Here, at last, we reached the end of our story.

Did you find the monster?
Did it devour you, too?

Here's a thing no one tells you about monsters:
their claws are hidden behind handsome faces,
their teeth are hidden behind soft smiles,
their cruelty is hidden underneath soft skin.

Here's another thing:
they don't lurk in your closet or under your bed
or between the sharp-edged words of a story.
They live right down the hall.
Just around the corner.
In the house next to yours.

Here's another:
they look like me.

They look like you.

A/N: So, this is it. No more chapters, no part II uploaded as fanfiction, no more Murderer's Maze updates. If you want to know how the story ends, how part II plays out and more, visit my tumblr to know more.

To everyone that has spent the last years going on this journey with me, to all of you who have joined somewhere in the middle, or to the ones that find this story later: thank you. It was an amazing experience that gave me as a writer so much growth, so much fun and so much support that I never thought I'd get when I started this journey. I have greatly enjoyed all comments, all asks you sent me on tumblr and all thoughts concerning the story. You made this story so special to me and I hope I could make it magical for you.