Hello everyone this is naruto11222 and I am so excited that I got a chance to show out my story. This story is about boy who is a hybrid which he is half rattataki and half miraluka but he is able to see. Oh he doesn't have emotions.

I hope you'll like it.

Enjoy =)


In the far outer rim a republican battle was under attack by the separatist and General Grievous was about to board to ship when Count Dooku contact him

"General, what is your status on the republic battleship." Dooku asked.

"Everything is going as you predicted, count." Grievous said sarcastically.

Then he boarded the ship.

"Be on your guard, I sense that the Jedi is on board that ship. Kill him or you will regret it. Is that clear." Dooku ordered with an impatient tone.

He knows that if Grievous fail that mean kill him by his hands but Dooku always admire his killing records. Grievous enter the ship with his personal battle droids ready to kill anyone that stand in their way.

"Blasted the ship and ready the fighters and continue firing at that ship UNDERSTAND." Grievous ordered and the droid obey and start firing at the republic ship and release the droid fighters.

At the Republican Battle Ship.

The clone with white and green suit was Commander Jolt and his was promoted after his battle on Tris. He was standing next to a dark figure and pale figure but the dark figure was male miraluka that was wearing a green and blue Jedi robe and he has a black headband over his eyes and he has light saber on his belt. The pale figure was a female rattataki that wore a regular white robe and she is nine months pregnant and their names are "Kai and Sonya." One of the clone trooper ran into the bridge.

"Sir! Ma'am! We got enemy are boarding the ship and they are General Grievous's troops sir!"

"So, Grievous was the one that ambush us and none of the ship sensors didn't detect the enemy ship come out of hyperspace." Kai pondered

His wife look at him with concern and she was rubbing her stomach to ease the baby.

"What are you saying that we have a spy among us and that have connections to the ship's sensor?" Sonya asked, with concern.

While they was pondering, one of the clone back away slowly and turn around to the door. Then Kai sense fear and he knew that this was someone that was among his ranks.

"He don't have to be among us he's right behind us!" Kai shouted.

Then hr use force pull and the clone floated backward and landed on his back. The clone was about to get back up but Jolt pointed his gun at him.

"So Ray, you thought that we didn't notice about your plan sooner huh." Jolt said.

"How did you all know it was me?" Ray asked.

He was about to tell the separatist that they knew.

"Oh...come on Ray, you thought that we didn't keep an eye on you the whole time and thought that we didn't suspect nothing didn't you. Sloppy Ray...very sloppy...you slipped." Jolt said

He shook head and still pointing his gun at him.

"Well, you're too late Grievous and his men are on their way in and when they do, they will blow this ship sky-high while I watch." Ray said.

He laughed when Jolt fire off his gun just to shut him up.

"You won't get that chance." Jolt said.

"Ray, you were my ace pilot and now look what you done. You put yourself over your brother for what money that low even lower than the sith." Kai said

He put his hand over Ray's eyes just to close them and clench his hand into a fist.

"Sir...what should we do now the enemy are about to board us soon?" Jolt spoke calmly.

He waited for the general to answer.

"Kai are you alright? Are you going to fight for them, for the Republic, for our son?" Sonya asked

She watch Kai stand up straight and still had his hands clenched.

"The answer to those question is ready the troops and shoot on site and have the admiral to launch a counter attack." Kai said, he smile at them both.

Sonya was happy and she put her hand on her stomach. As for the troops, they were making ready for their last hour among the living. They all gave one last look at their general and his pregnant wife. They all simile at her, because she treat them as her brothers which she never have. She was sad that she'll never see them again and she gave them all wishes and blessings that they'll make it out alive.

"I need you to do something for my sweet Sonya." Kai said with calm smile.

Sonya look at him and raise her eyebrow and she looked up at him.

"What would you need me to do my lov-"

Kai interrupted her by knocking her out. He picked her up like he did at their secret wedding ceremony and he carry her to extra battle ship. He place her in it and called his astromech droid T7-D7.

