Harry Potter and Frozen belong to their respective copyright holders

Harry saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light: He was laughing at her. "Come on, you can do better than that!" he yelled, his voice echoing around the cavernous room. The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest. The laughter had not quite died from his face, but his eyes widened in shock.

Harry released Neville, though he was unaware of doing so. He was jumping down the steps again, pulling out his wand, as Dumbledore turned to the dais too.

It seemed to take Sirius an age to fall. His body curved in a graceful arc as he sank backward through the ragged veil hanging from the arch. . . .

And Harry saw the look of mingled fear and surprise on his god-father's wasted, once-handsome face as he fell through the ancient doorway and disappeared behind the veil, which fluttered for a moment as though in a high wind and then fell back into place. Harry heard Bellatrix Lestrange's triumphant scream, but knew it meant nothing — Sirius had only just fallen through the archway, he

would reappear from the other side any second. . . .

But Sirius did not reappear.

"SIRIUS!" Harry yelled, "SIRIUS!"

He had reached the floor, his breath coming in searing gasps. Sirius must be just behind the curtain,

he, Harry, would pull him back out again. . . .

But as he reached the ground and sprinted toward the dais, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest, holding him back.

"There's nothing you can do, Harry —"

"Get him, save him, he's only just gone through!"

"It's too late, Harry —"

"We can still reach him —"

Harry struggled hard and viciously, tearing himself free from Lupin's grasp, resuming his sprint towards the dais.

"Harry no!" Lupin yelled, reaching for Harry once more.

Harry dodged the hand that reached for him and leapt through the arch screaming Sirius' name as he passed through the veil.

The order stood transfixed as Harry passed through the veil into nothingness, shocked into silence as their hero left the world forever.

Harry passed through the veil with a shudder, as a unnatural chill ran down his spine. Blinking Harry looked up to see Sirius floating just in front of him, still stunned from the last spell from Bellatrix and weightless in the eerie darkness.

Grabbing his arm, Harry tried to pull Sirius towards him but Harry moved more than Sirius did in the floating realm. Looking back over his shoulder Harry could make out the light of the Veil directly behind him and inspiration struck.

Pulling himself around the back of Sirius, Harry crouched down with two feet in the small of Sirius' back.

Taking a moment to centre himself he murmured, "Goodbye Sirius," and with a mighty push propelled himself into the darkness, watching as Sirius moved slowly back through the light of the Veil.

Sighing with relief Harry closed his eyes and drifted away as the light faded from the veil.

Still staring at the veil Remus Lupin fell to his knees. He had failed everyone and now he was alone. Harry, Sirius, James and Lily were all gone, and he had protected no-one.

As his eyes began to water in pain the Veil flashed with light once more as Sirius flew out of the arch and crashed into the kneeling man's chest, barrelling him over onto his back.

"Sirius!" Lupin gasped, looking up at the veil in wonder, hoping that one more would emerge, that Harry would return to them again. But no-one else came out through the Veil and Harry remained lost to them.

And the world wept with the loss of their saviour.

Floating through the darkness Harry Potter slept, unaware of the consequences of his actions, knowing only contentment that he had at least been able to save one of his precious people.

When a pale hand reached out and stopped his movement he did not stir, ignorant of the presence above him.

The figure looked down, curious at this new development. The boy was not meant to arrive in this domain yet and not through the Veil. The veil itself would not have killed him, Ironically, it only killed those whose time it was to die, making it virtually useless for anything that was not a execution.

Still, he could not be sent back, that much was clear.

Face set with decisiveness, the figure turned his body to the side and with the aid of a strange looking compass angled the boy upwards. Checking the compass again and nodding the figure gave Harry a little push to start him on the way, watching as he faded into the distance and through a door of light in the distance.

Content that this issue was dealt with, it left the area and headed off to parts unknown, floating onwards in the black.

Groaning softly, Harry raised his head and opened his eyes to a familiar and welcome sight. He was currently in a four poster bed with the curtains drawn, identical to his bed in Gryffindor tower. Wiping the sleep from his eyes and stretching his relaxed muscles, Harry let loose a yawn before snapping his mouth shut with a hiss.

