Inspired by quotes from NBC's Hannibal. I do not own any of the quotes in bold.
Summary: It starts with Ginevra and her constant whinning about a girl named Hermione, and it only takes one look at said girl to convince Tom he wants her. When Hermione acts indifferent to him, Tom's actions are questionable. A (dark) story about love (?) and manipulation.
"Certain personalities are attracted to certain professions."
Tom Riddle stared at his patient, every once in a while pretending to scribble down notes. "And how does that make you feel?" Tom drawled. He almost smiled at the words. How many times had he already asked that question? The answers to the question were almost always painfully dull.
His patient, Ginevra Weasley, paused, "Well, I always felt like I'll always be left out. Ron is the brave one, the twins are the funny ones, Percy is the smart one, Bill and Charlie are the adventurers. And I'm just the silly little girl. I can't even just be the girl because Hermione is always with Ron and Harry. She's the smart one, the pretty one, the brave one, the rational one-" Ginny sighed dramatically. "No wonder Harry likes her."
"Hermione," Tom repeated. What an odd name. "Do you have a bit of resentment towards her?" He already knew the answer, the way Ginevra's face changed at the mention of her name said a lot.
"Hermione is great," Ginny said, though it didn't sound convincing. She began to wring her hands together. "I just wish she- I mean she's not even that perfect. She's so bossy to Harry and Ron, I don't get why they like her so much. I could be smart. I'm way more fit than her, she almost failed P.E. in high school! She was such a pain, she wrote an essay for Coach Hooch for extra credit, on the history of soccer! She even asked Harry for help when she couldn't finish running the mile under the required time. He had to go running with her every morning for weeks. Like someone needs help running? I mean, for someone who claims to be so determined and independent.."
Tom scribbled on his notepad.
"You feel like she undermines you," he met her wide eyes. She looked frightened with herself. "You don't get appreciated enough do you?"
"I- I think they give Hermione too much credit."
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit. Don't compare yourself to Hermione, you are two different people. Lets put her aside for a minute. Tell me more about yourself."
Ginny's face completely changed. Her guilty expression disappeared, and she smiled, "Alright, well.."
"First and worst sign of sociopathic behavior, cruelty to animals."
"That doesn't apply in the kitchen."
Tom was an excellent cook, and shopping for ingredients was his own type of therapy. He walked down the aisles, carefully choosing which vegetables or spices were best. He had a sort of gift at knowing what was tasty.
"Is this suppose to be a tomato?" a loud voice practically shouted. It was followed by quiet laughter. "Why is this purple? Are we suppose to eat this?"
Tom looked up in irritation, glaring at the redhead standing across from him. There was something familiar about him, but Tom didn't care enough to think much of it. He did however, care that the boy was talking much too loud and was standing too close to Tom.
"Ron!" another voice shouted, the same one who had been laughing. "Catch!"
"Why the hell do these have spikes?" the redhead laughed.
Tom put down the fruit he was holding and looked up again, about to admonish the boys for being childish when a voice spoke out. "If you two keep shouting, you go to the car and wait there. Ginny, has your brother always been so immature? Harry this is not a football field, you do not throw things."
Tom almost sighed in relief, hoping the two were sent to the car, he still had a lot of shopping left and the two obnoxious boys were irritating him. He was going to send a grateful glance at the woman who spoke when he saw exactly why the redhead looked so familiar.
Ginevra Weasley, his patient was standing by the young woman. Ginny looked awfully bored, but then her eyes met his and she straightened her back and smiled. She was going to say something but her brother spoke before she could.
"Come on Hermione, you can punch Malfoy, but we can't even toss a fruit to a friend?" Ron teased.
Tom raised an eyebrow, so the young woman beside her was Hermione? She didn't look awfully unfit, her hair wasn't nearly as bushy as Ginny had described it, and it wasn't an ugly muddy color.
"Ms. Weasley," Tom greeted, walking up to his patient for a polite greeting.
