
Carly grabbed an icepack from the freezer and ran up the stairs. She could feel Spencer's eyes on her ass but she was too worried about Freddie to care.

Carly rushed to the scene of the crime but Freddie was not there. She looked in the bathroom. It was empty.

"Freddie" she called.

Carly ran to her bedroom but it too was deserted.

"Freddie!" Carly yelled more desperately.

Carly rushed to the studio but it too was vacant.

"Oh,come on!" Carly screamed. She was starting to panic.

Carly rushed back down the stairs. The living room was empty. She ran down the hall.

Carly burst into Spencers room "Spencer,Freddie is miss..." she started to say but she was brought up short by the sight on Spencers bed.

There before her eyes were Sam,Gibby and Spencer. All three were butt naked and kneeling on Spencers bed. Sam had Gibby's dick in one hand and Spencers in the other and she was stroking furiously.

Sam looked up "Oh,hey Carls,whats up" she said and then without missing a beat she went down on Gibby.

"What is going on here" Carly croaked.

"I'm getting my knob gobbled" Gibby said gleefully.

"and I'm getting a hand job!" Spencer added loudly.

"Join us Carly" Sam said.

"Ewww,no. Gross!"

Carly ran for the door but before she could close it she heard "Don't fight guys. I have two holes ya know."

Carly ran to the front door and swung it open. She didn't even care that she was butt naked as she stepped over Nevils body and into the hallway. "Freddie" she cried as she pounded on his door. No one answered. Carly turned to reenter her apartment but came face to face with a girl in a duck mask.

"You're naked Carly. Quack Quack"

"Yes,Mandy. I know I'm naked" Carly replied testily.

"Quack Quack. There's a naked boy here Carly"

"Yes Mandy. His name is Nevil"

"Can I have him. Quack Quack" Mandy asked.

"He's all yours. Do whatever you want" Carly replied dismissively.

"Thanks Carly. I've been horney as duck for days and I don't know why. Quack Quack."

"Hey Mandy,you didn't happen to see Freddie did you?"

Mandy reluctantly tore her eyes from Nevil's dick. "Yeah,Yeah, I saw a girl carry him onto the elevator. He was naked too." Mandy answered distractedly.

Mandy dropped to her knees and started rubbing Nevils chest.

Carly's tongue dropped out of her mouth. "Blech" she said as she turned and ran back into her apartment.

Carly burst into Spencers room again. This time with her hand over her eyes. She heard bed springs and moaning and she had to peek through her fingers. Sam,Gibby and Spencer were still on their knees only now Sam was between them. Gibby had his large cock in Sam's ass while Spencer had his in Sam's pussy. They were fucking Sam in rhythm like pistons in a car. As Gibby was pulling out Spencer was thrusting in. Back and forth. Back and forth. Sam's eyes were rolled back in her head.

"Freddies been kidnapped!" Carly screamed. No one acknowledged her presence much less her words.

Suddenly the boys pulled out of Sam. Gibby shot ropes of cum onto Sams back and Spencer came so hard his spunk shot all the way up to Sams's tits. They all collapsed onto their backs,panting.

"Freddies been kidnapped!" Carly yelled again.

"Ya Ya Carls,just give us a minute" Sam panted.