Naruto's Happy Life
~A/N~ And here is the Epilogue I hope you enjoy it. No Lemons sorry.
I had been seven years since Naruto had taken up the mantle of Hokage, and nine years since he'd moved in to his clan home with all of his girls. He smiled as he looked out the village. His eye suddenly twitched when he saw that the Hokage's monument had been painted on… again.
"Snake please bring Haruko here," He commended. Without a word or sound a figure vanished from his presence. Naruto returned to his desk and looked over his paperwork. And sure enough after a few minutes Snake returned with a young blonde haired girl whom had paint stained hands and a big bright smile.
"Hi Tou-san," Haruko smiled.
"Haruko Namikaze… why did you paint the monument… again?" Naruto asked.
"Several reasons really. One it's fun to, two nobody noticed until you did, and three you did it when you were little," Haruko laughed. Naruto couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he rubbed his brow.
"Next thing you're going to say is that you want to be Hokage," Naruto laughed.
"Hell yeah I do!" Haruko shouted.
"Really?" Naruto asked.
"Of course I do. Minato-Ojii-san, Tsunade-Kaa-san, and Tou-san were all Hokage's I want to be just like them and be one too," Haruko smiled brightly still.
"Well I guess you wouldn't be my daughter if you didn't," Naruto smiled.
"Then what does that make Hinamori, Jiraiya, Minato, Kushina, and Neji?" Haruko asked.
"Hinamori wants to be a weapon's mistress like her mother, Jiraiya like his namesake wants to be an author, Minato said he's going to be Hokage, Kushina is her mother through and through and simply wants to the best Kunoichi she can be, and Neji just make it up as he goes along," Naruto replied.
"Nii-san never said he wanted to be Hokage," Haruko argued.
"Of course I do," a voice said from behind Haruko. The two looked to see a young brown haired boy. He grinned as he walked up and stood beside his half-sister.
"Minato… I thought you were going to be with your mother at the restaurant today?" Naruto asked.
"Nah I got bored and Kaa-san said I could leave," Minato replied.
"Restless as ever," Naruto rolled his eyes.
"Am I in trouble Tou-san?" Haruko asked.
"Yes you are… and I'm leaving you to your mother's will," Haruko's eyes widened in fear.
"No please ground me for six months and deny me Ramen just don't let Kaa-san have me," Haruko begged.
"Mei isn't that bad," Naruto said.
"You're right… I've been slacking," Naruto looked over his shoulder to see Mei sitting on the windowsill with a devious smile.
"K… K… Kaa-san," Haruko said in a panic.
"So you decided to paint the monument again little one?" Mei asked. "Your punishment starts now… so start running," Haruko didn't hesitate to take off running at full speed.
"You are incorrigible Mei," Naruto laughed.
"I try," Mei replied before she kissed his cheek then started to leave to chase down her daughter. As she passed Minato she patted his head and left. Minato smiled as she did and moved towards his father.
"So Tou-san… can I wear your hat?" Minato asked.
"Sure you can," Naruto said as he placed the Hokage's hat on Minato's head.
"You see that… it's perfect for me," Minato said looking in the mirror.
"You'll have to work your but off to earn it," Naruto said.
"I plan too," Minato said as he returned to his father and sat with him trying to take it how and what he had to do.
"Neji where are you?" a voice called out.
"Little dude is good at Hide and Seek," another voice said.
"Well he is Naruto's son," the first voice said.
"Ya got a point there," the second voice said.
"Kiba-Oji-san, Shino-Oji-san… you guys suck at this," Neji shouted as he shot by causing the two to sigh and chase after him.
"How did Hinata talk us into this again?" Kiba asked.
"She used that evil puppy dog eye jutsu on us," Shino replied as they tried to catch their 'nephew' in their mixed Hide and Seek tag game.
"Tsunade-Kaa-san… I'm hungry," a young red haired boy said as he looked up at Tsunade. Said woman smiled as she leaned down and picked up the boy.
"Then why don't we find your sisters and brothers and have lunch," Tsunade suggested.
"Yeah! Lunch!" the boy cheered. Tsunade smiled and let out a long sharp whistle. After a few seconds several children came running up.
"Ok we got Hinamori, Inoichi, Ryu, Kushina and Izumi," Tsunade said as the five kids all looked up at her.