"Dr. Riddle," her cheeks turned a bright red. "I didn't expect to see you here," she stopped and seemed hesitant as she turned to Hermione. "These are my friends," she nodded towards the girl and a boy with glasses. "And that's my brother," she pointed at the redhead.
"Pleasure to meet you," he replied smoothly, nodding at the boys before turning to Hermione. He smiled, she wasn't anything like he had imagined her to be, it was nearly laughable. Ginevra had said she was pretty, but it was followed by indirect insults, most of which, were the most believable.
Hermione was a pretty girl, her features were soft, she would have looked like an innocent, timid little thing, if it wasn't for her wild hair. Her curls gave her the image of a wild beauty, and he noticed she didn't dress like most girls. She was dressed in a nice, modest dress. "Hermione Granger," she said with confidence, offering her hand to him.
Tom looked at it, before raising his own. "Tom Riddle." He smiled as he looked at her. Yes. She was a very pretty girl.
He shook her hand firmly, noticing the way her hands were smooth and warm. She gave him a polite smile and he knew nothing would be the same for him.
He had heard many of his patients talk about their loved ones, and inwardly, he had always rolled his eyes at their delusion. When Hermione smiled at him, it did something to him. It gave him that excitement he only received when he sliced through the meals he was preparing. He wondered if that was the feeling his patients had tried to explain to him.
He looked at Ginevra and spoke, "I actually came to grab a few, last minute ingredients for a dinner party I'm having tonight."
"Oh, that's great," Ginny answered nervously.
"We're only here because Hermione promised us her famous cheesecake if we came with," the boy with the glasses said with a grin.
Tom forced a smile at the boy and returned his attention to Hermione, "You bake?"
"I took a cooking class in high school, the teacher absolutely hated me, but about the only thing I can make is cheesecake." Tom smiled a real smile at that. He could imagine the girl being as bossy as Ginevra had described her, prancing about the kitchen.
The thought surprised Tom, he wasn't the type to daydream about women. Still, he didn't try to push the image away. He savoured it.
"That's not true 'Mione," Ron defended, "She makes the best pancakes! Breakfast food is her specialty!"
"You only think that because you're extra happy with Hermione during those mornings," Ginny snickered.
Hermione rolled her eyes, Ginevra's attempt at embarrassing her obviously failing. Though it did do something odd to Tom. What was that? He felt his stomach churn oddly. Tom had never felt something like that before but he instantly knew he didn't like it.
Tom scowled slightly.
"Well I will admit to making a mean pancake, but baking is my real specialty."
"I usually have to order dessert," Tom commented, wanting the attention back on him. "You should bring some of your cheesecake to my dinner party. I've started on a dish of foie gras au torchon," Ginny nearly melted at his pronunciation though Hermione frowned. Ron and Harry exchanged a look, neither had a clue as to what he had just said.
"Maybe another time," Hermione said politely.
Tom felt his smile fall. A rejection? The churn in his stomach worsened, and he could feel his hands itching. He clenched his fists slightly.
"Oh, she's only saying that because I said I wanted to see a movie screening tonight," Ginny quickly said, giving Hermione one of her obvious glares. "We can definitely go. I'm sure we'll love the dish you've prepared, it sounds delicious."
Tom looked at Hermione, waiting for her to say something. She seemed to be holding something back, "We can be there in time for dessert?" she offered. It wasn't hard to see that Hermione was only trying to be polite, and though Tom always admired good manners, her actions angered him.
"But Hermione," Ginny said with a forced tone, "We won't get to try his cooking, and we'd love to try it, won't we?"
"I-" Hermione began, sending Tom an apologetic look, "I just don't think - I'm not a fan of foie gras au torchon."
Tom was surprised she knew what the dish was, and though her pronunciation was not perfect, it was good. Tom almost asked her to say that again, just so he could look at the way her mouth moved as she did.
"It's cruel to force feed ducks the way they do," she said with a shrug. "And honestly, they don't sound too appetizing."
"You haven't tried my cooking Ms. Granger," Tom said. "I make a goose foie gras, and only use ethical butchers."
