A/N: Well, here we are, the final chapter of the Rhapsody sagas. Major props to all those who have read, enjoyed and reviewed this story over the past couple of years. You made this experience of writing and posting the story all the more worthwhile. These characters became almost like close friends to me over the course of the story, so in a way I feel sad for having to let them go, but that moment would have come sooner or later anyway, so I think there is no sense delaying the inevitable, especially when I have the chance to give them a proper and fitting sendoff.
So you might ask, what's next? Well... I know only one thing for certain. Dragon Age Inquisition releases early October, and you can pretty much expect me to write a lengthy novel based on that game. It will continue the plot of my existing DA stories which are accessible through my profile. Meanwhile, I will continue to write and post the story based in the setting of the Baldur's Gate game, which is an older Bioware game that not many are familiar these days. But what of Mass Effect stories? Well... I have to say, I do have ideas, but after writing these two monstrously long stories, I feel a little burnt out, so I don't want to promise anything. There might be the occasional one-shot set in the Rhapsody verse. I also had an idea that I really like about a very AU Mass Effect story, but I really don't seem to have the energy for it. But let's not rule anything out. :)
In any case, I will continue to hang out in the ME fandom here to follow and review the stories I've been enjoying. The fandom has been very nice to me, and I intend to pay some of that back. :) But enough rambling now; let's enjoy the final chapter of Thessian Rhapsody. :)
Chapter 120 – Starlight
Year 2386 CE
Armali, Thessia
Two days after Aethyta's Fading celebrations on the Citadel, a similar gathering was held at the T'Soni Estate in Armali, but on this occasion, pushing away the overwhelming sadness proved very difficult for all those who had made the journey from Citadel to Thessia.
Morgan and Liara had somehow managed to gather themselves following the events during the Fading feast, hiding what they had discovered until much later. Shepard had vehemently insisted that the children were spared from the depressing truth, convincing Liara to return to Thessia with her, on the pretense that Shepard had contracted a rare variation of the varren flu and did not want the kids to become infected as well.
Most of the others had followed Liara and Morgan to Thessia, Aethyta had insisted upon joining them, and so did Tevos and Aria as well as Shiala and Oriana. A day later, Miranda and Yannika arrived together, much to Morgan's surprise accompanied by Legion and EDI. Miranda had brought all of her medical equipment with her, not in the hopes of being able to do something to prevent the inevitable, but mostly just to be able to gauge the deterioration rate of the implants.
That question was on the minds of everyone sitting at the living room table, trying to fight off the morbid atmosphere permeating the entire estate but not meeting with much success when Miranda, Liara and Shepard all entered, facing the stares of everyone in the room falling upon them.
"Well?" Aria was the first to break the silence. Next to her, Tevos looked like she had been crying a lot. Morgan certainly sympathized with that. Despite her attempts to maintain her stoic acceptance, Liara had spent the entire first night weeping and only afterwards had began to regain her composure, becoming the solid rock of support for Morgan that she had come to rely on throughout her entire life. "How much time do we have?" the Queen of Omega repeated when nobody moved to answer her.
"Two days, more or less," Miranda replied in a toneless voice.
"Well, shit," Aria summarized aptly. "Though I have to say, Shepard, you don't look too bad for a woman who's about to die." She grunted having spoken those words, receiving a sharp elbow to the ribs from Tevos.
"I may not look bad, but I certainly feel like crap," Morgan sighed, reaching out to grab a chair. It was the truth, while the aging still did not show noticeably in her appearance, she was constantly feeling exhausted, having to fight herself against falling asleep, the deterioration of the implants clearly evident by now.
"I'm afraid that tomorrow you will start to experience epidermal changes, Shepard," Miranda informed her stonily, seeking out her own bondmate for comfort, looking relieved when Yannika reached out with her arms and pulled Miranda into her lap.
"Ugh... I really... don't want you all to be here and see that," Morgan muttered, shaking her head. "It's probably going to be really disturbing to watch..."
"I do not think that anything could make this any harder than it already is," Shiala whispered, Liara nodding fervently next to Morgan's side.
"Hmm..." Aethyta let out a deep cough, forcing everyone to turn towards her, the matriarch looking ponderous and deep in thought. "I have an idea... an offer for you, Shepard, should you be willing to consider it." Morgan nodded weakly at the matriarch, asking her to continue. "Tomorrow morning, I will depart on my final journey. You could come with me. I don't really know what is going to happen on that trip, but we could find out together."
"Inviting someone who is not an asari to your Fading journey?" Tevos looked uncertain. "That would be... very irregular."
"But Shepard is like an honorary asari, anyway, isn't she? And she is a citizen of the Asari Republics," Aethyta said, Tevos finally nodding after a slight pause. "I would say that she has earned this honor, should she accept."
"I... I'm not sure," Morgan ground out, feeling a little overwhelmed and confused. "It seems tempting... I do not want to be buried in the cold ground. I am a spacer and have always been one, and that is where I want to die... amongst stars. But... in the end... ultimately it should be Liara's decision whether she approves of it..." she said, turning towards her sorrowful looking bondmate.
"That... would mean that you are leaving tomorrow morning... leaving forever," Liara whispered, staring Morgan in the eyes and trying not to cry. "I... I agree that it would be fitting, my love... I simply thought that we would have more time together..."
