Disclaimer: Resident Evil CAPCOM | Plot © whitemaigexxvvii | Song © The Script
Summary: [AU] Jessica Sherawat: the girlfriend. Jill Valentine: the best friend. The lines were set but it was still breached with pain just around the corner. RATED M. Valenfield / Sherafield
Author's Note: OMG! I've been gone for a while. How are you guys? I can't believe I have updated this story again. It is really frustrating to me that I have all the ideas on paper but don't have the time to construct a decent chapter with it. I really appreciate those people who stuck with me up until this point. The updates will be slow, but I hope to see you all at the end!
Just a cigarette gone
No you couldn't be that far
So I'm driving in my car where I hope you are
Maybe I can talk you down
IT WAS NOT hard for Chris to tell what was going through her mind when she realized that he was waiting for her a few feet from Rebecca's front door. He could see the shock on her face followed by confusion and then finally settling in for a blank stare. It was also evident that she had been crying because of the obvious swelling of her eyes. Chris did not care about the reason behind those tears anymore, he did not even have the slightest desire to ask her about it. He just has this strong impulse to run up to her and hold her.
But he stopped himself, not wanting to upset her with this impulsive behavior. He couldn't tell if she's still closed off. He's not even confident that standing in front of her at this moment would make everything right for him. Worst case scenario, his presence would mean the destruction of their friendship. The one thing he as protected for the longest time and the one thing that made him pull back from telling her what he really feels.
He watched as she turned to look at Rebecca and embraced her good-bye, saying their greetings to each other before finally letting go. His heart raced when she took her first step towards him and then his whole world came to a halt when she smiled the moment their eyes met for the second time.
"You could've just told me you were picking me up anyway, Christy. Papa chewed me off, you know." She jokingly stated before taking the spare helmet he had ready for her.
He was feeling two things at the same time and he couldn't quite catch which one weighed more. One, he's hurt that she brushed away the argument they had like it hadn't affected their lives for the past couple of weeks. Two, the feeling of ease that she is finally talking to him.
He opened his mouth to speak but choked on his words. He feared that the words would fuck everything up for him. But he just can't stand there and ogle at her like she's just a figment of his imagination. He came there to apologize. He came there to swallow his pride.
But how can he possibly do that now without ruining the mood? He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. He needed to stop over thinking and just follow her lead.
"Hey, are you okay?"
He snapped out of his daze only to see her bright eyes, confused and still a little bit red from the sides. "I'm fine." He hated the fact that he almost stuttered.
He saw the contemplation in her eyes before backing away a little, thankfully giving him his much-needed breathing space.
"Are you sure? I don't want to ride on this bike and get myself killed just because you got distracted."
He scoffed and flicked her forehead. "Right."
He turned to bid Rebecca his regards and playfully thanked her for taking care of his annoying best friend. And before his thoughts could process the reality that things are starting to fall in their rightful places, they are already zooming their way back to his home with the wind hitting his face and her arms around his waist.
It was like a dream. A few hours ago, he was inside his room; pacing and thinking to himself that he'd never win her back unless he swallows his pride and stops his childish ways of proving a point. However, with the way things are going smoothly between them, he is still a state of disbelief. It took little to no effort from his part and somehow it does not sit well with him. He still wanted to say his apologies in a way where it wouldn't rub her the wrong way
As they were nearing his house, the urge to stop for a second was getting too much on his nerves and his conscience was screaming at him. Jill deserves his apology. And he'd burn in hell if he so much as let the opportunity of having her hear what he has to say without anyone interrupting them pass him by.
So, on the last minute, he made a turn completely leaving the tracks to their original destination behind. The feeling of wanting to spend more time with her has never been as strong as it did at that moment and he wanted that time for himself; his selfish side fully taking over once more.
But this time, it is a selfish desire that he knows he'd never regret.
"Chris!" She shouted over the roaring gush of wind. "Where are we going?"
