![]() Author has written 9 stories for Friday the 13th, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Rurouni Kenshin, Resident Evil, Spider-Man, RWBY, Red vs. Blue, and Akame ga Kiru/アカメが斬る. Hello there. Here are some things about 1. I'm a male of 24 and the son of immigrants. 2. I'm a university student 3. I like lemon stories. 4. I love anime and manga especially of the harem genre. 5. I like History 6. I have a Hentai Foundry and a Adultfanfic account of the same name. A deviant art account with the name reversed. And an AO3 account but no stories added to that name. The link bellow is the YouTube video for the Rurouni Kenshin fanfic. The map of Cobreiny. Gives you the idea of what it looks like. It's not very good though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07hobVyJX4Q Favorite Anime: Rurouni Kenshin (Its a very classic romance with historical references 8.8/10) Drifters (Famous historical figures brought together to meet each other. A Roman meeting a Japanese pilot. 9.5/10) Hellsing Ultimate/Abridged (This is basically the anime sequel to Bram Stoker's Dracula. It also has big guns, vampires and Nazi SS vampires. You can't argue against that 10/10) Highschool of the Dead (8/10) Highschool DxD (Boobs, Supernatural beings and battles and real world Mythology. What more could I ask for? Except that Issei should find the time when its appropriate to get crazy about boobs. 9/10) Is this a Zombie (8.6/10) Sekirei (8.5/10) Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou (Its good but there are some things that need be addressed, like Kimihito's lack of character development and explanation as to why these hot monster girls seem to be attracted to him a random dude. 8/10) Masou Gakuen HxH (This is a step up from DxD in terms of content. And like DxD don't watch it in front of your parents because its one step away from being a hentai 9.2/10) Akame Ga Kill (but I must give it a 7.8/10. I've only watched roughly half of it back in 2014. I first thought it was amazing. A country boy trying to make it big and ends joining a group of assassins trying to bring change to a corrupt empire with the members having colorful personalities and making them look damn good while killing. But Its like Tarantino and M. Night Shyamalan decided to get to together and make an anime. 16 hours of build up and killing off good characters to a disappointing/no payoff ending. The moment that fucking monster Koro caught Sheele I was horrorfied and in denial of what was happening. And after Chelsea's death my interest and attention of it waned and I know bits and pieces of things happening between then and the end. The only full episode I watched in between those was when Mine and Tatsumi killed that crazy bitch Seryu. I wasn't too thrilled that Mine and Tatsumi romance became canon. I mean he had Akame and Leone to choose from. Yes there is also Esdeath who is hot and sex with her might be amazing but she's kind of Nazi who doesn't really understand how relationships work. As a compromise they should have added in the harem genre and make it clear to Tatsumi that he will become the Issei Hyoudo of his series except with out obsession for boobs but instead living to his share his life with Akame, Leone, Mine, Chelsea, and Esdeath to make you S&M freaks happy.) I have some stories on the back burner or ideas that haven't passed the first draft yet. Akame ga Kill Fics Claim~ Tatsumi x Leone. Shortly after returning to base after escaping Esdeath the first time, Leone decides to make good regarding her claim on Tatsumi. Fireplace~ Tatsumi x Leone. Our hero spends his first winter with his lover. Kitchen Love~ Tatsumi x Akame~ Spin off of Fireplace. Another favorite couple get intimate in the kitchen while preparing dinner. Kill the Bikini~ Tatsumi x Esdeath Kill the Lingerie~ Title says it all. The ladies of Akame ga Kill decide to try on some lingerie. Not all of the girls though. Kill the Aphrodisiac~ Multiple Pairings. Maybe. Kill the Heat~ Leone x Tatsumi. Leone having animal like characteristics because of her teigu comes into heat and its bad. She blames it on Tatsumi and makes him take the