Hey everyone, I am going through some of my old stuff and I have working on something that I know that you all like. This is my very first Avatar Fanfiction and I have some idea of this story. This is an AU story take place with the Avatar but what if there were two avatars but with different cycle of the original avatar cycle. I know that Avatar Wan was the very first avatar, but what if there was a woman who was the first air bender and she was reincarnated by bloodlines. I just unleashing a lot of my imagination with this story. I am going to let you all have some time to read this story, I don't own none of the Avatar characters except for my OCs.

Contain: Straight, Lesbians, a little bit of Futa and etc.

Enjoy :)

Name: Luna

Age: 15

Skin color: White

Hairstyle color: long and white

Eye color: yellow

Bending: Fire

Origin: Luna is one of the dragon sisters and she is the chosen heir to be a dragon shrine maiden. She had learned fire bending from fire sages at the fire temple of Roku. She have a big heart to all animals in the world and she is a major in the fire nation.

Name: Suna

Age 15

Skin color: white

Hairstyle color: Long and black

Bending: Fire

Origin: Suna is one of the dragon sisters and she is also the chosen heir to be a dragon shrine maiden. She had learned fire and lightning bending from her secret crush Azula. She had a kind heart to her younger adopted brother and she had always love her families history on being shrine maiden.

Name: Zaku

Age: 13

Skin color: black

Hairstyle: Long

Bending: all element.

Origin: Zaku was just a street kid that was trying to find some place to live and some food to eat. He develop the green fire bending when the guards was trying to take him which he never knew that he was the second Avatar until he develop the Avatar State.

Katara: Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father, my brother, and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my cousin to look after our people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world.

Jessie: Air. Water. Earth. Fire.

Our grandmother told us stories about another Avatar that were reborn from descended grandparents of passed avatars. The cycle of the Avatar was passed down from generation of bloodline. Many believe that second Avatar can adapt to the Avatar state. The last one was a woman from the earth kingdom and she is to be the descended of Avatar Kiyoshi. For now, we hope that the second Avatar might need help to save the world.

Book One: Water

Chapter 1: The boy in the iceberg

=== Eight years ago ===

There was a young boy with short blackhair and his skin was black and his eyes was blue as the night sky. He was running for his life because he had stolen some food from the market and the royal guards was hot on his trail. One of the guards fire bended to blocked his path, The boy stopped for a moment and he looked at the fire because he was afraid of fire. He dodge the fire and he looked at the guards. Then he turned down an ally way and he started to head towards the royal palace.

"He's heading towards the palace. Cut him off."


The boy use his acrobatic skills to lose the guards and he climbs into the window and he looked out of the window to see that guards scratching their heads. He sigh with relief and he turned around to see two girls in front of him and one of them had long black hair and blue eyes while the other had long white hair with yellow eyes. They both started to giggle at the boy and they both nodded their heads.

"I am Luna." said Luna

"And I am Suna." said Suna

"What is your name?" Suna and Luna said

The boy didn't answer but he couldn't talk because he was holding his throat and it was the reason for him to not talk. The girls knew that he needed a name for himself and they both took him to meet with the princess and their friends. They both saw the guards looking around the palace. They took some of the secret passage to get to the royal quarters. They ran to the fire princess' room and she was fast asleep in her bed along with her daughter until she head a knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Lady Ursa, It's Luna." said Luna

"And Suna." said Suna, as she giggle on the other end of the door because she like making their name rhyme.

"What it is this time? Did Azula told you that horror story again?" said Ursa

"It wasn't me that told them and beside that story scare me too." said Azula

Ursa put on her robe and open the door to them in the room and she close the door behind them. She looked at the girls but she notice that they were hiding something or someone. She saw a boy underneath the robes and Azula use her fire bending on him which mde him jump from it. Then both Sawn and Dawn smile to not play the guilty game.

"We found him in the kitchen and he was cover in dirt." said Luna

"We trying to give him to tell us his name but he didn't say a word." said Suna

Ursa started to nod her head because she was trying to figure out that their story was true or not. She knew looked at the boy and he was holding his throat and she started to walk over to the poor boy. The boy was holding a piece of bread in his right head, She just smiled at him because she knew that he was hungry and she place her hand on his throat for a moment and she felt that the boy's throat was blocked by something.

