Reviews for When Foreigners Come to Call
MissyPrissQueen chapter 20 . 12/19/2019
I really don’t understand why you made Krum act this way. It seems super unnecessary and really out of character for literally no reason.
Eatgreenapples chapter 21 . 8/27/2019
Thanks for sharing your writing
Eatgreenapples chapter 20 . 8/27/2019
Krum was a surprise!
MotekElm chapter 20 . 4/25/2019
I did not see that coming. I think the time Turner made it a bit too convoluted. it would have been better to make it Karakoff working with Krum or something
MotekElm chapter 17 . 4/25/2019
interesting. does this mean that Cedric will live in the end, or that more than one person can eventually embody the Founders/ring?
MotekElm chapter 14 . 4/25/2019
I like this Peter character
MotekElm chapter 13 . 4/25/2019
booo on Krum, but it makes sense. yay for a sniff of Dramione
MotekElm chapter 12 . 4/25/2019
well, it was sweet, but it didn't make sense to me.
if Hermione wanted to go with Draco, she could ask him.
if she's too insecure to ask him, then why doesn't she get .mad that he waited until the Last minute?
if she's so nonchalant about it, then why didn't she tell Harry and Draco about her date earlier?
jagadeesanenator chapter 21 . 1/31/2019
Omg that was crazy! I did not expect that twist!
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 20 . 1/29/2019
Cedric! I'm SO GLAD it looks like he'll be important, and won't die immediately. I'm eager to know who gets Ravenclaw'sI'm hoping it'll be Luna. Canon-wise I would have preferred Neville to get Gryffindor's, but as Ginny got his sword this time around, perhaps she'll wear Gryffindor's ring? No idea about Slytherin, but I'm hoping either for Draco or Daphne.

P.S. When a wise old wizard talks about keeping rings safe, I imagine Gandalf telling Bilbo "Keep it secret. Keep it safe." and that's how I imagine Dumbledore looking in this chapter.
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 12 . 1/29/2019
I have to say, I was surprised when Ginny said that Draco had liked Hermione for that long. I wasn't sure that either Draco or Hermione quite knew that they liked each other romantically, until Hermione's boggart fiasco. So Harry's "for years" and Ginny's "for seven years" seemed a bit out of place. Not that I'm complaining exactly, because I am Dramione trash. Hahaha.

Reading this chapter reminded me that I had actually started out by shipping Drinny, way back when I liked Krumione, but now both those ships make me cringe because I have Dramione as a clear OTP. Hahahaha!
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 2 . 1/29/2019
Mint chocolate chip ice cream! If I didn't already love Lily, I would love her for her excellent taste at this point.
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 8 . 1/29/2019
Wait... in a previous book Ginny summoned Harry's, or was it Hermione's, broom after he or she fell off... how did she know the charm?
junipernott chapter 21 . 10/24/2018
and Moody too! Oh dear I'll miss Moody and Cedric :(
junipernott chapter 20 . 10/24/2018
rereading this again and can't believe cedric is dead (again) o dear cedric you shall be missed
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