Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in forever, I do plan to return to this story and finish it to at least the end of season 1 cause I feel like that would be a good end point for this story. Unless you guys convince me to push to season 2 and maybe eventually even season 3.
A lot of things have been keeping me busy. Mostly work, but my friends and I started playing this RPG dice game called DC Adventures and its like Dungeons and Dragons except you can make your own heroes and villains. Anyway, my friends convinced me since I am a DC nerd, that I should run a campaign which is also keeping me away from this story. Takes a lot of my time to create this campaign that I hope they will enjoy cause it will be my first time running a RPG tabletop game.
Again, I apologize for the long delay. The next chapter is started, but as soon as I get time I do plan to update. I do miss writing for this story
This AN will be deleted when I'm ready to post the next chapter.