He chose not to respond right away as he turned another sharp corner. He really didn't have any destination in mind until he remembered the old playground near their grade school grounds where they would usually spend most of their time eating ice scream with their friends before going home.
"Somewhere close!" He hollered back. He didn't hear her say anything after that, in which he took as a good sign.
He pushed forward, going 60 miles per hour on a snow-covered pavement; dangerous but still thrilling to the bone. He felt her arms' grip tighten around his waist and it did not take them long before they reached the old playground. When they parked his bike under the tree they used to climb, he was assaulted by memories of him and Jill when they were little.
She looked winded but the tinge of nostalgia that stained her eyes did not escape him. "It's been a while since we've been here." She whispered while her eyes surveyed the poorly lit area, but he knows that, just like him, she could see the place clearly as her mind painted the parts that the light from two lampposts was not able to reach in vivid colors. They started walking towards the snow-covered swing.
"Yeah. I wanted to come here with you before we head back." He calmly stated. There was this questioning look in her eyes, but she did not voice it out. He took that as his cue to continue. "This was our very first special place, where we created so many memories together without our parents watching us."
With that, she snickered. That sound put him so much at ease, it scared him for a second. "I think what you meant was where our parents wouldn't have to see you bully kids into giving up the rides you feel like using."
"That too!" He exclaimed. "Remember that time I was almost suspended because I received a lot of complaints from parents? I was scared shitless but you backed me up by saying that those kids actually bullied you and I instantly became a hero?"
"Well, that's true." There was a brief silence that filled that air before she exclaimed, making him jump a little. "Wait, what? Scared shitless? You?"
He shrugged. "Hey, I was 9 years old. What do you expect? I was scared that you would get the wrong idea and that you would hate me for being brash."
Disbelief can be seen painted on her face. "I was not expecting that, Christy."
He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Did not expect that I was scared?"
She shook her head. "No, for you to admit it out loud and that you cared about what I would think of you."
There was a moment of silence between the two of them. She speaks the truth and although Chris knows that she knows that he was scared at the time, and almost everything he was feeling except for the fact that he's deeply in love with her for the longest time, it was one of those rare moments where he admits a fact that would confirm a moment of weakness in front of her.
Don't get me wrong, being his best friend, he had told her a lot of things that he would never tell other people. When he feels insecure. When he is unsure about things. When he feels hollow or sad inside. It was always Jill who would hear it first.
But there are certain things that he couldn't share because he was afraid. When he feels insecure about what his image would be in front of her when he is unsure about things that concern her when he feels hollow or sad inside because he had disappointed her. Those were the things he kept close to his heart. However, he let a speck of those feelings slip. He had been careless, but it felt right. It felt good and he has never felt this free in a while. Like a heavyweight was completely lifted.
Her beautiful eyes stared at him; concern and relief mixed into those stunning blue eyes. Like sparkling sapphires, he was lured to its staggering shimmer. His deepest desires of wanting to be with her stirred restlessly within his guts up to his throat and were threatening to spill from his mouth but he was quick to bite his tongue. HIs mind continued to urge him to say what he had wanted to say for years but he kept pushing it back down.
"Are you okay, Christy?"
He snapped out of his haze and instead of finally spilling the beans, he shrugged. "Everyone cares what other people think." He dismissively waved his hand and continued for the swing, just then realizing that they had stopped walking the moment he entered his enthralled state earlier.
Just when he thought that Jill would drop the subject, she stopped him by his shoulder and with a stern look, she spoke. "Not you, Chris."
He rolled his eyes, hoping that she would just drop it. "Alright, I cared because you make it seems like I was being too childish for my age, which was totally fine because I was just a nine-year-old then."
It was a white lie.
She sighed, taking her turn in rolling her eyes, and decided to let him go, which he was thankful for. "Well, sorry for being too mature for my age, geez."
There was silence between then again and when they reached the swings, Chis kicked the snow off the seat and ushered for her to get on. He thought that she would give him an are-you-kidding-me look but she followed, and they were both surprised that the small swing was able to accommodate her size.
