High School DXD Watches Death Battle!
Cross/X-Over: High School DXD And Death Battle.
Synopsis/Plot: SLIGHT AU! What happens when not only does Rias hold herself from lashing out at Riser's so called offer for a month of training for their Rating Game, but also that she and her peerage, including a recently freed Gasper, find out a box with many videos about a famous Internet Web Show about characters fighting to the death? And also they actually learn from said fights?
Pairing(S): Mentions Of Issei X Harem.
DISCLAIMER: First Chapter, Also:
Boba Fett Belongs To Star Wars And Disney.
Samus Aran Belongs To Metroid And Nintendo.
Death Battle Belongs To Screwattack.
Netflix And Soundtrack Belong To Their Respective Owner(s)/Creator(s).
I Own NONE Of The Copyright. I ONLY Own ANY OC That MIGHT Appear.
Episode 1: Boba Fett VS Samus Aran!
As Rias presses the play button from her DVD remote, they see an advertisement, which must be important. After the advertisement of Netflix, a metal wall covered in blood with spikes sticking out of the ground with chains hanging from the ceiling. Then the name says it all. Death Battle.
~Jim Johnson: Invaders~
Wiz: The bounty hunter. Galactic pirates of living beings.
Boomstick: They blow shit up for cash.
Wiz: A prime example is Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.
Boomstick: But don't forget Samus Aran. She's so badass, whole planets explode when she's done with them. BOOM!
Wiz: I'm Wizard,
Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick,
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze the weapons, armor and skills of these two beastly killers and answer the most important question of all: which of these warriors will win…a Death Battle?
This actually sounded interesting for the devil group, a show of two hosts talking about two characters who are bounty hunters and even warriors that are stacked against each other and one question they agreed what Wizard had said. Who will win?
Rias, Issei and Koneko, even if the last one didn't show it, felt excited about the mention of fights, Akeno actually was intrigued at this, mainly by the possible ideas for torture, Kiba looked interested at the prospect of the weapons, yet Asia and Gasper looked worried at the possible bloodshed that could happen but were willing to watch the fight.
The first contestant the devils see is a man wearing a unique set of armor and a cool looking helmet with a T shaped visor, he's also wearing a cape. They also notice he's wearing a jetpack and holding a cylinder shaped gun in his hand.
Boba Fett
~Star Wars Soundtrack~
Wiz: Boba Fett is well known for his cunning, ruthlessness and brute force. But his killer instinct relies on his diverse arsenal of death.
The devils were starting to really like this guy, especially Rias and Issei because of his looks.
Nearly Indestructible
Micro Energy Field
Penetrating Radar
Protection from Fire, Poison, Acid, Cold
Retractable Drinking Straw (That actually made Rias and Issei laugh at that one)
Boomstick: Plus, he wears the most badass space suit ever.
Wiz: That's no ordinary spacesuit, Boomstick; that's Fett's Mandalorian Armor, forged from nearly indestructible Duraplast containing a Micro Energy Field for dispersing impacts.
Boomstick: This guy can have a freakin bomb blow up in his face and still walk away.
"Damn" Replied Akeno in an amused tone...alongside with wide eyes. After all, not a lot of Devils, excluding high class devils near Maou level, can tank a bomb in the face and still stand. This guy just walks it off. Rias and Issei liked how the armor can disperse impacts with an energy field that's similar to their own devil magic.
Flame Projector
Fibercord Whip
Wrist Laser
Concussion Missiles
Stun Missiles
Wiz: His gauntlets house a flamethrower with a reach of five meters, a fibercord whip, and numerous concussion and stun missiles.
Everyone had now wide eyes glazing for those gauntlets. Even Koneko wanted a pair of them.
Fires in Short Bursts
Shoulder Sling
Rock-A-Bye Rifle… (That really felt awkward for Asia and Gasper to see)
Wiz: His weapon of choice is his EE-3 Carbine Rifle, an extremely accurate and powerful weapon which Fett often cradles like a child.
After what Wiz just said, most of the Gremory Peerage slowly turned their heads towards Kiba, who was definitely NOT drooling at the awesome Rifle, until he notices and stares at them with a confusing look. "What?"
