Title: Check Yes or No

Pairing: KyuubiHina (Kyuubi x Hinata)

Words: 992

Info: Welp, this is part two to the last KyuubiHina fic (I forget the title). I hope you guys like it! And you know the drill if you have a request.

Hinata had been waiting for it, looking over her shoulder all day for it, but it never came. Shino and Kiba were starting to get worried, asking her if she had gotten herself into any trouble.

"You didn't get into drugs did you? And forget to pay your dealer or something?" Kiba was so close to shaking her by her shoulders, but Shino would've hit him and someone else would've knocked him into next Tuesday.

"No Kiba," Hinata laughed, hoping that her best friend didn't really think that she had gotten into drugs. "I've just been looking for Kyuubi; he hasn't said anything to me all day.

Kiba frowned, his sharper than average canines poking out, and she knew that Shino was frowning under his high collar as well. "Hinata, I really don't think you should mess with that guy; he seems like bad news."

"He's Naruto's brother Kiba, and besides, he has his nice moments," Hinata chided, unable to think of any times when Kyuubi had been blatantly nice but able to think of many times where he made her smile. Especially the time he had painted 'you, me, homecoming' on the front side of the school and had gotten detention.

"Whatever. I'm starting to think you'd even hug a serial killer if he gave you a teddy bear," Kiba scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets as they exited the building. "Fuck it's cold!"

"You seem to be forgetting the time she hugged Gaara last year when he got her a stuffed raccoon for her birthday," Shino reminded, looking unaffected by the cold.

Hinata smiled fondly at the memory; she never knew Gaara could have such a sense of humor. "Gaara was not a serial killer Shino, that was just a rumor and you know it."

"Whatever Hinata," Kiba shrugged, "you're just proving my point."


Once again, Kyuubi hadn't approached her, and Hinata was starting to get scared; what if something really horrible had happened to him?

"Hey Naruto, where's your brother?" she asked, feeling bad about cutting into his and Sakura's time together but desperate to know.

"You mean Kyuubi? I don't know what's up with him nowadays. He just walks around the house muttering to himself," Naruto offered, shrugging. There was no doubt that the Uzumaki blood ran through Kyuubi's blood; the tattooed young man did everything with a certain amount of passion that could only be matched by his brother. Was it maybe the Namikaze genes that have him acting so solemn as of recent?

Typically, Kyuubi would be at school either flirting with any beautiful girl he saw or having his pierced tongue halfway down her throat, but now Kyuubi walked around looking as though he weren't really there. It was unsettling, really.


It was the last day before they went on winter break, and Hinata was sitting in her advanced math, watching Kyuubi chew on his pencil's eraser, sharp fangs sinking into the rubber. She had finished her quiz, and from her place right behind him on the slightly elevated floor, she could see that not a single question was answered on his.

She really shouldn't do like this; her teacher might think that she was cheating and fail her automatically, but Kyuubi seemed off, so she couldn't just let him fail. That would be horrible of her. She stuck her leg out and kicked the leg of his chair, happy that it didn't make any sound. He didn't notice. She tried a couple more times, the girl who sat next to her giving her an odd look, and finally she lifted her foot up and gently kicked his butt. Literally.

He turned around swiftly, eyes ablaze with anger, but when he saw Hinata, giving him a worried look, they softened just a bit. "Finish your quiz," she whispered, so quietly she might as well have been mouthing it to him. He looked at her for a second, confused, but when he finally got it, he rolled his orange eyes at her, giving her a look that practically screamed 'why are you such a goody two shoes?'

He ignored her, slightly angering Hinata, and continued to scribble on the piece of paper he had in front of him, erasing and rewriting again and again. Finally, when they only had five minutes left, he picked up the quiz, writing down answers at a speed Hinata hadn't thought possible of him (she didn't think he was stupid or anything, he just had less motivation than Shikamaru) and gave the teacher his test with only one minute to spare.

Once he got back to his desk, Kyuubi crumpled up the paper he had worked so hard on and threw it backwards, hitting Hinata directly in the forehead. She had heard about how good Kyuubi's aim was, so she didn't doubt that the note was for her. Frowning, she straightened out the paper and read the neater-than-usual writing: 'do you like me? Check yes or no. If checked yes, would you like to go on a date with me at your convenience? Check yes or no.'

Hinata had only processed what the paper had said and just started to check her answer when the bell rang. She crumpled up the paper and stared at Kyuubi for a second, actually making eye-contact for once, before throwing the crumpled up piece of paper back at him. Hitting him directly in the forehead.

When Hinata was exiting the door, Kyuubi was yelling. "Are you serious Hinata? Not pulling my leg, are ya? When? What day? What time?" After passing around five classrooms, Kyuubi had finally realized Hinata wasn't going to give him an answer. "Okay, just, I don't know, text Naruto when you've decided, please?"

Hinata nodded, smiling to herself; she was happy that he had finally stopped treating her like an object and actually asked her out for once, but honestly, she liked him better when he was wild and uncontrolled.