Chris chuckled. "I think you are too childish for your age right now, Jill."
"This is not being childish, numbnuts. I'm resting my legs. I've been walking around all day, what do you expect?"
"Did you have fun with Rebecca all day?" He asked, masking the real reason he has behind that question. He kicked the snow from the swing beside Jill's before squeezing himself on it.
Jil smiled at how stupid yet adorable he looked. "Yeah."
"Was it so fun that you forgot?"
It took her a moment before she could answer. "I didn't." Came her small whisper.
He can feel that she was hesitant and judging from how she had directed her eyes elsewhere, she wanted to change the subject, which he did. "Of course. Anyway, the real reason I brought you here is that I needed to tell you something."
When her eyes flew back to look at his face, he continued. "I know I've been such a jackass these past weeks and for that, I'm sorry." He paused to gather his thoughts and he was thankful that Jill remained silent. "I was just hurt, you know? You used to tell me a lot of things and when I felt like you were ignoring me when something is clearly bothering you, I just felt like I can no longer make it better for you."
He looked away, not wanting her to see the sadness in his eyes. "But I realized that I can't make everything better for you. I can't make everything right. I want to make everything right but what happened made me realize that I always make things worse." His voice was barely over a whisper and he wondered if she heard all of that.
When he felt her cold, but soft, hands on his own, he knew that she did not miss a word. Looking up, he saw a smile on her face; that kind of smile that a person gives when they are on the verge of tears due to extreme happiness. Her eyes gleamed, her nose red, and being with her again in this state, Chris found out that he was forgiven long before he could voice out his apology. However, knowing that fact he still feels the need to give his apology, though long overdue, because she's more than deserving to hear it from him.
"What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm sorry for making you feel worse. I'm sorry because as your best friend, I should've known that you wanted space, I should've known that you were not ready to tell me everything. I should've known that I'm not the only person to make it right for you." He paused, breathing deeply before continuing. "I'm thankful that you have Rebecca who can make things right what I have done wrong." He smiled, finally coming to terms with the fact that this is a problem of Jill's that he was not the one to solve.
He heard a relieved sigh from her and along with it, he felt like a heavy load has been lifted from his shoulders—feeling liberation from the guilt that was oppressing him since day one of their misunderstandings. The obnoxious ache he carries around inside his heart, gravely weighing him down, soon numbed to a mere tingle. He watched as Jill expends her hand to him, in which he gladly took. The pressure from her grip sent warmth all over his body and when she felt her tug, he stood up from the swing; taking this as a sign that she was now putting all the bad things behind them.
"Thank you, Chris. I appreciate that and I'm sorry, too, for not reaching out and explaining what happened. I promise to tell you when I'm ready." She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze followed by a reassuring smile.
Chris nodded and gave her hand a squeeze back to let her know that he understands and that he is now willing to wait. Standing up, he dusted off the snow from his pants and ushered Jill back to where they parked his bike so that they can finally meet their family without having to feel awkward around each other. He was about to hop in when the vibrating of his phone stopped him on his tracks.
He pulled it out and saw Jessica's caller ID. He mentally slapped his forehead, completely forgetting the fact that his fiancée was joining them tonight. He excused himself and answered the call.
"Hey, Babe." He greeted, praying to the gods that she's not anywhere near their house yet or he'd have to explain himself again and it won't be pretty.
"Hi, Baby." Her voice was sweet, and it made him breathe a sigh of relief only to go rigid upon hearing her next words. "I heard from Claire that you left to pick Jill up."
He thought about all the possible things he could come up to avoid her from getting upset. His mind raced but he came up with what he thought was the dumbest response. "Yeah."
"Oh, that's good! Are you about to head back?"
To say that he was taken aback by hearing the eagerness and excitement in her voice would win the understatement of the year. He was flabbergasted. Jessica would've bitten his head off at this point just by being with Jill but this change in her demeanor is enough to warrant his stupefied reaction.