responsibility. Mechanical Love~ Lubbock x Najenda Kill the Tentacles~ Tentacle monster x Leone, Akame, Mine, Sheele, Chelsea Country Boy and the Slum Girl~ Leone x Tatsumi. Modern day/AU fic possibly high school setting. Live the Love~ Tatsumi x Leone Akame ga Kill Threesome Project~ Leone x Tatsumi x Akame Unnamed Lemon Project. ~ Series of Lemons mostly involving Tatsumi over a wide variety of scenarios and settings. Like Japanese High-school setting. Rurouni Kenshin Fanfics: Doctor of Love or Love Doctor~ Megumi Takani x OCs. Healing people is what Megumi is known but what if she healed people with her body on the side? Mistress~ Kenshin x Megumi/Kaoru. End of the series, Kenshin and Kaoru have a somewhat open marriage. Kaoru allows Megumi to be Kenshin's mistress whenever she comes to Tokyo for his check ups. And Kaoru kinda does the same. Unnamed Kaoru Project~ Inspired by a Final Fantasy VII fic on HentaiFoundry titled Depraved Tifa. The fic tells the FF7 story mostly with Tifa and her having sex with everyone and everything. Lot of weird stuff in that fic like futa and tentacles. And the one I have plans for takes place during the RK series with the lovely Kaoru Kamiya having sex a life in between. As well as Megumi, Tae, and Misao. It will be primarily Kaoru getting action with Kenshin, Sano, Yahiko and some random extras, the various ladies mentioned. I will admit this may be controversial but not as much as a virgin Kaoru being raped in some fics. May out on HentaiFoundry. Swingers~ The canon RK couples like to swing with one another both in the Meiji and modern days. Open relationships/marriages. Kenshin x Megumi, Kaoru x Saito, Sanosuke x Misao etc. Controversial as well because Kaoru will hook up with Saito and possibly Enishi. Kenshin's Harem~ Inspired by the very long and terribly written Xover fic Sonic the Hedgehog's Ultimate Harem where he has sex with various women across the fictional multiverse. That's basically what Kenshin is gonna do. Love Hina Fics Sex Friends~ Keitaro x Mitsune. A series of romps between these two throughout the series. Sword Maiden and the Archer~ Motoko x Nasu Suzetaka Yoichi. Bit of a Xover fic with Drifters. Highschool DxD Fic and here are the chapters In the Club Room~ Issei x Rias Love Hotel Romp~ Issei x Akeno x Kuroka Procreative Practice~ Issei x Xenovia Night of Satisfaction~ Issei x Harem. Its the middle of the night and despite spending the last few hours with Rias, Issei is not satisfied. So he makes it his mission to bang every girl throughout the night. He has until dawn. Infinite Stratos Fics Unnamed Ichika harem fic(s) or chapters if single fic~ Ichika x Harem takes place after the Purge film with all the perverted fantasies the girls had about Ichika. Perversion in the Infirmary~ Tatenashi x Ichika Love in the Dojo/Steamy Shower~ Ichika x Houki Seducing the Maid~ Ichika x Charlotte Familiar of Zero Fics Mistress~ Saito x Siesta The Outfits~ Saito x Siesta. With every outfit Siesta had been seen wearing or in case of the naked apron, not wearing in the series. Her Champion~ Henrietta x Saito Do you know what a Love Hotel is~ Saito x Jessica Exchange~ That episode When Saito needs something from Kirche to save Siesta an exchange is made. Should we continue ~ Siesta x Louise. That episode where these ladies touching each other thinking the other is Saito. Favorite rivalries: Takeda Shingen vs. Uesugi Kenshin Alucard Vs. Alexander Anderson Batman Vs. Joker Kenshin Vs. Saitou Issei Vs. Vali Sheldon Vs. Kripke Ragna Vs. Jin/Hakumen Scorpion Vs. Sub-Zero Favorite villains: The Major, Felix, Makoto Shishio, Toguro Brothers, Albert Wesker, Sauron, Ra's al Ghul, The Joker, Deathstroke Favorite Bad Asses/anti-heroes: Alucard, Spawn, Deathstroke, Batman, Kratos, Ragna the Bloodedge, Deadpool, Catwoman, Ada Wong, Locus, Ragnar Lothbrok, Hajime Saito, Frank Castle aka The Punisher Favorite Pairings of Familiar of Zero: Saito x Harem Saito x Siesta (Siesta took care of Saito when he first arrived whenever Louise was being a bitch.) Saito x Henrietta Saito x Jessica Saito x Kirche Saito x Tiffania (Obligatory elf girl why not.) Least Favorite FoZ pairings: Saito