![]() Author has written 42 stories for Metal Gear, Castlevania, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Evil Within. General Info: Hello my name is Aa-chan and I want to welcome you to my page. I have been writing fanfiction for over a decade. The majority of my stories are about Metal Gear, but I have also written stuff for Resident Evil, The Evil Within, Castlevania, and one Silent Hill story. Some of my works are finished, some are not and more than likely never will be, but I do try hard to finish all of my works even if it takes years to do so (Love's Sorrow I'm looking in your direction!). But I hope you enjoy my works and if not, please enjoy all the other author's on Fanfiction.net. Story Updates: New Stuff: 7/23/2019 I came back from New York City, just to spend two weeks home before I flew off to Germany. Yes, I am in Germany for the very first time and so far it has been really nice. I'll be here until mid-August and I'll even be attending AniMagiC in Mannheim early next month. My German is terrible, so please be patient if you run into me. In fanfiction news, I started two new Resident Evil stories. One is a rewrite of an unpublished Jake story, but I find myself in the same predicament I was in when I wrote the original version of this story, I'm not sure where it was going... The sad part is I like what I have so far, but I'm worried it will suffer the same fate as its predecessor which is unfinished and unpublished. The other story is actually about Chief Irons... Well actually it's about his ex-wife. My problem with this story is it's going to get dark and stay that way for awhile. The things I have in mind for this story are pretty unnerving and I'm hesitant to not only write it, but post it once I get to those really dark corners. I'll see what happens when I get deep into writing "Cruel Marriage", but I'm concerned it may not be suitable for . Enjoy and until next time! Old Stuff: 5/27/2019 I just posted up all of the Unfinished Anthology The Evil Within Side. There wasn't as many stories I have unfinished as I do for Resident Evil. I still have a few for Resident Evil that I'm on the fence about posting. But this is all I have for now. I leave for Philadelphia tomorrow, so I probably won't be posting at all for the next few days. Enjoy and until next time! 5/26/2019 Well, I'm off to Philadelphia this coming Tuesday, then Saturday begins my life living in New York city for a month... Before I take off, I wanted to post a bunch of my unfinished fanfiction stories which I will be titling The Unfinished Anthology. I have a bunch for Resident Evil and a bunch for The Evil Within and one for The Last of Us. Currently I have The Unfinished Anthology Resident Evil side up. I may have one or two more stories to add to it, but my goal is to get all these unfinished tales up before I go to NYC (I doubt I'll have it done before I get to Philadelphia). I'm not exactly sure why I decided to post up all my unfinished stories... I guess I'm hoping if there is enough interest, I can find a way to finish them, but I don't know. For now enjoy the six Resident Evil stories. Three of which are part of the S.T.A.R.S. Anthology, which are my funny stories about the things the S.T.A.R.S. team went through. Up next will be The Unfinished Anthology Evil Within Side and I'll do The Last of Us Side last. Enjoy and until next time! 5/5/2019 So guess what?! The Relationship is finished! Yay! It didn't take me as long as Love's Sorrow did, but this was a pretty tough story to write in some parts. I'm both happy and sad to see it come to an end. With this being finished now and the first month of my summer looking to be pretty hectic, I'm going to take a bit of a break from writing fanfiction for a bit (not sure how long in all honesty). I still have a few stories I need to finish, like the one with Alex and Albert working together. I had a request to write something for Chris, which is going to be a serious challenge for me, since I'm not a Chris fan (Team Wesker 4 Life baby!). Truth be told, in every story I have written featuring Chris, I always have him borderline drooling on himself, either figuratively or literally (Just depends on how much Chris is annoying me at the time of writing). There is also a comedic story I've been wanting to write where the HR department of the BSAA can't stand when Chris is sent on a mission with a team, but I don't know if I can write that one just yet. Yeah, I still have a lot of stories left in me, it's just they're going to have to take a backseat for a little while. But I'm sure I'll pick it up again at some point. Thank you all for the support and encouragement. Edit- If you are curious about all that went into The Relationship the Author's Notes (done in 3 parts) can be found here: /640679.html, here /640892.html and here /641115.html. Enjoy and until next time! 5/1/2019 Just a quick update. I spruced up parts of the recently posted chapters. There were a few minor wonky things that needed attention, so I got that together. Enjoy and until next time! 4/30/2019 So the last two weekends have been a bust. I do apologize about that, but with the Easter holiday, then last week I was mired down in YouTube duties, I just couldn't get my