A/N - This is not the new chapter - chapter 2 is the new chapter! Thanks.

It has been a long time since I've written a fanfiction, but alas, the beautifully done relationship of Kurt and Blaine drew me back in. They are so well done on screen that I'm not sure I have much to add, but other writers have made me want to try.

This story is a canon gapper - inspired by, and following, Kurt's awesome performance of Born this Way and dealing with an unresolved past conversation. It is short, sweet, and a little bit sexy. I usually don't like, or read, shorter stories, but this one just popped out.

Blaine opened the auditorium door quietly, hoping he wasn't too late. He loved seeing Kurt perform. And Gaga. He had to be there.

"Hit it."

It doesn't matter if you love him. Or Capital H I M.

Just put your paws up.

Woh Kurt.

'Cause you were born this way baby.

Plaid shirt. Being opened. Body moving. Likes Boys.

Wow. Blaine wasn't sure what he was expecting, but Kurt...hot and crazy like that...he was not expecting.

I like that boy.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt smiled as he walked down the aisle of the auditorium to a not so inconspicuous Dalton boy sitting in the back row, " I thought we were meeting later on."

"Hey." Blaine's eyes smiled mischievously at Kurt, sparkling. "I like boys who like boys," Blaine flirted, sizing up Kurt in his just perfectly tight Born this Way t-shirt.

"Oh...oh yeah," Kurt was clearly oblivious. "Don't you think Mercedes and Tina rocked that number? These shirts were Mr. Shue's idea. Pretty cool, I think. Though some people could have dug a little deeper. I mean brown eyes, that's pretty tough these days," Kurt mused, " But Ms. Pillsbury's OCD was pretty cool, as was-"

"Kurt," Blaine interrupted, still staring. Kurt quickly met Blaine's eyes, not sure why he was rambling, then he met those eyes again.

'Why is he staring like that? Is that...what? desire? lust? Could that be...for me? At 4 o'clock in the afternoon? Stop thinking that.' Kurt quickly turned away, blushing. "Blaine?" Kurt questioned.

"Just come with me, okay?" Blaine stood up, running his hand playfully along Kurt's t-shirt. His eyes lingered on Kurt's chest for a second too long as he led the way out of the auditorium, pulling Kurt into the nearest empty classroom. The door swung shut.

Blaine playfully jumped on to the nearest desk, pulling Kurt between his knees. Kurt felt wobbly as he stared into those sparkling hazel eyes. "Why is this making me nervous?" Blaine. Boyfriend. Arms around me. Bliss. "Then why?" he wondered out loud to himself, not expecting an answer.

"I know why," Blaine flirted, pulling him closer.

Now Kurt was sure.

"Because I don't think anyone standing this close to you has ever told you how incredible you are," Blaine looked at him intently, "your movement, your voice, your bravery, so hot...and," Blaine paused, bringing his lips to Kurt's neck, "I am totally gone."

Kurt held his breath as Blaine leaned in to kiss him, quickly deepening the kiss. Tongue on Kurt's lips, in his mouth, running along his throat.

"Wow," Kurt hadn't meant to speak. Blaine laughed as he focused on the sensitive spot behind Kurt's left ear. They had obviously kissed before, many, many times. The kisses were all romance - soft, expectant, sweet, delicious, and sometimes intense, but not like this.

This was hard and rough and serious and all sex. And Kurt was the cause. And he loved it.

"So you like boys who like boys," Kurt stepped back, feeling powerful and just a little coy as he watched the pained look on Blaine's face.

"I guess that makes me gay," Blaine laughed, grabbing out for the white t-shirt, and using it to pull Kurt back into him. His hands accidentally brushed what he now knew was Kurt's defined stomach, catching them both off guard. Kurt's eyebrows rose up at him, teasing.

"Can I?" Blaine managed to ask at least. Kurt quickly pressed his lips hard against Blaine's while one of his hands lifted up the t-shirt just enough to invite. Blaine's calloused fingers felt rough and hot on his stomach, on his chest. Kurt arched backward, wanting to give him as much access as possible. "Blaine," Kurt moaned, pulling off Blaine's Dalton blazer and untucking his pressed white button down, without, he mused to himself, even thinking twice about it.

Blaine felt so different from him - hard, hairy, masculine. He bit down on his neck as he bravely pinched a nipple. "Kurt-" Blaine gasped, "Wow. Where is this coming from?"

Kurt quickly removed his hands and stepped back, not sure if he had gone too far. When Blaine quickly grabbed his hands to pull him back in, he knew he hadn't. Blaine's eyes were all lust and desire and he was loving this. And Kurt knew it. And so was Kurt.

Kurt paused, regretfully knowing he was going to ruin the mood...but he had to resolve something. "So Blaine," He stopped, "am I better than a baby penguin?"

