


Part 2




Kiba Yuuto was sitting at the table when Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, Rossweisse and Ravel went down the stairs. He had heard half of what had transpired last night until all the noises was completely blocked (which he suspected was the doings of some certain Gremory members, although he isn't going to voice that out) so he was slightly surprised to see that most of the girls seemed so... satisfying. Being curious as to what happened, Yuuto couldn't help but asked.

"You all look so happy early in the morning. Did something good occur between you guys and Ise?"

Akeno was the one to answer first.

"Ufufufu... It's better if you don't ask about it, Yuuto-kun. Unless you are interested in Ise-kun?"

Realizing the meaning behind Akeno's words, Yuuto widened his eyes in horror.

"Wha-What? Of course not! I do not swing that way!"

The girls didn't quite believe him though as some of them looked at him incredulously, while Rias making a board sign saying 'Don't even think about touching my Ise-kun!'.

The «Knight» of Rias Gremory sighed in exasperation at the girls' reactions. He was proud to call himself one of Ise's friends, but that doesn't mean people – mostly the female ones – could always assume that he had homosexual feelings toward the Seikiryuutei.

Talking about the Boosted Gear wielder, Yuuto didn't see him with the girls like he would usually be.

"Where is Ise anyway?"

He shouldn't have said that out loud, because the girls instantly went into a not-so-discreet discussion among them as they whispering to each other.

"Did he just ask about Ise again?"

"And here he said that he doesn't swing that way."

"Must not let him get within 5 meters around Ise-kun."

Yuuto stood dumbfounded as he didn't know what to say. He had many things else he also wanted to ask, but at this rate, he wouldn't be able to get out of this mess if he didn't shut his mouth up. And he did just that.




Ise was sprawling lifelessly on the floor as he didn't have any strength to get up. Earlier, the girls literally sucked every seed inside his family orbs to the point that he almost got blue balls. He was lucky that he still at least have his soul intact.

Ddraig spoke up with Ise when the dragon saw him like this.

[Hey partner, are you alright? You looked like a dead man there.]

The boy groaned.

"I'm fine... I think."

[If you say so. Well, I'm gonna give you this just in case. Boost! Boost! Boost!]

After three times of boosting up, Ise was able to sit on his own butt, albeit with difficulties. At that moment, Rias walked through his door.

"Oh my, you still haven't put on any clothes yet, Ise?"

Ise replied as he tiredly stood up and search for some fresh clothes, not even minding – or remembering – the fact that he was naked.

"Wait... for me a bit... I shall be down stair soon."

Rias chuckled lightly as she saw his sorry state.

"No need for that. Just take a shower first and find some warm clothes. We are going on a date."

Ise's ears immediately perked up at that.

"A date?"

"Yup, a date. It's December 25th, and I have already planned something for us. Though you must hurry, I don't want everyone to interrupt us like yesterday."

The boy shuddered at what he could gather from his hazy memories of the day before. Even if it was nice to make love with all the girls, he still preferred to hold only Rias in his arms. But his fear soon went away at the aspect of going on a date with his red-haired girlfriend. Ise stormed into the bathroom quickly as he declared in a newfound... inspiration.

"Then the bathroom I shall go!"

Rias giggled at his childish act. The boy was so hopelessly honest in expressing himself that most people think he was an idiot. Yet despite that, the female Gremory Devil was helplessly in love with the said idiot, probably because he was the only one she could trust with her whole body and soul.

Raising her hands up to prepare a teleport spell, Rias closed her eyes as she imagined their destination.




The Hyoudou boy had been wondering why Rias give him so much thick clothes when he came out of the bathroom in spite of the normal weather (which was quite disappointed to him since they were on Christmas holidays). Now he understood the reason.

Apparently, as he finished dressing up, Rias had transferred both of them to an unfamiliar place with nothing but a field of white snow and many pine trees standing tall beside one another. He was startled at the sudden change of sight, only to notice that Rias had walked up ahead. Ise didn't have any choice other than to follow in her stead and see what she had in plan for him.

Then all of a sudden, Rias turned to face him and taunted while pointing at a small dot on the edge of snowy hills.

"Whoever reaches there first shall have the right to do what they want with the other."

And she ran, leaving Ise bewildered.

As the realizations sank in, he frantically rushed forward to catch up with her while muttering with a playful smirk.

"Very good Rias, but I won't let you get the better of me that easily. Lend me some power, Ddraig."

[On it, partner. Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!]

With five times of boosting, it didn't take Ise long to appear right at Rias side and tackle her to the ground, making the latter yell in both surprise and excitement.



They fell into the soft icy surface together and rolled until the momentum lost and Ise ended up on top of his lover. He breathed in a large amount of air before speaking in a faking serious tone.

"Surrender yourself already, Rias Gremory. You have been caught by Mister Breast Dragon."

"Oh no, what should I do? Please spare my life Mister Breast Dragon; I am but a pity child with no fortune on her."

Ise grinned lewdly at her perfect act. They were now immersed themselves in one of their role-playing games, which usually lead to a certain connection between their lips and lower body. Without spoiling all the fun though, he continued.

"Ahem... If you want to live, little girl, then you could start by..."

