Something pleasantly different from my usual M rated fics. I felt inspired :D
Warnings: Slash
Rating: K+
Hope you enjoy! Please Review!
It was late.
No, extremely late, probably about 10:05 pm. Generally, it wasn't late, but it was awfully late to be going home from working a long, hard, and particulary personal case at the behavorial analysis unit.
Yes, it was late but Spencer Reid was frantically on his laptop, looking at various causes and treatments for severe headaches. He hadn't left to go finish his business up at home because he kept believing he had gotten something, but that something turning out to be really nothing, but something was linked to that nothing and so he just kept clicking and clicking, getting absolutely nowhere.
Meningitis. No
Blood pressure issues. Meh, he drank a lot of coffee but not nearly enough for it to considerably affect something like that.
Brain tumor? Unlikely.
So Reid sat down, browsing through various search engines and Wikipedia. His eyes focused on nothing but the computer screen, it being the only light besides a wimpy lamp beside him. And, thinking about it, this probably wasn't the best thing for his headaches either. He already had a slight throbbing in his temple and the tiny black text upon the screen wasn't helping.
After reading some information on the possiblity of the double jointedness being a cause, Spencer closed his laptop in frustration. He would save his energy for another day.
At home, Spencer raided his fridge and pantry, carefully observing the items on the shelves, mentally scanning the ingredients by memory, looking for any processed meats, pickles, onions, olives, or blue cheeses. And especially MSG
He didn't find anything, not even MSG. He didn't even buy a lot of packaged food anyway.
He sighed, grabbing a tea packet from one of his 6 full sized boxes. He retrieved a pot from the cabinet and filled it impatiently with water, almost slamming the dish on the burner, turning it up on HIGH. He placed the tea packet in the water, afterwards sitting down and rubbing his temples.
He sat there for about ten minutes, getting up hastily to turn the stove off and pouring the boiling hot liquid into a green mug. He stirred in some lemon and began sipping it before he even sat down, relishing the steamy goodness. He breathed deeply, warming from the inside out. Tea always helped, even if it was just a little bit. Spencer had always tea was special, it had many healing capibilities. It was a temporary fix, but his headaches never failed to come back, whether it was fifteen or 45 minutes later.
And this time was no exception.
As he considered drinking another cup of tea, Morgan's words which he told him 3 days ago flashed in his mind, remembering he had told him whenever he needed something, to just come to him.
Spencer looked at the time. 10:45. Not too late. Maybe late to be visiting someone, though. Spencer abandoned the thought and threw on his coat, making sure at least one main room was lit before he left.
Morgan heard a playful knock on his door, interrupting him from an unusually good movie he was watching.
He made a face at the door, confused. Don't people know what times are appropiate to be visiting a person's house?
He rose, glaring through the peephole.
He unlocked the door and opened it quickly.
"Hi," Spencer greeted. Morgan noticed his nose was red.
"What are you- how long have you been out here?" he questioned.
"Oh, about 6 minutes, 23 seconds," Reid stated.
Morgan paused for a moment. "Well, come in, man. Before you freeze."
Spencer muttered a small thanks before walking into the apartment
Morgan closed the door, still having a weird expression across his face.
"Is everything alright?"
Spencer nodded, but after a second opening his mouth to indicate he was about to say something further.
"Well, I'm... um, my headaches are getting really bad again, and- I don't know, I just remembered you telling me if I ever needed anything, to come to you. Well, I'm doing that. I was hoping you could help me, maybe," Spencer said timidly.
Morgan nodded. He did tell him that.
"Yeah, go ahead and sit down. Do you want anything?"
"No, I'm fine."
Morgan sat down beside him on the coffee colored sofa. "Some serious headaches, huh?"
Spencer nodded with a slight smile.
"When's your next doctor's appointment?"
Thursday. Today was Monday. Three days. A good while to wait.
Morgan sighed. "Well, kid, I'm not a doctor, so I don't know many methods for easing headaches, besides you know-" He shrugged. "Water, sleeping, maybe taking some pain pills."
"I've tried all that; they don't help that much. I've been drinking tea, which is presently what eases my headaches for the most time, but they always come back."
Morgan thought for a moment longer, finally turning his gaze to the television. "Well Reid, you can watch this movie with me. It's pretty good; it might take your mind off of it. I'll turn off all of the lights too, if you want."
Spencer's stomach gave a slight lurch. The invitation sounded nice, and he knew it was friendly, but he couldn't help thinking about how would it feel being close to Morgan watching a movie with all of the lights off.
That's the problem. You think too much, about everything.
He calmed himself and nodded, his nerves fading as he was amused by Morgan's "Movie night!" and the eager announcement that he would go make some popcorn.
He took his coat off, and laid t neatly on the couch, finally beginning to relax.
Morgan entered the room a few minutes later, carrying a very large bowl of popcorn, flipping the light switch.
Reid blinked as his eyes tried to get used to the sudden darkness, and noticed his headache was easing already.
