty much decided that if I do, it will be in passing and you can decide if you want it to be friendship or something else. I changed my mind, this won't be happening anymore. I was just wondering did Dumbledore give James cloak to Neville if so will Harry get it back and what happened to the Potter Family vault? Haha, thank you to this review for asking this question. It really got me thinking. and as for what I can tell you, well they will both be addressed and one sooner rather than later. But it will take a while to get to either of them. did I confuse you? Good! :) lol. Actually if you think about the vault thing logically then you might be able to figure something out and that's all I'm going to say. I love how Harry is so upbeat for someone who is in this situation... This comment got me thinking and I wanted to explain something to my readers. So far you've only seen a little bit, but Harry is going to be vastly influenced by those that actually raised him ( his neighbors, people he worked for and books, especially) and also with his magic he had something to live for, something he can do that he's never seen anyone else do before. That's why he had that attitude. What about Sirius and Remus Their coming! wink wink ;) And I promise, they are good guys..nothing to do with Dumbles. As another hint as to when they're coming, it has to do withJonathan. That doesn't really help with the when, but it's another clue to torment you. :) Look for them in Chapter 13!! How could the magical world not know that he is doing magic?Okay, I have two points here. One - that magic is traced through the wand, as the magical world goes on the assumption that everyone needs wand. and Two - I had Harry perform his first bit of big magic when they had moved to France. I saying that the british magical gov. only looks for magic in the UK and as for the French ministry...well, no one knew he was there and he didn't have a wand. They all thought he was still in Surry. Does Harry Know Occulumency?Yes and No. He has some natural shields that he got from Voldemore (along with parsletounge and whatever else) but he doesn't actually know how to control it. But the meditation did help, but I'll address that later. As for what it does to Edwards power, well imagine a white fog over everything and he can only see things if there are high emotions or he actually lets him. What about Bella? Remember this story is set about a year before she even shows up, it's currently Jan 2004, she doesn't show up until Jan 2005. Is Harry going to be the Second Coming of Jesus Poweful?Sorry, I just had to put that because it made me laugh. No Harry is not going to be the second coming of jesus powerful. Him being so powerful is mainly based on the fact that he started so young and the wizarding world wasn't there to tell him it wasn't possible. He got most of his inspiration from science fiction (note my refrence to Doctor Who) and from just using his imagination and mentally picturing things happening. If Jonathan was as caring as Harry seemed to indicate he was , why didn't he turn Vernon in , report him or deal with him in whatever way to keep him from harming Harry again?After Vernon beat Harry after the roof incident in france. If he practically "raised" Harry, he must know the sign of abuse on the child. When Harry jumped on the roof that was when they first moved to France. Joanthan didn't know anything at the time, as he had either not met Harry yet or had just met him. I state in the other questions from my profile that the Dursley's are neglegentbut not abusive but that there was some past abuse. This was meant to mean that the abuse was stopped when the came to france (that Johathan stopped it). Alright, that's it for now but let me know if you have any more Q's! Harry Potter/Chronicalsof Narnia Title: ?? Summary: Harry's not ready to fight Voldemort, not even close. What if Fate knew this and sent him somewhere to help him grow, not only learning to fight but to become the person he was always meant to be. Pairing: Either Harry/Peter or Harry/Caspian. Other Projects 1 - I have a new idea for a Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom fic that's been running around in my head lately. I don't know what's going to come of it, but it's begging to get out. I think it will be set sometime in 4th year. 2 - HP/Charmed Story - Summary:The war is over and Harry just wants to get away from all the publicity, so with Teddy along, the two move to San Francisco hoping for a normal life. Of course by now Harry should know nothing is normal. Pairings - Harry/Chris 3 - New Life (Most likely with a title change) abandoned Harry, raised by entire community. Possible parings: S/R, H/? 4 - I really want to write a Star Trek ficbut I'm a bit afraid to mess with that fandom. I don't think I know enough about the fandom to write something worth reading, When I have more time I might do it anyway. 5 - I also have an idea for a Blind!Harry ficset either at the very beginning or after fifth year. Idk. It would be servitus and most likely Harry/Draco. I just always wanted to write one of these. 6 - Harry/Neville. I wanted one that started right after that scene in 4th year where fake Moody tortured the spider and go from where, maybe with a little bashing here and there. 7 - Harry/OMC. I just wanted to write a fic, where Harry found someone at home (in the muggle world) who supported him. You can also find copies of my notes and stories at my livejournal, which is listed as my homepage. That's everything for the moment. Thanks! ~Lady Squish~ |