Poll: Which story should I update? Vote Now!
Author has written 4 stories for Naruto. I am a wallflower. Hello there. As of lately I will try to update stories and I am in the process of continuing one of my stories which has had the most votes in my poll which so far is sinful. Qoutes "When one person suffers from a delusion, we call it insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, I mock there holy book." "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. such as the rules of honor." " Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." " Some people are like slinkies. They don't have a purpose, but they bring a smile to your face when, you see them falling down the stairs." " If a robot does the robot wouldit still be called the robot or is it just dancing? Hinata from Naruto is probably my favorite character of all characters ever made! She reminds me of myself and she's just so KAWAII!! For some reason, I don't like Sakura. I just overall don't like her, I've tried to read stories about her and get used to her character but i find it hard to ^-^ (Just my opinion on her) |
Acumichi (10) Believe-in-Teyla (44) Butterbiscuits72 (3) Canimal (14) DarkennedFlower (26) Darklight8121 (3) Demeterr (20) | DesertC (14) dulce.de.leche.go (12) Fher34 (15) Freya Ishtar (52) funkynoshes (6) Gueneviere (9) provocative envy (17) | shikaruTo (11) TheBigFatBear (3) Winterblume (13) winterkaguya (11) xxgrrl (5) |