Gift For: scifichick774
Eleusinian Mysteries (Return)
Svelte Rose
He's received a second chance and he refuses to waste it. His obsession wrought a dangerous and deadly trap and he expects to ensnare her mind, body, and soul. She was his for the taking.
Rabastan Lestrange, Hermione Granger
Dubious consent, unresolved sexual tension, swearing, violence, and a possible cliff-hanger
Basic HP stuff…
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Author's Note: I don't think I followed the prompts very well at all, scifichick774, so I offer my deepest apologies. When the challenge first came to me, I thought I could do it especially since the plot bunny reared its cute, furry head so quick. But then it swerved to an off-road like a bad driver and [un]fortunately, this is the end result. With a dynamic such as Rabastan's and Hermione's, my muse was very stubborn on how she wanted to see this work out. Hope you enjoy!


"But I'm not sure if it's even possible…"

A watery smile. "Please Miss Granger. You are the brightest witch of this generation. I've heard of your feats – miracles, even. I just want to hear his voice…I just want to speak with him one last time. I'll give you whatever you need! Name your price."

A panicked expression. "It's not an issue of money. I just truly don't believe it's possible."

"But could you at least try?" This time, the woman took the young witch's palm and sandwiched it between her own.

Hesitation. "I can't promise you anything though."

"The attempt is enough." The older witch replied with tears now falling freely from her amber-colored eyes.

Another scream of agony ripped through the air of the ill-lit quarters. A gurgle sounded as the young witch coughed up mucus and blood, mixed in with pieces of her throat having been torn from the frequent harsh screams. The brown curls that had been secured in a knot at the top of her head fell haphazardly around her and the jeweled hair ornament lay several paces away, long forgotten. Her gown, once the color of champagne was stained rusty brown and scarlet red, having endured harsh treatment for the last hour.

Hermione breathed, the dust from the floor coating her nostrils, chin and lips. She couldn't even cry, the pain was so intense. Even a single breath shot rivulets of agony throughout her body, so that she was loathe to move nary an inch.

A sharp kick was dealt between her ribs and kidney, forcing her slender frame to flip over. All she could offer was a grunt and a gasp as the sharp end of Alecto Carrow's wand dug into her jugular.

"No?" A softly spoken question flitted out between two painted lips.

A mixture of blood and saliva splattered all over her face. Alecto wiped at her eye distastefully before lifting the wand and then flicking it daintily.

Another half sob half scream ripped through the air as the body on the floor wrenched and she dug her gloved hands into the stone floor.

A hard glint appeared in Alecto's inhumanely pale grey eyes. "Well, I suppose we'll have to negotiate some more won't we?"

Hermione clutched at her stomach as she fought for consciousness. She had barely heard the softly spoken threat but caught it nonetheless. The witch was clearly not quite right in her mind but then again, inbreeding did have more costs than benefits.

Alecto tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder, circling Hermione's prone body as though she were just some random spectator. Then, she paused right in front of the heavily wounded witch, tipping her head in an act of innocence.

While her body rejoiced at the small break it'd received from the Cruciatus curse, her mind was not fooled for a second. Brown eyes narrowed in the few moments of tense silence as she shifted onto her elbow.

Much like a conductor ready to give the first beat of the song, Alecto held up her wand in a dramatic fashion, the corners of her lips curving into an out of place smile. Hermione did not break her gaze with the witch although her hands wished they had something to throw at the wench.

Her shrill laugh resounded in the dank room as she simultaneously dropped both hands.

The sound of gears grinding and latches unlocking themselves filled Hermione's ears but her eyes had a mind of their own. They immediately glanced upwards, just as Alecto's eyes had and watched in horror as several bodies dropped into view, bound, gagged, and some even unconscious. A rope held them suspended in mid-air, tied to their legs and the conscious ones started to attempt an escape when their eyes caught sight of her person.

Oh god. Charlie. George. Fleur. Terry. Luna. Dean. Bill. Ginny.

She gasped, at the last figure, the rounded belly giving away at once who the victim was. The two of them hadn't spoken for several years after a fall out several months after the war had ended but even then, she would've never wished this on Ginny, especially with the state she was in.

"You can't be serious," she gritted out between teeth.

A cold grin crossed Alecto's face as she bent down to face level with Hermione. "I think you and I both know the answer to that."

Charlie wriggled every which way, veins straining in his neck and face as he struggled to say something through the silencing spell that had been cast on him. Hermione's head shot up to face his and blue clashed with brown. Even if the syllables were unidentifiable, she knew the message he tried to convey.

Don't do it. Whatever she says, don't do it.

"I don't think you can afford to be shy. I want him back and I'll do whatever it takes to have him back! Unfortunately, your foul self is the only one that can do it."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hermione denied, though only half the words had tumbled from her lips.