"What's for lunch, Tsunade-Kaa-San?" Inoichi asked.
"I was thinking Macaroni and Cheese," Tsunade said getting big smiles from all the kids. Tsunade led them all inside still holding the young boy in her arms.
"Why does Jiraiya get to be carried?" Kushina asked.
"It's because he's a mama's boy," Hinamori giggled.
"Such up… you're just jealous," Jiraiya replied before he stuck out his tongue.
Naruto appeared at the front door of his clan home with his son on his shoulders. "Again Tou-san!" Minato cried out.
"No time… it's time for supper," Naruto replied as he entered the compound. As he walked in he could see Anko tickling her son Ryu whom was begging for mercy. Inoichi sat on his mother's lap sleeping as she read to him. Menma and Sakura were playing tag with Tenten, Neji, Izumi, Hinata and Hinamori. Kurenai and Tsunade were yelling at Jiraiya for having been caught peeping in the women's spa at the hot spring. The boy really did take after his namesake. Shizune, Karui, and Kurotsuchi all sat together holding their kids. Dan was fast asleep while Omi and Iori were feeding.
"I'm home," Naruto said as everyone stopped.
"Tou-san!" Seven children shouted as they all took off at their father. Naruto smiled as he was tackled by his children. Even Minato jumped on him. Naruto laughed loudly as his kids fought over who got to have him.
"Supper time!" Tsunade shouted getting everyone to stop. Everyone started to move towards the dining hall to see Haruko setting the table with Tsunade, Ayame and Mei.
"Is this your punishment?" Naruto asked.
"That and she gets to wash the dishes too," Mei added as everyone started to sit down. Once everyone was sitting Naruto looked to his family and asked the same question he asked every single night.
"How was your day?" He asked. He knew the first ones to answer would be the kids then his wives.
"I played Hide and Tag with Shino-Oji-san and Kiba-Oji-san today," Neji laughed.
"Bet you tired them out," Naruto laughed.
"I spend the day with Kaa-san," Izumi said while playing with her near purple hair.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" Naruto asked and was replied with a happy smile and a nod.
"Kaa-san let me handle my first katana today," Hinamori said giddily.
"Did she now?" Naruto asked looking to Tenten whom whistled innocently.
"Tsunade-Kaa-San showed me around the hospital," Menma said.
"Did you like the hospital?" Naruto asked.
"It was cool," Menma replied.
"I got caught peeping at the hotsprings," Jiraiya said not looking his mother or Tsunade in the eyes.
"Again," Naruto grinned. Naruto couldn't help but smile as he heard the stories his family told him. Most of them were his kids causing trouble or getting into to trouble. He couldn't be more proud of his children most of them were him through and through.
After supper was cleaned up Naruto did what he did every day and started to spend time with each of his children.
~With the Twins~
Naruto sat with Neji to his right and Izumi to his left. They body smiled as he did what they loved most and that was telling them a story. This time it was about the time he saved the land of snow. The two were completely enthralled by their father's story as he told them about meeting the princess and kicking all sorts of but with his team.
"Tou-san… were is Sasuke now?" Neji asked.
"Sasuke is gone… he left with his friends to explore faraway lands… I'm not sure if he'll ever come back," Naruto replied remembering the day Sasuke, Karin, Suigetsu, Juugo and Orochimaru all left. None of them had been seen or heard from since.
"When is Kakashi-Oji-san going to visit again?" Izumi asked.
"He'll probably be by tomorrow. He usually visits on Saturdays," Naruto said.
"Tell us another story," Neji said.
"Ok… how about the time your mother saved me," Naruto asked seeing a very pregnant Hinata walk into the room. Naruto smiled brightly seeing his wife. The woman was a twin magnet… she was pregnant with twins again which made Naruto smile just thinking about it.
"Kaa-san you really saved Tou-san?" Neji asked.
"She's saved me more than once," Naruto said as Hinata picked up Neji and took his spot while putting him on her lap.
"Now where should I start?" Naruto asked.
"How about when you showed up," Hinata suggested already knowing he was going to tell the story about Pein.
"Perfect," Naruto replied.
~With Jiraiya~
"Now what have I told you about peeping?" Naruto asked.