life together to post up the next sections to The Relationship. But I have more than made up for that. The next five chapters are up and ready to read. I hope you enjoy them. As I quick reminder, I break with Capcom's canon of Jake's mother didn't tell Wesker. As previously stated, I think he knew, he just didn't care, which is pretty much on brand (as it were) for Wesker. I mean if you really think about it, in the long list of Wesker related atrocities, dumping a woman he got pregnant is actually pretty far down the list, if not at the bottom of said list. However, I am two, maybe three chapters from the end of my new magnum opus. I will try to get some work on it done, but I'm kinda a depressive slump and given my mood, it's not only difficult to write, but write about labor and delivery when I'm struggling with my own fertility issues... Sorry to get suddenly personal, but hey, if I don't post for a bit you'll understand why. But I'm so close to finishing and I don't want to stop now, so maybe I can push my personal feelings aside and finish this within the next two weeks, who knows!? But anywho, we are nearly at the end of this sweeping saga. I'll be both happy and sad when it's over. Oh and this will definitely have author's notes on LJ (yup, that's part of the reason why I keep my LJ account), I'll let you know when that's up. It should be really interesting (and probably pretty long, fair warning). Ah well... Enjoy and until next time! 4/18/2019 I just finished doing the editing for Chapter 19 and I posted it. I was hoping to do that at the tail end of last weekend, but in hindsight I'm really glad I didn't because just before posting I added a bunch of stuff to this chapter which did a lot to paint a really nice picture of Annika, Kazia, and Dr. Vasnev; I hope you guys like it. It's a holiday weekend and I have some things I have to do, but I will try to get chapter 20 edited and posted, and I'm still plugging away at chapter 21, which... Oy, I need a lot of work on that chapter. It's pretty much a filler chapter, but I'm going to try to work out some of the kinks in it and hopefully get that posted by the end of this weekend too. Enjoy and until next time! 4/14/2019 I managed to get the next three chapters of The Relationship up and posted. I'm currently near-ish the end of chapter 19, but since I'm still working on it, I haven't posted it yet. I am happy that this story is being so well recieved. I've gotten some really good feedback about it. I still quite a ways to go before the grand finale though. I will try really hard to get Chapter 19 done to I can add it to the mix. Hopefully I can get that all squared away by the end of the day today. Not sure how that will pan out. Enjoy and until next time! 4/13/2019 Hi everyone. Sorry for such a lenghty delay in progress, but a buttload of stuff has happened since the last update. If you keep up with my Twitter or Youtube channel you know all the crazy things that have been going on, so I won't rehash them here. But what I will tell you is that after some hardcore writer's block, I'm back on the horse again and by the end of this weekend I should have six new chapters up for The Relationship. The first four new chapters are already posted. The next two will have to wait until either later tonight or sometime tomorrow, because I'm still in the process of editing. But chapter 12 is the last of the smutty stuff (sniff... sniff... farewell smutty parts, we will miss you). Part Six/ Chapter 14 begins the parts of the story that focus on Annika. I think there will be another Wesker part in there here and there too, but for the most part the rest of the story is about her. I am so happy that I have finally tied some of the latter parts of the story to the former parts. I have been writing this story mostly out of chronological order, which is weird because I never write stories like that. Oh well, I guess that's ok, or something. But yeah, some great progress has been made. I still have a pretty far ways to go with this story, but it's slowly plugging along nicely. Enjoy and until next time! 1/5/2019 Hello and happy New Year everyone. After a thrilling December where I got to perform in an opera, I finally have some free time (and extra brain capacity) to continue working on The Relationship. So after having writer's block for about two months, I finally got Part 3 finished today and the next part after that goes into the smutty parts which have actually been written for quite some time, but it's only now that I'm able to join these two halves of this story together. Now, if I can just get my life together to marry the latter parts I have written to the current sections then we would be batting 1000! But as Wesker says in Part Four Section One, "All in due course". Oh and as a warning, Part Four Section One is pretty long. I think it's 12 pages long all by itself. So just be prepared to read for awhile. Enjoy and until next time! 10/31/2018 Hi and Happy Halloween everyone. So a quick update. I just added a bunch of new chapters to The Relationship. Some of them are seriously long, I don't know what I was trying to do, but ah well, I guess it happens. But in any case, that story is coming a long nicely. I almost have the smutty