"Sirius." Harry mumbled. Thinking back Harry recalled the battle in the Department of Mysteries and how it had all been a trap. Sirius had come with the Order and saved them before he duelled Bellatrix and fell through the Veil.

Eyes widening as he recalled the Veil and jumping through after Sirius, Harry swung his feet out and opened the curtains determined to track down Dumbledore and get some answers.

As Harry opened the curtains he gasped in shock. He was not in his bed in the tower at all.

Looking around the room he found himself in Harry had no idea where he was at all.

The room was large and spacious, with ceilings several feet above his head. It was furnished with fine wooden furniture, the style of which he could not recall seeing ever before.

"Where am I?" Harry whispered, getting out of bed and discovering he was still clothed with the same clothes he wore to the Department.

Walking over to the window Harry's jaw dropped as he stared at the view before him. The window was high up on what seemed to be a castle wall overlooking a large enclosed docks and bay. Following the docks backwards was rolling green hills dotted with houses. The docks seemed to be busy with traders selling and buying all sorts of goods.

What the truly frightening sight was though was the ships.

The thirty or so wooden ships.

Ships long with shining hulls and proud white masts fluttering in the breeze as the came in the dock. There was no sign of any sort of modern ships or conveniences. He could also make out people on horseback in the distance riding around the city.

Overall it was a very beautiful picturesque view, but it worried Harry deeply. Clearly he was not in London any more and he was fairly sure there was nowhere in England like this at all.

Thoughts swirling through his mind, Harry missed the quiet opening of the door as someone stepped inside the room.

"Ah you're awake then." the newcomer said, startling Harry out of his troubled musings.

Turning from the window Harry observed the man who had seemingly made himself at home in the room, sitting in one of the chairs by the fireplace and looking across at Harry a welcoming smile on his face.

"Well now, don't just stand there all day, come and have a seat. Might as well be comfortable while we talk." He declared, indicating towards the other chair in front him.

Hesitantly, Harry walked over and took the seat in silence, observing the man closer as the quiet stretched.

The brown haired man looked to be in his early forties, a hint of a moustache on his otherwise clear pale face. He had a noble bearing, not unlike the pure bloods back home. Not arrogant though, but with a straight spine and a air around him that told Harry not to disobey.

Harry noted the man studying him in much the same manner and caught his eye, coughing slightly as he turned away.

"So, my name is Adgar and currently you are in a room at my home. You arrived here in a very, ah, different way sometime last night." Adgar said, smiling once again. "May I know your name?"

"Harry, sir."

"Well Harry, it is nice to meet you,"

Adgar raised a hand across to Harry to shake, which Harry did gingerly.

"Excellent. Now we are introduced I wonder if you can explain to me just how it is you came to be here?"

Nodding slightly, Harry replied, "I don't actually remember how I got here, I remember being back home passing through a doorway and then nothing. You said I arrived here in a 'different' way? What did you mean by that sir?"

"Well my wife and I were just in the gardens why you fell from the sky in a burst of white light. It is by far one of the more remarkable methods of transport I have seen. Can I assume that this was Magic?"

Freezing at Adgar's words Harry blanked. He'd done magic in front of a Muggle. Again. Somehow he didn't think the ministry would let him off quite so easily this time. Well that's assuming the ministry is aware of where he is and is still monitoring him.

Shaking his head to clear the unneeded panic Harry hesitated in responding.

"I can't really say."

Nodding thoughtfully Adgar leant back into the chair a hand reaching up to stroke his chin in concentration.

"Ah well no matter. Though I have to ask then can you get home using the same method?"

shaking his head Harry replied, " I have no idea how I got here sir. It wasn't intentional and like I said, I don't remember the journey."

"In that case what can you tell me about where you come from? Perhaps we can find you a ship to return you home?"

Glancing at the window to see the outlines of masts in the distance Harry shook his head.

"I don't think that will help sir. Though I thank you for the offer."

Frowning, Adgar hummed softly.

"Nevertheless, could you tell me the name of you home country, it cannot hurt to check.

Nodding in acquiescence Harry replied, "England, sir."

"Hmm I don't recall a England in any of the known isles. Still I see what I can find out. For now though, you are welcome to stay as my guest. I'll send someone up to see to the necessity's."

