So here's final notes before I go back to writing for all my stories
When it comes to the girls that are being done per chapter I need information on them... About 60 % of them I already know that I can write some kind of plot for the chapter.
Another 20 is I know some basic but need to research the character to do a chapter on said character
The last 20 % is I do not know anything about that character, so I need to look up and find as much as I can to figure out that character
SO to everyone that suggest a character, as you can see I do attemtp to try and figure out and plan a chapter. Some just take longer then others
League of Legends, Legend of Zelda, etc are some that I know nothing on, I will try to look up and get info on the characters
So don't worry every girl will be feature at least one time
How come I don't do A stand alone DCGILF story.
Simple I could never get into DC comics, sorry people but I am a Marvel fan. If I were to try there would be little to no updates for that story so its just easier if I add the DC girls into UGILF and every here and there get a chapter with them involved. That is why I don't do a story like that.
Besides Kaguya, can I not do any other girl from Naruto series.
My answer to that os simple I try and do rare lemons. Meaning that Naruto has no lemon with that character to my knowleadge so I write it. There might be a chance that a Naruto girl will appear in one of those chapters or not you wont know till that chapter. If you dont like it sorry but that's how it is.
Can a girl be moved up on the list.
Yes... only if more people ask for that same character. If not then I don't see it as any higher piorty then any other girls, I hope that asnwers that.
Chapter 100 will I do anything special for that chapter...
Yeah from 100-109 its going to be fan appreciation, meaning that I pm reviewers that I see always reviewing and get a girl from them. That's my way of saying thank you for following the story
so I hope this answers some questions.
and dont worry if I didn't mention the anime doesnt mean that I wont do a girl from that anime, just give it time and always suggest a character you never know they can and will appear sooner then you might think.