Poll: What characters from HP do you think i should introduce to my glee crossovers? I already have some planned and some may be in one of the stories but i'd like to know your opinion. Vote Now!
Author has written 45 stories for Naruto, X-Men: The Movie, Doctor Who, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, Skins, Glee, Baccano!, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Heroes, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Closer, Cats, Grey's Anatomy, Inception, Mysterious Skin, Whitechapel, Shakespeare, Alice, 2009, and Game of Thrones. Extremely lazy person here, updates will be parse, but hopefully brilliant... :)))) Follow me on tumblr. this is my main one - http:/// and this is my fic one - http:/// which'll have most things here and some extra stuff i didn't put here. :) |
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