"Alright listen T7, I need you to take Sonya to her home planet Dathomir and after that is done, I'm programming self-destruct on you when you carry out your mission." Kai said

He put in the program, but T7 beep some many time but he knows that and he was sad that he master and friend would do this, because if the Night sister find out that the Jedi Order had kidnapped they sister they would go to Coruscant and attacked the Jedi Temple.

Meanwhile at the docking bay

"I can't believe that Ray would betray us like that."

"Yeah...and I heard that the enemy will be here at any moment we to prepare."

The clones was shocked that their fallen comrade had double cross them and they was so worried that the separatist do this to their brother. They were speaking among themselves about the upcoming battle.

"So, what should we do? We can't fight their advance droid killer."

They was scare of Grievous because he was known as "Clone Reaper" from all the clones that were killed by his hands. They were program to follow orders and even die in battle.

"And so let that son of bitch come in here because him and that fat bastard Dooku will pay for turning our brother against us, the general, and his wife!" Jolt shouted from mess hall and spoke again. "I know you all are scare and have doubts about this fight. But I don't because I have hope that we will win this fight and sending those jackass to hell for sending our brother there. If you don't hope and you want to run away be my guest but what will our very first sister will think of you?"

Jolt paused for a moment to let them think of Sonya. Sonya was always kind to them and she treat their wound and they accept her as their first sister. When that thought vanish they hold their guns. The clones were being inspire by Jolt's words and they knew that they have train for this moment.

"She will look at the sky and see us as hero to her eyes because she never had any brothers until we came along. We are her bothers now and what does brothers do?"

"WE PROTECT THE YOUNGER SIBLING." They all shouted and ready their Starfighters and the rest stay at the ship and waited until Grievous to show up.

Back on Grievous' ship

Grievous was in his ship waiting for the droid fighters to start their attack when got contacted by one of the droid at the bridge.

"Sir, the fighters are ready at your command."

"Good. Now launch the attack at once." Grievous ordered

His body guards was ready to storm the ship. The droid fighters were launch from the Separatist docking bay but one of them was shot down by the Republic starfighters. Grievous was shock to see that there was some star-fighters that was stopping the droid.

"Look like our spy decide to double cross us. Well, no matter he will die along with them." Grievous said

His body guards was boarded his transport ship to attack the enemy from within and bring a lot of the assault battle droid. Jolt was contacted by radio.

"Yeah...okay keep the droid fighters busy and whatever you do give them everything you guys got. Send these bitches to Ray and he'll take care of them once he see them in hell. Jolt out." Jolt ended the com-link and he contact Kai.

"Yeah...so, he took the bait then. Okay I'll be ready for him the bridge and I'm going to end this and we all won't miss him." Kai ended the com-link.

He place his wife in the ship and T7 activate the autopilot on the ship and it flew off to get away from the battle to activate the coordinates for Light-speed to Dathomir. While the droid fighters and star-fighters were still fighting each other, Grievous and his troops were ready to destroy the ship on the inside. Jolt and his brothers was waiting for Grievous to show. The clones pointed their guns at the door because the Separatist had boarded their ship and the door was cut by Grievous's light sabers and the clones open fire at them and the assault droid return fire and killing some of the clone.

"Keep fighting! Leave no droid alive! Do you heard me!" Jolt shouted.

He shot fifteen assault droid with his pistol. Grievous was cutting one of the clone down while he was laughing.

"Do you really think that you can stop the Reaper." Grievous said, he stuck his light saber the clone chest.

"I don't have to stop you. I'm going to kill you for what you did to my brother Ray." Jolt said.

Jolt yelled while he was shooting at one of Grievous's body guards. As Jolt shot all of grievous' body guards he was stabbed by grievous' light saber and he looked at the dying clone.

"If you miss him so much you can join him and the rest of your fallen brothers." Grievous said, he pulled his light saber out of Jolt's chest.

"I'm sorry general Kai and I'm sorry sister Sonya. We try our best to stop them but they were too powerful." Jolt saids

His words reach Kai's force senses. Kai sense that Jolt and all the clone on the ship and out in space have fallen.

