The Day I Fell In Love with My Best Friend

Ichigo Kurosaki is well known for being the university's famous heartthrob and that overshadows the fact that he's also a notorious heartbreaker. One day he makes a mistake of messing with the wrong girl causing him to lose the chance of ever being with his true love.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach (yet, and I don't think I will any time soon :D)

Chapter 1: You Don't Mess With the Ladies

"He's on his way here!" A girl cried out with a very excited tone and everyone in the hall, mostly girls, look up expectantly. Some even tried to make themselves look prettier—brushing their hair, putting on lipstick, blush on, etc. as if those things ever really help them. And it didn't.

As soon as their eyes caught sight of their prey, the muffled giggles, gasps, and squeals from the ladies were heard.

Oh that charming smirk coupled with those charming brown eyes that can make every female creature in that very hall swoon and submit to his every command.

The very sight of this young man is truly a gift from the gods. No wonder his aura alone is enough to send girls squirming on their spot. With just his presence, so strong and hypnotic, it will take a lot of will power not to throw yourself at him or probably do something stupid to embarrass yourself just to make him notice.

Ichigo couldn't help but smirk at the attention he's getting. He's used to it since it happens every time.

Ah yes... the perks of being the most sought after guy in the whole university.

Just act calm and oblivious while the poor saps worship you. He reminded himself but kept his smirk on.

"Looks like you're enjoying this," His companion commented, adjusting his glasses and pointing out the girls watching them or more like ogling them.

This time Ichigo let out a slight chuckle.

Oh yes, he was definitely enjoying this.

"You know what would be funny?" His companion added, now walking beside him.

"What?" Ichigo replied running a hand through his orange hair which obviously made the girls squeal.

His friend smirked, "If they weren't really looking at you, but me."

Ichigo was about to retort when someone standing in the middle of the hallway stopped them from their tracks. Now, the young man's smirk was gone and his expression was replaced with his trademark scowl.

"You..." Ichigo began and the other person smiled genuinely.

"Hello Ichigo," She greeted lightly blushing. She gathered her tangerine locks then placed it all on one side of her shoulder before she spoke again, "Can we talk in private?" She mumbled shyly, looking up at him through her lashes. Ichigo watched her for a moment. He hesitated but gave in anyway.

This can't be good.

"Look Orihime, I already told you—" Ichigo began but she immediately cut him off.

"I-I know. But I... was it me? I mean, I did everything... no, I will do anything—" This time it was his turn to cut her off.

"It's over, Orihime. I'm sorry. It's been fun but you should just... you know move on and forget about me. See other people," He said casually as if he'd say it a million times before.

"B-but... I love you..." She murmured trying to suppress her tears but failed miserably. Ichigo pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Oh boy, here come the tears. He told himself.

"I-I still do... p-please Ichigo... don't... leave... me..." She said in between sobs.

Love huh? This time he sighed. Somehow, he knew this girl was different from the others he dated before. She was alright at first, like everyone else. Plus, she's a bit energetic and bubbly, which of course Ichigo didn't mind, at first. But then she began to be a little clingy, just like everyone else. Ichigo tried to let it slide because he hasn't finish their "two week rule" yet.

Two-week-rule? That's sort of his personal rule when he dates. Two weeks to find out how crazy a girl is. If she turns out better than what you expected then that's when you decide whether or not you want to extend. But that never happens. Ichigo usually ends it after two weeks thinking that nothing much really happens in two weeks, except for some hot getting to know each other physically which he is very good at. So it's more of a physical relationship which is easier to end because it didn't have any emotion in it... more like lust. But what made Orihime so special is that after a week and a half she started talking about the "future"... yes, future... with him in it and tiny little babies. And you know what that means? As soon as the two week rule ends, the relationship ends with it.

But big boobed, sexy, tangerine haired Orihime didn't want to end it just yet—which brings us back here in the present where the two are currently talking beside the university fountain.

"Was it because I kept talking about our future together?" She sobbed.

"No. No of course not," He replied trying to sound comforting but his mind was screaming "Yes. Yes that was definitely the reason. That scared the crap out of me. You meet a guy for one and a half week and you already have your future together planned out? Geez, woman, what the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Then, why?"

"I told you, it's just... not working... Here..." He handed her his handkerchief and while she wiped her tears, he looked at his wristwatch.

Crap. I'm supposed to meet the guys in the field ten minutes ago. He cursed.

Ichigo watched Orihime continues her crying.

I have to end this now. Here goes. Ichigo told himself with determination.

"H-hey... Listen, Orihime. I really have to go now—"

"Is there someone else?" She asked not looking at him.


"Are you in love with someone else?"

"In love? Me?" This time he laughed like she just told a funny joke. "No way," He confirmed as if the possibility of it was zero.