Rising from his Adgar moved across to the door as Harry murmured his thanks.

"Oh and Harry." He said as he opened the door.

"Welcome to Arendelle."

After a few weeks Harry accepted he likely would never see his home or friends again. It hurt a lot but Harry seemed to have ended up in the best possible place. Overall the people and the local leadership was friendly and the little people seemed cared for. Although we was shocked to learn the local leader was none other than King Adgar. The servants that informed him of this fact were entertained greatly by the dumbstruck expression on his face when he was alerted of this fact.

Eventually Harry requested to be able to contribute his own work rather than staying on the King's grace and, after a short discussion with the King and his Head Cook Greta, Harry went to work in the kitchens moving into the servants quarters for now.

Though happy with this change King Adgar told Harry in no uncertain terms that he wanted him to learn the sword and join the guards come his sixteenth birthday. Though confused about the reasoning, the King did not offer one and Harry did not outright ask for a explanation, Harry agreed and within six months was moved out of the servants quarters and into the guards quarters. There, Harry was taken under the wing of a older guard by the name of Braun and was taught the sword and duties of the palace guards.

After a few practice sessions Braun noted his natural ability with two swords and shifted his training subsequently. Although Harry never explained why he was so talented in both hands a dark look would cross his face as he would remember six months as a child with a broken arm.

Time passed as it is bound to and a month after Harry's eighteenth birthday Harry was summoned before the King and Queen whilst they prepared to leave for a trip across the seas.

As Harry entered the entrance hall of the castle he saw the King and Queen talking quietly with the Princess Elsa. Standing to the side and at attention Harry waited for the king to notice him and call attention to his position.

It didn't take long and the King waved him over to the trio.

"Ah Harry, thank you for joining us before we leave." King Adgar said as Elsa tried to inch away from him.

Frowning slightly, Harry inclined his head to the King and Queen.

"Your Majesty's, your Highness." Harry said, turning to study the retreating form of the Princess. She was fair skinned, like her parents, with pale blonde hair bound tightly in a bun. Her piercing blue eyes drilled into him, slight anger showing. Harry presumed this was as he had foiled her attempted escape.

"Oh Elsa come back here," King Adgar said, making Harry stifle a chuckle as the Princess moved forward once more.

"Now, Elsa this is Harry of the royal guards. Harry, I am assigning you to watch over my daughter and see to her every need whilst we are gone. Also it is my wish that you get to know each other. We will be having a, ah discussion, when I return and it may be beneficial if the two of you were acquainted."

Looking back at the King, confused at this declaration Harry glanced at Elsa again only to see confusion mirrored in her eyes.

"Your Majesty?" Harry asked, a questioning tone present.

"It is too much to get into right now but I would ask something of you Harry and I believe it will need to be discussed in detail. I have waited until now for both yourself and my daughter so you can both come of age."

A knot of worry began to form in his stomach as Harry thought of just what the king was alluding too.

"Anything your Majesty, I am yours to command." Harry said, trying to gauge a reaction from the king. A reaction Harry was not expecting.

"This would not be a command, only a request which involves a open mind." He replied, a smirk forming as he observed both teens stricken expressions, both having leapt to conclusions.

"Anyway, we must be off. Like I said Harry, you are to watch over my daughter and get to know her better. Elsa, you must also make a effort please dear."

"Yes father" Elsa muttered, staring at the floor with a faint tinge of red in her cheeks.

"You'll be fine Elsa" The king said, and with a last wave left the two teens in the entrance hall alone.

Watching the departing King Harry managed to get a hold on his emotions before turning back to see the Princess Elsa still stood staring after her father.

"Your Highness," Harry said, startling her out of her thoughts.

"I will need to visit the guard house to inform the captain of my new, ah orders." A slight blush rose on Harry's face, mirroring that already present on Elsa's.

"Where can I find you once I am done your Highness?"

Fighting to control her blush and her voice Elsa replied, "I think I need to visit my sister. You may stand guard outside her quarters."

Nodding in acceptance Harry watched as Elsa left, walking calmly up the staircase and down the hall.