"Don't worry Jolt I won't let your death and the death of your bothers be in vain. I will make Grievous pay for this." Kai said.

He took off his Jedi robe revealing a trainer outfit. As Grievous was alone on this ship with Kai and he was walking down to the bridge. Grievous cut the door and walked to see that Kai was alone as well.

"General Grievous, I finally get the chance meet you in person and I heard so much about you and what you did." Kai greeted.

Grievous with a smile through his mask and he knew was looking at Kai.

"General Kai, I heard story about you as well." Grievous said, he laugh evilly.

"You killed a lot of Jedi masters over the years and you killed all of my clone troopers who were my friends." Kai said.

Then he took his green light saber and activate it. Grievous was looking at him and he took off his cloak because he knew that he was going to have a good

"I'm going to enjoy adding your light saber to my collection." Grievous said.

He went from two arms to four arms and activate four light saber. They square off each other and they both started running at each other. When they were close their light sabers clash and grievous try to cut kai head off but kai block it and force push grievous off-balance. Kai try to counterattack grievous kick kai in the gut sending him flying backward. Kai got the wind knocked out of him. Grievous took advantage of this situation and try end this fight quick.

"You're weak Jedi scum once you're gone that light saber will be mine." Grievous said, he punch kai in the face.

"Don't underestimate the power of the force and even if you strike me down I will be more powerful than you. Grievous!" Kai said,

He did force repulsed on Grievous that send him flying backward. They both got back up and kai cut off one of Grievous' arm. Grievous scream as he drop his light saber and Kai use force pull to get Grievous' light saber and use it against him. Kai swirl them around his hands and he did a double strike but Grievous block it and counter with a backhand. Blood dripped from Kai's face. The battle last for hours and Kai has one last trick up his sleeve all he have to do is to use his blood to use it but it will cost him his life just to put this fight to an end.

"Well Grievous, since you want me dead so badly and collect my light saber off of my corpse. How about I show you a secret to my new technique that I been saving for just in case that I might die." Kai said with a smirk.

Then he bow his head and then there was sound. A sound that can be heard through out the galaxy and even the Force itself. Grievous was looking around to find the noise was.

"Wha-What was that?!" Grievous asked.

He ready himself for anything but the room went dark and Grievous couldn't see. Kai was standing right next to Grievous and was about to strike when Kai started coughing that gave away his location.

"When did I start coughing? This can't be happening; not now. I thought that the 'Dragons Death Mark' would last long." Kai thought.

While he was thinking Grievous use his light saber and stabbed him in his chest and he laugh.

"To bad Jedi, you fail and I'll be taking that light saber of your now." Grievous said

He pull his blue light saber out and watch Kai hit the floor and walked out. Kai was bleeding and he was struggling to get to the escape pod but he decided that he should go down with the ship. That when he use the force to see in the future and he saw two dark figures lock in mortal kombat, the figure on the right was wearing a Jedi cloak and black shirt and black pants underneath it, and he has three light sabers on his belt, and he also have a headband and a black and white dragons tatoos on opposites side of his body. The other dark figure was Darth Sidious the sith the Jedi Order was looking for through out the years. He hiding under the Jedi noise the entire time as a senator, but who was this figure that was fighting Darth Sidious and that when it hit him. It was his son as a Jedi Knight and he is powerful the Darth Sidious. The Jedi Knight use every force technique on Darth Sidious and he use his black light saber to slice off Darth Sidious right hand; the sith lord wasn't done yet. The sith lord use force lightning on Kai's son but Kai's son use a white double light saber to absorb the blast and use it to slice off the left hand and his son use the dragons tattoo to transform into dragon him to finish. When the vision was over a tears was building up in Kai's eyes and it was tears of joy. He was happy that his son will be the future protector and he will defeat the Sith Lord and bring peace throughout the galaxy. With that moment the ship explode and Grievous inform Dooku that the Jedi is dead. Dooku was pleased that Grievous didn't fail this time.

Meanwhile in Star-fighter in Light speed.