"So, did you... even love me? At all?" She looked up at him. Her eyes staring at his, hoping and pleading that he'll give her the answer she wanted... even if he lies, it won't matter as long as he said "yes". But instead of an answer he simply replied with, "I really have to go... Sorry." He left without even giving her a second glance. She was left there, sitting alone and she knew that the last word he said was his answer.

At the field, sitting on the bleachers, the gang was already there. Ichigo made his way and quickly apologized for being late.

"So, we heard you broke up with Orihime," Mizuiro, a petite young man, began while he checked his cellphone.

"Why? She's so perfect!" Keigo, Ichigo's crazy friend bellowed.

"That's what you think," Ichigo simply replied taking a seat on the bleachers as well next to Ishida, the four-eyed friend he was walking in the hall with just a while ago before Orihime showed up.

"She got crazy too?" Mizuiro asked this time looking at Ichigo.

"Hell, the girl wanted a fairytale package, complete with marriage and babies. I can't give her that," Ichigo reasoned.

"So I'm guessing she didn't want to break up?" Ishida assumed.

"You guessed right. I expect no less from a smartass like you."

"And with the way you retorted, I'd say it didn't end well and you chickened out," Ishida explained monotonously.

"S-shut up! Who cares about that anyway!? She's nothing more than number 30 now," Ichigo mumbled avoiding Ishida's gaze.

"30th hot chick!? Damn, why does Ichigo always get the good stuff! I'm so jealous!" Keigo whined with a pout.

"Should we congratulate you for being the biggest heartbreaking asshole in the whole university?" Ishida stated sarcastically but Ichigo just shrugged.

"Oh man, I want to be surrounded by hot women too!" Keigo yelped.

"Well, keep dreaming," Mizuiro commented, "Chicks may be crazy, but I doubt they'll be crazy enough to go out with you!" The said statement alone made the other two to laugh.

Little did they know, Orihime heard their conversation from a far. She didn't mean to follow Ichigo, she just wanted to return the handkerchief he gave her. But now, the tears stopped falling. She's not going to give the piece of cloth back, no. She has other plans for it.

Ichigo Kurosaki is going to pay for what he did to her.

"It's getting late, we should go," Ishida said as he noticed that the sky have turned orange. Mizuiro and Keigo left already a little while ago leaving him and Ichigo on their spot.

"Yeah I guess we..." Ichigo didn't finish when someone caught his eye. "Wait here, I'll be right back. And don't you fucking dare leave without me Ishida." He warned.


Ishida's eyes followed where Ichigo was headed. He rolled his eyes when he saw who his friend was running towards to.

A little far from where the boys sat was a girl sitting alone on the bleachers. She was quietly reading a book. Her raven hair was fanning her face, but she made no attempt to move them. Her purple eyes focused on their task. Everything was peaceful when suddenly someone sat next to her, one stair bellow from where she was. Of course she knew who it was, but she pretended like she didn't notice. That was when he began to clear his throat to get her attention. Still unwavered, she simply adjusted her glasses, turned a page and continued reading.

Feeling annoyed of being ignored, Ichigo finally spoke, "Oi midget. You've been reading there the whole time. Move a little or you'll be stuck like that."

She sighed in defeat and shut the book making sure that it made a snap sound, to express her annoyance, "Just as always you've managed to ruin my day with just your words. I should congratulate you." He chuckled at hearing that comment.

She glared at him, "What the hell do you want Kurosaki?"

"I just wanted to say 'hi', why are you so grouchy?"

"I was reading peacefully then you started disturbing me, you bastard," She tried to hit him with the book but he evaded it.

"Well sorry for disturbing you grandma," He said in a mocking tone while raising his hands in defeat. She felt a vein pop in her forehead at hearing that.

"Hey! Don't go teasing me, just 'cause you lost another one of your bimbos!" She countered.

Ichigo's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Ah! So you were eavesdropping!"

"I wasn't! I simply heard, I have ears you know," She reasoned then she stood up and began to pick up her other books and her bag.

Ichigo looked at the time, "You going now?"

"Well, we're not all rich bastards like a certain someone," She said not even looking at him.

"Yeah, some of us are poor midgets," He retorted.

"Better than being a heartless asshole like you. One day, you're going to regret that. Trust me," She warned making sure her purple orbs were looking at his.

"Really now? What's the worst that can happen? No free refills?" He scoffed.

"Fuck off my workplace, Kurosaki, you're not welcome there," She said getting off the bleachers.

Ichigo then spoke still sitting on his spot, "Hey Rukia! You know, you should lose the glasses, you'll look prettier without them and maybe then someone would finally ask you out."

With that, she finally snapped and marched back towards him.

