DISCLAIMER: I don't own twilight!

Please read and review! I will take ONLY constructive criticism on my story!

Helly my freaky darlings! Sorry, ive been MIA but im working on these as you can see. So enjoy! And,OH, how do you all feel about a bonus stories. Like Alice maybe doing a Halloween party and Thanksgiving? Or what was happening to Alice and Jasper while everyone was back home? Thoughts, darling,thoughts. :-*

Travel Plan

Three months with nothing but happiness, love, joy, and some fear. It took only Bella three months to get a daily routine like the rest us around here. Our house always had someone coming in and out of it. Charlie was often here for Renesmee with Sue by his side. Sue became his personal shadow, where he went, she went. Where he stepped, she stepped. Where he sat, she was right behind him. Emmett almost got tempted to drop everything, turn to Sue and say, "I vant to suck your blood." But he knew how horrified Carlisle and Esme would be by the prank. Despite how much some of us all thought it would be funny, we never expressed that thought. Sue was always watching Seth as well, I wanted to mention to her, with all of us Seth and Charlie was in no danger. But when I mentioned it to Esme, she reassured me that a mother would always worry for the people around her, it was unavoidable.

Emmett continued in engaging with Bella. Every day, after everyone left, he stood outside-pacing- waiting for Bella to come either from our home or the main house. With each time, Bella would yawn or smirk in Emmett's face when she beat him. Emmett would curse under his breathe and throw a fit like a child. We often found Renesmee watching him, laughing and clapping whenever her uncle Emmett acted out. She was amused by him, often wanting to shadow him wherever he went.

As Bella was adapting Jasper felt the need to keep a 'watchful eye on her'. We often found him not far behind Bella when Alice was busy playing dress up with my daughter. Jasper was always around, testing the climate around Bella. Jasper was becoming more relaxed with her being around without him around, shadowing her. At times I found him thinking about his own turning. He often wondered how his life would have turned out if Carlisle was around when he had turned. Would he have felt the way he did when he was with Maria? Would he have had a different outcome of things? He often thought of the loneness and pain he felt when he didn't know about his transformation. This happened often, but that feeling was brushed away when he saw Bella, flourishing.

"Yeesh!" Bella growled, one night. "If I haven't killed Charlie or Sue yet, it's probably not going to happen. I wish Jasper would stop hovering all the time!"

"No one doubts you, Bella, not the slightest," I assured her. "You know how Jasper is-he can't resist a good emotional climate. You're so happy all the time, love, he gravitates towards you without thinking." I said, pulling her in me.

"Is she asleep?" I asked Bella.

She placed a kiss on my lips, entwining her fingers into my hair. It didn't need to be told twice when it came to intimate connection with Bella. The days were for the family but the nights were ours. Entangled together within the sanctuary of our home, our own little paradise.

During the three months, Carlisle and I were deep in books, reading anything online, following link after link about my daughter's condition. Not that she had a condition just her predicament. She never looked the same way twice, whether in clothes or age. My sisters felt the need to dress my daughter in multiple clothes throughout the day. Taking picture, after picture and video tape of Renesmee. Several weeks after her birth, she spoke her first word, Momma. The family couldn't have been happier. Bella was glowing that day but it seemed that at times, those very priceless moments seem to be weighing heavy on her. After her first word, she started putting together sentence, most often asking about Charlie. Several weeks after, she just stood up and started walking across the room. Jacob was the first one to applaud her, putting a smile on my daughter's face. Bella and I followed Jacob's cue but it was hard to pretend to be so happy for something when we had no clue what was going on.

She was growing so quickly. Carlisle often documented the progress every couple of hours. This was Renesmee's least favorite thing to do but she did with a smile on her face. By Carlisle's calculation, her growth rate was slowing down but her mind was that of an adult. Some days it was hard to believe that she was slowing down. She looked like a one year old even though she was only three months. She was lean and graceful. Her bronze ringlets, most days, hung at her waist. Her grammar and articulation were flawless, sometimes even better than mine. But she insisted on showing us what she wanted. Often using it when Jacob was around and like everything else, he always gave her want she wanted.

She had hit every milestone that a normal toddler should have hit but we were all taken back when she started reading. Renesmee's progress weighed heavy on everyone in the house. Making those around her-sometimes- tense, but like everything else that often happened in this family, they did the best they could without making my daughter feel like she was odd.

"I don't really see a choice," Carlisle said, from behind a stack of books.

"I think it's time we leave for Brazil. The sooner the better." I said, standing in front of him.

"We can be gone as soon as tomorrow." Carlisle said.