Letting out a breath Harry turned and left the entrance hall heading straight for the guard house and Braun. This was unexpected and he needed advice. Fast.

It was all Elsa could do not to sprint away from the hall. The embarrassment she felt was palpable in the air and she wasn't sure if she could keep the floor from freezing at her feet for much longer.

Taking deep calming breaths she thought back onto her fathers words for a alternative meaning but could not find one.

She needed a second opinion and her sister would at least find some humour in the situation if nothing else.

Heading to the room where her sister slept Elsa reached it, hesitating before knocking on the door.

There was a reason she hadn't spoken to her sister in a long time. Was this really worth the risk for some comfort? Deliberating on knocking the choice was taken from her as the door opened and Anna stood in front of her.

"Oh! Elsa! What are you doing here?"

Frozen in place, Elsa lowered her hand slowly and smiled softly at her sister.

"Hey Anna."

"Elsa." Anna replied smiling back at her sister for a few seconds, remembering the fun times they used to have.

"Do you need something Elsa?" Anna asked timidly, afraid to scare away her sister.

Gasping as she recalled the reason she was here in the first place Elsa stopped smiling, panic flashing in her eyes.

"Elsa! Its OK, what happened!"

Torn between leaving and finding a place to hide or spilling everything to her sister Elsa asked, "Can I come in?"

"Of course! What's going on Elsa?"

Taking a deep breath as she entered the room Elsa looked around fondly at her old room, though where her bed used to be there was a small sitting area, perfect for the discussion ahead.

Moving over and sitting down on the small sofa, Elsa waited for Anna to join her. After Anna sat opposite her in a comfy looking armchair she began.

"You know that mother and father have left for their trip?"

Anna nodded, indicating for Elsa to continue.

"Before he left father assigned me a personal guard. He wants me to become friends with this guard I believe."

Frowning Anna asked, "What's wrong with that?"

"A young personal guard. A guard our age." Elsa continued, as Anna face lit up in understanding.

"You don't think..." Anna asked, trailing off.

With a sigh Elsa looked her sister in the eye before giving a short nod.

With a squeal of delight, Anna launched herself at Elsa hugging her tightly as Elsa stiffened at the contact.

"Elsa that's amazing! I'm so happy for you. Who is it? Is it Edward? I bet its Edward, everyone always talks about how he-."

Its not Edward." Elsa interrupted, blushing once more. "Its Harry."

"Harry? Isn't he the one who-"

A sharp knock on the door cut off the princess once more.

"Who is it?" Anna asked.

"Its Harry your highness, from the Royal guard. I am looking for your sister Elsa."

Grinning as Elsa's blush became more pronounced Anna leapt up to answer the door,

"Anna." Elsa hissed, "What are you doing?"

"It only seems right we get to know your personal guard." Anna said, grinning as she backed towards the door. "After all, we may be seeing a lot more of him."

"Anna no!" Elsa cried, but Anna had reached the door and wrenched it open.

"Guard Harry! What a surprise, we were just talking about you!"

Nervously, Harry entered the room to see Elsa currently trying to hide her blushing face in her hands as Anna almost cackled with glee.

"Gods." Murmured Elsa, "Why did I think this was a good idea?"

Sitting back down in her chair Anna made a unladylike snort as evil thoughts crossed her mind.

"Now Harry," Anna singsonged, "Why don't you come over here and join us. I insist!"

Uncomfortable once again, Harry sat in the only place left, beside Elsa. A quick glance to the side caught Elsa's eye as she was trying to do the same made both teens look away, blushes rising once more.

Inwardly Anna was overjoyed at the latest development. Maybe the guard could help her break Elsa out of her shell.

Well later that is. For now this was too good to pass up.

"Harry, may I call you Harry? I mean we're practically family already." Fishing for a reaction Anna was not disappointed when the duo blushed harder than before. This was fun!

"Now Harry tell us a little about yourself."

Sighing, Harry nodded, "I have been in the King's employ for a little over two years now. I come from a far off land that I cannot return to and am forever indebted to your father. When he found me he gave me work and shelter rather than tossing me out into the wild."
Elsa was intrigued by this revelation. So this wasn't just some local boy her father had taken a eye to.

