![]() Author has written 4 stories for Hunger Games, and Harry Potter. Hi there! So I think it's past time that I attempt to make a profile. XD I started writing fanfiction back in the day and I'd used to fill spiral notebooks with it. Goodness knows where those went, but I hope nobody finds them because it was awful. I remember I started with My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way and original character. Then it moved onto Draco Malfoy and original character (who, needless to say, were inspired by older/better versions of me). Thinking about the stuff I wrote sorta makes me cringe, but without it I wouldn't be here. Years passed and I found this site to read fanfiction but I was never quite inspired to write any myself. Until I came across The Hunger Games. I'm not going to lie, I jumped pretty late on the bandwagon but once I read the first book I just had to get my hands on the second (and the third, while I was at it). I bought the movie when it was released on DVD and have been a die-hard fan ever since. So... where to start. My three favorite book series are as follows: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and the Undead series by MaryJanice Davidson. I have several other fics that are in the process of being written but I've decided to buckle down and git 'er done with Not Her. I never expected A Date with Panem's Golden Boy to grow as much as it did and I'm so thankful for everybody who inspired me and helped me stay inspired to finish the story. So, for the reviewers, followers and favorite-rs... many, many thanks to you. :) I can only hope the same for Not Her, but since it's in its early stages, only time will tell. I don't really know what else to say, so I'll stop here. Again, thanks to everybody who's added me to their favorite authors and is following my stories. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. |