"Your voice is block by something isn't it?" said Ursa

The boy just nod his head and he heard a bang on the door and it was the guards that was looking at him. He hid behind the fire princess and she knew that this was going to be hard to explain this to her fiancée. The guard came into the room and one of the guard grabbed him. They was about to take him away and Mai and Ty Lee came out of their room.

"What's going on?" said Ty Lee

"I don't know, Ty Lee." said Mai

They both started to head to Ursa's room to get their answers and they both saw a cute boy struggling to break free from the guards. Ty lee walked on her hands and both her and Mai poked their heads into the room of Ursa and she saw Azula, Sawn, and Dawn was in the room. Ty Lee and Mai started to giggling because she saw that Azula was in her mother's bed.

"What's so funny?" said Azula

"How the mighty Azula, afraid of the horror story that she told made her scare." siad Mai

"Who that boy, lady Ursa?" said Ty Lee

There was a sound of fire coming from the hall and they all started running towards the sound. Then they saw all saw the guards was knocked out by something and they all looked up to see that the boy was the person that had fire bend. The boy started running until he pumped into the prince of the fire nation Ozai and he looked at the boy with shock into his eyes. The boy was bowing to the princes and he knew that he had met his end right there.

"Please, stand up child. Why are you running?" said Ozai, he saw that the boy couldn't speak and he lower his head, "I see. by the look on your face you had some hard times. You lost someone that was dear to you."

The boy hold out a necklace from his pocket and he open it up to show him the picture of his mother. Ozai knew that this was going to be hard for him and he looked at the twins for a moment. He knew that they needed a brother of their own. He looked at the boy once more and he knew that this was going to be a new life for him.

"Girls. how do you like it if this boy be part of your family." said Ozai

"Yay! We have a brother like Azula." said Luna and Suna

They started jumping with excitement and the boy started to smile at them. He knew that his old life on the streets was over. The next morning, the girls was waiting for their new brother to be done with his bath because Ozai didn't trust him to take his bath so he asked his maid to wash him. The boy came out in front of the girls with some new clothes and he looked at Prince Ozai burning his old clothes. Luna grabbed his head and she smiled at him because this was going to be a great day for him.

"Ready to meet our mom?" said Luna

The boy just nod his head and they all started to head home. Azula wave to her best friends. She was happy for them and she knew that the boy will find a great home with them. Ty lee and Mai just smile that them while Ursa was taking them to get some breakfast. Luna and Suna was walking towards house outside of the fire nation city because they live next to the Fire sages temple of Avatar Roku and they both done their favorite door knocked.

"Who is it?"

"It's Luna." said Luna

"And Suna." said Suna

They both giggle because they knew that their mother loves to play games with them. The young boy just smile at them and he hid behind them when the open up to them. It was a woman with look white hair and she smile at her daughters but she noticed the boy hiding behind them. She just smiled at him and she picked him up like he was a two year old.

"Well, hello. What is your name?"

"Mom, he can't talk because there something that is in his throat." said Suna

"Well, I did learn how to use sign language. I could take you it. Would you like that?"

The boy nodded his head and he hug her as tight as he could. Then he started to picked the hand sign pretty well and he just smiled at the woman. "I will stay with you and with my sisters" which cause the woman to smiled at him and she kisses his forehead and hold him tight. The girls started to laugh and they hugged their mom as tight as they could,

"If you are going to be one of us, then I think that you deserve a name. How about Zaku because it was once my father's name before he passed and I know that he want his name to remember into someone like you."

Zaku just nodded at the new name that his new mother had given him which he looked at both Suna and Luna for a moment. They both started jumping for joy because they have a new brother into their family. Then they all started to welcome him to the properly with a warm hugs. They all started to walk inside the house and begin to teach Zaku how to speak with sign language to communicate with others.

=== South Pole ===

Sokka was playing with his sister and cousin in the snow and he had made a fort to protect him from the snowball. He was getting ready to throw his first snowball but he was hit in the face by his young cousin. She had long black hair with ocean blue eyes and she was having some fun. Both Katara and Jessie were laughing at him which they both started joyful screaming because they both saw that Sokka had a huge snowball. He was going to throw it at one of them, but he stopped for a moment and looked up at the sky. It was black snow but it wasn't snow at all and both Katara and Jessie knew that it was a fire nation raid.

"I'm going to find my mother and Aunt Kya." said Jessie.