Hermione nearly laughed, but before she could comment, Ginny intervened, "She's just a picky eater."
"I'll make a simpler dish then," Tom promised, looking at Hermione. "Are you vegetarian?"
She shook her head, "I just don't eat animals who have been practically tortured."
"No, of course, that would be cruel," Tom lowered his eyes. Who did she think she was? Rejecting Tom Riddle, and thinking herself better because of flawed morals? "You only eat animals that have been well cared for before being slaughtered."
Hermione glared, her cheeks turning pink.
Tom thought he liked her looking like that. Her eyes were more alive than before, practically glowing. He smiled.
"I'm only teasing Ms. Granger," he assured her with a smirk. "I hope you didn't take offense and decide not to come. You don't seem like the type to take things to heart."
"She's not," Ginny said. "And we will definitely go. You can just call with the details later."
"Great," he nodded, keeping his eyes on Hermione. The way Ginevra was so quick to try and please him usually sickened him, but today, he decided he liked it. "I'll see you then."
With that, he walked off, forgetting to pick the fruit he had come for but smiling at the feeling he was having.
"Passion's good. Get's blood pumping."
Hermione sat by the bar, staring at Ginny dressed in her short cocktail dress, laughing at something a guy said.
She had insisted for them to come, and though Hermione wasn't one to give into peer pressure, she eventually agreed. Ginny had been acting a bit cold towards her the last couple of days, but she hadn't thought much of it. Molly and Ron had talked to Hermione about her, telling her about the therapy she had begun to attend.
"It's nothing terribly serious," Molly had assured her. "After the attack…" Molly didn't need to specify which attack, Hermione knew. "Well, we all thought she was fine, but as of late.. Ginny hasn't been herself. She can be the sweet girl we all know one moment, and the next she can turn aggressive. It wasn't until Arthur found her crying that we suggested therapy. I don't know why we didn't take the attack more seriously. Albus told us everything had been taken cared of and we just wanted to forget the entire thing happened. I feel just terrible for my sweet Ginny."
Hermione looked at Ginny, who looked happy amongst Riddle's guests. She wondered if she really was enjoying herself.
"I see Ginevra has already left you alone," Tom mused as he took a seat in the stool next to her. He smiled when she almost jumped from being pulled from her thoughts.
"She wanted to talk to a few people, I decided to stay behind," she replied, turning her attention away from Ginny and to him. He really was as handsome as Ginny had described, she usually exaggerated with everything. It really was too bad that he was condescending as he was handsome. Hermione was still annoyed with the way he had acted at the store, but she wasn't sure why. She never really cared what others thought of her, but when the handsome doctor had teased her ideals, it not only stung, but embarrassed her. "You have a lovely home by the way."
"Thank you. Did you enjoy dinner?" his tone was polite, but his smile made Hermione feel like she was being mocked.
"I'll admit it was good," she shrugged, turning back to Ginny. She had to look away from him, away from his intense eyes.
"I'm curious," Riddle began, "How was it that you and Ginevra became friends? You both are so different."
"She's a nice girl," Hermione said, still not looking at him. "I was friends with her brother Ron, and I spent so much time with him and his family during our school years, we all were very close."
"Ron? He's the boy that was at the store. Ginevra has talked about him. Doesn't seem much like you either."
Hermione turned back to him, an eyebrow raised. "I wasn't aware that you knew how I was."
"I'm her therapist, I know her perspective of you."
Hermione smiled, "Now I'm curious. I don't suppose you can say what she tells you about me?"
"It makes me wonder how the two of you can get along," he replied nonchalantly. "Or, pretend to get along."
Hermione's smile faltered. "Isn't there something about patient confidentiality?"
"You don't need a degree in psychology to see that Ginevra envies you," Tom said smoothly.
"Envies me? I'm the one sitting alone at a party." Hermione tried to laugh but it came out too forced.
"Alone? Ms. Granger you wound me," he stood up and reached for two glasses behind the bar. "What would you like?"