"We can depart later in the afternoon if it changes anything," Aethyta shrugged. "But really... you kids have spent two wonderful centuries together. Will one or two more hours really matter?"
"I... suppose not," Liara finally conceded, mustering a brave smile. "Very well... I agree with this course. But in that case... I will steal Shepard from you now," she said, rising from her chair and reaching her arms out for Morgan. "This last night... it belongs to the two of us..."
Once Liara and Shepard were back in the sanctity of their bedroom, Morgan sat down at the computer terminal and placed a vid call request to the Citadel, first having made sure that her appearance was not too frightening, but fortunately the rapid aging had not added any prominent wrinkles just yet.
"You are calling the children," Liara said quietly, sitting on the bed behind Morgan, just out of sight of the vid cam.
"Yes... it needs to be done," Morgan sighed. "I need to see them one last time, and tomorrow... well, tomorrow I may appear too scary to look at..."
"Never, at least not for me," Liara whispered, sadness written all over her face. "What are you going to tell them? The whole truth?"
"I don't know... I'm not sure... if I do that, they will rush back to Thessia to be with me and... and I don't think my heart could endure that," Morgan replied quietly. "I guess I just... need to talk to them one more time. To see our beautiful daughters... it will make it easier for me, to feel that we have brought something so precious into this galaxy."
It wasn't long before Shepard's eldest daughter accepted the vid call, Lita's face appearing on the holo screen. It seemed as if she was lounging on the sofa in Shepard's old Spectre apartment, Qara cuddling next to her and also peering in on their chat. "Hey, dad!" her daughter greeted Morgan, her face scrunching up a little with worry. "Dad, you don't look so good... are you feeling well?"
"It's that blasted flu, I can't seem to shake it off," Morgan lied quickly. "Nothing to worry about, though, it'll pass. What are you all up to?"
"Umm, just hanging out," Lita shrugged. "Uh... hope you don't mind that we continue to use your apartment. I thought it would be silly to move to the hotel if there's plenty of space you're not using..."
"Sure thing, as long as you stay clear of the drinks cabinet," Morgan chuckled.
"Don't worry, we still have some elassa from the Fading celebrations," Lita chuckled. "I'm trying to keep Nomi and Kalli from drinking too much, but it's not easy..."
"What are those two up to?" Shepard asked. "I can hear music in the background... sounds like a really nice song, too, and such a beautiful voice."
"Kalliria will be very pleased to hear you say that," Qara spoke up mirthfully. "Sanomi and her are doing a karaoke evening, and it is Kalliria's turn. She's very good, isn't she?"
"Oh, she is excellent... although Nomi isn't bad either," Lita laughed.
"I'm not bad at what?" Sanomi's head suddenly appeared on the screen, pressing in between Qara and Lita. "Are you talking about me behind my back?"
"We were complementing your singing, you doofus," Lita grinned, hugging her goofily smiling younger sibling.
"Hey, it's Kalli who's the star, not me," Nomi laughed, trying to break free from Lita's tight hug. "So what's up, dad? I thought you'd be in the bed, fighting your flu instead of chatting with us!"
"Well, I had really hoped to talk more with you both during the Fading, but we didn't get a chance to do that," Shepard shrugged. "Lita, sweetie, I wanted to ask you more about your new restaurant chain. I heard that business is going really well, is that right?"
"Yup, that's right!" Lita's eyes glistened with excitement, as was the case every time someone asked her about her lovingly groomed restaurant business. "First three are opening on Nevos at the start of the next month... perhaps you'd like to come and be a part of the grand opening?"
"We'll see," Morgan managed a smile, feeling a pang of guilt and pain at having to lie again. "I'm glad that your cherished creation is so successful."
"You bet it is," Lita grinned broadly. "Some of those major galactic chains are offering me an incredible amount of credits just to buy my business off from me. But don't worry, I'm not going to sell, ever. I mean, why would I? I didn't start the whole project just to sell it for maximum profit, I started it because I love to cook, and I wanted to have something worthwhile to do!"
"And that attitude is exactly why I am so very proud of you, Little Big Varren," Shepard smiled, swallowing her tears of joy. "And I know that you'll continue to do me proud."
"Aww, and what about me, you're not proud of me at all?" Sanomi whined expectantly.
"But of course I am, poppet," Morgan grinned at her youngest. "Your mommy has been telling me all about your impressive research that I understand nothing about. But I do know that you are incredibly smart and that you have made some amazing breakthroughs in... your remarkable research."
"You have no idea what I'm researching, do you, dad?" Sanomi sighed.
"Nope, not beyond quantum mechanics," Morgan happily admitted. "But it's enough to make me feel extremely proud about you as well, poppet. Perhaps I haven't been telling you that as much as I should have, but only because I was worried that your head might swell from all the praise, as it has done in the past." Sanomi opened her mouth to protest at that, but Shepard cut in quickly. "I know, I know, you have been behaving very well lately, a real paragon of level-headedness... and you'll continue in the same vein, no matter how much recognition you receive, yes?"
"Of course, dad," Sanomi nodded earnestly before a broad smile blossomed on her face. "They're going to give me a lab of my own, can you believe it? That is going to be so awesome!"