x Louise (They may be canon but Louise is a lolicon tsundere that basically kidnapped him to be her slave. It's overrated) Rurouni Kenshin Pairings: Kenshin x Kaoru Sanosuke x Megumi Aoshi x Misao Yahiko x Tsubame Hajime x Tokio Resident Evil Pairings: Leon x Ada Jill x Chris Leon x Claire Jill x Nemesis Rebecca x Billy Jill x Carlos Jake x Sherry Favorite Final Fantasy VII Pairings: Cloud x Tifa Yuffie x Vincent Zack X Aerith Least Favorite FF7 pairings in order: Tifa x Any guy that's not temporary or before Cloud Cloud x Aerith (I know you fanboys have kept a jar of your tears after watching Aerith's demise since 1997, but lets be honest guys, Aerith only liked Cloud as a substitue for Zack. And Cloud was trying to live up to Zack's legacy without even knowing about because Mako poisoning made him forget... or something.) Favorite Infinite Stratos Pairings: Ichika x Harem Ichika x Houki (Hey they were about to kiss. Which proves he's not really dense.) Ichika x Charlotte Ichika x Tatenashi Least Favorite Infinite Stratos Pairings: Ichika x Chifuyu (I find myself conflicted about this one. While Chifuyu is hot and the hookup would even be hotter but on the other hand DON'T FUCK YOU SISTER!!) I don't hate it just conflicted. I'll read a lemon fic of this. Ichika x Cecelia (Hooking up with a rich girl from English Royalty sounds great but at the same time, but Ichika is too independent much like a house husband to be living in a mansion with a bunch of maids.) Don't hate this one either. Needs to be Harem related. Ichika x Rin (Annoying loli that tried to win him over with her cooking) Don't hate. Harem Related. Ichika x Laura (I actually find this one humorous) Harem Related. Favorite Mass Effect Pairings Shepard x Tali Shepard x Miranda Shepard x Jack Shepard x Ashley Miranda x Jack FemShepard x Garrus FemShepard x Krogans/Aliens (There is a series of fics on Archive of our Own called Krogan Chronicles. Check it out) James x Ashley EDI x Joker Favorite Naruto Pairings Naruto x Harem Naruto x Hinata Naruto x Tsunade (She may be old but DAYUM she's like Liara T'soni of the series) Naruto x Ino Naruto x Tenten Naruto x Sakura Naruto x Mei Naruto x Anko Tenten X Neiji Ino x Sai BlazBlue Ragna x Celica Bang x Litchi Jin x Tsubaki Jubei x Nine DC and Marvel Pairings: Spider-Man x Black Cat (I know you fan boys and girls are saying that Mary Jane Watson or Gwen Stacy or Liz Allen or whoever else is the ONE for Peter/Spider-Man. But these two would make a power couple which is pragmatic. Peter Parker's girlfriends have broken up with him in the comics because of the Spider-Man routine. Plus sexy cat lady.) Batman x Catwoman (Same thing as above) Beast Boy x Raven Black Widow x Captain America Black Widow x Spider-Man Akame ga Kill pairings in order Tatsumi x Harem (Out of all the harems across the anime universe, this is the one that I can justify with a deeper meaning other than because I want to or like them, I mean I do but hear me out. Tatsumi and the members of Night Raid follow a line of work that guarantees a brutal death case in point Sheele being eaten by a bio-mechanical dog and Chelsea's severed head being placed on public display while her body is dissected and eventually eaten by that fucking dog Koro. A guy finding and sharing love with beautiful women and making love to them multiple times makes sense doesn't it? Sharing that love and affection so not to die with regrets.) Tatsumi x Leone (I didn't know Leone licked Tatsumi backed in 2014. I didn't repeat the episodes. They would make a great couple considering how much they care for each other. Tatsumi x Akame (How is it that these two did not become canon is beyond me. And I place this next to Tatsumi x Leone) Tatsumi x Mine (I don't particularly like this one but will support if its harem related. I feel like it just came out of nowhere from way behind.) Tatsumi x Chelsea Lubbock x Najenda Least Favorite: Tatsumi x Esdeath (I don't exactly care much for this one. Yes she's hot and the sex between these would probably be great but it would probably end there because Esdeath takes Darwinism to the next level. She's kind of a Nazi that