"And I thought Kiba was the only one who's obsessed with 'his' blades likes it's 'his' baby~" Akeno said out loud with an amused look on her face, getting the Knight to glare at her embarrassed.
Meanwhile the others are all realizing that the warriors in this show will likely have a LOT in common with them.
Boomstick: Yeah…I do that with my guns too…
Wiz: That's not weird at all Boomstick.
Koneko mentally sighed at this. Are these hosts insane already or something?
Yet her sigh increased upon seeing Kiba nod at that.
Wiz: Fill us in on Fett's heavy weaponry
Up to 1 minute of Flight
Max Speed: 145 kph
Magnetic Grappling Hook
Anti-Vehicle Homing Rocket
Boomstick: Well, everyone and their grandmother knows that Fett can zoom around on his badass jetpack, but that jetpack also has a single anti-vehicle homing rocket, and believe me, you don't wanna see this thing heading your way.
"Someone needs to make one of those!" Rias practically squealed in delight. A jetpack with a rocket launcher on it sounds really awesome enough. Imagine how useful that would be against any Stray Demon! Or better yet, that damn Yakitori!
Wiz: That's right, Boomstick. In short. Fett is a human swiss army knife. He's killed hundreds of criminals, politicians and Jedi. He even held his own against Darth Vader… twice.
Boomstick: Holy shit that's hardcore!
Now everyone were actually impressed with Fett holding his own against this "Darth Vader", and based on the name and appearance of this black knight that Fett has fought, it really does sound impressive...especially since apparently he fought the guy TWICE!
But hearing Fett killing politicians makes him sound like an assassin, which neither Asia nor Gasper liked to think about…
Wiz: He became leader of the Mandalorian mercenaries after the Galactic Civil War, and battled Mace Windu to a draw when he was 12 years old.
Boomstick: Sam Jackson's got nothing on him.
"That's actually quite an impressive feat for a 12 year old." Acknowledged Kiba with awe. And while he doesn't know this Sam Jackson, he deduced that Sam must be some celebrity playing Mace Windu and Mace looks like a skilled fighter.
Wiz: But with all his awesomeness, every so often, Fett will totally blow it. He's fallen into the Sarlacc three times. Three! And the Sarlacc's not exactly running around, looking for snacks.
At this Rias and Koneko actually facepalmed while Akeno and Issei laughed in amusement. Really? The biggest and only badass they seen so far just falls into the same trap three times and never learned his mistakes?!
"...I don't know whenever that's pitiful or pathetic." Muttered the young Nekoshou.
Boomstick: Three times? How do you even do that once? It's a giant hole in the ground with teeth, and he's got a jetpack!
Now everyone were actually concerned on what it's like to get eaten by a tentacled creature in the sand, which they see happen before their eyes when they see the scene where Fett got defeated by a near blind guy, whom Issei quickly recognized as Han Solo, before falling down getting devoured by that thing. It looks terrifying.
"How did he even get out of that thing even once?!" Asked Rias with a bit of fear while Issei looks at her with a "You don't want to know look". The others didn't answer, likely because they are scared, mainly Asia and Gasper whom were covering their eyes. In fact, the only one that wasn't scared was Akeno, who merely had a sweatdrop on her face. Inwardly they hoped there isn't a Stray Devil like the Sarlacc.
Wiz: Still, even with his ridiculous flaws, Boba Fett is a whole new meaning of deadly.
Darth Vader: No disintegration. (His chilling voice sent shivers through the Devil's spines)
Boba Fett: As you wish.
With that done. The peerage somewhat really liked this guy despite his lame flaws and him being assassin that murder politicians. Rias, Issei and Kiba really loved his weapons and skill. Akeno liked his ruthless way in dealing with targets. Meanwhile Koneko did like the mention he's cunning. And Asia and Gasper were surprised at how he was able to fight Mace at 12.
The next contestant is a blonde woman wearing an impressive, smooth looking orange armor with a red chestplate and helmet with a green visor. She also appears to have a cannon that looks like it's actually the armors right arm. The girls now feel proud to have a female contestant in this show.
