Reviews for Seasons of Love
Lokken.8 chapter 12 . 2/25/2013
This is really nice and touching story. I have found it by an accident and had to go all the way. And I guess that this kind of an ending had to be expected. God job.
Dead Bones Sam chapter 12 . 2/21/2013
., this fanfiction was beautiful man! I loved every bit of it! Wish there was a little more about Jowan jr. But still awesome man!
exiled-druid chapter 12 . 6/20/2010
very nice. i can say that i enjoyed the read.

as for the ending. it was a nice way to go out. nothing over the top and nothing that made me feel that it wasn't worth it. you hit that narrow ribbon that makes the end of something really worth it. bravo.
Derelict Vessel chapter 12 . 4/24/2010
I am truly impressed. I personally have a hard time killing my characters, either doing "off screen" deaths or doing it spectacularly. Still, great, great story, and a sad ending. I'm impressed, you managed to make me like Leliana more (she's...meh...). So, yeah, good job, 2 thumbs up :D
leogrl19 chapter 12 . 4/10/2010
Oh wow! That IS a sad ending! DAMN YOU FOUL TAINT! IT NEVER ENDS! :(

But the ending is beautifully sad and you certainly have no regrets after seeing all the wonderful moments they've had throughout the story.

I also like how Leliana didn't die with him at the end; I can see the sentimentality in the opposite, but I would assume Legam would want her to live as long as he could.

Man...Still sucks though - and that song! Nice touch bringing it back for the final moments.

SIGH...(wipes tears) Great story, hun. :)
EroSlackerMicha chapter 12 . 2/18/2010
I admit it...

I cried at the end. (sniff) Nice work.
Rancho Relaxo chapter 12 . 2/18/2010
Brilliant. Great story. Leliana was a great character in the game and you've gone above and beyond that in your portrayal of her. Your main PC character has flaws too which makes him more believeable. Another thing you have is your spelling and grammar are fantastic, and the story is well set out so it is nice and easy to read.

I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for any other works you come up with.
Ondjage chapter 10 . 1/25/2010
Adorable! I was laughing and smiling the whole time whilst reading. While I love LelianaFemslash more...this was certainly a nice story that sated my desire for adorable Leliana related fluff.
Sierra Drake chapter 10 . 1/19/2010
Oh why haven't I seen this one before? *instant fave*
BeckiiBoom23 chapter 9 . 1/15/2010
Such a wonderful story! You've captured Leiliana perfectly, there arn't many Leli love stories which is surprising, she's the best character ever! Well done.
Jade Octahedron chapter 9 . 1/5/2010
That was amazing! You simply must finish writing your story. I have to know what happens.
Undeath chapter 8 . 12/19/2009
Very nice writting, don't stop, this is awesome! I'm surprised that not much people are reviewing, You have a very nice understanding of Leliana's character.

I hope you continue after your 12 chapter shot.
Revan Sama chapter 7 . 12/17/2009
I only have two words for all your chapters...Touching and marvelous. You have a beautiful and unique writing style. Every time I read a chapter I feel like I have to do my best to write better. Maybe I am exaggerating but that how I feel.

Oh and by the way...You should continue this even though I am the first one who review it. There is a quote that said "The writer doesn't write for commentary but for sharing the beauty of his or her writing."