Our First

How did I end up here again?

I swear I didn't mean for this to happen

I was clean for almost 8 whole months dammit!

But here I am once again in an apartment I don't know, in bed with some girl that I just met a little under an hour ago...

I don't know what went wrong...one minute we were just talking and having a drink, the next thing I know we're in the hallway of her apartment building, kissing non-stop and ready to rip each others clothes off...

Once inside everything happened so quick, the kisses became rougher, our hands began to remove clothing and it became harder and harder to even think of resisting her

My body, which I've always had amazing control and endurance over was suddenly trembling and aching from her touch.

This girl...I loved exploring and feeling every detail of her body

Her boobs, her butt, lips, legs, everything!

What was her name again?

This may sound confusing so let's go back to the beginning...

My name is Sasuke Uchiha

I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. I'm under no obligation to tell you anything about my life or my "relationships" but it doesn't seem like your gonna go away anytime soon so stay if you want, it's got nothing to do with me...

It all started this morning

"Yo Sasuke get up!" a loud voice rang on the outside of my door. That voice belonged to my idiot roommate and long time best friend Naruto Uzumaki

I groaned heavily hating that as the first thing I heard this morning. My alarm clock was buzzing annoyingly, looking over I saw that it was almost 7:00...

I turn on my back while lifting my arm, reaching for the button to shut off the alarm. As soon as I get it to turn off I roll over muttering to myself

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Oi! I know you heard me the first time you bastard! Get up already" Naruto ranted outside

I scowled as he continued to pound the door. Knowing he wouldn't stop until I responded "Be quiet you idiot! I'm up" I yelled hoping it would be enough to shut him up

"Well then get out here already teme" Naruto said loudly through the door

I mentally sighed as I listened to the faint footsteps of him walking away...

Damn... now that I'm awake I can't ignore the sunlight coming in through the blinds... Oh well... might as well get up

Sitting up and swinging my legs over to the floor I reluctantly got up and headed outside

"Hey dobe what the hell? It's Saturday I like to sleep in"

"Yeah, Yeah, I know but you left your phone in the living room and it's been ringing non-stop since 6:00. I figured since it woke me up it's only fair if I wake you up so you can answer your damn phone!" Naruto said standing over the stove cooking breakfast

I turned my head when I heard my cell phone ringing. I went to the couch and saw that I had 15 missed calls and 20 text messages.

What the hell?

"Damn it" I said gritting my teeth "It's Karin... I bet she wants me to come in to work today"

"Oh yeah, you guys are working on that big project right?" Naruto asked

"Yeah... I swear this has to be a punishment from some evil deity that made me work together with that women... she won't take no for an answer" I sighed tossing my phone aside and slumping on the couch

"It's your own fault ya know, I don't see why you can't indulge her and just sleep with her. It's not like she's bad to look at and once it's over I'm sure she'll get off your back" Naruto said cheerfully

"Not interested. I want to focus on work right now and once you give in to one, the rest of them will think they have a chance too... I just have to ignore it"

"I don't think you know how lucky you are to have so many women dying to get in your pants teme... forget your whole 'All Work and No Play' crap, live a little"

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair "No. I told you I'm off women and I'm not about to change my mind to please Karin"

I headed back to my room to get ready, as I reached the door Naruto called back "Well a bunch of us are going out tonight, wanna meet up later?"

I slowly turned and looked over my shoulder giving him a hard look "No, I might be home late but don't bring the after party here"

"Whatever, but you can't keep this up forever Sasuke. It's not good for a man to be alone for such a long time and if your not careful someone like Karin is gonna sink her claws into ya" Naruto laughed as I closed the door

Idiot, like that would ever happen to me I thought as I reached for my work clothes

After 9 excruciating hours of being stuck alone with Karin we finally got done with the review reports. After turning down Karins offer to split a cab I headed to a bar for a drink

Once I'm there I order myself a drink, avoiding eye contact with anyone, turning away from women who tried to buy/share a drink with me. All in all I'm enjoying my time alone... the bar isn't exactly my scene but I don't wanna go home and risk the chance of Naruto being there and being forced to go out again.

Musing over these thoughts I look over the bar mirror and see a women sitting a few seats away from me drinking alone. At first I look away not wanting to grab her attention but I found myself sneaking glances at her every now and then.

I'm not trying to sound like I'm bragging or anything because the truth is I don't care about that sort of thing but almost a dozen women have hit on me since I came here... but I don't remember this one trying to

She had smooth looking skin that paled in contrast with her long dark hair. She wasn't beautiful or at least she wasn't exceptionally beautiful ... there were probably other women here who were much better looking than her but there was something about her...

It was her eyes...




I've never seen such eyes...