"Boring!" declared Anna, ignoring the twin looks of shock in front of her.

"We want to know about you and now, not the past. What's your favourite colour. What's your favourite food? When is your birthday? How old are you?"

"Technically, his birthday is the past" Elsa muttered, still looking away from Harry though a short snicker of laughter brought her attention back to him.

"Err, sorry," Harry mumbled sheepishly. "Lets see. Blue, Pasta, thirtieth of July, and I am eighteen as of last month, your Highness."

"Really! Eighteen! I know someone else who is eighteen." Anna replied, grinning wider as Elsa blushed once more. How could such a simple thing as age be so embarrassing?

"Anyway lets get down to the juicy details" Anna said, watching Harry and Elsa stiffen once again. Really this was too easy. "Any women in your life Harry?"

Harry froze, disbelief on his face. To think she had just come out and asked such a question especially with...

Looking between the two sisters quickly Harry had a thought on how to turn this conversation around. Though he hoped he kept his head for this.

"Not at the moment, my lady Anna," Elsa and Anna's eyebrows rose the familiarity with which he spoke. "Are you perhaps looking for the job?" Harry asked, gleeful at the sudden spluttering of the Princess whilst Elsa tried unsuccessfully to stop from giggling beside him. Feeling emboldened by this apparent success he continued;

"Though I fear we would be a poor match, I could never see to match a woman so vast in beauty. Indeed it may in fact be a crime for me to try."

Anna was beyond spluttering and was now as red Harry and Elsa combined. Narrowing her eyes slightly as Elsa continued to fail in hiding her mirth Anna replied.

"And I suppose a pretty face is the most important trait to you then?"

Shaking his head with a smirk as the trap was sprung Harry said,

"Nay I was not talking about your face my lady, though it is indeed beautiful. Rather your soul, innocent and full of warmth. I, with my past and present troubles could never stand so close to such a noble person." Smiling wide as Anna blushed deeper still Harry missed the frown on Elsa's face.

"Very poetic guardsman," Elsa said, starling both of the others. "But what could trouble a simple royal guard enough to think him unworthy of a joyful life?"

"The troubles of a simple guardsman are to trivial for you to worry about your Highness. And I believe I will find join with the right lady, simply put it would not be you sister." There was a slight tone and empathise on the word simple as Elsa winced in response.

"Ah," Elsa said in understanding, "So you simply could not handle her constant boundless happiness and energy?" A mischievous smirk on her face as Elsa also stressed the word simply.

"Indeed, I will both envy and pity the man she relegates to such a fate." Harry replied, making Elsa laugh out loud as Anna harrumphed and crossed her arms.

"I am right here you know"

"Oh we know," Elsa said, smirking at her sister as Harry now laughed out in response.

Anna, seeking to return to the previous way the conversation had been originally going directed her attentions on Harry once more.

"So then, If I am to be too noble to be a potential interest then who would you have? A normal farm hand or trader?"

"Your Highness, it is not your station that causes me the issues, more the person who you are."

"I don't understand. Maybe you should just explain it simply to me." Anna replied, smirking as she drew out the word simply. "What are you looking for?"

Sighing and wondering how he even got into this conversation Harry answered.

"I am looking for someone who can understand me and what I have been through."

"So you are looking for a guards-woman?" Anna asked, more confused then before.

"Not quite, your Highness. It meant in terms of experience. Someone who has seen the warmth of love, and turned away to protect those they care about. Someone who lives in fear of their own hubris, knowing just what danger they pose. Yet someone intellectual, not just another pretty face but someone who understands."

Silence filled the air as the trio sat and contemplated the words. One in reflection, one in interest and one in confusion.

"Well." Anna said, breaking the quiet. "I agree with you. I understood none of that so we will likely not be getting married."

Chuckling Harry inclined his head in a bow, "Truly my heart is broken this day, fair maiden. I will solider on alone."

"Perhaps," Anna said, smirking at her sister.

Shaking his head Harry stood. "Your Highness'. My thanks for the, ah interesting, conversation. I will take my leave to bring you some refreshment and take up my post at the door. Call if you need me Princess Elsa."

Giving a short bow Harry left the room and the two princess's behind.

"Well." Anna said once they were alone. "I like him."