Sonya was still unconscious and the ship came off light speed and landed on her home plant Dathomir where her sisters saw her ship landed on the outside of their village. One of them went to inform their mother at her hut

"Mother Talzin! Mother Talzin! We have intruders outside of our village; what should we do mother?"

"We should see who this intruder is and we kill them." Mother Talzin said

She step out of her hut and walk over to where the ship had landed. The night sister ready their weapons for anything. When mother talzin got a closer look at who was inside the ship; she was shocked that it was one of her own night sister but she was unconscious and she saw the self-destruct count down for 30 second.

"Quickly sisters, I need your aid hurry our sister is in danger!" Mother Talzin ordered

The night sister came and started to break the window and pull their beloved sister out and moved her clear away from the ship when the ship blow up. They were so worry if something bad would have happen to her. Sonya started to regain consciousness and she saw her sisters and mother Talzin was standing over her and she looked around and saw that she wasn't on the Republic ship anymore; she was home again and she had tears coming from her eyes. She knew that she wasn't with her husband and she knew that he has fallen and so did the clones. They all have fallen in battle just to protect her and her baby.

"Rest my child, your wounds will heal all you need to is rest." Mother Talzin said.

She put her hand on Sonya's forehand to calm her down, but something was telling Sonya that it was coming.

"It...coming." Sonya said as she heavy breath when Mother Talzin looked at her with curiosity.

"What coming sister Sonya?"

"The...baby...he's...COMING" Sonya shouted

Then she toss and turn in her bed because of the pain that was send throughout her body.

"Sisters, I request your aid with this NOW!" Mother Talzin said

Two of the night sisters came Sonya's hut ready for their Mother to give them orders. They both bow to her and they both look at her.

"You summon us Mother?"

"Yes, I need you to get fresh water and you fresh towel." Mother Talzin ordered as the two went to get what Mother Talzin has requested.

"Okay Sonya, you need to control your breathing. Take deep breath." Mother Talzin instructed.

One of the night sister that she ordered came back with water and the other came as well with towels. Sonya was controlling her breathing as Mother Talzin instructed and Mother Talzin asked her push and the two night sisters was standing next to her. Sonya scream in pain and she push the second time and the third time.

"I see the head; come on sister Sonya one more push and make it a big one." Mother Talzin said.

Shen she saw the core and Sonya was coughing up blood and with that last push she pass out. Sonya heard a sound and that sound grew louder and louder when she open her eyes a little to see who was crying and when she gaze to the right; one of her sister was holding her child.

"She's adorable, she has your eyes sister Sonya; but what are these marking on her body?"

"Probably Mother Talzin should know, but right now here give sister Sonya her baby girl already."

The night sisters was arguing but Sonya was coughing out blood once again and her sisters came to her bed side.

"He's (cough)...a boy(cough)...and his name is (cough)...Rai Stone (cough)" Sonya said as she pass out once again but when one of her sister check for pulse and there was no pulse.

"We must warned Mother Talzin that our sister has gone to the goddess."

"And what about the child; should we tell her that he has dragon marking on his body."

"Of course we should."

They both grab Rai and went to Mother Talzin's hut to inform that Sonya has passed and tell that Rai has dragons marking on him.

"Ah...destiny has reveal itself to us sisters. This child will be our very first Night Brother and the dragons has chosen this child to be their reincarnation of their previous host to train him to be the next hybrid dragon. He has the blood of both rattataki and miraluka and I will grant him with no emotions. We will train him to be one of us." Sonya said.

She put her hand on Rai's head and with a green glow all Rai's emotions has been taken out of him and he went to sleep as Mother Talzin take him in her hut and place him down on a bed in a well made crib.

"When you eight years old I will take you to a planet called 'Coruscant' and the Jedi will train you to be their protector and the Dragons spirits: Aang and Ling will teach you how to wield the dragon inside you." Mother Talzin thought as she kiss Rai on his forehead.

Well, there you have it my very first fanfiction and I will have more updated soon if I can find where did I put that stupid fanfiction journal of mine.

Please Review

Thank you ;)