She shook her head, "Nothing, I'm fine."
"I insist," he pressed. He watched as she ran a hand through her curls and snuck a suspicious glance at her friend.
Hermione was still looking at Ginny when Tom handed her a drink. She took it with a small nod, "Thanks."
There was a moment of silence before Tom began again, "Tell me about yourself Ms. Granger, you can't possibly be what Ginevra has been describing."
"I probably am," she smiled warily. "She may have exaggerated a bit, but honestly I'm not the easiest person to be around."
"Maybe you're just not surrounding yourself with the right people," he offered. "You don't seem to have much in common with Ginevra, or even her brother. I wonder, why do you put up with them?"
"Put up with them?" she laughed, "You don't know Ron. Ron.. Ron is great if you get to know him. He's kind and even if he is a bit dense at times, he always means well."
"Alright," Tom said almost bitterly. "And what about Ginny? She's not the friendliest of girls."
"She's going through a tough time," Hermione paused. "You don't sound like a therapist you know? Aren't you suppose to be unbiased or something?"
"I'm off the clock right now," he smirked.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Okay. Well you seem to think you know so much about me. It's only fair if you tell me about yourself."
"What would you like to know?"
"Anything I guess," she shrugged.
"I like to cook," he said slowly as if thinking carefully. "I rarely eat out, I absolutely hate fast food... I always had a fascination with the human mind, and I think I always wanted to do something that explored that. Being a therapist isn't really what I imagined for myself, but I don't hate it, most of the time, it feels almost perfect."
"Did you ever want to be a chef? I would think someone who cooks as well as you do, would have thought of that as a career."
"Cooking is something I enjoy, but getting paid to do that, or having someone tell me what I have to make, would feel wrong."
Hermione nodded, "I guess I can see that."
"You said you took cooking classes in high school, did you ever think about having a career in culinary?"
"Gods no," she laughed. "I only took the class since it was being offered as extra credit. I wasn't very good at it but I was so insistent, the teacher probably only gave me the A so I would shut up. I really would have liked to learn more about flavors though, instead of learning how to properly chop vegetables and read online recipes."
"Lucky you," he mused as he stood up. "I have a very useful kitchen, and am more than capable of teaching you a few things."
Hermione gave the room a pointed look, "Won't your guests wonder where you've gone?"
"My guests are not nearly as intriguing as you are," he smiled.
"You know, that would be really great," she smiled back, putting her drink down. "But Ginny looks like she's having her own fun. I don't think she needs me anymore, and it's getting late."
Tom kept his smile, "Of course, maybe another time then."
"Another time," she promised politely. She picked up her purse and Tom gritted his teeth. "Thanks again for dinner, it was delicious."
"No problem," he said, his voice still smooth and composed. "I'll see you out."
He walked her out the door, and though he was still smiling, he could feel his blood boiling.
" I feel like hell. Actually, I feel kind of fluid. Like I'm spilling."
"She and Ron have a thing you know," Ginny said, seemingly out of nowhere. She was sitting on the chair in front of his desk, looking at her nails nonchalantly.
Ginny had been seeing Tom for a few weeks now, and he noticed she was much more blunt than she had been since their first session.
"Does that bother you? To see your friend with your brother?" Tom asked, keeping his tone emotionless. He could imagine Hermione, so close to Ginny's idiot brother. It sickened him. She had rejected him, but she let that redheaded weasel close to her?
Ginny shrugged. "I just don't see the appeal in her. She had most of the guys dragging after her in high school."
Tom glanced at his notes. He had sketches of Hermione, though he had only seen her that one day, he had her face committed to memory. He had admired the curve of her lips, the spark in her brown eyes, her button nose and the freckels that were barely visible but still undeniably adorable. Tom nearly growled out loud. He had never felt like that about a girl before, and it was driving him mad to just think of her.
He wanted her to be just as tortured as he was.
