Author has written 9 stories for Phantom Stallion, Inuyasha, Naruto, and Batman. Update: ...Let's do it, folks. I'm going to see how far I can get on Raven tonight. If people seem interested, I'll keep going. Okay, I'm just going to say that I've officially dropped two of my stories, Shadow Heart and Forbidden. I'm just really uninterested in them now, especially the former. There's a VERY slight chance that I'll pick up Forbidden again some day, but probably not. Just reading it makes me shudder. I'm fairly happy with Mustang Eyes, Just Once, and Fallen, so I'll leave those guys alone. My Batman fic WILL get updated some day, I swear! I just need...inspiration...(writing from the Joker's point of view is very tiring.) In the Moment was an experiment that I'm really kind of ashamed of, I feel like it's just a complete mess, but I'll leave it up since there are some people who have favorited it. The same kind of goes for I Know You Like Me, which in all honesty I did on a whim because I was bored. OTPs: SasukexHinata, InuyashaxKagome Pairings I support in general: SesshomaruxRin, NarutoxHinata, ShikamaruxTemari, SaixIno, ChoujixIno, NejixTenten, NejixHinata, LeexSakura Pairings I support sometimes: SasukexSakura, ItachixSakura, KakashixAnko, SesshomaruxKagome, NarutoxSasuke Pairings that make me pull my hair out: KisamexTsunade |