"I'm on my way, Baby. I'll meet you there." Her voice snapped him out of his daze, and he his throat. "Tell Jill I'm glad she finally decides to join in, like old times."
That last sentence from her struck him as odd. He doesn't know if that was a form of sarcasm or if at the point where he was not doing so good with Jill, both women found a way to rectify their game of being indifferent with each other. He shook his head, thinking that instead of going against it, it will be in their best interest if they make up. "Sure, Babe. I will let her know." There was a pause as he swallowed the guilt of having to lie through his teeth. "I'll see you in a bit."
With that, they ended the call, and he then turned to Jill, who was giving him a look of worry. He assumed by her expression that she already knew who called. Jill stayed silent as she waited patiently for what he has to say, in which he reassured her with a smile; easing the worry from her face.
"She's on her way." He announced, only now managing to dust off the snow that clung on his clothes. "She wanted you to know that she's glad you're finally joining in." He gave her a smile and the look, hoping to project to her his curiosity, as he absentmindedly passed her the helmet, still waiting for her answer.
When she made no notion to acknowledge his curiosity, he let his tongue do the talking. "So, what's up?" He wanted to make the question light-hearted, wishing that he's not going to unintentionally make her feel obliged to answer him.
After a long pause, Jill shrugged and secured her helmet. "We talked about it. Of course, we are both adults, and we are aware that the beef we had between each other is childish. So, we settled it. Overdue? Yes, but we managed; no tears nor locks of hair were shed."
To say that he was surprised was an understatement and he does not know how to react at first. His mind came up with one question. Is this event going to affect his plans? No, of course not. He wouldn't let anything hinder him from going through with what he has in mind; not even whatever Jill and Jessica has going on now.
"Wow, that's good and about time, too! I was starting to think this day won't come." He feigned his happiness faced his back towards her to make sure that she won't see any expression that might betray his really intentions. Strapping his helmet in place, they both hopped in, but not after Jill rolling her eyes from his statement.
He did not hear her agree through the loud reeve of the engine as they drove off to their destination.
Taking shortcuts through the alleys
While you're racing through my mind
Cops can chase but they won't catch me
Not before I get to speak my mind
SHE THOUGHT for a moment that her mother had a legit heart attack only for the older woman to sprung up from where she passed out and briskly reach out for the receiver of their home telephone about to call Jessica but luckily, she managed to stop her mother's raging anger. It took her a while and a huge migraine before she was able to convince her mother to not confront Chris about the news. Of course, the last thing she wants is for her mother to chew Chris' head off and for Chris to chew her head off after.
She also had to remember that the arrival of her Aunt Julie and Uncle Dickson a few minutes later saved her from what was supposed to be the end of her days. Her Aunt Julie managed to convince her mother to take some time away and she'd confront Chris about it. Her uncle was also there to give a few words to totally calm her mother's raging temper down. What would she have done if they weren't there and arrived on time? She shivered just by thinking about it.
That was a few hours ago.
It just struck 6:30 PM as she found herself standing in front of their house. Thankfully, her mother allowed her to go home first after she dropped her off in front of her father's office. She was thankful that she was given the small reprieve of driving back without hearing her mother's constant rants and woes about her brother's poor taste in women. Sighing, she fiddled with her keys and before she could insert the right key inside the doorknob's lock, the door swung open, a frantic Chris bursts out of the door.
She frowned. Where could be by blazing off to at this hour? She reckoned it might be an emergency and he got asked at the police station. However, that is unlikely just by looking at his chosen attire. He would always make sure to wear his customized leather jacket with the RPD badge sewn onto its breast pocket before leaving but right now, he's wearing a winter jacket on top of a black leather jacket so he must be going somewhere else.
Before she could even have the chance to probe, he zoomed off with this motorbike. He didn't even notice that she was standing right there! Grunting this time, Claire stepped inside the comfort of their warm home and immediately closed the door behind her. She was not surprised to see Julie waiting for her in the living room.
