Reviews for Come Undone
saralynfara chapter 1 . 5/3
I know this is like two years old and it's not a big deal, but being a French person who cook (and is admittedly a bit obsessive about it ) I feel like I should mention that : you don't finish making foie gras on the day you serve it, you finish it at least 12 hours before serving (but generally, you make the final preparation the day before to make sure it will be firm enough to cut into slices) ; it's always served as an appetizer, it's not a main course unless you use it to flavor something else, and mentioning what appetizer you are cooking for your party is kinda weird (and it's not really the kind of thing you cook for a party anyway, considering making it in great quantities would be complicated and really pricey) ; nobody would ever include 'au torchon' while talking about it. It's like you had a conversation about the roast you are making by saying 'the roast cooked in the oven'.
There, that was the obnoxious food review of the week
wistful reader chapter 13 . 3/13
The ending was a bit hurried but your writing style is awesome! The story was disturbing and made me think a bit of exorcism might be necessary. Though definitely not the writing style I usually lean to, the way you developed the plot and characters made me stick with it. I actually enjoyed it! Very well done!
wistful reader chapter 1 . 3/13
Gah this is creepy!
M chapter 12 . 6/22/2019
that last sentence is my favorite amongst everything ive read in like a month; it just packs such a punch and settles so nicely in with your portrayal of their dynamics, as if it's just condensed the entire chapter (and the previous one) in a single, simple line. good on you, dude (i still hate it though️)
M chapter 11 . 6/22/2019
i hate this. i mean, i love you and everything, i just really, really hate this. i feel like i'm going to throw up. how did you nail riddle's character so well? i can't decide if it's a gift or a curse. AND AGAIN WITH THE MEAT!
M chapter 5 . 6/22/2019
! This Is Fucked, Wonderfully, Gloriously, Fucked. i'm still reeling from chapter 2 and you throw another allusion in there about cannibalism and i'm just UGHOHMYGODNOTREADYFORIT, you know? beautiful. god, the way you unravel his manipulations toward hermione is just stunning - it's gross, don't get me wrong, i'm definitely grossed out by how freaky it is, but it's stunning, nonetheless. ew, i think my insides are crawling around i'm so freaked out. i hate it; thanks for writing it though
M chapter 2 . 6/22/2019
chronicxlogolepsy chapter 13 . 4/15/2019
(TomioneQuest2019) I have read this pic a couple of times now, and it just sucks me back in every single time. I love the Hannibal-esque-ness of it all (I adore that show) and the psychological manipulation throughout. Super well written, cohesive and interesting plot, I only wish there was more for me to read! Such a good story though!
BaconandDasies chapter 13 . 3/29/2019
I just bindged read this story! Loved the fresh outlook.
KAJA chapter 13 . 2/8/2019
It is clear that it is not complete, I hope that sooner or later it will continue.
JD SPARKS chapter 1 . 12/10/2018
omg. okay so that was the end?! I love it but also I seriously thought Tom was a cannibal and feeding everyone special meats. That was what all that was about right? I mean he was all like "Barty Jr will be inside us all lol." I didn't really want his secret coming out because I like Tomione so much so I'm like happy with this being an open ending.

I would say I do wish there were one or two more moments we got to see of Hermione's compatibility earlier on.. the opening when he suddenly had an interest in her was good but in the 2nd chapter I think something felt like it was missing. I felt like there needed to be a moment where we see Tom convinced that she was the ONLY woman he wanted or the perfect one for him specifically. I mean as a Tomione fans we all know that Hermione is great, and Ginny 2nd hand tells him, but I wasn't sure he ever saw it be core he went full on obsessed. I could have lived with creepy obsessed stalker Tom longer too haha. Real world that shit would be creepy as fuck, in fiction its somehow endearing and flattering. It's all like "oh look how she's all he thinks about.." lol.

Great story though. Thank you for writing and sharing. I loved your creepy Tom and Hermione and their twisted relationship.
JD SPARKS chapter 12 . 12/10/2018
Ugh I honestly couldn't tell in the confession if Tom was telling the truth or lying to get what he wants! it's so good your Tom is so very confusing, and I love that I don't know what to think with him. You can't tell of he's lying or not, or whether it's all part of his plan. I love this picturesque relationship they have now. I have no idea if this will all play out with Tom victorious or whether Tom's house of glass will all come shattering down. brilliant stuff
JD SPARKS chapter 6 . 12/9/2018
ahh. omg hot desk sex with Ron under it. geez that's cruel. I love it, and Tom masterminded that situation.. it's too good. bravo!
JD SPARKS chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
God.. I think my dark suspicions we accurate, a bit of your Titus Andronicus is showing there Tom lol.

I want to say I actually don't have issue with the time jumping. I think it was the speed in which his plans just happened. like I expected a longer getting to know you phase full of like creepy stalking on Tom's part, but his plans involving Ginny were just unexpected and that felt sudden lol. Time skips here and in later chapters didn't bother me at all.
JD SPARKS chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
Minor note but in the 4th paragraph here "he was almost completely contempt with his life." I think you meant 'content' there, or I guess it could be he was "completely in contempt of..:? two different meanings
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