"That's it bad and a real man doesn't peep," Jiraiya said as he looked to his mother seeing her red eyes on him.
"That's right… now then… what should your punishment be?" Naruto pondered as Kurenai kissed his cheek then took her leave.
"Tou-san… do we still have to act?" Jiraiya asked.
"No Kuri-chan is gone… now then what did I tell you?" Naruto asked.
"That I shouldn't… get caught," Jiraiya smiled.
"So how did you get caught?" Naruto asked.
"I forgot I was hiding and whistled at one of the women," Jiraiya replied.
"Rookie mistake," Naruto said.
"I'll get better, Believe it," Jiraiya replied as he pulled out a little black notebook and started to write.
"You are Jiraiya through and through my little pervert," Naruto said.
"HEY! I'm not a pervert… I'm a SUPER pervert," Jiraiya replied getting Naruto to burst out in laughter. The boy was eight years old and already called himself a Super Pervert. Needless to say the two laughed for several minutes before they finally regained control of themselves.
~With Inoichi~
"You really like helping in the flower shop don't you?" Naruto asked.
"Kaa-san needs help… She's has to make sure my little sister safe in her belly," Inoichi replied.
"Or little brother," Naruto said knowing that Inoichi was set on having a sister.
"Little sister… I'm going to have a little sister," Inoichi said with a voice that made it sound like it was set in stone. Naruto laughed and patted the boy on the head.
"Of course you will," Naruto looked down at his son seeing him smiling happily.
"Tou-san," Inoichi looked up at his father.
"What's wrong son?" Naruto asked.
"Do you love Kaa-san?" Inoichi asked.
"Of course I do," Naruto replied.
"But why do you have so many wives then?" Inoichi asked.
"Because I love them too… and they love me just as much as Ino does," Naruto explained.
"But you love Kaa-san the most right?" Inoichi asked.
"I can't answer that… I love them all I couldn't choose," Naruto replied.
"Why not?" Inoichi asked.
"Because they all mean so much to me… I can't even start to think about whether or not I love one more than another," Naruto replied. "Now how about I read you for favorite story?"
"Yeah!" Inoichi shouted as he ran to the bookshelf and grabbed a book.
~With Minato~
"Tou-san… Can I really become Hokage one day?" Minato asked.
"If you work your hardest and never give up I'm positive you'll make it," Naruto replied.
"But what if someone else is better than me?" Minato asked.
"Then you'll have to train that much harder and show that you are better," Naruto replied showing he had complete faith in his son's dream.
"But what if I'm not good enough?" Minato asked.
"Son," Minato looked up to his father. "Whether you become Hokage or not your mothers and I will all always be proud of you," Naruto knelt down in front of his son. "And personally I don't think anyone besides your sister Haruko stands a chance at beating you for it," He added while ruffling Minato's hair.
"You're right… I will be Hokage… Nee-san can be my advisor if she wants but I'll be Hokage," Minato smiled brightly once more.
"That's my boy," Naruto grinned. "Now let's find your mother so we can have our daily dessert," he added getting his son to run from the room looking for his mother.
~With Hinamori~
"So you handled your first katana today?" Naruto asked looking at his daughter.
"Yup! Kaa-san made sure it was a dull practice sword but I still held one," Hinamori smiled.
"How did you like it?" Naruto asked.
"It was so cool! I can't wait until I'm old enough to actually train with one," She still grinned. Naruto chuckled lightly as he picked up his daughter and gave her a hug.
"You better promise me you'll always be careful," Naruto said.
"I promise daddy," Hinamori smiled.
"Now then what is this I hear about you and Choza?" Naruto asked making his seven year old daughter blush heavily.
"Choza is just a friend Tou-san," Hinamori said quickly.
"Then how come he walked you home while holding hands?" Naruto asked.
"We weren't holding hands!" Hinamore argued.
"But he did walk you home? I think that boy likes you," Naruto said with a sly grin.
"Tou-san," Hinamore whined.
"Ok… Ok I'll stop," Naruto laughed as he placed his daughter back down and she quickly ran from the room still blushing.
"You shouldn't pick on her about Choza… just let those two have their puppy love," Tenten said as she stepped into the room.
"But it is fun," Naruto laughed.
~With Menma~
"Hey little man," Naruto smiled.