Both Katara and Jessie ran into their village while the men of their tribe was getting ready for battle. Katara was able to find her mother and both her and Kya ran to safety. Jessie was running as fast as she could to get to her home to find her mother and join with the other women and children to safety. When she got to her home, she notice that there was armed men outside of her house. She ran passed them and she open the flopped which she saw her mother on the floor in pain. The had a dark raven hair and her name is Juno of the water tribe.

"MOM!" Jessie yelled.

"Please, she is my daughter spare her. And I will give the information that you are seeking." said Juno

There was a man dressed in fire nation armor and he was looking at her for a moment and he knew that this was a waste of time if he killed Jessie. Juno knew that Jessie was scare but this was the only way for her to save her daughter. She just looked at the evil man before her and she was begging for him to let her daughter free. The man just smiled at the idea of the information and he knew that if was the only way.

"You heard your mother. GET OUT OF HERE!"

"Mom, I am scare. What's going on?" said Jessie.

"Go find your uncle and auntie, sweetheart. Don't worry mommy is going to handle this." said Juno

Jessie was starting to hesitating because she knew that she didn't want to leave her mom alone but she knew that she need to trust her. Then she started to run out the door and she have ran as fast as she could. She wanted to see her uncle because Hakoda was skilled fighter when it come to his family. When Jessie made it to the battlefield, she saw that Hakoda was knocking some fire nation heads in.

"Uncle Hakoda, there is a mean old man attacking my mom." said Jessie

Hakoda stopped fighting for a moment and he saw a smoke coming Jessie hut. This was bad for Juno and Hakoda was shocked to hear that his sister was in trouble. He needed to protect his younger sibling from harm. He knocked some of the fire bender in the head and he started running towards the hut. The fire bender was looking at Juno for a moment because he was getting furious.

"For the last time, where is the last two water benders."

"I am the only water bender and I have killed the other one. You can take me your prisoner." said Juno

"I am sorry but I am not here for a prisoner."

Juno just looked at the man in front of her and she didn't expected the fire bender to have come to the South pole just to kill her daughter and her niece. She was about to reach for something but it was too later for her to act on her reflect. The fire bender just fire bend which have burned her alive and then the fire bender started to leave. By the time Hakoda made it to the hut, it was too late. Hakoda just dropped to his knees and he had tears in his eyes because he had just lost his little sister.

"Juno!" said Hakoda

"Mom?!" said Jessie

Hakoda pulled Jessie away from her dead mother but Jessie trying to fight her uncle's grip and she had tears in her eyes. He knew that she was too young to witness this. Kya had arrived and she gasped at the sight of her sister in law and she held Jessie close to her while her husband cover Juno's body up. Jessie just cried in her aunt's arms which everyone had bowed their heads for the lost of the of their greatest helper in the world. Jessiewas now alone because she had nothing to do but feel sad for her cousins.

=== ten years later ===

Katara was looking at the ice because she was bore out of her mind and she was looking at her cousin. Jessie was just trying to water bend which she was just trying to get rid of the horrible memory of the monster that had took her mother away from her. She think about getting her revenge on the entire fire nation for what they done to her and her family. Kya was watching them both for a moment and she knew that they needed to something just to pass the time before dinner. She was worried about Jessie because she had spent most of her life trying to water bend.

"Hey, Katara, Jessie. Why don't you both get some fresh fish for dinner." said Kya

They both started to take their boat to find some fish which Jessie place Katara in charge to find some fish. She knew that she need to finish her water bending training and Katara was looking at her cousin for a moment. She was worried that Jessie's anger might bring them trouble. Katara had caught her very first fish and she was smiling and she shown it to Jessie. Jessie just looked at the fish that Katara had caught but she knew that her training will need to be put on hold because she knew that she wasn't going to be out done by her cousin.

'Well done, cousin but I can do better." said Jessie

"Oh yeah? Let's the fish catching begin." said Katara.

Both her and Jessie started water bending together to find a good fish for their dinner. Then suddenly, their water bending was too strong because they both trigger an avalanche. Jessie started to roll the boat out of the way and by the time they avoid the ice, there was an iceberg but it was a glowing. Both Jessie noticed it was a person inside of the iceberg and Katara looked at the iceberg for a moment and she saw that the person was alive.

"He's still alive." said Katara, as she grabbed Jessie's hunting club and she headed towards the iceberg.