Blaine backed off and sighed before speaking.

"I never said that," he finally said, "You did. And I also never thought that," Blaine looked down, his lusty eyes changing into something softer, at the thought of an opportunity to finally address that awkward conversation that amazingly and thankfully had not stopped this from happening.

"Well, Blaine," Kurt started, "you told me my sexy faces looked like," Blaine blushed, "I can't even say it."

"I know," Blaine sighed, "it came out all wrong. It came out sounding like...well, like, I didn't think you were.. sexy," Blaine paused, "as hell," he whispered under his breath. But Kurt heard him.

"Well, what I said to you is true, Blaine. I'm not pretending. I don't know the first thing about sex or sexy or whatever...but you, for whatever reason, supposedly never having been anyone's boyfriend, you define sexy. You don't even have to try...and you look at me, and I'm just a puddle...a puddle of penguin," Kurt sat down at the desk beside Blaine, folding his arms across his chest. Defensive. Vulnerable.

Blaine laughed, smiling his warm smile, but not touching. "That's the thing, Kurt. You don't have to...to try. Kurt, I always thought you were adorable-"

"Great," Kurt rolled his eyes, "cute as a penguin-"

"Hey. I'm talking. Now listen," Blaine insisted, "first I thought you were adorable. Not adorable like a penguin, but adorable like a sweet, smart twinkie who was obviously revelling in finally having a gay guy friend to hang out with-"

"Twinkie? So what are you Mr. Experience. Cocky bastard," Kurt joked half in jest all in earnest.

"No. Shut up, Kurt, " Blaine smiled, " I was a twinkie too, just maybe with a couple of more minor crushes under my belt. And then, as I got to know you better, I don't know...you're going to laugh,"

"uh oh," Kurt flinched.

"No no. It's - it's just that I started to always want to talk to you, to be around you, to get your advice. And well, I just kind of thought you were wise,...and well, beautiful." Kurt looked up in surprise. Blaine continued, "You called me out on the whole silly Jeremiah thing, you were brave enough to gently throw the truth out in the air, that we were Harry and Sally. And then you still stuck with me, you saved me from my drunken stupour -

-and as an aside, I have to say that I wasn't so drunk that I don't have tingly memories of lying beside you, in your bed...and no, I wasn't really so asleep when my hand wrapped around your waist that night-"

"Oh," mused Kurt. "I see."

"And then, you again called me out when I went on a date with Rachel - for whatever silly reason - maybe because I wasn't ready yet to deal with my feelings for you. Too real. Really kind of scary, because, like I told you, I really haven't done this before. And you said that you looked up to me - really. 'Cause Kurt, I assure you that it is me who looks up to you."

"Well, yes," Kurt teased, "that's true, hobbit."

"Very funny." They paused.

"So what was that then, Blaine? With the girls swooning all over you and you making me feeling like a naive little boy?"

"I know. And believe me when I say that I am so so sorry about that whole conversation. I just didn't get it - because you didn't have to try. And let's be honest, trying didn't really work...But here's the thing, Kurt. You played along too -plugging your ears. Why would you not want to know anything about sex. You wouldn't talk to me-"

"I liked you, Blaine. I wanted you. Letting you patronize me with your advanced sexual knowledge did not seem like a very good move," Kurt interrupted, frustrated, "it felt like you would never see me in the way I saw you. And I didn't want to go there."

Blaine closed his eyes and sighed, "You never let me finish. I already found you sexy, Kurt. When you sing, and move, and think of witty, snarky comebacks to Wes' jokes. I wasn't so quick to admit it to myself, but my body knew...but then you and your bizarre resistance to all things sex...that didn't exactly reassure me that my feelings were on the right path...because frankly, Kurt, as you can see today...I can't really resist you."

"I see," Kurt smiled before continuing.

"Well, I'm not really resistant to all things sex, in case you can't already tell. I am a teenage boy after all."

"Well, I was beginning to figure that out,...even before today" Blaine smiled back, "with some relief...but today, you didn't even know I was watching. And you were just all there - your movement, your voice, your body. And you were so sexy, Kurt. And I no longer had any doubt, that it was all inside you...and I let myself...I let myself go there..." his voice trailed off, those fiery eyes returning just a bit.

Kurt stood up, making direct eye contact, before leaning in to kiss him. Kurt started gently at first, but quickly abandoned the soft lips to his tongue, on Blaine's teeth, his tongue, biting his neck. Blaine moaned. Kurt had power.

"Your face," Kurt stepped back, "tastes awesome." Blaine laughed.

"To be continued," Kurt flirted walking out of the classroom, "We are in school and it's 4pm. Really Blaine," Kurt turned around coyly, "can't you control yourself?"

"Tease," Blaine mumbled under his breath, taking a moment to cool off before following Kurt out.