doesn't understand the very basics of a relationship. Meaning not kidnap them or try to dominate them, relationships are more of a equal partnership) WILL SUPPORT IF HAREM RELATED Tatsumi x Seryu (NEVER SERYU) Tatsumi x Aria (ALSO NEVER) Highschool DxD Pairings Issei x Harem Issei x Rias Issei x Akeno (The Ultimate mistress) Issei x Kuroka (Sexy Cat-lady guys. Need I say more?) Iseei x Xenovia Issei x Rossweise Issei x Serafall Issei x Irina Issei x Asia (I put her at the bottom because she's kind of a cock blocking little sister type.) Love Hina Pairings Keitaro x Harem Keitaro x Kitsune Keitaro x Mutsumi Keitaro x Motoko Keitaro x Amalla Motoko x Takayuki (OC from Love Hina Kamen Rider xover Double Trouble) Least Favorite: Keitaro x Naru (I don't hate it but I think its a bit Keitaro x Haruka Yu Yu Hakusho Pairings: Kuwabara x Yukina Hiei x Botan (Nothing wrong with crack pairings) Yusuke x Keiko Favorite three-way pairings M/F/M, no yaoi though. Keitaro x Kitsune/Naru x Mutsumi/Motoko Cloud x Tifa x Aerith/Barret Tatsumi x Akame/Esdeath x Leone Carlos x Jill Valentine x Chris Pairings that I don't care that much for: Goku x Chi Chi Kirito x Asuna (I feel like this kinda came out of nowhere. Plus what I've is a lack of intimacy and honesty between them in the second season.) Tatsumi x Mine Sasuke x Sakura Every Yaoi pairing ever. I know its 2019 and I have no problem with the my LGBT brothers and sisters. But its not my thing. Favorite Movies: Freddy Vs. Jason, Joyeux Noel, Valkryie, Despicable Me, Tangled, Friday the 13th (2009), A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010), The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Charlie Wilson's War, The Avengers Favorite Games: Tropico 4, Black Ops, Age of Empires, San Andreas, Halo Reach, Modern Warfare, Total War @ Favorite Quotes @ Predator: Freddy Vs. Jason: "I've been away from my children, for far too long!" "These are my children Jason! GO BACK WHERE YOU BELONG!" "Not strong enough yet! Well I will be soon enough. Until then, hehehe, I'll let Jason have some fun!" "Now there's a face... ONLY A MOTHER COULD LOVE! HAHAHAHAHA!" "Time to put this, bad dog to sleep! FOR GOOD!!" "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?" "My reign of terror was legendary, dozens of children would fall by my blades." "Your the one who killed Trey!!" "Your eyes say no no. But my mouth, says yes yes!" Red Vs. Blue: "I gotta boner for murder!" "If we survive this, I'm gonna kill both of ya, slowly." "AHHHHH RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!" "Hey Church, help me out; I don't know what the fuck I'm doing." "It's a legitimate strategy!!" "Does talking count as moving?" "Chupathingy." "There's no "I" in team Grif!" "You bunch of backstabbing assmonkeys!" "Can someone please translate that? I don't speak Huckleberry." "That is something I will not stand for!" Valkyrie: "If I were that man, this war would be going quite differently!" "We can serve Germany, or the Führer. Not both!" American Dad: "Oh sorry I was doin' dangerous drugs last night and I got worried about circling the right one. I know, I have a problem... I worry too much." Assy McGee: "Sleep is for fat people." "Now you need two doctors!" "Adios... blimp." "Listen kid, Chief told me to do this by the book. Trouble is... I'M ILLITERATE!!" "I'm tellin' ya Assy, your skating on very thin ice around hear!" The Shawshank Redemption: A Nightmare On Elm Street 1984-2010 "Oh God!" "Sticks and stones may brake my bones, but nothing will ever kill me!" "Little Nancy! Now that you caught me, what game do you want to play next?" "If the food doesn't kill ya, the service will!": Freddy "What's with kids today, huh? No respect." "Kung fu this, bitch!" Spawn: "You know, you're kinda cute when ya get all indignant like that." Squidbilllies: "Son there's a every chance in the world I was drunk when I said that." "Allow me to explain the contamination process. Pine cones go in here, party liquors comes out here and proceed to here. Fights begin, finger prints are took, days is lost, bail is made, court dates are ignored, cycle is repeated." "May god have mercy on your Soul!" |