part connected to the rest, I think I have one, possibly two more chapters to go before I can marry the two parts together. I can't wait to post that part either! They are smoking hot. When I read it to my husband he said it was turning him on, which was exactly what I was going for. I wanna give you a small taste, but I'll wait. Oh and there are at least two smutty parts. I started working on the second one last week or so. Also, I did the final edits on Changing of the Guard. There were two parts in there that were driving me nuts, so I finally got around to fixing them. Hopefully that will make reading it less of a chore. Be safe on this Halloween, don't eat (Candy), drink, or party to excess today (if you can help it). Enjoy and until next time! 10/19/2018 Hi everyone. I just finished sprucing up some of the weird parts of Changing of the Guard, so it should be a bit easier on the eyes now. I know, I know, I promised to be a better editor, but as I said last update, I started working on that story two years ago and I was really anxious to post it. I'm still in the process of editing it, but some of the majorly wonky stuff I think has been sorted. Also, in a little while I will post up the first three chapters of The Relationship, which as also mentioned in the last update is the revised version of Wesker's Conquest. As previously stated, this is going to take some time to finish, so please don't expect it to be finished as fast as when I did Wesker's Conquest. That was written, posted, and completed in a week. This may be my new magnum opus (sorry Love's Sorrow)! Oh and I'm stating this in advance, there are parts that are directly taken from Wesker's Conquest so when you read them and you think, "Wait, what? Didn't I read this before?" Yeah you did! I wanna lie and say this is a homage to the original story, but this was just me lazing out, but you have been warned. Also, I'm breaking with Capcom's cannon of "She never told Wesker about Jake". When RE6 was in production, the producer says and I quote, "Jake never knew his father growing up. Wesker abandon his family." Plus that note she leaves Jake after she dies saying and I quote again, "Don't hate your father. I'm sure he loves you and is thinking about you." That doesn't sound like a woman who never told the father of her child about that child, that sounds like a woman who got dumped while she was pregnant. So screw that noise, Wesker will know about Jake, he just won't care! Which is totally within Wesker's personality. I mean let's be real, on the list of atrocities Wesker has caused, dumping a woman he got pregnant is actually low on the list. So that's all the current news I have. Edit: I split The Relationship into chapters instead of having them all in one lump sum. I really didn't like the way that looked when I finally checked it. With that being said, all of Part One, which is called "Director Albert Wesker", is up in its entirety. I'm still working through Part Two, which is called, "Agent Albert Wesker". Each part is going to have a subtitle like that. I don't know how long it will take for the edits to go into effect. I had to wait a long time before the updates to Changing of the Guard took effect, so please be patient. Enjoy and until next time! 10/12/2018 I have some good news and some bad news. We'll start with the bad news first. The bad news being, I have deleted Changing of the Guard. The good news is, I have the finished version of it up and posted! Oh God, that story took 2 years to get together! I don't know why it was so challenging to write? I mean the premise is pretty simple, but I don't know? It was just hard to write at times. But mercifully it is done! And I really like it. Especially the ending. I think the ending is my favorite part. Oh please note, that I've once again broken a promise to thoroughly edit my story before posting, so there may be some janky speech or wonky sentences, but I'll fix them a little later. I'm sorry about the errors, I was just super gung-ho about posting this because, again, it took me 2 years to get together!!! Still less time than Love's Sorrow though. So since I got Changing of the Guard out of the door, I'm going to break another promise. Starting next week, I will start posting the new version of Wesker's Conquest up. The new version is called The Relationship. It's a working title, I'm not particularly fond of it, but until I can think of another title that's what it will be called. However, while I was writing, I noticed that I have about 35 pages ready before I skip to the smutty part. That's a lot of pages! So I think I feel safe posting what I have so far. Please note, this new version is a marathon and not a sprint (like when I wrote the original version). I want to take my time and make this story the best it can be, so there will be starts and stops, but I am going to work hard to finish it. As for the Alex and Albert story, that may come off the back burner since Changing of the Guard is complete. I'll have to see. My life is about to get very busy, so I don't know how much time I will be able to devote to writing, but I will do my best. 10/7/2018 I have a pretty big update so be prepared to be reading this for a little while. So it's been