"Hey, Katara get back here. We don't know what that thing is." said Jessie as she grabbed her spear.

She started to chase after Katara while Katara use her cousin's club to break the iceberg. When she was able to get the iceberg to break, it let out a huge amount of gas which send her flying back and Jessie ran towards her side to see that she wasn't hurt. There was a huge light and that light was noticed someone that they didn't want to meet. It was a fire nation ship and on it was a some people but one of them had a scar on his left eye and he was wearing his fire nation royal armor.

"Zaku, come here and look at this." said Zuko

He turned around to see that Zaku wasn't here and he was steamed because he told Zaku to stay near him. He went to search for his friend and he noticed that Zaku was sleeping under the shad. He tried to wake him up but it didn't work and he tried something that he never thought that it would work. He fire bend on Zaku which woke Zaku up and he hit his head. He looked at the fire prince and he knew that he was in trouble.

"I told that we are on a mission to find the Avatar and you are just laying around like this is some vacation." said Zuko

Zaku just use his hands sign to tell Zuko that "I am bore and there is nothing to do. I think that this is some wild goose chase because no one have seen the Avatar over hundred years." Zuko just sign because he knew that Zaku was right about that but he saw the light that shot up at the sky. Then he grabbed the Zaku by the collar of his armor and Zuko lead to the deck.

"I saw the light from that direction." said Zuko as he pointed at the direction of the light.

Zaku just looked at the direction and he knew that Zuko had gone off the deep end this time. He started clapping because he was trying to hold in his laugher because he knew that Zuko have been looking for the avatar for a while now. He just gave up with the search but he know that Zuko will not give up. The ship just sail by and Zuko just looked through the scoped to find the avatar.

"Zuko, we don't want you to get too excited over nothing. Come, sit down and enjoy some nice Jasmine tea." said Iroh

"Your uncle is right, Zuko." Zaku use sign language.

"I DON'T NEED ANYTHING TEA!" Zuko yelled as he looked at his crew. "set a course to the light."

==== Jessie and Katara ===

Both Jessie and Katara was looking at the boy that came out of the iceberg but Jessie knew that she needed to protect Katara. She ready herself for a fight and she just looked at the boy.

"Get back!" Jessie ordered the boy.

Then the boy collapse but Katara caught him before he hit his head on the iceberg and Jessie just poke him with her spear. Katara just looked at her for a moment as she watch her continue to poke the boy's head, She move the end out of the boy's face and they both started to looked at the boy to see that he was waking up. The boy open his eyes and he saw Katara was the first person he saw.

"I need to ask you something."

"What?" Katara asked.

"Come closer."

"What is it?" Katara asked.

"Will you go penguin sledding with me?"

"Uh sure. I guess." said Katara

Then the boy started to flow up which he scared Jessie for a moment and he looked around to see where he was.

"What's going on here?"

"You tell us, how in the hell did you get in the ice? And why the hell you are not frozen?" Jessie asked as she use her spear to poke him.

"I'm not sure for myself."

The boy just looked around for a moment and he just realize that he wasn't the only one that was frozen. He started calm on the ice that he fell from and both Jessie and Katara started to follow after him. They both heard something snoring on the other side of ice. It was a sky bison and the boy just hug the beast.

"Appa, are you alright? Come on buddy wake up already."

The boy was trying his hardest to wake the beast up and he tried the only method that he could think of. He tried to open the beast's mouth and both Jessie's and Katara's jaw just dropped when they both saw the creature. Then the creature just licked his master and the boy just laughed,

"You're okay."

"What the hell is that thing?" Jessie asked.

"This is Appa, my flying bison."

"Right. This is Katara, my flying cousin." said Jessie as Katara punched her in the arms.

Appa sneezed on Jessie and Jessie freak out because of the sneeze while Katara was trying her hardest to hold in her laugh. She trying to wipe it off in the snow and Katara was laughing at her because she knew that Jessie deserve it.

"Oh don't worry, it'll wash out."

"Ewww!" said Jessie as she wipe the snot off her face.

"So, do you two live round here?"

"Don't answer that Katara. Didn't you see that bolt of light. He was trying to signal the fire nation." said Jessie

"Right, look at him and he has the face of a fire bender." said Katara

Jessie just looked at the boy and he just made a weird face which she knew that it was a dump look. She knew that this was going to be hard for her to admit that she was wrong about her obsession. She put the spare down and she looked at the bison. Katara just walked up to the poor boy and she smile at him which Jessie just looked at the saddle on the bison.

