a/n: welcome back everyone! So this chapter might be at a high comprehension level lol because at parts me writing I didn't even get what my brain was trying to explain. But anyways thanks for your support and help it really does mean allot and I love your feed back so keep it up and this chapters will be up before you know it.

"I know what you are. You better stay away from my girlfriend and her sister if you know what's good for you."

Connor gave a hearty laugh, "what's wrong? You don't think you can take on an angel? Are you questioning your abilities?"

Shepard punched the locker beside his head making a huge hole in the metal and obliterating everything in the locker and the two beside it.

"Don't test me Connor. I will fuck you up."

He chuckled, "Hm. Someone's been hitting the gym."

Shepard grabbed him by the collar, "Enough fucking around! Why are you here?! Who sent you?!"

"Why I think you know who sent me." Connor laughed, "I'm here to stop you. You see once your beloved girlfriend gets pregnant. The world will come to a tragic end."

Shepard frowned, "what? Pregnant?! That's-"

"Quite unthinkable. I know. But I was sent here to stop your girlfriend from getting pregnant by a evil entity January the twenty-first." Connor stated.

Shepard cocked a brow, "twenty- first?…that's two weeks from now! Are you saying the world will end In two days? Why wasn't I told? Do my parents know?"

"You and your family are on earth and it would seem that you weren't informed because you haven't been to hell in a fort night, I mean we had a meeting and everything. Seriously god and satan were video chatting about it at the meeting."

"Really? So…hell is depending on me?" Shepard said in disbelief.

Connor smirked, "yes and heaven is depending on me. You almost sound like you're not sure about what you're doing."

Shepard grip loosened around Connors collar, "I…kinda like earth."

Shepard had always dream of getting a job, getting married and having a couple of hybrid babies with a lucky human. Never this.

"So me and you must fight?" Shepard asked. "And if I lose what will happen to Miranda and I?"

"Yes and for you and Miranda, you'll get what you deserve." Connor threw a fist at Shepard that was engulfed in a white orb, his heart stopped as he realized his Hand was covered by shepard's and his white power faded.

Shepard's own dark purple orb appeared around there hands, "I said don't test me."

Shepard picked Connor up by his hand and launched him into the wall. He made a ground breaking sound on impact as he slammed into the trophy case.

Shepard laugh deviously, her smile so big her fangs reaching the bottom of her lips. "Nice try Connor, but I'm way stronger, faster and better looking than you."

Shepard's hair became whiter and whiter with each step as Connor tried to back away. Her eyes redder with every minute they stared at each other.

"Where ya going c?! Let's have a little fun eh?" Shepard stepped on Connors chest gaining a painful grunt from the angel. "I have one last question for you…who's been killing all those people?"

Connor grunted, "what?…satan didn't tell you?…it's…your…son."

Shepard blinked repeatedly, "what?! Start making sense!"

"In…this universe, your mother was still an angel…satan killed her when she came to earth to save someone who wasn't suppose to die…he tricked god…"

Shepard's face stayed like stone, she pushed down on Connors chest, "keep talking!"

"There are closed spaces…two…universes…this one and another one just the same, except the other won't end and that time in the other world is a hundred times faster. In the other world… your mother became a fallen angel because she made a deal with satan, the deal was he would make her a scubas and give her a better life in this world if she had you in the other world. Then you would meet Miranda and have your son Dante.

"I still don't get it! Why does all that matter?!"

Connor gave a weak laugh, "let me explain to you slowly, in the other world time is super fast, what happens in this world happens in the other world faster for instance this situation, Miranda is gonna get pregnant two days from now, in saying so in the other world it already happen eighteen months ago but in the other world months are years."

Shepard cursed under her breath, "Hmmmm…okay so my son is now eighteen years old and is the killer and right now he's in this world?alright Connor, I will kill you now or I help you and you help me."

Connor scuffed, "why would I help you?"

"Because if we don't team up against my son we will die! Think about it! I took you down and I wasn't even trying."

"Deal… but until then I'll be watching Shepard. Tata." Connor waved goodbye before disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Shepard frowned, "How come I can't do that?"

"Miri please put on some clothes."

Shepard never though she would say that in a million years. Never.

Miranda wore a g-string that was basically a piece of fabric covering her front because you definitely couldn't see the string.

Miranda pouted, oh no not the pouty face. "What? You don't like what you see?" Miranda shook her hips side to side playfully.

Shepard could feel the drool forming in her mouth, "I do. I really do…good god your ass is amazing."

Maybe if I just don't get her pregnant the world won't end.

"Fuck me dakota." Miranda smiled, "please…?"

"Uh…please? Seriously?…I see why it was hard for future me." Shepard mumbled.

Shepard stood up, "look let's go out. Okay? Let's get Oriana and we'll go out…like a family."

"A family? Oriana you and I?" Miranda asked excitedly.

Shepard kissed Miranda tenderly. "Yeah. A family baby. All of us."

Let's be honest, if you had a girl like Miranda and world was gonna end in two weeks you spend those two weeks fucking her senseless. But in shepards case, the next best thing would be spending time with her and who else makes her happy.

"Miranda I love you. And I swear when this is all over Im to marry you and have two or how every many children you want with you." Shepard smiled.

Miranda grinned widely, "I love you too babe, but what do you mean all over."

Shepard kissed Miranda's forehead, "you'll see."

Later that night

"Baby? You awake?" Miranda's groggy voice whispered.

Miranda looked up at Shepard, Shepard was looking back at her bit didn't say a word. It almost scared Miranda until Shepard let out a little yawn that ended with a smile.

"I am now." She said quietly.

Miranda snuggled closer to her, "Thank you for tonight, did you see the smile on ori's face. I haven't see that in a while. I miss it."

"Yeah she's beautiful just like her sister. She almost makes me feel like she's my little sister."

Miranda made little circles on shepard's stomach. "Yeah? She likes you a lot too. That's a good sign, no only if we could get my dad to follow suit."

"With all due respect, fuck your dad. Fuck anyone who doesn't like what we have."

"I guess you're right love."

Even if the world was going to shit, they still had each other. For now.