"We could but Bella wants to wait till the holidays are through. Despite what Alice pulled on Halloween and says Charlie is really looking forward to Christmas this year."

"Well," Carlisle said, rising from this pile of books. "we all know how Alice enjoys throwing a great party. As for leaving, after the new year, we are gone to Brazil." Before anything get worse.

"Will it?" I asked.

I don't know Edward. But I promise son, I will do everything I can to find answers.

Later in the week, Aro's gift showed up. Alice had mention that she sent the Volturi an announcement about the wedding and Bella's transformation. She had left out the horrible way it happened and about my daughter. When Alice hand the gift to Bella, she was taken back by the way it was presented. The box was an ornately carved, ancient wooden box with gold and mother-of-pearl, with an assortment of rainbow gemstones.

"The box in itself is a priceless treasure." Alice said.

On the top of the box was small note for Aro.

I so look forward to seeing the new Mrs. Cullen in person.

Bella opened the box, pulling out the priceless jewels. A simple gold necklace. It was gold, woven into a thick rope of chain with one single jewel hanging from the rope. A white diamond that size of a golf ball.

"I always wondered where the crown jewels disappeared to after John of England pawned them in the thirteenth century," Carlisle said. "I suppose it doesn't surprise me that the Volturi have their share." Among other things.

That night when I mention the trip, Bella had mentioned about going to see Aro and she planned to go alone. It was the first argument that I had with Bella since the transformation.

"You're not going alone," I insisted, as I clenched my teeth. My hands turn into fists.

"They won't hurt me," Bella simply said. "They have no reason to. I'm a vampire. Case closed."

"Case Closed?" I said, nearly raising voice. "Bella with you being a newborn, there is so much Aro can do to you."

"Well, it's a small risk we have to take."

"No. Absolutely not."

"Edward, it's the only way to protect her."

I dropped the argument for now. I knew she was right. Aro would see our daughter and the talent she possessed. I knew he would make up any kind of reason to hurt us, unless we handed her over, along with me and Alice. I knew before we left for Brazil, Bella and I would have this talk again. Surely enough the next day, before Carlisle and I head out for that day, Bella brought up going alone to see Aro.

"I don't see anything bad happening." Alice said.

"See." Bella said.

"But..." Alice hesitated. "Things are getting a little hazy. The outside decisions might or might not conflict."

"That right there," I said. "is the reason why you will not being going alone."

"No." Bella said, standing her ground.

"I'm coming with you as far London."

"Again, no." Bella said. "I won't leave our daughter without both parents."

I didn't want to fight with any her further; especially in front of the family but that was not an option.


"I'll be going with Bella." Carlisle interrupted. "Please, no more fighting." One rule of thumb Edward, never fight with a woman. They are always right. He said with smile.

With that said, I relaxed a little but was the idea of Bella, going alone, would always be in the back of my mind. When we bought the tickets to Italy, we didn't mention to Jacob that he would not being coming with us. I knew he would insist upon going, since him and my daughter spent every waking moment with one other. But having him with us was going to present some new challenges and problems. We knew Jacob's father, Billy, wouldn't let Jacob out the protection of the pack. Sam would probably do whatever it took to keep Jacob here. Bella had plans to talk Jacob out of it but at this point Jacob wasn't going to go anywhere, anytime soon.

"Has Bella mention to Jacob that going is a bad suggestion?" Carlisle said.

"She said she would mention something to him today but it won't do any good."

"Why is that?"

"Jacob is as stubborn as Bella. I think that's why they get along so well." I said, as matter of fact.

"Well, I know for a fact his father would never allow him to leave. Sue, as a mother, would never allow her children out of her site. It's saying something, at the fact that they are here, with us." Carlisle said while reading his book.

"What if we talked to Sam about it?" I asked.

"I don't think involving everyone else in this matter is wise."

"Unless Bella can convince Jacob that being here is good, I don't how we're going to this avoid this subject."

Well, we don't mention anything until we cross that bridge. Let us just focus on this trip with just us. Carlisle said.

I sighed heavily. This was going to end badly.

The phone rang and it was Bella. I was hoping for some good news, that she was able to convince Jacob that staying here was better for him and us.

"Bella." I said.

"Come, bring Carlisle." She uttered in the phone, something was wrong. "I saw Irina, and she saw me, but then she saw Jacob and she got mad and ran away, I think. She hasn't shown up here-yet, anyways-but she looked pretty upset so maybe she will. If she doesn't, you and Carlisle have to go after her and talk to her. I feel so bad."

"We'll be there in half a minute."