Samus Aran
~Super Metroid: Lower Norfair~
Wiz: Samus Aran was infused with bird-like Chozo DNA at a young age, increasing her strength, speed, and athletic ability far beyond those of a normal human being.
Boomstick: How do you do that?! I want me some bird DNA!
"A woman infused with the DNA of alien birds..." Issei said as if almost unimpressed...then-"Awesome!" He and Rias both screamed as the latter and the other peerage members, except Asia and Gasper, remember their meeting with either a Stray Devil with a bird like form or even some Tengu Youkais, but the latter were pretty rare.
Shields Entire Body
Environmental Protection
Easy to Upgrade
No Restriction of Movement or Flexibility
Wiz: She wears the Power Suit, typically in Varia form, shielding her entire body without restricting any movement or flexibility.
Boomstick: Too bad it makes her look like a dude…
This brought a few chuckles from the Gremory Peerage as Issei mentally cried at that.
Easy to Upgrade
Power Beam
Charge Beam
Ice Beam
Grapple Beam
Wiz: Her primary weapon, The Arm Cannon, has acquired numerous awesome upgrades over the years. Though, the basic Power Beam is a pea shooter with a pathetic range.
Rias looked unimpressed at the low pellet as she took a swig of her soda...
Boomstick: But when it's fully charged, It'll blow your face off. BAM! Shoop Da Woop!
...only to her to spat out her drink on Issei's face!
That caused the mentioned to look like he was gonna cry, to which the Gremory Heiress made a sheepish grin. Meanwhile, Akeno was laughing really hard while Asia was helping Issei get clean, Kiba looked with a pity glance at the Pawn, Gasper flinched nervously and Koneko had an amused smirk.
Wiz: The Arm Cannon can also use an Ice Beam, a Grapple Beam, and a plethora of seeking and super missiles.
Both Rias and Kiba were beginning to like Aran's weaponry more than Fett's.
Powerful Electric Charge
Temporary Invincibility
Extremely Fast
Namesake of an Awesome Website (The Devils figured that's what their site is called then)
1 Meter Diameter
Can Release Bombs
Jumping Abilit
Also called "Maru Mari"
Can Access Small or Hard to Reach Places
Wiz: Samus controls the skies with the powerful and speedy Screw Attack, and if there's trouble on the battlefield, she can curl up into Morph Ball mode and slip away unnoticed.
Most of the peerage found the Morph Ball interesting for it's unique abilities, especially Issei whom wanted to also fly into the air like the Screwattack...but with Fire!
Boomstick: What The…?! How does she do that?
Wiz: Bird DNA, Boomstick. Bird DNA.
"That's what I would say" Rias says as she crushes her empty can and pulls another Soda Can to drink.
Huge Blast Radius
Deals Massive Damage
Crystal Flash Healing Ability
Deployed Only in Morph Ball Mode
Boomstick: Samus also has freakin' huge supply of Power Bombs, which will destroy anything on the screen in seconds. Nothing survives!
Needless to say, both Issei and Rias all but wanted to have their own Power Bombs upon seeing how destructive they were.
Wiz: She is known to be the bounty hunter capable of taking on impossible missions, fighting massive beasts and even wiping out an entire species (The girls were really impressed with her capabilities against those kinds of odds. But then they shudder at the Metroid's hideous appearance). However, she often makes mistakes. Somehow she always seems to lose all her power ups and upgrades at the beginning of every mission.
Kiba groaned in disappointment at that remark. It's like losing his Sacred Gear Blades and that he has to retrieve them every time they start their hunts or training.
Boomstick: Man, someone get this chick a purse.
"Did he just make a sexist comment?" Koneko said with hints of anger in her normally monotone voice. She does not approve of sexism from somebody like Boomstick.
Akeno chuckled at Koneko's anger, after all she doesn't mind getting offended by any dude unless it involves her friends, in which case they would pay with their lifes if they ever dare to harm or offend her new family.
Samus: Time to go.
Samus may possibly be more cool. She's a Bounty Hunter like Fett. She takes on impossible missions, her weaponry is more impressive and versatile especially to Rias. Although she and Kiba feel some disappointment for her losing her power ups at the start of every mission, which could be suicidal in real life.
Wiz: The combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: But first, we gotta pay off my double barrel, bazooka shotgun. Thanks to Netflix.
