![]() Author has written 20 stories for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon Age, Soul Eater, Star Wars, Code Lyoko, Naruto, White Knight Chronicles, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Mass Effect, Power Rangers, Young Justice, Avatar: Last Airbender, Mortal Kombat, Saints Row, Spawn, Star Wars, and Justice League. hello everyone I'm new here and I'm going to let you know about me. Name Naruto11222 Gender: male Age: 26 Bio: Hello my name is Naruto11222 and I am a writer. I have bee a writer for a really long time but I have spend most of my time cooking and help others around my hometown. I am a college boy and I am proud of it. I go to school to reach my dream and that is something that I will never let it died just like that. favorite movies: star wars all the movies, blade 1, 2, 3, lord of the ring 1, 2, 3, mortal kombat 1 2 naruto, inuyasha, and bleach. favorite games: swtor, naruto, bleach, star wars force unleashed 1 and 2, dragon age origins, dragon dogma, x-men, kingdom heart all of them, mass effect 1, 2, and 3, street fighters, tekken, asura's wrath, ninja gadien sigma 1 and 2, ninja gaiden 3, Dead or alive, gundam, assassn creed, god of war, sengoku basara, star wars: the old republic, star wars: the knights of the the old republic and all the mortal kombat games. favorite food: pizza, chicken, pork chop, pasta, rice, hamburgers, chicken andwhich, reman, and fried ham. favorite show: naruto, bleach, voltron force, samurai seven, samurai x. FMA, Tenchi, blade, x-men evolution, thunder cats, Avatar the last airbender, sonic underground, three delivery, Power Rangers, young justice, static shock, digimon, pokemon, kaijudo rise of the dual master, G.I. Joe sigma 6, mighty ducks, darkwing duck, tales spin, gargoyles, yu-gi-oh, gundam, TMNT, catdog, angry beavers, ronin warriors, dragon ball z, ed, edd, n' eddy, daigunder, sengoku basara, sacred blacksmith, Xiaolin Showdown, code lyoko, and star wars the clone wars. I always consider myself as writer, but I sometime focus on cooking instead and I love cooking different kind of food since I was a little. I sometime get the idea from watching tv and playing my PS3 and PS4 all the time. I love reading others story on this website and all of them are great to read. I never known about this website when I tried to publish my story on . And I been writing nonstop since then. I have always like to make a story that deal with hybrids and human that don't talk. I like dragons so much and I think that some of my stories have some dragons in them, but I can't find my old journal so I just going to have one story that deals with dragons. Characters pairing: Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano x OC. Barriss Offee X OC. Asajj Ventress X OC. Ashara Z. X Sith I Kira C. X Jedi K. Nadia X Jedi C. Vette X Sith W. Jaesa X Sith W. Dragon's Dogma: Aelinore X Arisen Dragon Age Origin: Leliana X Cousland Morrigan X Amell Leliana X Maherial Morrigan X Cousland Leliana X Amell Morrigan x Maherial. Leliana x Surana Morrigan x Aeducan Leliana x Aedcuan Morrigan x Surana Morrigan x Leliana Young Justice: Artemis X OC. Miss Martian X Oc. Kaldur'am X Artemis Zatanna x Oc Voltron Force: Vince X Larmina Oc. X Larmina Oc x Allura Voltron: Legendary Defender: Katie (Pidge) x Oc Allura x Oc Bleach: Oc X hiyori sarugaki Oc X Orhime Oc X Sung-Sun Apacci X Oc Mila Rose X Oc Rukia x Oc Sacred Blacksmith: Oc X Cecily Oc X Aria Soul Eater: Liz X Oc Maka X Oc Patty X Oc Blair X Oc tsubaki x Oc Naruto: Naruto x Hinata Ino x Oc Sakura x Oc Hinata x Oc Tenten x Oc Code Lyoko: Yumi x Oc. Aelita x Oc. Sisi x Oc. Aelita x Yumi Sisi x Aelita Yumi x Sisi Mass Effect: F Shepard x Liara Oc x Ashley F Shepard x Samara Oc x Miranda Jack x F Shepard Oc x Jack F Shepard x Ashley Oc x Samara F Shepard x Miranda Oc x Tali F Shepard x Kelly Oc x Liara Jack x Miranda Ashley x Liara F Shepard x Tali Oc x Kelly Samantha x Oc F Shepard x Samantha Sword Art Online: Kirito x Asuna Oc x Suguha White Knight Chronicles: Oc x Yulie Avatar the Last Airbender Oc x Toph Katara x Oc Azula x Oc Mai x Oc Aang x Katara Suki x Oc Zuko x Mai Ty Lee x Oc Yue x Sokka Yue x Oc Legend of Korra Korra x OC Asumi x OC Asumi x Korra Teen Titans Raven X Starfire Oc x Raven Cyborg x Raven Oc x Starfire Blackfire x Raven Terra x Oc Jinx x Cyborg Raven x Terra Oc x Blackfire Starfire x Terra Raven x Bumblebee Starfire x Jinx Starfire x Blackfire Power Rangers Kim x Oc Kat x Oc Aisha x Tommy Aisha x Oc Tanya x Oc etc. Gargoyles Demona x Oc Elisa x Oc Demona x Elisa Angela x Demona Elisa x Angela Angela x Oc Mortal Kombat Sheeva x Oc Sonya x Cassie Mileena x Oc Kitana x Jade Cassie x Oc Frost x Oc Tanya x Sonya Sindel x Oc Sonya x Kitana Jade x Oc Sidnel x Kitana Sonya x Oc Sheeva x Sindel Ashara x Oc Frost x Kitana Jade x Sonya Cassie x Jacquie Jacquie x Oc Frost x Sheeva Mileena x Kitana Kingdom Hearts Kairi x Namine Aqua x Oc Aqua x Kairi Namine x Oc Larxene x Namine Kairi x Oc Aqua x Larxene Larxene x Oc Justice League: Wonder Woman x Oc Batgirl x Oc Vixen x Oc Supergirl x Oc Hawkgirl x Oc Harley Quinn x Oc Posion Ivy x Oc Livewire x Oc Star Sapphire x Oc Cheetah x Oc Fire x Oc Zatanna x Oc Killer Frost x Oc Black Canary x Oc Tala x Oc Ice x Oc Oh I am doing a Written Commission for anyone that would like to be my customers and the prices are cheap. One Shots: $5 NSFW Stories Couples: $5 Threesome: $12 Foursome: $15 Harem: $20 Pm me when you wanted to take part in it. And I will give you my info where you can sent me the money and I like to see the money up front because the last time I did a story for someone they didn't pay and I reported them for it. Future Stories: My Life as a Saint 2 The Legend of Korra: Second Avatar Kaori Camp W.O.O.D.Y Blade N Soul: The Tale of Cricket Disney: Camp Of Love and More |