"Don't mine her, that is my cousin Jessie. We have a tribe a few mile from here. What is your name?" said Katara

"My name is uh, uh, uh, uh, UHHHHH, CHHHHOOOOOOOO!"

The boy just airbend into the air and both Katana's and Jessie's jaw just dropped when they both saw that the boy just flew into the air. Then he came back down and ran towards them again.

"I'm Aang." Aang said, he wipe the snot from his nose.

"You just sneeze and flew ten feet into the air." said Jessie

"Really? It felt higher than that." said Aang

"You're an Airbender." Katara said

"Sure am." Aang said.

"Great giant light beam, flying bison, and Airbender. I think that I am going mad. I am going home where everything make sense." Jessie said, she started walking but she realize that they lost the boat.

"If you two are stuck, Appa and I will give you both a left." said Aang

"Sure." Katara said, she started walking towards the flying bison.

"No way in hell that I am getting on that thing." said Jessie.

"You have no choice because mom put me in charge." said Katara

Jessie knew that Katara was going to be the one to look after her cousin even though that they both are the same age which she sigh in defeat and get on the flying bison. Jessie just kept her eye on the boy because she knew that she didn't trust him. Katara just shoot her a glare to leave Aang alone. She knew that she had to respect her cousin's wishes.

"Okay, first time flyers hold on tight. Appa, yip, yip." said Aang.

The bison started to flap his tail for a moment and he started to jump into the air but he landed in the water instead. Jessie knew that the boy lying about a bison that can fly. She just shook her head at the boy and Katana knew that this was not going to end well.

"Wow, you said that he could fly and I see no flying here." said Jessie

"Well, Appa just tired from being inside the ice for so long. He will feel better and he will be flying in no time. You'll see." said Aang

Katara was looking around and she felt that Aang was staring at her. She turned to face the air bender again. Jessie knew that something was off for a moment and she just hit her forehead with her palm. Aang was smiling really hard because he had found some new friends.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Katara asked.

"Oh, was I smiling? I am sorry." said Aang

Jessie just sigh with disgust and they all just rode in silence on their way to the water tribe. Jessie just looked at the sky for a moment and she saw clouds because she knew that this boy was going to be the one that cause trouble for her and Katara.

=== Zuko ===

It was almost night fall and Zaku knew that they needed their rest to begin their search tomorrow. He looked at general Iroh for a moment and he bow to him and use sign language to tell him good night. Iroh done the same to Zaku which he watch as Zaku went to his quarters to get some sleep.

"I am going to bed now. Yup a man needs his rest." Iroh said, he just looked at Prince Zuko because he knew that the search for Avatar was going to leave restless. "Prince Zuko, you need some sleep. Even if you are right and the Avatar is alive, you won't find him. Your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all tried and failed."

"Because their honor didn't get put on the line to find the Avatar but mine does. This coward hundred years of hiding are over." said Zuko

=== Aang, Jessie, and Katara ===

They were floating down river to find the water tribe and Jessie was fast asleep because she was tired from the long day that she was having. She was holding her mother's amulet that was given to her when she was little. Katara was looking at Jessie because she knew that the pain of losing her aunt is still hurting her. She went over to see Aang and she saw that he was still awake.

"Hey." said Katara.

"Hey. What are you thinking about?" Aang asked.

"I was wondering what happen to the avatar. The first not the second. Since you are an Airbender I thought that maybe you knew him." said Katara

"Sorry, I didn't know him. I heard about him from the others but I haven't actually met." said Aang

"Okay, I was just curious, Well, good night." Katara said

"Sleep tight." Aang said, he was looking away and he had a look on his face.

Aang went to sleep but he was toss and turning in his sleep. He was having a nightmare about him and Appa being in a storm and they both was drowning heavy waves. Appa was trying to swim to shore but the current was too strong for a flying bison. They both started to sink to the bottom of the ocean and Aang let go of the rope. Then he went into the Avatar State and in order for them to survive their death, Aang slammed his fists together which he air bended but the air bend started to turn into ice. Aang shot up out of his sleep and he looked around to see that he was in a tent.

"Hey Aang, are you awake yet because everyone is waiting to meet you." Katara said, she walked in on Aang getting dress which she saw his tattoos that reach from his arms to his feet.