As the advertisement is going on, the Gremory group goes over the two characters as they asked each other who would win.
"Samus, she has the best weapons." Said Rias.
"I agree with Buchou." Issei supported, mainly because he liked the female fighter for obvious reasons.
Kiba meanwhile was trying to predict who would win, "I would normally say Boba as he can fly and his weapons are more accurate, but Samus is more athletic and has more versatility to her arsenal...I don't know...but I guess I'll go with Samus."
Koneko considered it hard as well but she might wanna give it to Boba due to his stronger armor.
Akeno doesn't care about the winner and wants to watch the damn fight while Asia and Gasper were unsure of whom to vote for.
In the end, Rias, Issei and Kiba voted for Samus while Koneko choose Boba due to his more accurate weapons, as Akeno, Asia and Gasper didn't choose anyone.
Boomstick: Yeah. Well it's time for a death battle.
Now the Gremory peerage could see Samus flying through space in her spaceship, which made them wonder about how would space be like. However, Boba Fett's ship, the Slave I, shoots at her ship, throwing out of orbit and landing on Earth, where it crash lands somewhere in the middle of an futuristic city. Samus gets out of her ship and Fett hovers down to the where Samus landed.
Now the peerage was intently watching the fight, wondering which Bounty Hunter would emerge victorious...
~Star Wars Episode V: Attacking a Star Destroyer~
Samus shoots her Power Beams, that fade out almost instantly, not even reaching her opponent.
Needless to say, that made everyone sweatdrop while shaking their heads except Issei, who remembered how he couldn't do much magic at first, and Akeno, whom giggled amused.
Fett counters with a few shots from his blaster, but Samus jumps in the air, firing a missle at Fett, which hits. When she lands, Fett hits her with his flamethrower. When Samus jumps back and shoots another missle, Fett flies up using his jet pack. However, Samus goes after him using her Screw Attack and eventually hits him, which forces him to the ground.
"Wow!" Gasped Issei, Rias and Asia as Gasper was cheering on the fight, which surprised those that knew the shy 'boy'.
~Star Wars Episode IV: Imperial Attack~
When Samus lands, Fett shoots missiles at her. He then fires his anti-vehicle homing missile, which Samus escapes by going into Morph Ball mode and escaping through a doorway.
"That's good...wish I could do that." Rias said with a nod.
Fett cautiously creeps toward the doorway as Samus sneaks behind him in Morph Ball mode and plants a Power Bomb near his feet. The bomb explodes and it takes off a large chunk of Fett's health. His suit having withstood the blast, Fett sees Samus and fires a missile at her. Samus dodges by stepping to the side and then freezes Fett using her Ice Beam. She then moves toward the frozen bounty hunter and begins charging her arm cannon. With the charge at its apex and Boba Fett's body slightly moving as he tries to break free of the ice, Samus positions her arm cannon toward his head.
Samus: You're mine.
With the charge at its maximum before Boba Fett could escape, Samus fires her Charge Beam point-blank, knocking his head clean from his body.
His head flies back downward, clanking on the ground.
"Holy B*CENSORED*!" Gaped most of the peerage while Asia and Gasper flinched a bit at the quick, and hopefully painless, death of Boba.
~Super Metroid: Main Theme (Orchestrated)~
Boomstick: Holy shit! Did you see that, Wiz? That was insane!
"Agreed." Kiba and Koneko said as the rest were cheering at the awesome battle.
Wiz: Fett battled like a champ, but in the end, Samus' superior technology and athletic skill trumped him...hard. While her basic Power Beam failed miserably, Samus put her Chozo DNA to work by jumping and dodging around Fett's offenses. Boba Fett, who relies more on cunning and brute force, simply didn't have the means necessary to catch Samus.
Boomstick: He was shooting all over the place, but that space chick was just too quick for him. He even tried to use his homing rocket, but anybody whose blown up a lot of shit knows anti-vehicle rockets don't work too well with people.
Wiz: Exactly. Samus is about four times smaller than the average vehicle, so there's only about a one in four chance for a direct hit from Fett's rocket. Not to mention she kept moving, preventing Fett from getting a solid lock on her.
