A/N: Thank you all so so much for your support on this story! Thank you for favoriting and following and huge thank you to all of the reviewers! It was so much fun to interact with you throughout the story. If you liked this story, you can check out my other work here on fanfiction. I am currently writing an Antonin/Hermione called Fille Du Roi. You can also follow me on tumblr, where my handle is nauticalparamour, to get more information on new stories.

Without further ado, here is the sappy epilogue that was promise. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear what you thought!


December, 2002

Daphne helped Hermione put all assortments of blue decorations up in the small sitting area of Malfoy Manor, where Hermione and Lucius were going to be hosting a party later that evening. They had billed it as just holiday gathering, but really they'd be telling their friends and family that they were expecting their first child, a son, in June.

They'd been married just over a year and half, having gotten married the previous May in a small ceremony. Hermione had never wanted a large wedding, and Lucius didn't want the hullabaloo of another society wedding. Neither of them had parents, either, so it was an easy decision to make.

To her surprise, the wizarding press was rather complementary of them. Narcissa had written a tell all book, claiming that Hermione and Lucius had started the relationship while they were still married. The newly married pair had responded with no comment, which led the newspapers to speculate that Narcissa was just a jealous woman, upset that she no longer had access to the Wizarding world's largest vaults.

Hermione felt a little bit badly for not correcting the record, because she had been involved with Lucius while he was married to Narcissa, but she didn't really think it was anyone's business but their own.

They had a year on their own together, taking several vacations when they had the time together, and doing well in their jobs in the Ministry. But, after a year, Hermione began discussing the possibility of having children. She wanted a family, after all.

After a particularly vigorous Samhain celebration, they found that they were expecting, and then in early December, Hermione learned that they were going to have a son. Daphne was the only one who knew she was pregnant so far, and that was because she'd caught Hermione siphoning red wine from her wine glass and replacing it with grape juice.

When the two girls were done with the decorations, including a display of blue topped cupcakes, Hermione moved to sit on the couch. Daphne, soon to be Mrs. Theodore Nott in the New Year, sat down next to Hermione. "I cannot wait to see Astoria's face when she realizes that Draco's share of the inheritance is going to be split."

Hermione giggled. Astoria Malfoy had not been pleased to have a new step-mother in law, although Hermione had tried to make a good relationship with her. Draco and she got along much better than expected, he constantly teasing her about being a gold digger, even though he knew that Hermione wasn't very interested in the Malfoy money. "Daphne don't be cruel."

"No, really. I should hire a photographer." Daphne replied, running her hands together. "I wonder what Draco will think about having a new sibling."

Hermione put her hand on her stomach. "Well, I hope he won't mind. It might be some good practice for him and Astoria." She smiled. "Honestly, Lucius and I are so pleased that it wouldn't matter if everyone was upset."

"Well, shall we get you upstairs and pick out a gorgeous tight dress to show off your flat stomach?" Daphne teased. "Soon you'll be showing." Hermione nodded and let Daphne drag her upstairs to pick out a blue dress.

That night, as soon as Hermione and Lucius announced that they were expecting a child in just a few months, all their friends - though it was a small group - were excessively pleased for them. Draco even wrapped Hermione in his first ever hug, though she had caught Astoria giving her a stink face. The younger girl quickly got over the upset, though, and congratulated Hermione on her pregnancy, telling her that she was practically glowing.

Later, when everyone had left and it was just Hermione and Lucius left alone, Lucius pressed his hand on her still flat stomach, smiling. "That went better than expected. Everyone is so excited to meet you, little one. Now, we just need to pick you a name. Something strong, but still meaningful."

"Oh, do you have something in mind?" Hermione asked, intrigued to hear about his names.

"Well, Malfoys have a tradition of being named for Roman Senators." Lucius replied.

Hermione scrunched her nose. "I better get a history book then. I am sure that we can find something that with both like."

September 1, 2014

"Promise me you'll write as soon as dinner is over?" Hermione asked, smoothing her son's curly blond hair to one side. She was kicking herself now for not getting him a haircut in time.

"Yes, mum." Eleven year old Severus said, blushing at the conglomerate who'd come to see him off. His whole family had come to send him off to his first year of Hogwarts. His younger brother, eight year old Marcus, was arguing with his nephew, seven year old Scorpius. His other brother, four year old Tiberius was holding onto his mother's leg.

