*Ever since I played the RE series, the 2nd has been my fave and I've always wanted to write this fanfiction. I have obviously changed Sherry's details. She's 16 in this story. As another reminder/warning there IS incest/smut. If this makes you uncomfortable, go back now. Don't like? Don't read!

"Sherry, NOW!" Clair shouted as she shot several more zombies that were busting their way into the building. Sherry had finally jimmied the locked with her hair pins and quickly swung it open.

"I got it! Hurry!" Her tremblings hands held onto the handle as Clair successfully jammed a large piece of metal into another zombie's cranium. The rotting creature screeched lowly before falling to the ground. The grown woman then turned around and quickly ran to the waiting Sherry and slammed the door shut. She used several large crates that were in the next room to hold the door and buy them more time. Several zombies had gotten into the previous room and were now working on the door that Sherry had unlocked.

"Wait! Where do we go?" Sherry saw that there were two pathways to follow. Either one could lead them into more danger. Before they could think it over, there was heavy banging on the door. The crates rattled. They certainly wouldn't hold for much longer.

"Anywhere but here.." Clair grabbed the girl's arm and they ran down the left hallway. Luckily there wasn't any other zombies or mutated creatures around to worry about. Sherry felt ill as she paid attention to their surroundings as they ran. It was as if each hallway they passed became more and more dim and eerie from the failing light bulbs. They zigged and zagged, entering different hallways, avoiding going completely straight so they could avoid running into the previous zombies again. Eventually Clair finally stopped to catch her breath. Sherry sat in one of the waiting chairs that wasn't torn to pieces or had blood on it. She looked around again. Her core was shaking as she saw every detail of the nightmare that happened in this hospital. She saw the old bloody handprints that streaked across several parts of nearly every wall. Most of the furniture was flipped over. She didn't even want to count how many times she passed a corpse of a half-eaten person. She wanted to cup her face in her hands and cry, but she couldn't. First her mother, then her father. But unlike her mother, her father was a monster. He became a host for this special virus, and how he was after her. She was never close to him, but she still couldn't think that he could do this to his family. The sound of busting glass made her jump in a yelp. She thought that there were more zombies on the way, but it was just Clair, who was breaking into vending machines and began filling her bag with waters and snacks. Good idea.

"Don't want to take any sodas?" Sherry had to ask as she noticed that Clair was only grabbing waters.

"Last thing I need is an unnecessary sugar rush from a high sodium drink." Clair replied, in an annoyed tone. Sherry said no more, not wanting to be snapped at again. Clair seemed to sense the sorrow in the girl. She wasn't very good with sudden apologies, but she didn't want any friction between her and Sherry.

"Hey.." Clair called to her, in a softer tone. Sherry looked up at her.

"Thanks for what you did back there. You did great." She smiled, seeing the renewed happiness in the girl's face.

"Now let's get out of here. Hospitals creep me out. They're so Goddamn cliché in gory deaths.." With that said, Sherry sat up and began following the woman again. Sherry was prepared to keep walking the halls until Clair stopped her.

"Wait, let's go up." Sherry was confused by this.


"Yes, up. We're on the top floor. If we can find some stairs, we can probably get to the roof. No way in hell am I going back down or taking the elevator.."

With more and more luck on their side, the pair found stairs near an office. There were a few old stains of who-knows-what on a few of the steps but no signs of any zombies. Clair carefully pushed the door open a crack and listened. The only sounds were trees rustling from the light wind. No hissing or moans from the deceased. They slowly walked out. The sun was setting by now and the sight looked breath taking, but the reminder of the apocalypse going on brought the couple's moods back down. Sherry didn't want to have to ask it but there wasn't any choice.

"Now what?" She cringed as the words passed her lips. She expected Clair to become angry again but she instead remained calm.

"I was right. We can get to the buildings next to this place..if..we have something to cross." There were convenience stores next to the hospital. The windows of them were painfully close to the edge of the hospital roof, but just out of reach. Sherry began to look around. She found several boxes lying around, along with long planks of wood. Typical.

"What about these?" She carefully lifted one from an end. It seemed sturdy and not wobbly and weak.

"That could work." Clair took the board from her and carefully aimed it to the store window that was partially broken. After a few seconds of careful placement, they now had a small bridge. But was it safe? Clair eventually stepped forward.

"I'll go first.." She carefully put her right foot on the end of the board. It didn't move. Her courage building, she took several more steps.

"Isn't there another way?" Sherry asked. It was obvious she did NOT want to attempt this, but she knew there wasn't any other option.

"Sherry..we can't go back there. Those things are still crawling around in inside. Probably more than we think. Those things like to stay in groups. We HAVE to do this.." Clair continued her walk. When she got to the middle, it began to slightly bend. She quickened her steps and soon made it to the window. She smashed the rest of the glass so she could enter. For a brief moment she disappeared into the room that the window lead to. Sherry held her breath but thankfully the woman reappeared.

"Alright, it's safe. Get going." Sherry took several breaths before quickly tying her long blonde hair back in a ponytail. It was a habit she would do when nervous. She took her first steps on the board. It didn't move.

"Don't spend to much time on the middle, it could break from your weight. Just keep it steady but quick." Clair reassured her and Sherry continued her treacherous walk. By the time she got to the middle, she had to keep herself from looking down. Her ears picked up on the soft sounds of the bits of wood in the board splitting. Her heart jumped and she quickly made it to the end. She wasted no time jumping inside with Clair.

"And just so no one is hot on our feet.." Clair began but didn't need to finish as her next actions revealed her plan. She pushed the board until it fell below to the street.