"Come here, dear. I know it has been a long day. I'll get you something to warm you up." Julie beckoned her to rest her feet and she wearily obliged. She plopped down on the soft cushion of their sofa and she instantly felt a warm, comforting blanket draped over her by the smiling woman beside her. She was thankful for how much Julie cared for her and Chris like they were her own.
"Thanks, Auntie." She sighed and closed her eyes to rest for a bit.
She felt warm fingers brush her bangs to the side. "Anytime, sweetie. I know that it has been a rough day for you, too. I believe you saw Chris scurrying off like a madman."
Claire opened her eyes to this and watched as the older woman make her way to the kitchen. "Do you know where he's going?" She asked, a little loud enough to make sure Julie hears it from inside the kitchen.
Julie appeared a few seconds later with a tray of hot chocolate and cinnamon buns, and handed it over to her. The sweet aroma was enough to loosen her tight muscles as she further relaxed. She gratefully took the drink and sipped a little, the liquid left a warm trail down her throat before she sighed in satisfaction.
"I honestly don't know, sweetie. I guess it is to drag Jill back with him." Julie finally answered before sitting down beside her.
"Oh," Claire frowned. She's hoping that that was the case but just looking back from the heated debate she and her brother had, she doubts that Chris would be talking about Jill or to Jill anytime soon.
This made her a little bit intrigued, though. What if they have managed to finally reconcile and Chris was just overly ecstatic to meet up with her again? Or maybe their argument became worse and Chris just up and left to blow off some steam?
She shook her head, praying that her latter thought wasn't the case. She wanted to know if Jill would even make it today. She noticed that Jill has been making broken promises lately and she dread that maybe this day would yield the same result. Of course, she's not stupid enough to not notice that it is because of her brother. But still, what kind of argument did they have to account to something as to avoid the rest of them?
All these questions are making her head spin. She wondered if Julie knows anything about what happened. Before she could ask her questions, Dickson appeared from around the corner and a smile instantly greeted her. She was about to stand up and greet the older man, but a hand halted her. Instead, he walked towards her and patted her head.
"Hello, Claire."
"Hi, Uncle Dick! I thought you won't be joining us today."
"I thought so too, sweetie. Good thing I was able to finish the documents in time." He let out a chuckle. "And guess who else would be joining?"
Claire did want to appear as if she was overly hopeful, but she couldn't help herself. With a huge grin, she blurted out, "is it Jill?"
It appears like she wasn't the only one who's hopeful. "Please tell me that Claire's right, honey." Julie chimed in, her bright blue eyes, glistening with a desire that her thoughts were true.
With an excited smile, Dickson nodded, and she heard Julie sigh behind her. A rush of happiness washed through her body and Claire was able to relax more. Just thinking about the argument that she had with Chris earlier, his distraught, and helpless expression made her super worried but knowing that Chris and Jill have already sorted out their differences was more than enough to put her mind at ease. Maybe this isn't the worst Christmas after all.
"By the way, where is Chris?" Dick's question snapped her out of her merriment and she then froze; a single conclusion came to mind.
Maybe Chris found out that Jill will be joining them, and he was not up to it, so he opted to just excuse himself. Biting her lip, she reached out for her mobile phone from her jean's pocket and dialed Chris's number, but of course, no one picked up. She tried again, but to no avail. She figured that he's still riding his motorbike to only the gods know where. Frustrated, she huffed and slid her phone back inside her pocket.
"I guess he has some business to attend to." Dick announced after the anticipation. "Anyway, I'm hoping that everyone will be here before 8 PM so that we can start dinner." He then motioned for Julie to come with him outside, most probably to get their other things from their car.
Claire was then left alone to her thoughts. This is not going well for them. Sure, she's extremely excited to know that Jill has given her word to Dick but she's worried that it would be Chris's time to disappear. A sudden ring from their home phone jolted her out of her daze and she reluctantly left the comfort of her blanket to answer it.