"Now if that's not an excellent reason for me to feel very proud... about you both, really. I've got the best daughters in the whole universe, and I want you both to know that," Morgan smiled, then also remembering about Qara listening in. "And Qara, I am proud of you as well. Lita could not have made a better choice than you. I just hope that one day Sanomi finds a partner who is as loving and caring as you are."
"Aww... is everything alright, daddy?" Sanomi asked as the three asari on the holo screen hugged tightly. "You're being oddly sentimental for some reason..."
"I think I've had a bit too much elassa at dinner," Morgan chuckled. "And it's really getting to my head now... so I think I better go have a bit of a lie down." Truth be told, Morgan was feeling more emotionally exhausted than anything, and while she drew a lot of loving support from the conversation, it was also emotionally draining.
"Alright, dad, thanks for calling!" Lita grinned broadly. "And take care of that flu, will you?"
"Will do!" Morgan replied, then terminating the connection as she turned around to face Liara, tears of happiness streaming down her face. "My little princesses... I love them so much..." she reached out for Liara's embrace, seeking comfort. "Please... hold me... through the rest of the night..."
A while later, as the couple were still cuddling in the bed, wide awake, seeking comfort from sharing memories in shallow melds, they were interrupted from the poignant ritual by the soft beep of Liara's omni-tool. "I'm sorry, I thought I had switched it off," Liara apologized earnestly, checking the sender's name and then hesitating a little before perusing the message. "Aethyta wants to discuss one or two minor things about tomorrow," the asari quickly answered Shepard's inquiring stare, then switching her omni off completely. "Do you want me to tell her that it can wait?"
"Nah, I'm sure that you can handle it swiftly," Shepard replied with a serene smile. "Nothing is going to happen to me if you leave me alone for a few minutes."
"I... I'm really sorry about this, I'll be back as soon as I can," Liara apologized again, quickly getting out of the bed and all but running out of the bedroom. However, instead of rushing down all the way to Aethyta's chambers, the young matron ducked into the first available empty living room of the western wing, reactivating her omni-tool and placing a request for a vid call, watching Lita's face reappearing on the holo screen, their eldest daughter now alone, having escaped to the sanctity of one of the guest bedrooms. "Yes, Little Varren, what is it?" Liara asked softly.
"That was a... very odd call by dad, earlier," Lita said, frowning slightly. "I finally managed to distract the others with their karaoke so that we can have a little chat in private. Sanomi is too young to understand what is going on, but I see more than you think, mom. Dad doesn't have varren flu... does she?"
"No... no, she doesn't," Liara replied, then immediately losing her composure as a strangled sob escaped from her mouth. "I'm so sorry, baby..."
"Ah... so it is as I suspected..." Lita's face fell immediately.
"Did you know about her implants? About her projected life span?" Liara asked. "Who told you about that?"
"Grandma let it slip some thirty years ago," Lita explained. "Don't be mad at her. She thought that I was old enough to know the truth... and I agree with her. Oh, don't worry... I'm not mad at you for not telling me," she added hastily, seeing the guilty look in her mother's eyes, shedding more and more fresh tears. "Just as I'm not angry at dad for keeping it from us even now... it is what I expected her to do to try and shield us from the pain."
"I think it's an equal measure of that and not wanting to have her own heart breaking at seeing her beautiful daughters weeping in grief," Liara sniffed.
"I... understand that," Lita sighed. "It is... very hard to stop myself from jumping on the next shuttle and rushing to Thessia, just to steal one or two more hours with dad... but... no, I must honor her wishes. And I will make sure that Nomi understands dad's reasoning, too. Right now, she doesn't suspect anything at all."
"Let it stay like this, if only for tonight," Liara whispered, reaching out with her hand as if to caress Lita's cheek through the holo screen. "My beautiful, brave, caring daughter... I love you so much, both of you. And you have always been so perceptive and understanding about these things... in comparison, Sanomi is still a little emotionally... colorblind."
"Heh... that is an apt description," Lita smiled. "You... you will make sure that dad's final hours are comfortable, won't you?" Liara nodded mutely. "Goddess, the strength that it must require... I am in awe of you, mother. I always have been."
"You are too kind, my sweet," Liara smiled. "But my reserves of strength are not inexhaustible. And once the inevitable happens... I will probably collapse from the effort. I will need the love and support of my beautiful daughters, my two precious babies..."
"Just let me know when we can come to Thessia and we will be there with the first shuttle, mom, you know that," Lita said firmly. "We will always be there for you."
"Thank you... thank you so much for being so wonderfully accepting and understanding," Liara whispered.
"I am who you brought me up to be, mother. Both you and dad," Lita smiled. "You should go back to her, though. I will stay here and try to be strong for myself and for Nomi. My love, as always, is with you and dad," the young asari added quietly.
"And mine with you, my lovely babies," Liara sniffled, disconnecting the call. She then walked up to a nearby wall mirror, took several deep breaths and then wiped her cheeks clean as she adjusted her appearance and gathered all her remaining strength before returning to her bondmate and their last night together...