His father was chatting with his older brother Draco, reminiscing about the time that Draco had gone off to Hogwarts. Astoria was also there, talking to his godmother, Daphne. The two of them were sisters, but they didn't look much alike.

They were all causing quite the fuss at the train platform and it was embarrassing him. He was going to miss them all, but he was so ready to get on the train and get to Hogwarts. "Now, just remember, we will love you no matter what house that you are sorted into." His mother said again, tears shining in her eyes.

He didn't want to disappoint the family, which had so many Slytherins, especially hearing that all Malfoys went to Slytherin. His mum liked to point out that she was a Malfoy and had been in Gryffindor. In the end, he knew that the sorting hat would put him where he was best suited.

Suddenly upset to be leaving his mum, Severus wrapped his arms around her tightly. Already at age eleven, he was nearly as tall as her, showing signs of being just as tall as his father. All of the Malfoy sons took after their father's coloring, except for the wild curl in their hair.

"I love you so much Sev." Hermione whispered into his ear. Letting her go, he turned to face his father and offered him an outstretched hand, knowing that Malfoys did not show emotion in public.

His father eyed his hand, before wrapping his own arms around his son, squeezing him tightly. "What, don't have a hug for dear old dad? I am going to miss you." His son had made Lucius exceptionally proud. "Don't forget to write your mother." He said sternly, before letting him go. "Now, hurry, you don't want to miss your train."

With one more round of goodbyes, Severus lifted his trunk and hurried off towards the Hogwarts Express. Hermione did wipe tears from her eyes, watching her son wave goodbye from the window when the train pulled out of the station.

"Oh, that was much harder than I thought." Hermione said, picking up Tiberius and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I can't imagine having to do that all over three more times."

Draco made a noise of agreement, thinking about having to send Scorpius off to school, before he realized that Hermione had said three. "Wait, what do you mean three more times?" Hermione blushed brightly and Draco groaned. "Please don't tell me you're pregnant again."

Lucius smirked at his oldest son and wrapped an arm around his young wife. "Yes, we are expecting another child, Draco."

"Why? Isn't three boys enough?" Hermione knew that Draco loved his siblings, but the thought of his father being intimate with his former classmate always made him a bit green around the gills.

Hermione gave Draco a prim look and smoothed her skirt. "Well, I'll have you know that I've always wanted a daughter."

"You'll end up like the Weasleys if you do that!" Draco said, eyes wide. He knew that's why they'd had so many children, just waiting to get the Weaselette.

Hermione giggled. "No, this will be the last one. It is difficult to raise so many boys, especially when their older brother is constantly giving them brooms that are too fast for their age." Hermione had her hands on her hips, but was glad that Draco took an active roll in the boys' lives. He had a dream that they'd all be on the Slytherin Quidditch team and win all kinds of cups.

"And what will you name it, if its a girl?" Daphne asked, excited. She had her own daughter and son pair - Zara and Graham. Zara was a bit younger than Tiberius, but Graham was the same age as Scorpius and Marcus.

"Well, I get to pick the name if it's a girl." Hermione said brightly. "No more Roman senators!" She said cheerfully. It was a nice tradition and her sons all had stately names. She hadn't really thought about what it would be. "Hmm, I'll have to begin thinking."

"Just make sure you pick something nice, Hermione." Draco said imperiously. "I can't have a sister called something silly like...I don't know Sunshine Rainbow Malfoy."

The parents all laughed at that, agreeing that it wasn't a very Malfoy name. But then, it was time to leave, and Hermione and Lucius swept their little family home, excited to be welcoming an new addition in just six short months.

June, 2031

Septima Malfoy had graduated from Hogwarts as Head Girl, and with top honors. Hermione and Lucius couldn't have been more proud of her, and all of their children.

Severus had surprised them all when he ended up as a Ravenclaw instead of a Slytherin or a Gryffindor, but then, both Hermione and Lucius knew that he was rather smart. He'd done well at school, and ended up playing seeker for Ravenclaw house, and was a prefect for three years. After school, he'd gone on to get a potions mastery like his namesake. He'd been married two years prior to a sweet girl from France, where he'd done his mastery, and had just welcomed an adorable little girl into the world.