Shaking her head Elsa huffed at her sister. "I can't believe I had to sit here while you did that Anna!"

Giggling, Anna grinned at her sister. "Well it was fun, I can't believe how many big words he used. It was hard to keep up!"

"You are such a brat," Elsa smirked, "Asking him about his love life in front of me."

"Well we needed to know if he had anyone else."


"Yes Elsa. This is important, what if he's the one?"

"I doubt it, we've only just met."

"But father said-"

"He also said it was optional. Father would not push us into this,"

"I guess you're right. Still when am I going to find someone for such a innocent and noble soul like me?"

"Innocent!" Elsa scoffed, "Clearly Harry just doesn't know you."

"I'll have you know I did not do it, I had no idea how anything happened and in fact I have no knowledge of anything ever."

"That much I can agree on."

"Hey!" Anna cried in indignation.

"What are you going to do about it Elsa replied, sticking her tongue out at Anna."

Reaching behind her and relieving the chair of one of its soft pillows Anna Stood, grinning manically at Elsa.

"Anna, don't do it."

"Do what? This?" Anna asked as she swung her pillow into Elsa's side, making her gasp from the impact.

"Oh you asked for this." Elsa replied, snatching up the nearest pillow and leaping at her sister.

Seeing Elsa move Anna shrieked and ran for the bed, protecting herself with the pillow as she went.

Launching her self over the bed with a laugh Anna grabbed one of the larger pillows from the bed and threw her original pillow back at Elsa catching her in the face much to her surprise.

Recovering Elsa grabbed the second pillow and advanced on Anna, pillow in each hand as she blocked a blow from Anna and struck back with the other, slowly pushing Anna around the room. As they neared the sofa again Elsa rushed forward and with full force threw both pillows at Anna, causing her to stumble and fall backwards onto the sofa, bouncing on to the floor.

Jumping atop her sister Elsa began to run her fingers along Anna's sides making her shriek with laughter as she tortured her helpless victim.

"Elsa! No more!" Anna shrieked. Trying to turn and squirm away from her grasp.

With a crash the door burst open and Harry moved forward into the room. Swords drawn in a low stance as his eyes flitted from corner, to corner, to the girls, to the window, all in the space of a second.

Seeing only the girls on top of one another, not the attack he feared, Harry murmured a quick "Ladies," and left the room again, closing the door behind him.

Still on the floor both girls stared at the door, game forgotten after the abruptness of Harry's actions,

"Wow." Anna muttered. "That was..."

"Intoxicating," Elsa breathed.

"Elsa?" Anna asked, confusion apparent on her face.

With a start Elsa stood up and brushed herself off.

"I have to go." Elsa murmured as she headed for the door.

"Wait" Anna cried. "Don't leave yet Elsa.

"Sorry Anna, I forgot myself today, I won't bother you again." And with that Elsa left, leaving Anna sat on the floor, gazing forlornly at the door.

"But I like being bothered."

Closing Anna's door, Elsa noted Harry trying to clean up the remains of a tea tray, scattered presumably when he came crashing into the room. He had looked up at her exit and stood waiting for instruction.

"I'm retiring to my room Harry." Elsa said. "Once you've cleaned that you may guard outside, though I won't be leaving again today.

"Understood your Highness. Would you like me to arrange someone to bring you some dinner when it is served this evening?"

"That would be acceptable." Elsa nodded. "Though only you are permitted to enter my room and you must knock and wait before entering. If I do not answer do not enter my rooms, assume I have gone to sleep and am not to be disturbed."

Bowing Harry replied, "Very well, your Highness. I will return shortly."

Holding the remains of the tea tray Harry headed off for the kitchens as Elsa moved down the hall to her room, sighing at the lack on control she had today.

She would need to do better and stay away from her sister. No matter how much she missed her.

Author's Note.

Thanks for reading so far. Updates to be as regular as possible though life gets in the way.

I've recently watched Frozen and been a long time fan of the Harry potter series. Overall I have to say Frozen is likely the best movie for storyline i have watched in a while. Realisticallty, who saw that coming with Hans?
Combining the two seemed like a good place to start writing fanfiction and I hope you enjoy it.