"Look here you bastard, I wear these glasses to prevent jerks like you from going anywhere near me. And last time I checked, you used to wear one of these too. So mind your own business and keep your pathetic comments to yourself," She yelped pointing a finger at him then stormed off before he could even utter a reply to her outburst. Ichigo blinked twice. All of a sudden he heard Ishida walking towards him while clapping his hands as if the guy just watched a performance.

"You know it's always amazing. You two. Especially Rukia," Ishida pointed out.

"What's so amazing about her?" Ichigo muttered bitterly.

"Well, she's not affected by that human pheromone thing you seem to have on women."

"Of course it doesn't affect her. I've known her since we were kids."

"You should go out with her. You know, since you've been so hung up about her not dating."

"Psch, me? Go out with her? No way. She doesn't even try to make herself look pretty. I mean did you see those glasses!? Pathetic. Always alone reading books. No wonder she's a loser," Ichigo mumbled in disgust but Ishida just cleared his throat adjusting his glasses.

"See? I bet you have an idea of what that's like," Ichigo scoffed. Ishida glared at him for a moment as he decided on his retort.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I dated her."

Ichigo was taken aback by the suggestion, "What? You? Date her?"

"Why not? She's smart and hardworking—"

"And small and annoying. I get it. Psch, you can do better than that."

Ishida raised an eyebrow at his friend in confusion, "So you're saying you don't want me to date her?"

"Well duh? Why would you waste time with her?"

"You don't seem to mind doing that," He pointed out with a smirk but Ichigo just scratched the back of his head.

"That's different. I'm telling you now as a friend, save yourself."

Ishida chuckled,"whatever."

Yeah right. More like you don't want HER to go out with me. Over protective. Very smooth Kurosaki.

"So Ichigo Kurosaki... you like breaking women's hearts... Let's see how you like it," She said with a devilish grin as she threw the handkerchief to the fire.

Ichigo was past asleep when all of a sudden he felt his body heating up. He was struggling to wake up but he couldn't. He felt like suffocating. He was in pain but he wasn't sure where it was coming from exactly. He gripped the sheets of his bed. He wanted to yell but no sound came out. Was he dying? What the hell is happening? He shut his eyes tightly, praying that the pain would soon go away.

The next morning, Ishida was ready to leave for school when he noticed that his roommate, Ichigo, was still in bed lying under the covers.

"Oi! Aren't you getting up yet?" He called out but didn't get a reply.

Ishida sighed. He was used to Ichigo's lazy behaviour so he just went on ahead without his friend.

A few minutes later, Ichigo began to move. Everything felt sore and heavy. He didn't feel like going to school, heck, he felt horrible. He just wanted to lie down in bed forever but, he can't do that because right now, he needed to use the bathroom.

Stupid bladder. He cursed.

He lazily stood up and sleepily made his way to the bathroom.

He positioned himself to take a leak when he noticed that there was NOTHING to hold. He froze for a moment. He looked down and asked himself a question he never thought he'd ever ask in his whole entire life.

Where the fuck is my...

Was he still half asleep?

He ran a hand through his hair chanting "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, wake up, wake up" again and again inside his head when suddenly he noticed his hair... it was... longer? He ran towards the mirror. His eyes widened and mouth gaped at seeing the reflection of someone he doesn't know.

He began to tremble. He even tried slapping himself until he was pretty sure he's not dreaming.

Oh no.

Oh no.


Oh god no.

He yelped in his head repeatedly as he quickly checked the proofs of his suspicions. And as soon as he finished proving himself right he screamed but then quickly covered his mouth as he realized that that wasn't a very good idea, especially since he's in a men's dormitory. He stared at himself again in the mirror.

"I'm a... I'm a..." He couldn't bear say it.

Long hair...

Developed breasts...

His missing... that...

"I'M A GIRL!?"

A/N: Okay I know I should be focusing on FOMDWY but this idea popped in my head and I just had to... You see I've been seeing a lot of ichiruki gender bending in tumblr and I decided to write this. I think it would be quite fun. This btw is also inspired by Cheeky Angel and Beastly. And I am not oblivious to the shipwars ruining my favourite OTP tag and would like to point out that I don't hate Orihime. Actually, I think she's cool too so I kinda feel bad when I give her bad roles in my stories (but in this one, it won't be such a mean role, just a girl who was hurt), and when I read her as a very mean bitch in other people's stories. Mean bitch roles don't really suit her (I think?) She's more of a too bubbly for her own good kind of person haha. Anyway, tell me what you think haha I wrote this at 1am so sorry for the errors. Please review! ILY guys and God bless :P

For those who Read and Review: Thank you!

For those who Read and Don't Review: Review!

For those who Don't Read but Review: How could you live with that?

For those who Don't Read and Don't Review: That's your choice :P