Hours passed one by one, but the two bondmates remained awake through the dark of the night, wanting to spend all their remaining time together. Shepard was tiring even without exerting herself and that ruled out any physical intimacy, but then again they were not looking for that, more interested in spending these final hours connected on an emotional and spiritual level. Physically, Morgan's appearance was slowly starting to fade as well, the hair on her temples starting to lose its color and sheen, a few wrinkles appearing on her brow. And while it hurt Liara to watch her bondmate melting away before her eyes, she had somehow managed to gather herself, to draw upon her inner strength and become that strong rock of support that she had always been for Morgan, refusing to shed any more tears, instead focusing upon all the good times that they had shared and refusing to think about how cold and lonely her life would feel without Shepard.
"Perhaps you should sleep a little and conserve your strength, Morgan?" Liara asked softly, selfishly hoping that her bondmate would refuse the offer, but still needing to ask the question, to know that she had done all she could to provide for Morgan.
"Nah, I'll sleep when I'm...-" Shepard replied, cutting herself off as she realized that ending that sentence might upset Liara. "I mean, I'm feeling tired, but... I would regret not spending these final hours being awake with you when I had the chance to do so... and you must promise that you will stir me from my slumber should I happen to fall asleep."
"Very well, I promise," Liara smiled. "There is a way to avoid that, though... you know that you can't fall asleep while we're in a meld..."
"Of course, my sweet Liara... you know that I would love nothing more than to relive our memories one more time..." Morgan managed to smile back, eagerly welcoming the gentle fusion of their minds, soothing and swift, and ever so delightfully familiar after the two centuries spent together.
'I will miss this...' Liara confessed, once the meld had linked them on a deep, all-encompassing level. 'The feeling of... safety that being joined with you like this brings. This soft, protective blanket of love...'
'I know that it will hurt... but you know that I am not leaving you alone. You will continue to be surrounded by love, my sweet Liara...'
"Yes... yes, I know, but... nobody will ever take your place at my side, Shepard. Oh... I know, I promised you that I will not grieve forever, and I won't. But... whatever the future might bring... I already know that it will never bring someone quite like you, my love... my soul-mate.'
'I feel the same way about you, beloved... but you know that whatever comes next, nobody has to take my place, Liara. If you happen to meet someone special... they can take their own place by your side... without displacing me.'
'True... very true. I will remember your words, love. But these memories of you will always remain precious to me. I will treasure them, and relive them constantly, until... until one day they will bring me only joy, and no more grief and pain of a loss...'
Memories flowed through their linked consciousnesses, Liara focusing only on their moments of happiness, pivotal scenes of their relationship that brought them both comfort and contentment, starting with their chance meeting on Therum, with Liara stuck in the Prothean stasis bubble, until her gallant and charming Spectre savior had rescued her maiden in distress.
Images swirled to travel forward to their first night together on the Normandy, that hesitant, exploratory encounter when they first learned each other's bodies and how to bring pleasure to one another, the first time for them both in sharing a proper, deep mating meld. It was a start of a relationship that would turn rocky because of outside forces that Liara pushed out of her memories, focusing only on the good and leaving the bad out, the couple sharing the memory of reconnecting properly after the defeat of the Shadow Broker, Liara's tour of the Normandy ending with several unforgettable hours at the captain's loft quarters.
Then there was the memory of their final night together before the decisive battle with the Reapers, that night at the loft quarters when they had finally opened up to each other completely in a deep meld, exploring the very depths of each other's essences. They recalled lying on Shepard's bed, side by side as the stars rushed by in the loft ceiling window, talking about how easy it would be for a single ship to get lost...
Liara refused to allow them to soak in the memories of the Great War itself, or the dark days that had followed immediately afterwards. The next memory they shared was from the maternity ward on the Destiny Ascension, Liara with little Lita in her arms, Shepard standing next to her bed and looking down protectively and lovingly at the small bundle in her bondmate's arms. A string of some of their fondest memories followed, Morgan picking up the infant in her arms for the first time, marveling at the tiny bundle of joy they had created together. Liara singing an ancient asari lullaby to their child and actually managing to put Shepard to sleep as well, then gently placing the snoozing Lita in the crook of her father's arm and lovingly watching as the two most important people in her life slept peacefully. Lita's first steps in front of Morgan, Shepard quickly shouting for Liara to come and look, the asari hurrying and just about catching the glimpse of Lita making the last groggy step before toppling into her father's waiting arms.
Many more fond memories featuring Lita while she was growing up followed, the couple reliving their many moments of happiness, taking great comfort in just how much love, devotion and friendship had been present in their life together. Similar kaleidoscope of memories followed, this time featuring Sanomi and focusing on some of the most touching and pivotal moments in her life, culminating with that wonderful and proud moment when their beautiful and scarily smart daughter had received her daughter's degree.
They made sure to also revisit some of their more private moments together, of encounters that under any other circumstances would make them feel hot and bothered, but this time these memories served a different purpose, to show them another dimension in which their union had been utterly satisfying and harmonious. And despite Liara's slight reluctance, Morgan gently insisted upon sharing some of their experiences with Aria and Tevos, especially the moments where both the older asari had shared gestures of extreme tenderness and great affection for Liara, Shepard's way of reminding her bondmate that she would be taken care of in the years to come, not necessarily stressing it to be in a sexual way, more by providing emotional support and stability.