She had caught her meaning nonetheless and immediately, she stiffened in rage. In a single instant, she flicked her wand at the second eldest Weasley who jerked and strained against his bounds.

Hermione didn't even bother to wipe the spit from her face and in that moment, her own pain had been brushed aside as she watched in horrified silence while Charlie thrashed viciously against the Cruciatus curse.

"Not convincing enough?" A barely sane look entered her slate-grey eyes as she flicked her wand at the next victim.

The only remaining Weasley twin held still for the barest of moments, his screams unheard as the curse ravaged his lanky frame.

Her lips moved but no sounds came out. Blood dripped from her mouth and she weakly spat the metallic liquid away, wincing when her cut lip stung at the harsh treatment. Stop. She tried murmuring as she pushed herself up from the ground. Her gown felt like a hundred extra kilograms, hanging in rags around her battered body.

An uncontrollable laugh ripped from the deranged witch's mouth as she flicked her wand to the next victim, and then the next, then again…

She couldn't do it. The repercussions. All they'd fought for only to result in nothing. Wasn't it about the greater good?

A piercing scream rang in her ears as Alecto had lifted the silencing spell and then readied herself to place the very pregnant Ginny under the Cruciatus.

Oh god. She watched in torrid fascination as the red-haired strained much like the six previous ones had but this crime had been far more vicious. She knew without a doubt that the ex-Death Eater had focused her curse on Ginny's womb and Harry's unborn child. The babe would die.

"Stop it!" Her quiet voice commanded as she staggered to stand on her own two feet.

Alecto ceased, turning to face the curly-haired witch and lifting her eyebrows innocently. "Yes?" She spoke as though she'd been disturbed from some mundane everyday activity and not torturing victims she'd kidnapped from the Ministry ball just hours ago.

Hermione sliced her palm with the sharp edge of her hairpin, the only cut on her body that hadn't been dealt and tainted by Dark Magic. She met Carrow's eyes and then promptly knelt down on the ground, dipping a finger in the cut, drawing crude symbols on the stone floor.

It was a morbid sight, seven sharply dressed individuals and a kneeling witch drawing strange characters on the floor with her own blood. Alecto smirked as she sauntered towards the silently shrieking Ginny, caressing her freckled cheek with a cool palm. "You've no idea what sort of gift your friend has traded for the life of your child."

The witch could not have heard her or did not care to for she didn't react in the slightest as tears poured from her anguished eyes.

She passed cold, grey eyes over all the strung up witches and wizards, pausing briefly upon the pale-haired witch who, instead of fighting against her binding, was all too focused on the curly-haired witch.

"I'll need something of his."

"What?" Alecto all but hissed, not having quite understood the statement.

Void, brown eyes locked gazes with her as a hand waved flippantly, "Something personal of his. A piece of jewelry, wand, lock of hair…anything to do with his essence."

She glared and then easily pulled off a signet ring that didn't quite fit her boney fingers. Tossing the object at Hermione, she watched as the witch carefully surveyed the handsome ring with a shrewd, sort of care.

"What are you waiting for, you stupid mudblood!" She screeched, her patience having reached its limit. Even the prospect of killing seven easy victims didn't appeal as much as accomplishing her goal.

Almost there, dearest.

Hermione rubbed her finger over the large emerald, offset by a pair of onyx gems and diamonds. R.L. Beta Draconis. She slipped it on, much to the outrage of the deranged witch currently holding them hostage before the words of a long-forgotten language flowed from her mouth.

She just had to buy time.

"You filthy, stinking mudblood!" Alecto screeched as she shot forward only to be blocked off by a magical shield. "How dare you sully his ring with your dirty hands! Take it off! Take it off right now!" A blue light shot from her wand only to bounce off the shield and go zinging across the room.

Hermione ignored her screams as the rush of magic contained within the circle draw in her blood crackled around her. Sweat trickled down her neck as the temperature rose in the snug atmosphere.

She trudged on, pulling from a memory she was too ready to forget as the temperature bloomed, her finger burning where the ring hung much like it had on Alecto's finger.

It wasn't at all like the Unforgivables. It was strictly Forbidden and against all rules of life and death. A concoction of her own with only the slightest help, she wasn't even sure the spell would work.

Even that was a lie. It would work.

Hermione gulped down a deep breath as she halted, the virulent magic swirling around her persons waiting for its direction.

She knew it would work and that was the most fatal part about it all.

"Finish the spell you disgusting bitch," came the nasty snarl. Hermione turned her head only to see that witch held a wand painfully pointed at Luna's temple.

Her decision was made. She'd deal with the consequences. Where there's a beginning, there is an end.

"Sig peio thau chromphi eta."