Morgan plopped down next to Reid with a sigh, setting the popcorn between them.
He reached for the remote, turning the volume up.
Reid realized it was some kind of romantic comedy.
It took about ten minutes for him to understand the plot, able to completely relax and watch a movie with his best friend.
He glanced over at Morgan, actively chewing popcorn and surprisingly into what Reid thought was a pretty cheesy movie.
"Hey, Morgan-"
"Hm?" Morgan's mouth was stuffed with popcorn.
"What is this called?"
It took a moment for Morgan to answer. "Simply Irresistible."
Reid laughed softly at the name, reaching down for more popcorn.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever Reid. I know what you're thinking."
"I just think it's interesting that someone like you would be watching a chick flick," Reid said with amusement.
"Chick flick? Reid. Derek Morgan does not watch chick flicks. And this-" he pointed to the screen. "-is not one of them."
Reid said nothing else, knowing that the teasing could go on forever. Instead, he concentrated on the movie, Morgan's claim currently failing.
Reid shivered.
Morgan noticed. "I know it's cold in here. The heat's broken; I've called a guy to come out and fix it but he still hasn't shown. You need some blankets or something?"
"No, it's okay. I'm fine"
Morgan looked at the way Reid tightly folded his arms to his chest, his face blotchy.
"Sure you are, kid. I'll be back."
Reid watched as Morgan left, looking at his watch. 11:40. God, it was getting late. All of a sudden, Reid felt weird and out of place.
Maybe I shouldn't be here.
His thoughts were interrupted due to the warm, comforting smell of chocolate, Morgan momentarily carrying in two large mugs, handing Reid one of them and a coaster.
Hot chocolate. And it smelled divine. Reid frowned, remembering something.
"This was from a box, wasn't it?" he mumbled sadly.
"Of course it was. Why?"
Reid sighed, sitting the hot chocolate and coaster on an end table beside him.
"It's packaged."
Morgan was lost, but really didn't feel like questioning the genius right now. He simply sat down, shaking his head briefly at him. "Come over here," he said, patting the area next to him.
"Sit over here. Since you don't want anything to cover you up and you don't want any hot chocolate, then you're gonna sit over here and I'm gonna keep you warm."
"But I-"
"I'm not taking no for an answer. Get over here."
Reid hesitated, but slowly moved over close to Morgan, his stomach lurching as Morgan slinked a strong, protective arm over him.
He could smell his cologne, hinting some lingering traces of cinnamon. The feeling of being so close to Morgan plus the warmth of the hot chocolate was so comforting, and Reid wanted to fall alseep right then. His headache was completely gone now, no pain or pressure at all. He forgot about the awkwardness of the situation, having not felt this good in weeks. He felt warm and safe, and nothing could hurt him here.
Reid reached for more popcorn, a jolt of energy running up his body as his fingers touched Morgan's. They looked at each other for a brief second before chuckling nervously. It was so terribly cliche, but Reid couldn't ignore the excitement he felt in his stomach, nor the heat in his face. And this scared him.
The movie ended a few minutes later.
Morgan released his arm from Reid and stretched. "Well, that was a satisying ending; what do you think?"
"Quite unoriniginal, to be honest. Everything was highly expected," Reid commented.
Morgan made a face before rising, switching off the television.
Reid looked at his watch again. Damn.
"Hey, Morgan. I'm gonna go," Reid announced hesitantly.
"You sure? It's really late, Reid. There's an extra room if you-"
"No, really, it's okay." He put on his coat.
"Alright. Let me walk you out," Morgan offered. He put on a jacket and te two walked out into the quiet and chilly November air.
Reid looked at Morgan as they reached his car. "Listen, Morgan. I really appreciate what you did for me tonight. I really do. I mean, I just showed up at your doorstep, completely unnannouced, no phone call or anything at 10:40 at night, and you allowed me to watch a movie and eat popcorn with you."
"It was no problem, kid. I made a promise to you. I don't ever make a promise I'm not gonna keep."
Reid looked at him, his mind becoming a little fuzzy, feeling small and vulnerable at the moment.
"Thank you," he said with a smile.
Morgan smiled back at him, patting his shoulder, "Drive safe, Reid."
As Spencer watched Morgan walk away, a boiling heat rushed through him, clouding his mind. He waited one more second before walking back towards Morgan, turning him around by his shoulders, and crushing his lips into his.
He closed his eyes, pulling Morgan closer to him by his jacket, an ever stronger heat consuming him as he realized Morgan was kissing back.
The end of the kiss lingered, Reid opening his eyes to discover a lost-for-words Morgan.
"Good night," Reid managed, releasing Morgan's jacket.
As he walked back to his car, he felt an extreme pulsing, and was surprised to realize it wasn't in his head.
It was his heart.
A/N: Omg it's so fluffy I think I'm gonna dieee!
Hope you enjoyed! :) Review pwease.