Boomstick: After that screw up, Samus managed to sneak around Fett and left a little surprise at his feet.
"The microbomb...Hey Buchou, do you think we can have those?" Issei asked to his King, whom thought about it before answering with a "Maybe..."
Wiz: Fett's micro-energy field managed to minimize the damage he took from the power bomb, but by that point, it was all over. Samus froze Fett with her Ice Beam and finished him off with a Charge Beam to the face.
Boomstick: She sure stopped him cold.
That made Akeno giggle at the pun as the rest sweatdropped.
Wiz: That's right Boomstick. The Winner is Samus Aran.
As the scene ended the devil peerage made their opinions.
"Did you see that?!" Rias shouted with glee and excitement at the fight.
"Yes we did! That was a good episode...but I wish the fight scene was cooler." Said Issei, quickly getting depressed at the ending as he was comforted by both Asia and Gasper.
"That was the first episode anyway." Kiba told him. "It may possibly get better as we watch more episodes. It was pretty interesting how they all put the comparisons right and decided who won. I actually sort of liked it"
"I agree." Koneko said simply.
"To be honest, I wasn't expecting to like a simple show from the internet. But now I'm quite interested who's gonna fight who next~! Hopefully it will be brutal~!" Right after Akeno said that, as Asia and Gasper shivered, they heard Boomstick said something and something appeared on the screen.
Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle.
There was a flurry of punches covered in purple flames and then an odd burning symbol hangs on the screen. Then they heard a creepy chilling voice.
Unknown: Your soul is mine.
OMAKE: What was learned? (All Omakes Are Canon Here)
(Gremory Training House)
"So are you ready to learn how to advance in your magic training?" Akeno asked both Issei and Asia as they sat in the living room, shortly after watching the first chapter of Death Battle.
"Of course, Akeno-san!/Y-Yes please!" Both new devils said determined, much to the black haired girl's pleasure and amusement.
"Well, as you should know demonic power requires the power of using your imagination and the power to create, as well as having a good sense, while magic is just knowledge to control equations, i.e. using your head and making calculations. So while they may seem similar, they are very different from each other." She said to them before simplifying with "In other words, if I want this to happen, I will it."
"Amazing..." Gasped both devils in awe before Issei asked, "So how do we use it?"
"Like I said, just use your imagination and willpower..." She answered before noticing that Asia had already a ball of green energy in her hands. "Just like that, Asia-chan~!"
"A-Ah! T-Thanks Akeno-san!" Said the now embarrassed ex-nun. "I just d-did it like you said..."
"Nice job Asia-chan!" Complemented Issei, making her blush even more as he tried to do the same and accidentally summoned his Boosted Gear. "AH! D-Ddraig?!"
['Bout damn time you summoned me Aibou!] Complained the Welsh Dragon, much to Issei's embarrassment. [So did you enjoy that Death Battle?]
"Y-Yes-wait! How did you know?!" He suddenly asked.
['Cause I saw it as well from your connected mindscape to the Boosted Gear, and it was quite interesting for a change...] Answered Ddraig as he "Looked" around interested, not caring for the surprised girls.
'Ah yes...' Issei sweatdropped at that before a sudden memory involving Samus' weapon went quickly through his mind. 'Wait a second...'
"Hey Ddraig..." The mentioned grunted curious at the sudden call, "You said that Sacred Gears can be modified, right?"
[Yeah, I told you that when we meet after that fallen angel business...What about it?] Issei flinched at that before recovering, but it wasn't missing by the two girls.
"Could I...Could I change the form of the Boosted Gear to another weapon?" His question surprised everyone else.
[If you have enough desire, I can't see why not...] Was all that the sealed dragon answered as Issei nodded determined before he closed his eyes and the red gauntlet of his left arm began to shine in a red light!
"Ise-san!" Cried out Asia in worry as Akeno looked curious until the shine faded, revealing a very recently familiar gun to their surprise. "I-Is tha-?!"
"AWESOME!" Grinned the now happy boy as he stared at his new Gear Form, which he decided to call the Samus Gun for obvious reasons, just as Rias came down and looked at the scene curiously before asking:
"Is there something I missed?"