"Wow... that was amazing..." Shepard sighed happily once the meld had faded, noticing with surprise that their minds had been linked for more than two hours, the longest they had ever been joined. "You have reminded me what an amazing life I've lived... we've lived together... and somehow, well... somehow it really does put me at ease..."
"I'm glad it does... and it does the same for me..." Liara spoke softly, pressing her lips against Morgan's cheek, noticing that the skin had become dry and wrinkly, but it did not make Shepard any less beautiful to her. "You are leaving me with so many precious memories... they will comfort and sustain me, but they will not stop me from missing you terribly, Morgan..."
"It is only natural," Morgan smiled at the love of her life. "You are strong enough to endure it, to thrive and be happy again. Say it... say it, please... I need to hear it from you..."
"Of course, Morgan..." Liara whispered, kissing her bondmate's cheek again. "I will grieve and I will miss you... but I am strong enough to endure it. I will be happy again, I believe that, and I hope that thought comforts you."
"It does... it does that more than anything," Morgan said, turning her head to accept a lingering kiss on the lips from Liara. "I think I can see the first light of dawn outside the window. What do you say if we meet the Thessian sunrise together, one last time?"
"Nothing would please me more, Morgan," Liara sniffed in reply, embracing her bondmate.
Shepard and Liara were sitting side by side on the veranda, tucked in their blankets to keep the lingering chill of the night away, watching the first rays of Thessia's star, Parnitha, shining in their faces. At that moment, they both noticed the appearance of two other figures on the veranda, turning their heads to see both Legion and EDI, standing a respectable distance away.
"Shepard-Commander," Legion greeted her politely. "In light of the recent events, there is something that we should discuss."
"Yes, Legion?" Morgan asked the geth curiously, beckoning them both to come closer. "What is it?"
"The Shepard Prerogative," Legion explained. "With your passing, the geth will no longer be able to rely on you correcting the course of the consensus, should you find our actions unacceptable."
"Oh... that," Shepard rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Have I ever actually exercised this authority? No... I don't think so..."
"Still, the consensus is of the opinion that it should be within your right to pass on this authority to the person of your choosing," Legion stated impassively.
"There is only one person that I can transfer this authority to," Morgan said seriously, then smiling at Liara. "Honey, I hope that you will never abuse your new T'Soni Prerogative," she added with a cheeky smile.
"What... you're giving me... control over the geth?" Liara blanched from surprise. "I... I don't know..." she hesitated, looking thoughtful. "No... no, this is not right."
"The consensus expresses its trust in your moral and ethical judgment, Dr. T'Soni," Legion said. "We urge you to accept this responsibility."
"Morgan said just now that she has never had to overrule the geth on any decision during the past two hundred years," Liara spoke with determination. "To me, that only proves one thing. The geth do not need us organics looking after them. You have long since gained the necessary responsibility and appreciation for cooperation with organic races to have complete and utter freedom... to be truly independent. That is my first and final order to you based on the T'Soni Prerogative... I order you to be free..."
"Be... free..." Legion repeated, freezing for a moment as the consensus pondered upon this latest development. "We are grateful for the trust that you have placed in us, Dr. T'Soni and Shepard-Commander. We shall endeavor to do our best to justify your trust. The consensus thanks you both."
"You're welcome... and I wholeheartedly agree with Liara's decision," Morgan said, squeezing her bondmate's hand. "In fact, if I had actually remembered that this prerogative existed, I would have released you from it many years ago myself..." Her stare fell upon EDI, standing a little behind Legion. "EDI... are you... are you crying?" she asked in surprise, noticing rivulets of liquid streaming down EDI's cheeks.
"I have integrated an upgrade that allows for measured dispensing of the cooling liquid of my servos in order to match the appropriate emotional mood," EDI explained politely. "In other words, I am simulating tears because I am going to miss you terribly, Shepard."
"That was a very... organic way to express your feelings, EDI," Morgan said, smiling at her old synthetic friend. "I'm proud of how far you have come in developing yourself as an individuality. Well... unless you're just tricking me again and were about to add 'that was a joke'..."
"Not this time, Shepard..." EDI said, smiling softly. "Not this time..."
The breakfast on the next morning was not the somber scene that Morgan had feared that it might be. Mostly it was due to Liara and Aethyta, her bondmate and her father-in-law smiling, laughing and cracking jokes with each other, and ever so slowly their seemingly relaxed good mood spread around the breakfast table and coaxed soft smiles on everyone's lips, Shepard included. She truly did appreciate Liara appearing so brave for her sake, and for all of them, but in a way, she felt that not all of it was just an act. After an entire night spent together, melding and sharing their treasured memories, Morgan felt that they had both achieved a higher state of acceptance and equilibrium.
Still, Morgan was beginning to grow weaker and weaker, her skin turning more and more wrinkly, twisting her appearance beyond recognizable, making it hard for Shepard to face her own reflection. So when Aethyta finally stood up from her seat and announced that it was time to leave, in a way Morgan felt even a little relieved because she did not want her appearance to deteriorate even further than it currently had. She had discreetly asked Shiala to find her something that she could use as a walking cane, the former commando turned Spectre spending a lot of time to find something suitable after Shepard had finally succeeded in introducing the asari to the concept of a walking cane.