"Daddy!" Menma shouted as he hugged Naruto's leg. The little pink haired four year old held onto his legs and gave him his trademarked smile.
"How's my little man today?" Naruto asked picking up his son.
"I'm good daddy," Menma replied as he leaned into his father's arms.
"Did you and Mommy have fun at the park?" Naruto asked as Sakura smiled up at him.
"Yeah it was fun," Menma said as he cuddled into his father's arms.
"Did you make any friends?" Naruto asked.
"Shin is nice," Menma said with a smile. Naruto looked to Sakura seeing her mouth 'Shino's son' before she stood and moved into his open arm.
"I bet you two will be good friends," Naruto smiled as he held his son and wife in his arms.
~With Haruko~
Naruto sat watching his daughter and his former Mizukage of a wife training. Haruko was narrowly dodging her mother's punches and couldn't dodge her kicks.
"Haruko! Calm down and focus," Mei shouted.
"I can't! you're too strong," Haruko shouted back.
"Haruko," Naruto said getting the girl's attention.
"Yes Tou-san?" Haruko asked.
"Use your brain, what do you have that Mei doesn't? Figure it out and use that to your advantage," Naruto explained. Haruko nodded and did her best to calm herself as her mother continued her assault. Haruko back peddled narrowly dodging an axe kick.
'Think… think… what do I have?' Haruko panted heavily and looked up at her mother. 'That's it!' Haruko charged in and slid under her punch using her shorter height to snake passed her mother and jump onto her back locking in a choke hold.
"Very good… you pass today," Mei said as she easily pulled her daughter off her.
"Yeah!" Haruko cheered.
"But next time you're facing Tsunade," Mei said causing Haruko's cheer to die on her lips.
"Not Tsunade-Kaa-san!" Haruko begged.
"Haruko come here," Naruto said getting the little blonde girl to fly over to her father.
"Yes Tou-san," Haruko said.
"I'll tell you a secret," He pulled his daughter close to whisper in her ear. 'Tsunade will completely lose it if you fake an injury,' Naruto grinned seeing her daughter start laughing.
"Thank you Tou-san," Haruko smiled as she hugged her father.
~With Kushina~
Naruto sat in his favorite arm chair with his young red haired daughter on his lap reading to him. He always smiled when she did this. Out of all of his kids he had to say she was probably the smartest… and she was only six. She really took after her mother.
"How'd you get so smart?" Naruto asked.
"Kaa-san teaches me," Kushina replied with a smile.
"You really take after your mother you know that right?" Naruto asked. In return he received a happy giggle from the girl
"She's be doomed if she had your brain," Temari joked from her chair.
"Hey… yeah," Naruto replied with a smirk.
"Tou-san… when do I get a sister or brother?" Kushina asked.
"You have sisters and brothers," Naruto replied.
"I know… I mean when is Kaa-san going to get a big belly like Hina-Kaa-san or Ino-Kaa-san?" Kushina asked.
"I'll have to talk to her about that," Naruto replied.
"Actually," Temari said with a blush getting Naruto's eyes to widen.
"No fooling?" Naruto asked.
"I would never," Temari replied.
"I guess you get your wish," Naruto said look to his daughter.
"Yeah! A baby brother or sister," Kushina smiled.
"I think we lost our spot," Naruto said getting Kushina to snap her head back to the book trying to find where she left off.
~With Dan~
"Daddy… lookey," a young black haired boy smiled as he held up a toy kunai.
"Oh where'd you get this?" Naruto asked.
"Mommy got me it," Dan smile as he started to play ninja in front of his father. Naruto smiled and laughed as he son 'stabbed' him with the toy saying he killed his father. Naruto being an overly dramatic father played along and pretended to die.
"Arg! No I've been slain," Naruto cried out as he dropped to his knees.
"Yeah I win!" Dan cheered as he hopped around.
"The tickle monster awakens!" Naruto shouted as he grabbed his son and started to tickle him. Dan howled as his father tickled him. Shizune sat laughing as she watched the son and husband playing.
"Show him some mercy Naruto," Shizune said getting a nod from Naruto. Naruto pulled away seeing his son still laughing lightly.
"Daddy… can I have some ice cream?" Dan asked. Naruto glanced to Shizune seeing her nod.
