Reviews for Toy Soldiers
StefKroner chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
I want to kick John ass
pipinheart chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
John is a real jerk here, he wouldn't even listen to dean. He should have at least talked to him so he wasn't so afraid.
shiningsilverwolf chapter 1 . 7/6/2016
I loved this! Would you consider writing a follow up where dean is grown up and meets reaves' college friends again?
Rebegirl chapter 1 . 6/19/2015
Wow! My heart completely broke for Dean. You do such an amazing job of getting to the heart of your characters.
OhtarIstar666 chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
I really enjoyed reading this. John is a jerk... Anyway this was awesome.
HeartsDragon chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
damn. John was hard on Dean in this one.

I liked Moose~ ]
Voldemort- Coolest Badguy EVER chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
As far as the one-shots go, this is definitely one of my favourites.

For one thing, I think Moose is absolutely awesome, and any mention of him is muchly appreciated by me. I certainly wouldn't have complained if he had a bigger role in some other stories, but, alas, we can't always get what we want. 8)

His affection for Dean is very sweet - I love the nickname "Little Dude" that he immediately christens him with. Too cute! And his concern is also touching: "Moose's voice was full of concern and he glanced up at the other teen. 'Do you need me to call somebody?...'"

The friendship between Caleb and Moose is another reason to love this story - after all, Damien needs a mate his own age. 8) Your description of Moose was also awesome: "Moose, despite his size and reputation on the ball field, was basically an overgrown kid, a gentle giant, and he didn't have a problem with trusting him with Dean."

I loved the Caleb one-liners and quips in here:

"Caleb has left the building and will not return until a fucking decent hour of the day."

"Dad, why are you calling in the middle of the night?"

- "It's morning."

"For you maybe."

"He sat with some nice grandma from Florida the whole way."

As you've probably gathered by now, there are many reasons I like this one, but all the fluff and humour aside, you really reached some tough emotions here.

The whole scene with John's slip of the hand resulting in Dean hitting the floor was simply shocking - I could picture the entire moment in my head like a movie.

Like Dean's conversation with Pastor Jim about becoming "real", his scene with Caleb was a strong defining moment of his character. This line really got to me:

"Reaves swallowed thickly as he saw the first of many little future fissures appear in Dean's spirit. Later Reaves would look back on that moment as one of the defining ones in the soldier Dean was to become."

The ending was rather foreboding and sad:

"Dean followed his father's orders." ...Just like a good little soldier.

Your characterisation of Dean has always been in-depth and pure, and the various explorations of it in your and Tidia's stories are always fascinating and beautiful to read.

Thank you for a wonderful journey. 8)

- Coolest Badguy EVER
Foreverwolf chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
This is one of my favorite stories in the Brotherhood AU. I think it sets the scene for a lot of what's to come- and yes, lol, I'm re-reading them all, in order.
LivingRightNow chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
Johns a godamn son of a bitch. He deserved to die...i hope he burns in hell. But hey! on a lighter note, your story was awesome. it made me cry ;)
Jamiez001 chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
:D I like Caleb. I really really don't like John in this fic tho. Nice insight.

Gandalf3213 chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
God, it's SUPERNATURAL. It's supposed to be about creepy ghosts and spooky staircases. Why the heck do you insist on making guys cry?

I think good would be an understatement, and our vocabulary has to improve before we find the right word for this story.

Not a slight, just an observation: It's a moot point, not a mute point. FOr the future.

Keep writing. Pretty please?
c00kieMonster chapter 1 . 3/1/2009
o god this is just.. heartwrenching and so absolutely amazing.

i think you guys should write more brotherhood stories about caleb in college and their interactions and the brothers' relationships while hes in college. i think theres a definite shortage of those :]
coolchick207 chapter 1 . 11/5/2008
IT WAS YOU! OMG, no word of a freaking lie, I have been looking for this story for over a year! I read it, loved it, had to close it to duck off to a uni class, so I saved it on a favourite menu. Then the situation I was living in got bad, and I had to run pretty quick smart, meaning that I lost this story with no clue as to what to search for! So Thank you for posting another story that I loved so I would go through your page looking for the beginning of the brotherhood saga [which I'm still a-searching for, btw]! I love this story! GOD, this is great. [I know I'm gushing but I've been looking a damn long time and I do so enjoy this story!] Looking forward to more from you!

Thanks again!

eriphi chapter 1 . 4/15/2008
This was wonderful. I'm relatively new to Supernatural, and this was just what I was looking for. Thank you.

The dialogue was so real, and the characterisation was stunning. John in particular resonated for me and I think you picked up on the important parts of him and his relationship with his sons. The ending really fitted - no nice happy tie up. Thank you again for starting me on my hunt for good Supernatural fiction.
livelongprosper2012 chapter 1 . 8/7/2007
I can't help but feel furious at John, I know he took Mary's death hard, but still I'd think she would have wanted things differently for her children. I loved the caleb/ dean brotherly relationship.

Great job!
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