Marcus had been a Slytherin through and through. He'd been sorted into the house of his ancestors with his nephew Scorpius, and Albus Potter. To Hermione's dismay, Marcus was much more interested in being Quidditch captain than Head Boy, which had eventually gone to Albus. The three of them had made a formidable trio as Chaser, Keeper and Seeker respectively, and had won five Quidditch Cups while they were at school.

After schooling, Marcus had numerous offers to play Quidditch both at home and abroad, but eventually took a spot with the Appleby Arrows, and was quickly taking them to the top of the table, the year before scoring the most points in club history. He'd surprised them all when he'd asked Zara Nott to marry him the year before, but Hermione and Daphne had been so pleased to be officially related.

Tiberius Malfoy was also sorted into Slytherin house, and was the first Malfoy since Lucius to be given the honor of Head Boy. He was determined to break his mother's NEWT scores, and had broken a few school records as well. After school, he'd been determined to travel the world, but he still popped home from time to time. At age twenty-two, Hermione knew that he wasn't keen to settle down just yet.

With her long brown curls and bright gray eyes, no one had been surprised when Septima broke the Malfoy mold and was sorted into Ravenclaw like her brother. In the end, Hermione had decided to try to stick with the Roman mold, and named her daughter after one of her favorite teachers at school, Septima Vector.

Though Septima was not an arithmancy prodigy, she was proving to be very shrewd and hoped to work in finance like her father once she left school. Hermione squeezed Lucius's hand all through her speech, so proud of the young woman she'd become. She had all the best hopes for Septima's life, though she hoped she didn't go through the same heartbreak Hermione had right after graduation.

If she could just find a nice boy.

After the speeches were over, Lucius and Hermione went up to the little stage to congratulate their daughter. There would be more celebrations the next day when she returned to her home. Coming around the corner, they were surprised to see Septima wrapped up in an intense embrace with none other than Albus Potter.

"Septima Malfoy!" Lucius thundered, happy when the pair jumped apart. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

Septima didn't even look a little bit guilty. "Mum. Dad. I believe that you know Albus." Hermione watched as her husband's jaw clenched tightly. They had kept in touch with the Potters through the years, though they didn't become close until their sons began playing Quidditch together. Ginny tried really hard, but there was still friction in her relationship with Hermione.

"Hello Albus." Hermione said, trying to sound cheerful. Albus had followed in his father's footsteps and had become an auror. She was a bit upset that her daughter hadn't revealed that she was in a relationship. "Septima, you didn't tell us you were seeing anyone."

"Well, I was going to tell you all tomorrow." Septima whined. "We've only been seeing each other since Christmas."

Lucius was a tense ball of energy next to her, and Hermione knew she had to get him away from the young pair before he did something he'd regret. He was still Lucius Malfoy after all, and Albus looked incredibly nervous. "Well, make sure he comes to the party tomorrow. Congratulations on your speech." She said, before pulling her husband away.

"It's only been going on since Christmas?" He seethed, feeling his blood pressure rise. Having a daughter was a completely different experience to raising a son. He didn't want anyone touching his little girl. "Just wait until I get my hands on that father of his! Do you think Marcus knew about this?"

"Lucius, don't be ridiculous. Septima is an adult and I trust her to make smart decisions." Hermione said, patting his arm gently. She didn't want Septima to grow up either. "In any case, I don't think that you are one to talk about secret relationships." Hermione teased, remembering how their relationship began.

"But he's so much older than her!" Lucius complained. Hermione turned round to face him, simply raising an eyebrow. His wife was the same age as his first son, after all. Knowing that this was an argument that he was going to lose, he deflated. "Oh, I am much too old for this."

Hermione laughed at that. "Hmm, are you too old to enjoy one last night of an empty house before Septima moves back in?" She teased, knowing that in wizarding standards, he still have many long years ahead of them.

Pulling his wife against his body, Lucius pressed his lips just below her ear. "You know I'm never too old for that, darling."

Hermione gave him a smirk. "Alright, old man, let's get home so you can prove it." Hermione loved her husband, and even though they'd come together under unusual circumstances, she was glad that he'd fought for her, and given her all that she wanted.