Italics indicate thinking
Asuka's POV
My name's Asuka, and I'm a ninja. I'm still in training but someday I'll be a great ninja. I'm what you would call…busty. I have a very large chest which can make some work difficult put I manage.
I had just come back from a mission and I was rewarded with a ninja art scroll. I wasn't super sure what it did but I figured might as well test it out. I opened it up and used it, it dissapered in a puff of smoke…but nothing happened.
Well nothing at first. Then a brief stinging near my crotch, soon I dropped to the floor in pain.
"Ahh!" I screamed in pain.
I felt tightness in my underwear. The pain shortly after the pain subsided. I looked down and saw my skirt looked tented.
I lifted my plaid skirt out of the way; my panties were bulging in the front.
"This can't be…" I said pulling my panties away…
A long half-erect penis flopped out, accompanied by two large testicles.
I quickly covered my mouth. I didn't want anyone to hear, I didn't want anyone to see. It was all weird and fleshy. I quickly tucked it all away.
"Maybe it'll wear off if I leave it alone." I thought.
I tried to go about my day but I kept feeling my new addition touching my leg.
"Hey Asuka~!"
I felt two hands reach up my shirt and start groping my breast.
"HA!" I gasped "Katsuragi!"
"Big and bouncy like always." Katsu said fondling me.
Katsu kept playing with my breasts. I felt a twinge in my crotch.
"Stop…" I whined.
It's getting…hard…
"Come on Asuka I'm just having some fun."
She'll see.
"OHHHHAAAA" I moaned, my eyes rolling back in my head.
I felt my penis spasm and my panties fill with a sticky goo. Katsuragi let me go when Ikaruga walked in. I said hello and quickly ran out of the room and to the bathroom.
"Oh man." I sighed looking at myself.
My panties were caked in cum and my face was all red.
"This is really bad." I mumbled "Why can't you just go away."
That Night.
I laid in bet looking at the ceiling. I had been trying to get to sleep but I couldn't get calm. My new addition was still there, and it was painfully hard again.
"Mmmmm." I whined "Just go away…"
I was hugging my pillow against my body but I couldn't relax. I felt my hips wiggle as I tried to get comfortable.
"Ha…" I let out a moan.
My hips wiggled again and another wave of pleasure shot through me. Soon I couldn't control myself and my hips were grinding against the pillow.
Soon I was sitting up, humping the pillow. At first I tried to stop myself but soon it felt so could I kept going.
"Oh…oh…oh…" I moaned as I rubbed against my pillow.
I sat on my bed, dry humping a pillow. After a few minutes I felt a rush in my crotch.
I felt semen fill my panties and shorts. It was warm and sticky, and I liked it. I put my hand down my shorts. My hand came out covered in milky syrup. It smelled good, tasted good to. I realized I had destroyed my shorts and underwear.
I got out of bed and took off my pants, I needed to change into some cleaner clothes.
"Hey Asuka, I heard some strange noises is everything alright?"
I gasped and turned around. Katsuragi was standing in the doorway, and there I was standing up with my cock out.
"Uhh." I said.
Katsuragi closed and locked the door "Spill it."
I explained to Katsu what had happened with the scroll and how I suddenly had this, extra part.
"That's so weird." She said "Where's the scroll?"
"It disappeared." I told her "Poof."
Katsuragi quickly reached forward and grabbed my penis.
"What a shame it's missing, I wanted to try it myself." She said.
I tried to push her off but she kept playing with my junk.
"And here I thought squeezing boobs was fun…this feels even better." She smiled.
I fell back against the wall as Katsu stroked my dick.
"Fells nice in my hand." She said.
I felt really good having Katsuragi touch me like that. I was leaning up against the wall moaning as Katsu played around with me.
I knew she was bold but I never expected this…and I feels so good to.
"Tell me Asuka." She said kneeling before me "How does this feel?"
She took her shirt off and wrapped her breasts around my penis.
"Ahh!" I sighed "It…fells nice…so soft and warm."
Katsu kept shaking her chest and stimulating me. I had my head back as I moaned and groaned in pleasure.
"Katsu…" I moaned "I feel…something…"
"Let go Asuka." She said "Just give in to the pleasure."
I felt a clenching in my ball sack.
"AHHHHHAAAA!" I moaned as semen sprayed all over Katsu and her breasts.
"Oh Asuka." She said touching her chest "So sticky and warm." Katsuragi licked her finger cleaned "Taste salty and sweet."
Katsu stood up and rubbed my arm "So Asuka…"
She moved her face closer. Soon our lips pressed together and we softly kissed. My hands moved up and caressed Katsu's breasts; she did the same to me.
"Let's go over to the bed." She whispered "I wanna take you for a spin…okay?"
"Yeah…" I mumbled "Let's…let's go all the way."
The two of us walked over to the bed. Katsuragi got undressed and helped my take my own top off. I was a little embarrassed to be standing there, the both of us naked.
"Umm how should we start?" I asked.
Katsuragi bent over and pointed at her butt "Stick it in."
I took the fleshy appendage and rubbed it against Katsuragi's butt. I saw her pussy was glistening.
She's really aroused.
"Come on Asuka." Katsu whimpered "Stick it in."
"O…okay." I said slowly sticking the thing into her.
At first there was a little resistance then it became easy to push more in.
"Oh yeah that feels nice Asuka." She said "now start moving."
"Alright." I said placing my hands on her hips.
I began to pull Katsu back on my dick, it felt really good. Soon she was matching my movements and moving her butt to my pulls.
"This feels amazing." I told her.
"Keep it up." She moaned "I'm feeling great to."
I could feel my balls swinging around and slapping into Katsuragi's thick muscly thighs. I could feel my tongue laying out of my mouth as I gained immense pleasure from Katsuragi.
"Harder Asuka Harder!" she begged "More!"
"I'm going as fast as I can." I said leaning forward more as I went at her.
"Yeah that's it!" she said "Don't be scared of getting rough."
I moved even faster, I could feel my whole body shaking as I plowed into Katsuragi, my large breasts bounced and shook with each thrust.
"Oh…Oh…Oh…" Katsu moaned "Asuka I'm…"
"I feel something." I told her "KATUSRAGI!"
I came inside Katsuragi, filling her with my warm, sticky cum.
This feels so good.
I pulled out, my semen slowly dribbling out of Katsu. She laid down next to me on the bed.
"That was nice." She said kissing at my neck.
"Mhm." I said.
"So it's not as bad as you thought was it?" she said.
"No it was…kinda fun." I smiled.
"We should do it again sometime." She told me.
I nodded my head "Okay."
"Oh and if you find that scroll let me know."
This was interesting…I'd like to do it again sometime…maybe with someone besides Katsu.
Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.
Next Time- with Katsuragi's help Asuka goes after a new target.
Till Next Time!