My knowledge of Star Trek is limited to the part I saw in my Wood class and fan fiction soooo…. Yeah but I just got the novelization
I was board almost unnoticeable yaoi
7 times Winona Kirk wasn't there for Jim
Winona wasn't there for any of his birthdays, her husband gave Jim beatings for presents, Sam was never there either but what made Jim sad was his mother was never really there even when she came home for his birthday so as he grew and heard about the Kelvin tragedy he stopped celebrating, of course the only thing he never left anywhere without was a ragged, scorch marked, ripped and patched teddy bear whose bow read 'I love you, from Daddy' of course Jim had thought the teddy was his daddy and called him such, even when he understood the teddy couldn't possibly be his daddy.
The day Jim started school, kindergarten, he walked to school alone because Sam had already left for his and his mother was on a date. So when Jim's new teacher asked where his parents were Jim held up his Teddy and said 'Miss Jane, this is my Daddy and he's very pleased to meet you' the woman had only thought it was how he dealt with the loss of his father and let it go. Jim walked home from school without his mother ever having noticed he'd left.
For five years on Tarsus IV Jim was practically alone. He protected the children as if they were his own. When Starfleet came to Tarsus IV Jim was separated from the group of nearly sixty kids he'd saved because he was fifteen instead of older or younger. He was the only fifteen year old. Jim noticed that the kids were either reunited with family or told they'd be with family soon Jim sat on the biobed trying to hide how skinny he was and wondering if his mother would hold him while he cried, she didn't.
Jim told his mother his graduation day. Parents would hand their child their diploma. Jim would be called last, he'd made sure he'd only scrapped by, he hoped it would give his mother time to get there but when his name was called the principal of his school handed him his diploma Jim felt his heart sink. He was the only student that didn't have someone there.
Jim told his mother he was joining Starfleet, she told him not to lie to her. So on the forms where it said emergency contact Jim left it blank because he didn't have any one besides his mother.
When Jim was made captain of the Enterprise Jim asked his mother to be there to pin the badge on. On the day Jim watched the bridge crew's parents pin their badges on, even Spock's father was there, but as Jim looked for his mother he didn't see her and when Christopher Pike called his name Jim was reminded of his graduation as he walked to Pike and Pike pined the badge onto the young captain's shirt.
Jim told his mother he was going to be a father, the only thing she said was 'Don't die like your father did.' So Jim didn't mention that if any one he'd be a remake of his mother not his father because he was carrying the baby and even if the child looked exactly like Spock Jim wouldn't leave his baby to call a teddy bear 'Daddy.' Jim looked at Daddy and smiled, 'You're happy aren't you, Daddy?' Jim paused. 'That's good. I'm glad you're exited. Spock is too.' Jim decided that he didn't need his mother, it's not as if she ever needed him.