He trailed off after looking at the girl closely beneath him, words suddenly lost in his throat.

There Rias was, laying on the ground loosely as she paid attention to him. Her mouth opened slightly to let out some visible white fog due to the temperature. Her chest moved up and down in sync with her breathing, the thick layers of clothes did nothing to conceal the sexual attraction of the wonders called 'Oppai' (In Ise's opinions, they had grown even bigger during the time he spent at her side as a «Pawn»). And most of all, her scarlet hair pooled all around her and scattered like a paper fan, accentuated by the pure ivory background of snow behind her, which made her look like a crimson goddess in his eyes.

The knowledge that this crimson goddess belonged only to him had given Ise a sincere smile as he dropped the acting and touched Rias' cheeks fondly.

"You are so stunningly beautiful, Rias."

The red-haired girl laughed at him for throwing away their game and complimenting her instead. She knew that her presence had a huge effect on Ise, but it always amazed her to no end how he would worship her beauty with these loving and affectionate gestures. Rias respond by giving him her most honest thought.

"And you are the best man I could ever ask for, Ise."

With that, Ise's lips crashed upon her, enjoying another intimate moment with his beloved.

And they stayed like that for a while.




Ise let out a sigh of relief and satisfaction as he stretched his back lazily in the warm water.

Earlier, they have resumed on their journey to the intended location, and it turned out to be one of the Gremory winter vacation houses (Ise had no idea how many vacation houses they have, and he wasn't in the right mood to ask as his entire attention was focusing on his lover's ass). Rias had reserved the whole building for her and Ise's use exclusively until they finished their holidays.

It had been a pleasant – or excited – thing for the boy when he found out that there was also an indoor hot spring. And he didn't need to be told twice to get into the bath by his girlfriend, which is why he was staying here now.

"If only Rias was here with me at the moment, it would be the best experience ever." Ise mused to himself.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the door of the bath area slid, revealing the red-haired girl of Ise's dream. Rias, contrary to how women would usually wear a towel around their bodies, instead chose to be in her birthday suit as she walked forward and slowly descended down into the bubbling pool. As soon as she was engulfed by the hot water, Rias immediately skid closer to her man and leaned her back against his chest, her head used one of his shoulder as a pillow.

Ise closed his eyes in silent ecstasy. His fantasy was completed for most part. Now the next thing should be...

Rias stifled a bit when she felt something poking at her nether region. It didn't take a genius to figure out the cause of that. She moved both of her hands down between her thighs and instantly came into contact with the suspected object. As if it was on instinct, she gently stroked it.

"Ah... That feels good..."

The Hyoudou boy groaned as Rias' hands caressed his partly erect manhood. He was certain that he couldn't handle any more sex today. However, his libido disagreed as his penis gradually grew larger under the red-haired girl's hands until it returned to its most glorious length.

"Huh... Someone seems to be too eager here." Rias said as she turned around and faced Ise while having her palms clasp his fully hardened cock.

"Oh... ah... I can't... stand it anymore... Let me put it in... Rias..." Ise spoke with some gasps in between as his lover kept teasing him by brushing her lower lips on the top of his manly testicle.

"Then you have to tell me something first before that." The red-haired girl replied, still had yet to let go of her teasing.

Normally, Ise would comply with her in these situations when Rias was the dominating one. But this time, he disregarded that as he suddenly grabbed her buttocks and slammed his penis into her pussy with great force, eliciting a surprised moan from her, all the while saying what she wanted to hear.

"I love you, Rias Gremory." Ise grunted as the pleasure of her inner walls clenched around his cock, and the pressure seemed to tighten even more after his countless confession (he always did that during the times whenever they made love).

The boy repeated that phrase again and again as he kept shoving hard into Rias' womanhood. Despite the rough treatment, Rias looked like she was pleased rather than being hurt, mostly due to the fact that she was used to having sex with him as well as hearing him proclaimed his love for her.

Ise could feel his climax coming, and Rias also couldn't contain her pleasure further.

Without a warning, Ise shot everything he could offer into Rias' womb, which triggered the latter's orgasm as her juices burst out continuously and mixed up with the hot spring's water.

Rias lost her strength as she leaned on Ise's chest again, this time with her bust squashed into him. The boy, on the other hand, wrapped his arms around his lover as he buried his head in her hair.

They hold that pose for several minutes, both didn't want to let go of each other. And with the most tender voice he could utter, Ise whispered to Rias.

"This is definitely one of the best Christmas in my whole life."

The girl replied with the same level of tender voice.

"And being with you made it all the more special."

Both of them smiled at this and relaxed as the hot water eased away their fatigue.




The End... probably




Author's Notes: Hi guys, I'm finally back and alive from my vacation (Well, at least I have fun with my GF. Who would have guessed that she could be that kinky). I wanted to update my fics sooner than this, but for some reasons, my laptop decided to 'screw you, man'. Thus, I couldn't write anything in the past few days until it got fixed. It was tough luck for me. Still, I wrote this additional chapter as a way to start up my gear again, and pray that I will be able to release the next chapter of The Ultimate Pawn in the next few days.

Anyway, hope you all have fun and enjoyable moments in this year.