Reviews for The Son of Odin
Drumboy100 chapter 1 . 7/5
I see you wrote this before Infinity War, and you predicted it: at the end, Loki refers to himself as Odinson before sacrificing himself to resist Thanos. And he does say in the first movie, "I never wanted the throne! I only ever wanted to be your equal." Maybe Odin's final confirmation of Loki's love/identity here lead to Loki's finally standing firm with the good guys at the end of his life. Good insight.
GH chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
Excellent writing, Odin loved Loki he just didn't know how to express it in a way Loki could understand and after the invasion of earth Odin had to do his role as a king and I know that Loki loved his father and wanted his approval more than anything.
GraceEliz chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
oh yeah sure make me cry why don't you
Jen Rock chapter 1 . 11/24/2017
That was a very touching scene. This was a nice little look at it from Loki's view.
Voldy's pink teddy chapter 1 . 11/18/2017
I loved this scene, too. While I wasn't one of those people who hated Odin, being exiled without his powers and having his memories wiped really did a lot for his character. Perhaps that's a spiritual journey that everyone in the Asgardian royal family could have benefitted from, aside from Frigga, maybe. That would have avoided a lot of heartache and inter-realm destruction. Frigga: Everyone gather round for our vacation to Midgard, but remember, we're leaving our powers at home, this time.

Thanks for writing Loki's POV of the scene!
GuardianDragon98 chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
Watched Thor Ragnarok yesterday. Seriously, this scene hit me hard upon finding out how Odin had not only lied to Loki, but to Thor as well. I never really liked Odin because of his deceit towards Loki, but this was the scene where I thought he did right.

You did a good job with this one. I love it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
I love it... I had the same feelings... And that scene was... Beautiful. Thanks to write about that moment.
Sorry for the gramatical, my english sometimes id a disaster...
MissA chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
This scene hit me when I watched it. I felt horrible yet satisfied at Thor's expression when he found out about Hela. He can finally understand Loki. As much as I am ok with Odin, I'm a bit mad at him for this scene! Like seriously stop leaving this crap behind for your sons to clean! Anyways, I like this very much. Leep writing!