"Redfield residence. How can I help you?"
'Hi, this is Jessica. Claire?'
Claire silently grunted and rolled her eyes. Of course, the girlfriend would make an appearance soon. She hummed her response and just wanted the call to be over so that she could just go tuck herself in once more. Just thinking her warm blanket makes her want to hang up on her. However, she's still in that neutral territory when it comes to her opinion with Jessica. She opted to just stay out of the drama as much as she could, and she intends to keep it that way.
'Hey, Claire. Is Chris there? He's not picking up his phone for some reason. I'm about to drop by. I was hoping to see you guys for a bit before I drive to my parents' house.'
This piqued Claire's interest. She was fully under the impression that her brother was rushing because Jessica told him to, only find out that his girlfriend doesn't even know where he is! Thoughts of Chris finally making things work with Jill came rushing through her mind, but she was quick to shoot it down. She didn't have the luxury to get her hopes high, not with Chris being unpredictable as a toddler at the moment. She decided that she won't be thinking about Jill and Chris in one thought in the meantime.
"Uhh, to be honest, I'm really not sure. He left a couple of minutes ago. I thought he was planning to meet up with you."
'Or Jill,'
Though it was faint, Claire heard that loud and clear. She cringed, realizing that she might've said something that she shouldn't have. Knowing Jessica deep jealousy towards Jill, she should've thought of a better lie. When she was about to say something, Jessica interjected.
'I hope Jill will be joining this time.'
Claire was taken aback by this. She didn't know if Jessica was fucking with her mind or if it was a genuine remark. She hoped it was the latter, but she wouldn't be able to convince herself to believe that Jessica could just let something like a year-long feud forgotten. Something was amiss and she was not going to dig her own grave by being nosy.
But, just thinking about what the possibility that maybe they did reconcile was enough for her want to poke the subject—just a little bit.
"Yes, I was told that she will be joining."
'That's splendid! I would love to see her before the year ends. Anyway, I won't keep you, Claire. Thank you. See you later.'
And with that, Jessica hang up, leaving Claire perplexed out of her mind. She wanted to know what the hell just happened but after a few seconds of contemplating, she gave up. Holding her breath for a few seconds, she released a shaky sigh. She felt threatening chills run down her spine when the thought finally sinks in and how crazy it is that her mother, her brother, her brother's girlfriend, and her brother's best friend, will all be sharing the same dining table. She can feel the tension already building that is was almost suffocating the air out of her lungs.
Claire was so wrapped up in her musing that she missed to hear the doorbell ringing and before she knew it, Jessica was already being ushered by Julia inside their house.
We're standing on a tiny ledge
Before this goes over the edge
Gonna use my heart and not my head
Author's Note: I was planning for this to be a little longer but I had to cut it because I don't know how long I'd have the time to work on this. I won't be making any promises but just hang tight, everyone!
Ocimum: Hi, girl! Darn, I feel bad not being able to talk to you or respond. Yes, that is how busy I am that I can't hold a single conversation properly. But I really am grateful to have such a wonderful reader like you! Thank you so much for sticking around and I know you have a lot of questions that I won't be able answer now. But I will, hopefully soon! *kisses and hugs* I hope to see your review again about this chapter! Take care, dear!~
AroundEmily: I was meaning to credit you at the end of last chapter, but I forgot how FF is when it comes to omitting stuff. Welcome to the club! Thank you so much for your heartfelt reviews. I'm happy that you are here to share with me your thoughts! Thank you! See you in the next chapter.
Silent Readers: I hope to hear from you! :D
As usual, I have not proof-read this chapter. Feel free to let me know if you see any errors. See you next chapter. :P
Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil or any of its characters because CAPCOM owns them! I also do not own the lyrics of the song Talk You Down, which was featured here. It is owned by The Script and co. [April 17, 2019 | 1828H EST]