A/N Hey I'm sorry guys, I relized the last chapter was really slow to be up, but I had (and still have) tons of wild crap going on that keeps me imensly busy. But, I am still very in love and in tune with story, so don't worry.

And just to clear something up, Yoruichi isn't Ulquiorra wife, to not confuse anyone. You'll find out soon enough. ;)

And of course, thanks to my reviewers and readers, enjoy!

The snap of the measuring tape as it wound back into place rung in Rukia's ears. The Lady wrote down the last of her numbers and settled her gaze back on the shorter girl.

"What?" Rukia questioned. She didn't like being stared at like that. It made her feel even more alienated than she already was in this world.

"It's the look on your face." the Lady stated, standing from her crouched position. "It's slack from daydreaming but holds a streak of ferocity."

Rukia shrugged. "I was thinking of different ways to kick Jaegurjack in the balls, exuse my French."

She laughed and walked over to a large dresser next to the fireplace. Rumaging a bit inside it, she pulled out a black corset, thigh high nylons, garter belts, and high heeled dancer's shoes. Rukia raised an eyebrow at the attire.

"So the entire purpose of these dances are to...please the watchers." Rukia guessed, eyeing the langer as Yuroivhi handed them to her.

"Let's just say it isn't a family event to go to on a Sunday morning." She pointed to a dressing room door connected in the office. "Go change. Then, I'll hand you over to someone to teach you the basics."

Rukia nodded and went through the threshold of the dressing room. Changing into the slinky garments, she felt pity for the girls that had to go through this, even if they despratly wanted to be in here. Was it perhaps that the courts men were all extreamly handsome and that it better than anything else?

She shuddered in discust. She would have to seduce a man out there.

She prayed that the king wasn't some old pervert- and that he'd listen to her before he did anything belittling.

Asuming of course, that he found an inrest in her.

She finished dressing and marveled at herself in the mirror. She turned at all angles, admiring at how womenly she looked. She looked at the bow in her hair and decided to keep it in. It was cute enough.

Walking out back into the office, Rukia saw a girl talking with the Lady. She was short and slim like Rukia, her dark brown hair in a ballerina's bun. Her eyes were wide and dark and held nothing but the purest kindness that only an innocent child could conjure.

Rukia smiled dryly as she curtised for the two

"Don't I look like the most proper of ladies?"

Yuroichi gave an encouraging grin. "No, you look like a girl ready to fight any battle to find her way home."

"Of course," the girl with bun piped in, "all the weapons you have are garter belts and your pretty bow."

They all giggled in dark humor before the Lady gestured to the unknown girl.

"Rukia Kuchiki, Momo Hinamori. She will teach you the dance tonight and show you around so that by tonight, you will be ready. I have already explained your situation,
and she is in complete understanding."

"Nice to meet you," Momo greeted warmly, holding her hand out. "I'm so sorry this had to happen to you, and I will try my hardest to get his Highness to um...like you." she gave a sheepish smile, dimples popping.

Rukia took the offered hand and shook it, greatfull.

"Thank you so much, both of you. You're the first pleasent people I've acually met here."

Yuroichi waved the thanks off with one flick of her tan wrist. "You'd be miserable here anyways, and the last thing that I need is a drab dancer. Anyways, both of you off, there's rehersals to be done."

"Yes, ma'am." Momo chimed. She gave a little curtsy, her peach colored tutu swirling in the process. Then, she took Rukia by the hand and started leading her off.

"Good-bye," Rukia cried, suprised by the smaller girls strength, "And thank you again!"

The door of the office clicked behind them, the blunt laughter of the Lady echoing behind it. Rukia eased off, walking beside the other girl.

"I hope you know how appretiative I am, but there is no way to express my gratitude." Rukia curtised in place, the exitment of the situation birthing wild adreniline in her veins.

"Please!" the girl chortled, turning her wide, tea colored eyes to her. "I know how scary this land is, and I can't imagine what it would be like for a complete alien!"

Rukia wrinkled her nose at the thought of being an alien, but she took no offence to the statement. She looked around as Momo guided her through the laberinth of dancers,
props, and wheeling carts holding glittery fabric. Costumes for the show, she supposed.

"So what's it like in your homeland?" Th girl beside her questioned. She led through a giant archway, into a giant auditorium.

"Claustrophobic," Rukia clipped remorsly. "Girls my age are practicly being auctioned into marriage...we are givin no freedom in the least."

"Marriage..." Momo sighed dreamily. "us dancers aren't allowed to marry, ever. Of course, it is an extremly huge honour to be here but..."

She sighed and went doe eyed for a moment, as if imagining herself as the picture perfect wife to a doting husband.

Rukia cocked her head to the side, a new thought forming in her head.

"Momo," she started. "Do you have any... you knows?"

The girl in question flushed a bright pink, eyes falling to the floor. Rukia confirmed a yes to her answer and felt slightly guilty for embarressing her.

"Well yes," she stated timidly. "His name is Souske Aizen, he's the head administrater o the king." she fiddled with her fingers at the thought of the man, then suddenly whirled her face back again.

"Oh, but he is very good to me! He is very gentle and smiles a lot, unlike some of the dogs here. Many of the girls tell me I am very lucky to be his consort..."

Pity and disgust bloomed in the pit of Rukia's stomach. What a life to live, to be whore to the man who can never make a futher relationship, to pine away at a stand-
sill life. Was she happy, or was she forced to be happy, unless dire circumstances met her otherwise?

She knew she could not stay in this place.

"We're here!" Momo anounced. She hopped on the elevated stage, walking to the middle where a ring of girls surrounded something, or one Rukia could not see. Hopping onstage also, she followd to where Momo stood, watching the unknown along with the others.

"What's going on-" she started as she started pushing through people to get a glance, but Momo shhed her as soon as Rukia silenced at the watched sight.

A girl, a very beautiful girl, danced.

Rukia's eyes widened at the sight. Never before had she seen such umtamed, graceful beauty. The girl, with a halo of long, sunset colored hair twisted and jumped in the most intimate of dances. Everyone speculating oohed and ahhed as she dipped and curved, spun and pleated. She was detached and by the look of her closed eyes it was only her in the entire room.

"Who is she?" Rukia breathed, astounded.

Momo turned to her, eyes shining. she leaned down to whisper in her ear,

"That's Orihime Inoue. She's practicly the princess of this place." She paused for a second to glace back at the dancing girl. "She's the king's only consort."

Rukia looked back at the ginger haired girl with new eyes. She was the compition, the barrier between staying here and returning home. How in Chappi's name was she supposed to live up to her? She was beautiful, long legged, wide eyed, not to mention her full bosom...

No, all that didn't matter. This was what she had to do, and she would have to deal with it no matter how difficult the part. She watched, ananlyzing the languid movements.
She turned once more to Hinamori.

"Let's get started," she whispered. "I have a lot to learn."

She was sweating buckets only ten minutes in. She curved, spun, raised on her toes, and kept her eyes level. She wanted to hold an air of poise and grace like the princess had- but she needed to be more beautiful, more enticing. The queen of beauty, the mistress of desire. When she imagined herself as these things, she shone, and after a while Momo stepped back to watch her with an odd expression.

Rukia halted in her movements. "What?"

Momo blinked once, twice. "Wow."

She was ready.

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Sorry it's been such a long time, actually I was jut strolling through my stories and I found this again. It really is fun to write, and the next chapter should be even funner. Bear with me darlings, and give me some requests for pairing you like (I might just like them too) Don't forget to review! 3