At first I thought she might be blind but when I took another glance I saw that they weren't colorless but a soft lavender hue that reminded me of shooting stars on a clear night and the glistening sparkle of untouched snow... they looked beautiful and exotic

I watched as she looked over her glass of wine, even though her mind seemed to be lost in thought her eyes looked so intense and focused. She probably felt me staring at her because she looked up and met my gaze.

Surprisingly she didn't smile and start to flirt with me instead she blushed (Something a women her age probably shouldn't do) and looked away. I didn't really take it personal, in fact I was glad since I came to drink alone and it was safe to assume that's why she came too

Deciding to call it a night I was about to get up when a whole herd of loud energetic females came through the door, turning my easy exit into a obstacle course filled with traps of women trying to get me to stay and drink with them. I scowled as the thought went through my head but then I looked over to the women at her far end of the bar. She was sitting one stool away from the end next to a vacant seat. I was sitting in the middle of the bar with two empty seats on my left and my right. If I moved now I might be able to sit next to her and quietly wait for those loud mouths to get a booth without spotting me.

I grabbed my drink and made my way over. "Mind if I sit here?" I ask trying to keeping my face as neutral as possible so she doesn't get the wrong idea. She shakes her head no and I sit down hunching over a bit to hide myself from their view

About 15 minutes have passed and the women next to me hasn't said a word, which in my experience is unusual but defiantly welcomed. Those females were getting louder and louder and I didn't want to waste any more time here and give them a chance to approach me so I turned to the pearl eyed beauty next to me hoping it would send the wrong message

"So... your here alone?" I asked

"Eh? Oh um yes... I was with some friends but I decided to stay a little longer" she said timidly, like she was unsure if she should be talking to me or not... I smirked to myself

Relax, I'm not gonna eat you

At first things were rather monotone. Her only responses were "Oh" and "Yeah" or "No" to my comments and questions. But after a while and another glass of wine she started to warm up to me and even graced me with a smile. My excuse to sit next to her had calmed down a long time ago and I really had no reason to stay but I found myself amused by this girl who wasn't flashing her breast and smiling suggestively at me, so I let myself sit and talk to her slowly losing my senses to the dark lights and alcohol...

Things went bad to worse ... first I put my hand on her knee, then I started to gently rub against her arm, loving the feel of her soft skin and the way she blushed from my touch. Talking turned into kissing and even though I should have turned away I didn't... I kept on kissing her feeling this pent up restlessness that I've kept down for 8 months getting bigger and harder to control...

I didn't mean to go home with her or to hook up with her

But now I'm in her apartment, our clothes being tossed aside in every direction. I put one hand in her hair and the other around her lower back hugging her closer to me as I pushed her against a wall. I kissed her hungrily as her fingers interlaced through my hair making me moan at the incredible feeling...

Even though I was being dominant and aggressive I let her lead me to the bedroom where we fell on the bed, both of us almost out of breath. Feeling hot and impatient I took off her bra and panties and looked over her body, admiring her curves as my eyes filled with lust

I looked at her, her cheeks red and hot... her eyes...she looked so...so...innocent and teasing that it only turned me on even more

Not good, if don't calm down and take it slow I really will eat her I thought as I took a few deep breaths

"Do you have protection?" I asked ready to die if she told me she didn't

"Y-Yes" she said her breathing uneven, she got up and went to her dresser quickly. When she came back I didn't let her escape

So I guess that's how it happened.

Here I am enjoying the feel and pleasure of this girl to the fullest... I moan and pant as I thrust myself in and out of her making her squirm and gasp under me. Soon we're rolling in the sheets and she's riding me slowly and skillfully, making me grunt and moan until I lose my mind...

It was like that for hours... hours of tongues teasing, hip thrusting, hair pulling animal sex... until I felt myself explode inside of her panting hard as she quickly followed in my release of ecstasy. Feeling weak and exhausted I rolled over on my side

I don't know if I ever felt so good in my life...this girl...she was amazing

What was her name again?

My arms automatically pulled her close to me, holding her in a hug

So warm... Yukina?...No...Hana?...No... something...something about the sun...

The sun...a place in the sun...Hi-...Hinata?

Yeah...that was it...


I smirked, happy to know I wasn't a complete dick and fell asleep

AN: Hi! This is a story I had in my head for a while and it's my first original. Please tell me the truth if it sounds cliche and over done. Sorry if the attempt at the lemon/lime scene was lame. It's my first time trying to write that way. There will be a lot more to come so hopefully I'll get better as the story goes along. Don't expect the chapters to be longer than this one my main focus will be on my other story 'Maid for a Month' but I thought I would try this on the side. The updates might be more frequent but they won't really be long. I wanted to do a more mature story and get to try out some things I won't get to in my other story. So let me know what you think and I hope this caught your interest so far. This may be the only chapter that's written in first person like this. I've never written in this style before so I wanted to get myself out of my comfort zone and try it. Depending on what people think this story may or may not continue. Please review! And Enjoy!