"It must drive you crazy," Tom said calmly. He scribbled on his notes. He wrote her name and crossed it out, before writing her name again. He wondered how it would look in print, then wondered if it would look just as great in cursive. He wrote her first name, then her last name but it wasn't enough. He wrote his own last name and his heart twisted.
"She drives me crazy."
"She drives you crazy," Tom repeated. He looked at his writing, what was it about her that made him act this way? His actions reminded him of his mother and he repressed a shudder. He was nothing like his mother. He thought of his father, he'd only heard stories about him but Tom knew he wasn't weak. She drives me crazy. "It should," he said. The idea formed in his head quickly, he didn't take time to think it over, he just acted on it.
"It should?"
Tom looked up at her, "How does she make you feel?"
"She makes me feel.. she makes me feel unimportant. Like I can disappear one day and nobody will care as long as she's there."
"She takes the attention away from you," Tom murmured sympathetically. "She reminds you of your failures, of your flaws. She's prettier than you," he paused to see how she reacted. Her hands tightened beside her. "She's smarter than you," Her eyes lowered. "She's more interesting than you. She's better than you."
"Everyone loves Hermione," she seethed.
"Do you think life would be better without Hermione?"
Ginny's fists loosed and she looked up. Her eyes were watering. "I- I-" she opened her mouth to say more but no words were spoken.
"There'd be no one there to undermine you. No one to compare yourself to," he said, his voice soft. "It would only be too easy."
"I wish she was gone," Ginny whispered.
"Ginevra," Tom looked her in the eyes, daring her. "You shouldn't think that way," he said, though his tone said otherwise. "Hermione will always be there.. until death of course. You should accept that. She's never going away, you have to accept that. She will always be there, whether to undermine you, or to completely take the attention away, she's persistent that way, isn't she?"
"So fucking persistent," Ginny said through gritted teeth.
"I have an idea," Tom said with a small smile. He opened the drawer on the side of his desk and looked around for something. "I bought this a couple days ago for myself, but I'd like you to have it."
Ginny wiped her eyes quickly, trying to calm herself.
Tom pulled out a leather bound journal. "Here," he handed it to her with an encouraging smile. "You can write in it, write everything you go through in a day. Write about Hermione, what she does or where she goes, who she's with, the things she does to make you angry. Write everything."
Ginny took the journal tentatively.
"I think we need to tackle this hatred you seem to have with her. I'll help you." Tom smiled. "I'll help you get rid of it."
"When the fox hears the rabbit scream, he comes running. But not to help."
Hermione kept her eyes on the street ahead of her, in one hand she had her keys, clutched between her fingers, in the other she had her phone.
She didn't want to call Harry or Ron just yet, but she was ready if she needed to. She was sure she was just being silly. For weeks she had the feeling of being watched, but today, she could feel goosebumps rise on her skin, and her senses prickle in a silent warning.
When she left her work building, she thought she saw someone standing across the street, looking in her direction. It was too dark to see any details, but Hermione hadn't thought much of it, until she saw a shadow almost hurry into an alley she was walking towards.
She had walked by the alley quickly, but she looked inside to try and see if anyone was there. It was too dark to actually see anything, and Hermione promised herself she'd start driving to work again.
She quickened her pace, and went over the list of books she had purchased just the other day to keep her mind busy.
"I'm going crazy," she muttered to herself, picking up her pace even more. By the time she reached her street, Hermione was nearly running to her apartment.
She was climbing up the stairs, feeling the fear rise, when she decided to call Ron.
"Hey Ron," she breathed, already at the door of her apartment. She unlocked her door and went inside. "Sorry it's so late-"
"It's not late," he said in his usual sweet tone. "Do you need something?"
"Uhm," she tried catching her breath as she entered her apartment, locking the door behind her. "Not really, I just got home-"
"Are you okay 'Mione? You sound.. different?"
"I just- I think I'm going crazy Ronald," she said quietly, turning on the lights of her apartment. She scanned the living room and bit her lip, "The stories in the news are really freaking me out now."
"The murders?"
