Rating: G
Chapter Summary: Jim picks up Jo from daycare.
Warnings: AU, Cuteness of infinity, teenie-tiny angst,

A/N: It's been a grueling couple of weeks, but it is finally over and this little bit of fluff is my gift. I still wasn't sure if I would be able to get this up. We've temperatures averaging 100 °F plus (37° C plus) this week, and it keeps overheating my laptop and it's supposed to continue for a while still.

I've been tossing around the idea of throwing in more Jo side codas as the series goes along. There will still be awesome Jo-ness within the fic but there are small side stories that I feel don't add to the plot and are more sideways looks at things. Also I felt bad because even though I updated, I had promised more Jo and instead Pike kind of took over.

Disclaimer: I don't own them (or Star Trek). I just like to see them all bendy. I promise to return them.

When Jim went to pick up Jo from daycare, he found himself being yanked sideways by Babs, who was looking fit to burst. She put her finger to her lips to indicate he should be quiet.

"I'm so glad you're here!" She whispers excitedly.

"Um, thanks? Why are we whispering?"

She gave a little wiggle. "I was hoping that they would stay asleep until you came, and they did! You have to see this."

And with that proclamation she grabs his wrist and drags a very confused Jim down the hall, towards the 'nap' room. Stopping just outside of it, she peers around the corner and then looks up at him beaming.

"Look!" She says pushing him around the corner.

Jim stumbles into the room, perplexed as to what he's supposed to be seeing, then suddenly he isn't.

"Oh." He breathes, staring now.

Because it's Jo napping. She's on one of the larger pallets in the corner of the room. What's remarkable about it, is who she's sleeping with. Jo is cuddled up tight with Lena, their dark hair twined together. Jo is on her back, and Lena has her back against the wall, and one arm wrapped around Jo's waist and a leg slung over her knee, her face buried in Jo's neck. And that's not all. Jo is apparently part of a sandwich sleeping arrangement. On the outside edge of the pallet, is Tory. He has his back to the room, and he's curled towards the girls like he's protecting them from outward attack. One of his hands is clenched in Jo's hair, and his face is practically on her stomach.

Jim thinks he might be going into shock. As what he's seeing starts to sink in, he finds himself being dragged backwards and out of the room by a hand on his elbow.

Babs pulls him back to the entrance, "Isn't that the most adorable thing you've ever seen?" She practically shrieks.

He can only nod for a moment, "What…when…how long has this been going on?" he manages to get out.

"Well Lena and Jo usually end up curled up together since practically their first day. Tory is a recent addition. He only occasionally sleeps with them. He's rather independent. He only crawled in with them today because he was gone for a few days with his parents. Apparently he's missed them. I'm so excited you got to see it! I wanted to tell you about it, but it's not the same as seeing it."

"So Lena and Jo usually curl up together?"

"Oh yes. Lena is drawn to Jo like a magnet. Apparently she finds Jo very calming. The first time it happened, Lena woke up from a bad dream in the middle of a nap and looked straight across the room at Jo and then crawled right in with her. Jo didn't seem to mind, just kept right on sleeping. Now Lena rarely sleeps on her own. I haven't seen anything so precious since you and Sam used to huddle up together and he would rock you to sleep."

Jim felt an inner twist with the memory, Babs kept on speaking, "Lena and Jo are very similar to your brother and yourself. The second those three are awake we have to watch them like hawks. Sam and you were the same. I can't count the times I had to call campus security in to search for you."

He must look startled.

"Oh yes! Quite the escape artist you were. Oh! But don't worry we haven't had any problems of those kind with Jo."

Jim's not sure when he lost control of the conversation, or if he ever had it to begin with, but he's determined to wrest it back. "Well, um, thank you Babs. But I really need to be taking Jo now."

Babs looks a little put out. "Must you? Well that's too bad, it's such a shame to have to break them up."

Jim laughs. "She'll be back tomorrow and they can have their own special puppy pile then."

"Yes I suppose so." She sighs.

Jim just shakes his head and walks back to the nap room. Nap time has apparently just ended, and now all the sleeping children are sitting up and rubbing their eyes. All their yawning is contagious. The puppy three-some are all sitting up, and it barely takes a moment for Jo to notice him across the room.

"Jim!" she yells, smiling and startling Tory and Lena, who look up at her shout. Jo jumps up and waves. Apparently she's projecting, because Lena looks up into Jo's happy face and smiles drowsily. Jim can hear her murmur to them. "Time for me to go guys. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Tory nods, and Lena reaches out to grasp the fabric of Jo's shirt. Jo grabs her hand in her own and gives a squeeze. Lena smiles again, more alert and nods before letting go.

Jo skips over to Jim and reaches out to grab his hand.

"Have a good day Jo-monster?"

She nods, "Mmhm! Tory and I are still reading Grey's Anatomy. Do you know what a Wenus is?"

Jim laughs, walking her towards the exit. "Yes I do. What was Lena doing while you and Tory were hacking books?"

"Oh she was there, she just reads over our shoulders. We tell her she can play with something but she says just likes to be around us. You sure you know what a wenus is?" She peers at him, as if to tell if he's lying.

"Yes Jo, sorry you're not gonna shock me with that one. And it definitely won't work on your father."

"Well duh! He's a doctor." She humphs, "We thought it was funny."

"Of course you did. You're four." Jim replies absentmindedly.

He's trying to figure out the most awkward place, and way, for him to mention to Bones that his daughter is part of a threesome. He's thinking over breakfast, as soon as he's taken a sip of coffee. He just needs to calculate for maximum distance on the spit take, so that he can be far enough away.

Actual plot chapter to come soon, I hope.

As always, let me know what you think.