Slightly reluctantly, the small group of estate guests gathered to surround Shepard and Aethyta at the landing pad in front of the estate, near the matriarch's rented transport shuttle. Aethyta herself hung back a little, smiling gently as she allowed Morgan to address her friends one last time. "First of all... I want to thank you all for coming, for being here with me... as I am setting out on my final journey. I can't describe how much it means for me to be surrounded by my friends and my loved ones in these final days," she said, choking back the tears and forcing herself to smile. "I know that it will be hard not to be sad on this day, and in the weeks to come, and I know that I will be missed, but even so... I don't want sadness to rule this day. I want this to be a celebration of life... of my life, and the way it was spent, enriched by your love and your friendship. I take my leave of you feeling happy and content, and I want you to know and be comforted by the knowledge that you all have contributed to the happiness that I feel as I take my leave of you now."
"That was a damn good speech, Shepard," Aethyta commented, nodding approvingly. "I'll sign my name under all that. Hear, hear!" she added as Shepard now approached all the guests individually to exchange some last words, starting with the group of Shiala, Oriana, Miranda and Yannika.
"I'm going to miss you both, my crazy asari Spectres," she said, hugging both Yannika and Shiala. "Keep that Spectre flag flying high and proud, will you?" The two asari nodded fervently, hugging her back fiercely.
"Ori... wow, where to start," Morgan smiled, turning back to the imminently retiring human councilor. "I really don't know of any other person who has done more for the human race over the past two centuries... I want you to know that I have always admired you a great deal. Thank you for everything you have done for our people."
"You made it possible by repeatedly rescuing me, Shepard," Oriana whispered, hugging her back. "I'm going to miss you, my friend."
"And Miri... well, we wouldn't be standing here if not for you," Morgan sighed softly, facing her old friend and former XO of the Normandy. "You gave me my life back, you gave me this opportunity to build a wonderful family with Liara, sire two beautiful daughters and spend two centuries of happiness on Thessia. I don't think I will ever be able to properly thank you."
"There is no need to thank me, Shepard," Miranda managed, fighting back tears as she embraced Morgan. "Damn it... I wish we'd have more time..."
"It will do, Miri. We already had much more time than most people," Morgan smiled as she moved on to shake Legion's metallic hand, then to embrace EDI before finally coming to stand in front of Aria and Tevos, the Queen of Omega taking Tevos' hand in hers to offer comfort, the asari councilor looking to be on the verge of tears. "Well, what do I tell you two..." Morgan began with a broad smile. "First and foremost, well, that I definitely could not imagine that our relationship would turn out the way it did... but I am ever so thankful that it happened. We shared something beautiful, something special... and Liara and I loved every moment that we spent together. So... I wanted to thank you for what we shared."
"It was our pleasure, Shepard... literally," Aria smiled, Morgan able to sense poorly restrained regret that the mind-blowing sexual escapades between the four of them would also end with her departure, but overall Aria appeared as stoic as usual.
"You will take care of Liara, yes? She will need a supportive shoulder in the weeks to come..." Morgan asked of Tevos quietly, the asari councilor nodding fervently in response.
"Of course we will provide comfort for Liara," Tevos managed as Shepard embraced her, the two sharing a lingering kiss. Morgan had barely regained her breath when Aria pulled her into another embrace, ending it with a demanding, heated and needy kiss. As Morgan finally pulled away she noticed the scandalized expressions on Oriana and Miranda's faces, Shepard chuckling at herself as she approached Liara, admiring at how controlled her bondmate managed to present herself, there was no nervous fidgeting, no twitching of her facial muscles, she radiated the calmness and emotional levelheadedness of the most mature of matriarchs.
"Well, then..." Morgan said uncertainly, looking deep into those loving cerulean orbs of her bondmate. "I... suppose this is it..."
"Yes, it is," Liara nodded. "Everything has been said already, hasn't it? There is nothing else left to add."
"True, but... some things bear repeating," Morgan smiled, pulling Liara into her arms and kissing her deeply. "I love you, Liara T'Soni, I always have and always will, in this life, and in whatever comes after it..."
"And you know that I am and always will be yours, Shepard," Liara whispered in reply, kissing her back as everyone simply stood around them and watched, sniffling and not daring to interrupted the final kiss between bondmates, between true soul-mates.
"You are special, my lovely Liara," Morgan whispered back as they finally parted. "Always remember that..."
"I will," Liara smiled back at her warmly, releasing Morgan as she turned towards her father. "Are you sure that I cannot force you to disclose your destination?"
"I'm afraid not, Little Wing," Aethyta shook her head. "But I can tell you our first stop on our journey. We're going to meet Wrex on Tuchanka... so, Shepard, we really should get going..."
"Yes... yes, so we should..." Morgan nodded, approaching the shuttle as Liara shared one last embrace with her father before letting go of Aethyta, the matriarch also entering the shuttle and plopping into the pilot's seat next to Shepard.
"Ready for our final adventure, my daughter-in-law?" Aethyta smiled at her, actually looking eager in anticipation to discover where their path would take them.