"I know Harry hates talking about what happened but-"
"There's nothing to talk about anymore 'Mione, it was a long time ago," he defended.
Hermione sat on her couch, reaching for the tv remote to bring more sound into the apartment. It was too quiet, and her talking only seemed to echo around the empty halls.
"The murders that have been happening lately, they're awfully similar to James and Lily's. What if the man responsible for them is back? They never caught him Ron."
"Why wait until now? The investigators said people like him can't go very long without killing. He was probably killed off."
"Maybe.. but I just can't shake this bad feeling away. I feel like .. like I'm going to be next."
Ron was quiet for a second, before she heard keys rustling from his side. "Alright, I'm coming over and I think Ginny bought some ice cream the other day, I'll bring that and we're going to watch… I don't know, we'll find something funny to watch on tv. I'll text Ginny tomorrow and maybe she can give you the number to Dr. Riddle. You guys like that guy right? Mom is always telling us that it's better to talk things like this out."
"Ginny's going to be pissed if you take her ice cream," Hermione whispered with a small smile.
"Well, she shouldn't have left it in our freezer then," Ron replied with a small laugh. "But just so she won't take it out on me, I'll tell her it was your idea. She never tells you anything."
Hermione bit her lip, "I don't know about that. She's been giving me weird looks lately. I tried talking to her the other day and she completely ignored me, and I offered to take her to her favorite place and she said she'd meet me there, but she never showed up. When I tried asking about it, she wouldn't answer any of my calls or texts."
"Sorry about that," Ron said, "She's going through some things, mom says Ginny just needs a little space."
Hermione wrapped a strand of hair around her finger, "I guess, but alright, I'll see you here in a bit? I'll look for that stupid movie you like so much."
She could practically hear his grin. "I'll be there soon."
The next morning, before Ron left, Hermione made him the pancakes he claimed to love so much.
"Gods, you're the best," he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Thanks for staying the night, I don't know why I was being so paranoid."
"Anytime," he winked. It might have been charming if he didn't have a mouthful of pancakes. "But, I have to get to work soon."
"Yeah, I know. You should probably go change too," she eyed his pajamas with a smile.
"Yeah," he smiled, "But before I go," he pulled out his phone. "Mom send me the number of Dr. Riddle. Ginny didn't reply."
Hermione looked down, "Uhm, thanks, but I don't think I want to see someone, I'm okay. I was just feeling a little… weird yesterday."
"I thought you might say something like that," Ron grinned, "So I made you an appointment. It'll be good for you 'Mione. You can talk to someone about everything thats happened. You can talk to them about Harry's parents if you want. You can talk about what you went through at school. You can even talk about me and how terrible it must be to grow up together."
Hermione didn't look back up.
"Just give it a try, if you don't like it, then just don't go back."
She didn't know how he later managed to make her agree, but she regret it once she was at Dr. Riddle's house, knocking on his front door.
He answered almost immediately, "Hermione," he smiled.
"Dr. Riddle," she smiled back, only slightly surprised he still remembered her. "I think Ronald made me an appointment…"
He nodded, "Come in."
He led her through his grand house, and into his office. Hermione thought his entire house seemed like an elaborate television set. She raised an eyebrow, "Nice place, now I'm not sure if I can afford talking to you. I should have taken up those free cooking lessons instead," she joked.
His lips were tight as he smiled at her. "We can talk about the price later. Right now I want to hear what's bothering you, please," he motioned to a chair in front of his neat desk. "Take a seat."
Hermione sat down, fidgeting at the sudden tension in the air.
"So, Ronald, said lately you haven't been feeling.. safe? Last night especially?"
"Ron actually made me feel so much better but yes, it's been going on for a while"
Tom lowered his eyes, "Well, I'm sure it's something I can help you with. The price is affordable, we can tackle that after, but first, let's talk about you. Let's start from the very beginning, tell me everything about yourself Hermione."
Hermione swallowed, and opened her mouth to begin.
Tom leaned forward and hung on to her every word.
He promised to help her, and she believed him.