Katara grabbed his arms to pulled him out of the tent to meet their entire tribe while Jessie was sitting next to a tent. Everyone was looking at the bison and everyone was looking at Aang as well which Aang just smiled at them. Jessie went inside of the house with her aunt while their grandmother stood outside to greet their new friend.

"Aang, this is our entire village. Entire village, this is Aang." said Katara

Aang bow to all of them and he noticed that they were all looking at him which felt unease when he was being looked at.

"Why are they all staring at me? Did Appa sneeze on me?" Aang asked, he was looking at his body to see if the bison sneeze on him.

"Well, no one has seen an Airbender over a hundred of years. We thought that they were extinct until both of my granddaughters found you."

"Extinct?" Aang asked

"Aang, this is my grandmother." said Katara

"You can call me gran gran." said Gran gran

Katara looked at the staff for a moment and she took out of Aang's hand. She was trying to study it.

"What is it some kind of relic. How do you study this?" said Katara

"It is not meant for study. It meant for airbending." Aang said, he use airbending to bend the staff back into his hand. "I just air bend into those hole which helps me fly."

Everyone was in awe when he said that he could fly. Jessie was look at aang bacuse she doesn't trust him. She walked up to him because she'd overheard him that he could fly.

"The last thing I remember, HUMANS CAN'T FLY!" said Jessie.

"Check again." said Aang

Aang jumped into the air and he started go gliding through the sky. Everyone and even Jessie was shocked to see that Aang was flying. Then Aang just landed in front of everyone and he smiled at them which Jessie knew that she was wrong about Aang was right. Katara just smile at him and everyone started to went back to their duties. Jessie visit her mother's grave to pay her respect while Katara and Aang had fun together.

"Hey Aang, I was wondering if you know anything about water bending." Katara asked.

Aang looked at her for a moment because he was curious.

"I am sorry. I only know air bending. Don't you have water bending master here in the South pole." Aang said.

"The only two water benders are me and Jessie." She told her.

Aang started to think up a plan for her to learn how to water bend.

"Well, since I have Appa, maybe I can fly both you and Jessie to the north pole to find you both a master." Aang told her.

Katara lit up like a light and she knew that this was going to be the best day of her life.

"Hey Katara, lets check that out." Aang said, he ran toward the ship.

"Aang, wait. I don't think that we should go there. That place might be rigged with booby traps." Katara said, she went after him.

They both were inside of the ship Aang was looking at the ruin of the ship. Katara was starting to worry about being in the ship. She was looking at him because she just realized what her grandmother mentioned about the air benders being gone over the 100 years.

"Hey Aang, how long have you been frozen?" Katara asked, she was looking around the ship.

"I don't know a few days." Aang said.

"I think that ot was a hundred years. There is a" Katara said.

"What! Do I look like a 112 year man to you?" I have friends all over the world and even some in the fire nation. I never heard of any war." Aang said.

"Well, my aunt was killed by a fire bender. Jessie have never been the same after that." She told him.

Aang was looking at Katara and he was walking towards but he trigger a trap string. Then suddenly, a cage door came down. They both were trapped inside the ship.

"What did you say about booby traps." Aang said.

There was signal flare that sent to the sky where everyone could see. He grabbed Katara and he jumped through the hole after the signal flare was shot and they both had made it out of the ship and Zuko saw them leaving the ship. He move his telescope to see a village of water tribe and he had a serious look on his face because he knew that his search had come to an end.

"Zaku, take a look at this." Zuko said.

Zaku walked up to the telescope and he saw Aang and he was shocked to see that Zuko was right along. He bow to Zuko to apologies to him and Zuko just place his hand on Zaku's shoulder and he knew that they both had been on this search for a far too long. Zaku had a smile on his face because he hasn't see his family since Zuko was banished. Zuko looked at the guard for a moment because he knew that his uncle had went to take a nap.

"Wake my uncle and tell him that I have found the Avatar. And I have found where he is hiding." Zuko ordered.

Boy that was fun to write about the ALTA and I will have more soon and I am working on it more because I have one more month left before I semester is over. I will work hard on this as I can and I will forget about all my over stories that I have promise to update. If you all have question, concern, or requests to add to this story, send me a Review or a PM on my profile. I have to do an get some food in my gut and I will get back to all of you as soon as I can bye.

Please Review :)