![]() Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. DEAR READERS: Hello! Thank you so much for all of the amazing reviews. I'm so sorry I've been updating so sparsely (that's an understatement...) these past few months and all I can do is profusely apologize to all of you who are waiting for updates. You see, medical school is really taking up a lot of my time and I'll admit that I spend most of my free time catching up on sleep. It's really that tiring so I hope you guys understand. Rest assured that I haven't abandoned Those Silver Linings! Also, I've recently posted a new fic on a new pairing. Anyone itching for a funny and romantic Hermione/Draco fic, please take a look at my new oneshot Third Time's a Charm. ABOUT MY PEN NAME: First of all, to those who don't know, Allotropism (also known alternatively as Allotropy) is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms. I guess it's a bit - okay, a lot - nerdy of me to use such a Chemistry-centric word but I just couldn't get past the similarities between Allotropism and a pen name. At least over this site, I cease to exist as my "regular" self in order to take on the identity of an author that hopefully brightens some people's days, even just a little, through my writing. COMPLETED STORIES: Hermione/Charlie Eavesdropping Five Plus One For Training Purposes A Pleasurable Kind of Torture oOo Hermione/Cedric The Early Morning Inquisition oOo Hermione/Draco Third Time's a Charm ONGOING STORIES: oOo Hermione/Cedric Those Silver Linings TRANSLATION POLICIES: While I am trilingual, I prefer my medium of writing to be in English. As such, I entertain offers (note: I reserve the right to decline) to translate my fics. Please send me a private message as to which fic/s you would want to translate and into what language. Also, I don't mind if my fics get translated multiple times in the same language by different authors. Don't let that stop you from asking me. PLEASE REMEMBER: Kindly wait for my approval before translating/posting anything. It's basic courtesy. Plus if I find out you translated my work without asking me first, then expect me to message the site you posted it on to take it down IMMEDIATELY. By asking to translate my works, you also agree to include the following in your translated work: Once you're done, private message me the link of the translated version so I may place it on the Translation List here on my profile page. Please also send me a link to your profile page so I may give due credit. I accept links that lead outside fanfiction.net ONE FINAL THING: I will never accept translation offers for WIP (Work in Progress) and OH (On Hiatus) fics. So please wait until they're completed before sending me a request to translate. TRANSLATION LIST: Multiple entries of the same title and author simply means that the translation has been posted on different sites. oOo RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS EAVESDROPPING THE EARLY MORNING INQUISITION oOo HUNGARIAN TRANSLATIONS EAVESDROPPING FOR TRAINING PURPOSES |