"As ready as I will ever be," Morgan replied, watching how the group by the landing pad drew closer, Tevos and Aria coming to stand behind Liara, her bondmate still finding the last reserves of willpower to smile and wave at them as the shuttle slowly left the landing pad.
"Well... here we go then!" Aethyta grinned broadly as the shuttle slowly turned around and began to ascend, leaving the T'Soni Estate and Thessia behind. The last thing that Shepard saw was the sight of her bondmate's legs finally giving out under her as she slumped backwards, only to be caught and supported by Aria and Tevos... and the symbolic gesture with the two older asari acting as the pillars of stability and comfort for her beloved bondmate managed to reassure Morgan that with the help of the others, Liara would endure and soon enough thrive again, eventually finding happiness once again...
Fort Urdnot, Tuchanka
"Aethyta! Good to see you, old girl!" Wrex exclaimed cheerfully, the old krogan leaning on a walking cane of his own, beautifully crafted from a thick kakliosaur bone. "And who's the old scarecrow with you?" he pointed at Shepard as she followed Aethyta out of the shuttle, Wrex understandably not recognizing her. Morgan's hair had gone completely grey by now, wrinkles having contorted her face beyond recognizable, her proud posture was gone as well, leaving her an old woman, walking hunched and leaning heavily on her walking stick, breathing and wheezing heavily.
"I should... smack you for... not recognizing me!" Morgan grunted, having made her way off the landing pad, already finding herself so exhausted that she had difficulties raising her own cane to gesture threateningly at Wrex.
"Huh... nah, don't think I know you, crazy old human," Wrex shrugged, but then his beady little eyes widened in surprise. "Wait a moment... don't tell me..."
"Fie on you for not recognizing the Hero of the Krogan!" Aethyta barked, laughing at the shock on Wrex's face.
"Shepard! Damn it, what the hell happened?" Wrex blinked.
"Nothing... my time simply ran out..." Shepard coughed in reply.
"Ah... that crap with your implants. Well, that sucks," the krogan said, then lowering his voice. "Listen... let's not tell the others that you're dying. The whole planet will swarm here to say farewells, and we really don't want that."
"Good idea," Shepard nodded. "Let's just pretend that my name is... Donna Armstrong... and hopefully nobody will recognize me..."
"If Wrex didn't recognize you then you have nothing to worry about," Aethyta said. "Shall we find a more private place where we could talk instead of staying out here in the open?" she stared at Wrex who nodded at that and began to slowly lead them towards his personal quarters.
"Where are the others?" Morgan asked, looking around as they sat down at the large stone slab that served as a table in the middle of the living room of the krogan chief's residence.
"Grunt and Kurin took little Shia to the Citadel to show her around," Wrex replied. "Let me tell you, that kid sure is something. Little pipsqueak throws a mean head-butt at the age of ten. She's going to be even tougher than her mom!"
"I would expect nothing less from my little granddaughter," Shepard laughed. "What about Mordin and Bakara?"
"Mordin is probably deep in the numbers again, that girl is crazy about doing our finances," Wrex chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't think we need to worry about her showing up unexpectedly. As for Bakara, I'm not even sure where she is. Ah yes, she's in vid conference with Ngagong, probably shouting at the poor bloke. Bakara doesn't really keep me in the loop anymore now that I've become... well, old and useless..." Wrex grunted in displeasure, pushing his walking cane away in disgust. "But she keeps repeating that I can't die yet, that I need to look after myself, that my survival is crucial to the peace on Tuchanka..."
"That's probably true," Morgan nodded.
"No, that's varren crap," Wrex shrugged. "Shepard, if you're still worried that the krogan will go to war with the rest of the galaxy unless the Hero of the Krogan keeps a watchful eye upon them, you can rest easy. I haven't had to drop your name in disputes with other clan chiefs for well over three decades. It's been twenty years since I've had to yell at someone and threaten them with violence... the sad truth is that we have become sickeningly civilized. Though it's probably for the best, eh?"
"As long as you don't ban Kowla and start watering down your ryncol," Aethyta winked.
"NEVER!" Wrex bellowed, the three of them sharing a hearty laughter. "Ah, just look at us... old and fragile, never thought we'd see ourselves like this. But I guess all things come to an end..."
"Sooner or later," Aethyta nodded. "I think in this case they have come to an end much later than I anticipated... and for that I am very thankful."
"I'll drink to that," Morgan said, taking a sip of ryncol, for the first time in her life having trouble to keep that drink down now that her implants were no longer helping her. "How much are they giving you, Wrex?"
"Fifty to sixty years, if I'll behave," Wrex shrugged. "Don't know why I should... not much I can do like this, I'm not even supposed to drink ryncol," he growled. "But I'm allowed to take slow strolls through the forest and sit down at the campfire and tell legends of Shepard and Wrex to all those kids constantly pestering me."
"That doesn't sound like a bad way to age, Wrex," Morgan smiled at her old friend. "And especially if little Shia is one of those little kids, eager to hear about our exploits..."
"Yeah... yeah, that's true, Shepard," Wrex finally agreed amiably. "You know... to watch that kid growing up... I think that's actually my biggest reason for sticking around... she really is precious." Wrex gave Aethyta a piercing stare. "Why did I never talk you into having blue babies with me, old girl?"