Carlisle and I were already half way out the door before Bella finished telling us about Irina. I heard a howl from Leah and seconds later Seth and Leah were trailing behind us. We meet Bella in the meadow.

"She was up on the ridge." Bella said, pointing out the spot. "Maybe you should call Emmett and Jasper and have them come with you. She looked...really upset. She growled at me."

"What?" I said, angrily.

"She's grieving," Carlisle said, placing his hand in my shoulder. "I'll go after her." I'm sure there was a reason she's acting like this.

I didn't need a reason for her acting like this. She was mad, even bitter about the fact that the pack had hunted down Laurent and killed him.

"I'm coming with you," I said.

Edward, you might make things worse. Carlisle said. She's grieving, son. She doesn't understand what Jacob and the pack had to do at the time, in order to keep Bella safe. I'm sure with her seeing Bella being so friendly with Jacob, it trigged that horrible memory. If you're coming, you must make sure to not make anything worse.

I didn't say anything. Finally, Carlisle nodded and we set out to find Irina.

Edward, I'm going to have Bella take Nessie back to the house. Jacob said, as he poked Bella with his muzzle.

We got to the spot that Bella and first seen Irina.

"Can you hear her?" Carlisle asked.

"No," I said. "Her scent if fading."

"I think we should stick together." Carlisle said. She's couldn't have gotten far but let's hope we find her.

"What if we can't find her?" I asked Carlisle.

We searched and searched but didn't find Irina. Her trail within an hour has completely faded and I thought about calling Jasper. He was a better tracker then Carlisle and I were.

"Jasper and Emmett might have a better chance." I said.

"No. I'm sure she went back home." Carlisle said.

"I'm a little worried." I confessed.

"Don't be, Edward." Carlisle said. "As soon as we get back, I'll call Tanya and see if Irina went back home."

Once back to the house, everyone was tense and in a strange mood. The tension swirled around the room.

"Nothing?" Bella said.

I shook my head.

"What now?" Jacob said.

"I don't know," Carlisle said.

Daddy! I want my daddy!

"What's wrong with Renesmee?"

She has been a little worried since that whole thing. Jacob said with a clutch jaw.

I walked into the living where Rosalie was attempting to calm Renesmee. Once my daughter saw me, she raced into my arms and crushed me into her.

"Shh, Nessie." I whispered into her ear. "What's wrong?"

"She's going to hurt my mommy."

"No, baby. She's a friend of the family. She wouldn't do that to us."

Renesmee placed her hand on my face, showing the conversation she heard Jacob having with Leah and Seth. I turned around and shot him a look and hissed at him. He was not acting like the protector I needed him to be to my daughter. I remembered when it came to Bella; he held everything in, never telling her anything. Some days he acts like the thoughtless teen I once knew him to be but then I remember that he is. Nothing more than running his mouth and not keeping in mind that my daughter was not like normal toddlers. She gets it more then we might get it nowadays.

"What did she show you?" Rosalie said, looking at me.


I cradled Renesmee in my arms, just like when she was little, and went to the piano. I readjusted her in my arms to free my hands.

"I wrote this for you." I said starting into a slow melody.

"When did you have the time?" Emmett joked. In between the fun time.

"Shut up!" I heard Rosalie hiss after hitting Emmett upside the head.


I ignore everyone around and continued playing the melody for my daughter. I gazed down and look at the beautiful gift I don't deserve, but couldn't be more thankful for. Renesmee looked at me for a moment before burying her face into my chest, her breath began to slow. As I played she drifted into a peaceful sleep. Rosalie came to my side and gently lifted my daughter from my arms as she climbed the stairs.

"Lovely, Edward." Esme says softly.

"Thank you," I said as the music ended.

I turned to Jacob, with enough composure in myself to tell him, "The next time you need to tell Leah and Seth something, tell him out of ear shot from my daughter. She doesn't need to be worrying about what happens between us," I guested towards the rest of the family, "got it?"

"I didn't think she was listening." Jacob said with shrug.

"Well, she is. Get it together or you will not be welcomed in this house." I growled.

Jacob gave a tight nod before walking out the front door. I knew my daughter comprehend a lot but it was an eye opener to see that she understand at an adult level. Which made me worry even more for her welfare; I knew now that we would have to be extra careful in what we say around her and do around her.

"For now on, we all watch what we say around Renesmee. I fear she understands more and more every day."

"What are we to do about Irina?" Jasper asked.

"With Renesmee asleep, I'll call Tanya." Carlisle said.

Again, thoughts my freaky darlings on those bonus stories. As you can see, I've dropped so hints about. Want more?