"Sure son… let's go get some," Naruto said picking his son up.
~With Ryu~
"Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the fear of a little one," Naruto said as he searched for his hiding son. His eyes quickly found a pair of sandals sticking out from under the curtains. He moved towards them making it seem like he was still searching.
"Where or where did my little son go?" Naruto asked only a moment before he threw open the curtain revealing his son.
"There's the little one," Naruto said as he reached for him.
"Tou-san!" Ryu laughed loudly as he was hoisted into his father's arms.
"Caught you again," Naruto smiled as he placed his son on his shoulder.
"Kaa-san… Tou-san's too good," Ryu said getting Anko to laugh.
"No he's not… you just need to choose a different spot," Anko replied.
"Now now Anko-chan… he's getting better," Naruto laughed.
"He wouldn't be our kid if he wasn't a sneaky little boy," Anko smiled as she walked over and gave Naruto a kiss.
"Gross," Ryu said as he looked away from his kissing parents.
"One day you'll grow up and want a kiss from a cute girl," Anko smiled.
"No way… girls are gross," Ryu said.
"What about your sisters?" Anko asked.
"Still gross," Ryu replied as he got set down and took off to hide again.
"Find a better spot this time," Anko shouted.
"You'll never find me this time," Ryu shouted.
~With Iroi and Omi~
Naruto said with a baby in each arm. The one year old children of Karui and Kurotsuchi but both took his blonde hair which made them look like twins. That was if they didn't take their mother's eyes; giving Iori amber eyes and Omi pupilless pink eyes.
"My littlest ones are growing up so fast," Naruto said as the two napped in his arms.
"Hard to think it's been over a full year already," Kurotsuchi said.
"Yeah... we need to catch up. Hinata's going on three and four," Karui said.
"It can't be helped that Hinata's had twins twice," Naruto said.
"It's like she was born to revive a clan," Kurotsuchi joked.
"Yeah twins twice in a row… that's crazy… I'm good with one," Kurotsuchi said.
"Well it's not like we knew that would happen," Naruto said with a grin. In fact he did know it would happen. The day he dissolved the contraceptive inside of Hinata it increased her production thus the minimum she could have now was twins. Karui looked to Naruto with a grin.
"So when do I get to have another one?" Karui asked.
"If you want one we'll start trying for one," Naruto replied.
"So we can start tonight then," Karui smiled as she kissed his cheek.
"Seriously how are you not dead?" Kurama's voice echoed out.
"I do not know… I would have guessed these women would have fucked me to death years ago," Naruto replied.
"Seriously you have thirteen children with four more on the way," Kurama said.
"Yeah… and Karui, Ayame, Tenten, Mei, Sakura and Anko all want another one too," Naruto replied.
"Seriously… twenty some kids… you're going to go bald," Kurama laughed.
"I wouldn't be surprised," Naruto laughed out loud.
"What's so funny?" Kurotsuchi asked.
"Kurama's saying I'm going to go bald with all the kids I have," Naruto replied.
"Bald Naruto?" Kurotsuch and Karui both thought out loud a second later they both burst out laughing waking the babies.
"Now look what you did," Karui said.
"I did?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah you made us laugh," Kurotsuchi said.
"Well… I… ok fine you win," Naruto replied handing the mother's their babies.
"I gotta head to bed… The Kage Summit is coming up soon," Naruto said as he kissed both of his wives before he left for his bedroom.
~End notes~ I hope you enjoyed Throes of Passion! I'm sorry I couldn't add more girls but I just fell out of love with writing pure smut…. I may try a more plot heavy harem one day but for now you'll have to tie yourself over with Wind and Flames and The Banishment of Uzumaki Naruto
In case you were wondering: Children of Naruto (they are more advanced thanks to the Kyubi's chakra… also I'm very bad a children)
Hinamori, Tenten age 7
Jiraiya, Kurenai, age 7 ¾
Minato, Ayame, age 7 ½
Inoichi, Ino age 7 with one on the way
Neji & Izumi, Hinata Twins Age 8 ½ with two on the way
Menma, Sakura age 4
Ryu, Anko age 5
Dan, Shizune age 2
Haruko, Mei age 8
Kushina, Temari age 6 ½ with one on the way
Omi, Kurotsuchi, age 1
Iori, Karui age 1