three months, but you'll be happy to hear that in these three months I have been writing a crap ton of stories. To begin, I posted up a story about Alex Wesker and Albert Wesker and it's not finished yet. But I promised on Twitter that I would have a new Wesker story, so I am making good on that. It's an interesting story, but I don't have a title for it yet and I'm kinda hazy on the ending, but I wanted to post it and see how you guys felt about it. Next in hot news, I am slogging my way through the new and improved version of Wesker's Conquest. I am taking my time with it, because I want it to be really good. And even more positively, I'm working it out in chronological order. I have six chapters written before I vear off into smut land. When I get to a place where the regular story and the smutty part of the story meet up (and make sense) then I'll start posting. For those of you who liked the more... Let's just say "grown-up" parts of Wesker's Conquest will really like this new version of events. I read it to my husband and let's just say it moved him, so that's something! Also, I am nearly finished writing Changing of the Guard. I probably have between 4 to 6 pages left (probably less, but we'll see what happens). I like the premise for this story a lot, I even like where I am right now with it, but I don't know? I feel like it's missing something special. Maybe after I'm done I'll fine tooth comb it, but I'm happy to be nearly finished with it. And lastly, I am writing two S.T.A.R.S. Anthology stories. One about Jill dating and Marvin Branagh and Chris warns her to not let Wesker find out. The other S.T.A.R.S. Anthology story is Wesker joins the RPD basketball team... I don't know how serious I am about that one though. Sometimes I think some of my stories would make better comics than stories, but alas I don't know how to draw. Some new stories are on the horizon! I'm so happy! Enjoy and until next time! 7/28/2018 Hi guys. Ok, so I broke more promises to myself. Remember I said either here or on a LJ entry that I was thinking about maybe rewriting Wesker's Conquest, but I wasn't going to... Well, I kinda lied to myself and you guys, cause I'm in the middle of reimaging that story as we speak. Today I spent about 9 hours working on one of the smutty parts. It was stuck in my head and I had to get it out. But beyond the smutty parts, I do have a beginning going for it, it's just all over the place currently and until I can get it way less fragmented I can't even post it. But if you want a sneak peek of what I wrote, check out my Twitter page @Aachanichiban, there is a little peek of what I've been doing all day up on there. I'm also working on another Albert/ Alex fanfiction too. It's the story of when they met. I have about 4 pages of that done, but I'm stuggling with how to work out the ending. Basically I know how it's going to end, I have to figure out how to make it compelling. Oh and I haven't forgotten about The Evil Within story I started. That one is cute and yet another story where I'm stuggling with an ending. But you know something, I would rather stuggle with an ending but be writing, than have an ending but not writing. And apparently with the months long backlog in my brain, I needed a 9 hour writing session today. Enjoy and until next time! 3/31/2018 Hi guys. I am DESPERATE to write a new Wesker fanfiction, but my brain was at a near stop until today, when I forced myself to write a new S.T.A.R.S. Anthology story. It's about Jill dating another fellow Raccoon Police Officer and Chris's warning to her about making sure Captain Wesker doesn't find out, because he doesn't approve of inner departmental dating. I'm really hoping I finish this story cause it should be good. I'm also slowly working my way through a post Evil Within 2 story where Sebastian is having to deal with growing pains with a now teenage Lily. That one is pretty cute too, I just don't know how I'm going to end it. Sigh writer's block, I swear. I know some of you are probably wondering about Changing of the Guard, I'm super slow on doing something with that. I kinda know where I want to take that story, it's just a matter of writting it down. Again, effin writer's block. Either way, I vow to have a new Wesker and Evil Within 2 story done before the end of summer or cry trying (see what I did there?!)! Enjoy and until next time! Author's Notes: Since there is a rule here about having no author's notes, I have placed mine on my Livejournal page. Each time I finish a story, I write the notes there. The Whistleblower: /567298.html Crime and Punishment: /519835.html The Uncomfortable Conversation: /516693.html Wesker's Conquest- Part 1: /516172.html and Part 2: /516592.html Love's Sorrow (which is actually unfinished much like that story was for 5 years): /326937.html Contact Info: Would you like to get to know me a little better? Well that sounded creepy didn't it? Well anyway, here's some of my contact info if you're interested. email: aachannoichi@ Facebook: I do have a FB, but I don't want to hand out the link, just PM me for it if you are interested. LJ (and yeah I still use LJ semi-regularly): I very recently copped out and got a Twitter Account too (good gravy): twitter.com/Aachanichiban |