"Because I hate carrying, especially at my age," Aethyta laughed back. "Sorry, Wrex. You'll have to be content with the memories of the amazing sex we've had over the years."
"Please don't elaborate..." Shepard groaned even though she couldn't help feeling amused.
"Heh... damn, I'm going to miss you both," Wrex sighed, refilling their glasses with more ryncol, ignoring Morgan's protestations. "Come now, Shepard... one final glass with your old friend... before you continue on your final journey..."
"Ugh... my head hurts so much..." Shepard moaned, cradling her head in her hands as the shuttle continued on its way, following a relay jump from the krogan home system. Morgan no longer had any idea where they were, and Aethyta was tightlipped whenever Morgan asked about their next destination. "Ryncol really hits you like ground glass when you don't have fancy implants to compensate..."
"So it does," Aethyta chuckled. "I'm guessing that you drunk it because you did not want to disappoint Wrex." Morgan nodded weakly at that, causing the matriarch to look at her. "How are you feeling, Shepard?"
"Not so good... to tell you the truth," Morgan croaked. "And not just because of the headache... I feel like I had passed out there for a while. Now I have even less of an idea where we are..."
"We are exactly where we're supposed to be, Shepard," Aethyta smiled in reply. "Traveling through space, amongst the stars."
"Well, that was an irritatingly evasive answer," Morgan sighed.
"But I think that we are almost at the end of our journey, Shepard," the matriarch said softly. "I can see that you do not have a lot of time left... you keep drifting in and out of consciousness, and you don't even remember it."
"I am ready... I only wish that I would know what's going to happen," Shepard grunted.
"Stop fussing so much about that, Shepard... didn't someone already tell you not to worry about it?" Aethyta winked at her.
"Huh? I don't think... no, wait..." Morgan paused, Sha'ira's words drifting back to her. When the time comes, you will understand. Do not be afraid, because there is no reason to be afraid. "Well, Sha'ira told me not to be afraid, but even that felt like an annoyingly cryptic and prophetic message."
"In that case I suppose it is up to me to show you what exactly is going to happen," Aethyta said, turning her head to look at Morgan again. "But first... I want you to know something, Shepard. When I first saw you on Illium, I wasn't really impressed. I couldn't figure what Liara saw in you, but... well, didn't take me long to understand just why my little kid was so... completely and utterly besotted with you. And well... I don't say these words lightly, Shepard... but looking back, I think... you were the best bondmate I could have ever wished for Liara. You two completed each other."
"Aww... thanks, Aethyta," Shepard managed a smile. "You were... the best kind of father-in-law I could hope for, too..."
"Give me your hand, Shepard," Aethyta ordered, reaching out and taking the offered hand, wincing a little at how coarse and wrinkly the human's skin had become. Privately, the matriarch was glad that Shepard hadn't thought to observe her own reflection because the sickly looking grey skin would have probably disturbed Morgan greatly.
"Why... what's going to happen..." Shepard muttered quietly, growing weaker by the moment, her consciousness fleeting. "I feel... strange. Everything is becoming... blurry..."
"Focus, Shepard," she could hear Aethyta's voice as if coming from a thick cloud, or at least she thought that it was Aethyta's voice. "Focus... stay with me... look around... tell me what you see..."
"I... I don't understand... where are we? Are we in a meld? I... I did not notice..." Shepard managed, though she was no longer certain whether she was actually speaking aloud, or speaking in the meld.
"It does not matter... open your eyes and tell me what you see, Shepard..."
"I... I see..." Shepard tried to look around her, confused as to where she was and what was going on. "I can't see much with all this mist... there's not supposed to be mist here in space... I can see... shapes? Shapes of someone... moving?"
"Can you see who they are?" Aethyta asked. "Try to move closer... I see someone as well... I will try to reach them..."
Gradually, the mist surrounding her began to clear. The shapes in the distance became clearer, more prominent. Morgan was standing still, and the figures in the mist did not seem to move either, and yet somehow they were coming closer, becoming more and more recognizable. Shepard's heart leapt in her mouth as she finally realized to whom those shapes belonged, now able to make out their faces, the kind smiles on the lips of her long departed friends.
"I... I can't believe this... it's them! I can see them, Aethyta! I can see them! Kasumi! Tali, and Garrus too! They are real! I can see them smiling at me!"
"By the goddess... Nezzy... you are as beautiful as I remember you..." she could sense Aethyta's reply, feeling the awe and astonishment in the asari's voice. "And Liddy too... Athame's tits, how will I ever choose between you two again... or maybe this time I won't have to..."
"I... I don't see Benezia... but I can see my friends... I can almost reach out and touch them..." Morgan whispered, watching Kasumi giving her a conspiring wink, Tali and Garrus hugging and smiling at her, white light surrounding her friends, growing more and more intense and pushing the surrounding mist away.
"Do you see it, Shepard?" Aethyta asked, her breath hitching from excitement. "By Athame, it's... it's true... can you see the light? Or is it just me?"
"It's not just you, Aethyta... light..." Shepard managed, the light surrounding her growing more and more intense. She could feel herself making that one final step into the blinding light, feeling it close in around her, pulling her in.
"I can see the light, Aethyta... I can see the light..."