Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf
A/N: I've had this in my google docs for far to long and posting what drabbles I have may make me finish them. Actually, it will. It will make me finish them. They aren't posted in any order, and as of so far, none are all int he same 'verse. So they are all stand along. Most will also be Sterek. Drabble a day keeps the doctor away.
Stiles is cold. He just is. He always it, it's part of the reason why he likes to wear layers. Y'know, other than the fact that layers are awesome.
But his hands always feel like ice and his toes are never warm enough, even though he always wears wool socks. Half the time his nose feels cold.
Poor circulation the doctors said. Just like your mom his dad said.
Scott got used to it, he would always have a blanket ready for Stiles to wrap himself in when they'd play video games or do homework. He stopped screaming from the shock of cold when Stiles touched him. And in the winter Scott always made sure Stiles was wearing a deerstalker hat.
But then werewolves happened and whenever Stiles touched Scott he was the screaming because he felt like he was being burned.
Werewolves ran hotter than normal people. He ran colder.
Stiles started to look forward to when Derek would throw him into a wall because he could feel the heat coming off him, he felt warmer, warmer than whenever Scott was around and within touching distance.
Then Stiles was stuck with Derek for a bit, and he had to fight not to go and just wrap his arms between that God damned leather jacket and Derek's back. He had to fight to not hold hands with him, not for Derek to friggin' cuddle with him.
And the pool was horrible. For a week after that Stiles felt colder than ever before. Colder than it was when it was winter. His dad had gave him questioning looks as Stiles drank only hot chocolate and ate oatmeal.
He just wanted to be warm.
Until finally Stiles said "Fuck it" and wrapped his arms around Derek like he wanted. He slunk his arms under Derek's and up the back of his shirt. Stiles moaned at the warmth as he pressed his nose against Derek's neck, by the shoulder. It was like Derek's skin was a flame, he was so much warmer than Scott was and Stiles could feel his bones starting to feel warm, his bones hardly ever felt warm.
"You're cold." Derek said, frozen and not moving.
"You're so warm." Stiles said in an uneven voice, melting into a pile of goo.
Derek sighed and wrapped his arms around Stiles, bringing him closer.