Reviews for Murderer's Maze
arlene56 chapter 20 . 5/27
This story is amazing. Voldemort is horrible and the imagery is nightmare-inducing. I think about this story pretty often. Thank you for sharing!
arlene56 chapter 18 . 5/27
Holy crap
TO FANS OF THIS chapter 1 . 4/8
If you liked the Murderer's Maze, check out these similar Tomione fics:

- "Twist and Collide" by BrendaBites

A lot of Brenda's stories feature a serial killer Tom Riddle,
So if that's your thing, be sure to check them out :D

- "Resurrected Recollections" by Meowmers.

This is another great Tomione similar to Murderer's Maze. Meowmers has a lot of amazing Tomione fanficiton actually so feel free to explore.

- "Forget Me Not" by Shamelessly Radiant.
Another serial killer Tomione fic that comes with a surprise twist ;)

Not sure if URLs will show, so just Google the stories.

Also the amazing author of this fic is in the process of publishing Murderer's Maze as an original story called "London Burning"

Be sure to check her Tumblr for updates on when the book will be released!


P.S. Join the Tomione Trash group on Facebook for funtimez :)
FOR FANS OF THIS chapter 20 . 4/7
If you liked the Murderer's Maze, check out these similar Tomione fics:

- "Twist and Collide" by BrendaBites

A lot of Brenda's stories feature a serial killer Tom Riddle,
So if that's your thing, be sure to check them out :D

- "Resurrected Recollections" by Meowmers.

This is another great Tomione similar to Murderer's Maze. Meowmers has a lot of amazing Tomione fanficiton actually so feel free to explore.

- "Forget Me Not" by Shamelessly Radiant.
Another serial killer Tomione fic that comes with a surprise twist ;)

Not sure if URLs will show, so just Google the stories:

Also the amazing author of this fic is in the process of publishing Murderer's Maze as an original story called "London Burning"

Be sure to check their Tumblr for updates on when the book will be released!


P.S. Join the Tomione Trash group on Facebook for funtimez :)
CraftyThestral chapter 20 . 2/25
I loved reading this story so, so much. I really hope that there will be a part 2 soon.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/16
I think you started off so strong, I was hooked on every line, however it seems so rushed at the end that it leaves you wanting more. I don't use tumblr at all, so maybe you could put how part two plays out on here that would be so helpful.
Well done and I wish you the best for future pieces
OnlyRiddle'sGirl chapter 20 . 2/8
Ok so I regret reading this masterpiece at 2 am but this is great!

Can someone still explain the ending though, I don't understand.
msgny chapter 20 . 2/2
what a waste of time really. But can't deny that this is such a brilliant fic with plot, characters, and all. I'm judging you for making a real novel out of this, it's your right even though it leaves me disappointed, thanks for sharing this masterpiece.
Whitewolfy7 chapter 2 . 6/27/2019
Huh. Well alright then. Really really amazing writing I felt like I as going to puke as I read about to Tonks, which should be a bad thing but it’s not. Writes and readers are so strange that way. I’m about to get real angsty I warned you: I feel as though I’ve already entered the maze, and even once I finish the last chapter and close the tab, I’ll still never have truly found the exit, because in a story like this there isn’t one. I’m already in the monsters clutches.
Whitewolfy7 chapter 2 . 6/27/2019
“I'm not playing a major part in this story.
Not yet.

At least not in the first chapter.
I'm mentioned briefly, although it's just a poor reflection of my true potential. It's not until the third chapter that I truly make an appearance.

The prologue, however, belongs to me alone.” - I’m already so fucking in love goddamn
Whitewolfy7 chapter 1 . 6/27/2019
Already. Have. Fucking. Chills. This is the best opening to a story I’ve ever seen.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/18/2019
theflowofmusic chapter 20 . 5/18/2019
Fun fact: you can't actually find your tumblr on your profile.
senawario chapter 18 . 5/5/2019
I have this habit of checking out the last chapter before I commit to reading a fic. Let me get this right: you are writing a for-profit book with character names from this incomplete fanfic - names like Hermione and Dumbledore.

If that is correct, it is *clearly* a bait-and-switch game you're playing. I've actually never seen anyone attempt this. I mean, there are lots of ff writers who also write original fiction and sell it, and even advertise those works in their ff profile, or fics, which is great - you get to judge their writing before buying, so win-win for everyone. But I've never seen one say "haha, if you want to know how this ends, you need to buy the book", and leave people hanging.

I sincerely hope that, once your for-purchase book comes out, JKR's lawyers come after you and take you to the cleaners, you deserve all the lawyering you get! It's not that others don't leave people hanging - usually by simply abandoning the fic mid-way; it's a fact of life in ff, and we all have lives to lead so we understand. What you have done is not the same at all. Anyway, as I said, better lawyer up if you're using names like Dumbledore and Hermione in your for-purchase book.
xxXTomione4EvaXxx chapter 20 . 4/21/2019
Damn. Whelp, I’ll be waiting for the novel and subsequent movie heh heh. Thanks for sharing. This was well written, suspenseful, totally dark and overall just awesome.
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