A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the long wait! I started school about three weeks ago, as well as work, so my schedule has been rather busy and I haven't found the inspiration to write until tonight. This chapter is a little bit different from the previous ones, meaning that it's a little bit NSFW. I hope you enjoy it, and please leave a review! Seriously, whenever you guys write a review it makes my day. I love hearing your reviews and your thoughts. Please leave some suggestions. Tell me what you like about Sasuke and Hinata, and what you dislike about how I'm handling them and how I could possibly improve in your eyes. Enjoy! :)

"Ne, Sakura-chan, are you sure about this? My back is still a little sore," Hinata said, suddenly feeling very nervous about her New Years' Eve plans. Over a week ago while hanging out with the girls Hinata had ended up asking Sasuke if he could like to accompany her to a club since Sakura and his friend Naruto were going.

Jade green eyes looked into opal orbs with an exasperated expression. Granted, it was the umpteenth time that the Hyuuga had question their intentions of going out and it was getting down to the eleventh hour.

"Yes Hinata. You look good and your tattoo is looking fine. Plus, Sasuke-kun said he'd protect it for you, didn't he?" Sakura winked at her friend who was turning red with embarrassment as she remembered Sasuke's text.

"Don't remind me!" Hinata breathed out, hiding her face in her hands. The young woman felt tears begin to well up in her eyes.

Sakura wrapped her strong and slender arms around Hinata, knowing how her friend was feeling from knowing her for such a long time.

"Hinata…it's going to be okay. You know I'm going to be there for you, and you having fun is going to be my main priority for the entire night. But I want you to try to enjoy yourself. I know you like Sasuke-kun, and I'm excited to see the two of you interact so that I can definitely tell you how much he likes you. So come on Hina-chan, smile."

The pinkette tilted Hinata's chin up, forcing her to look at her. In Sakura's eyes, Hinata was able to gain the confidence she had been lacking the entire night. She gave a firm nod of her head and Sakura placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. They had always been like that, very close, and if Hinata had been more inclined for girls then she would most definitely have feelings for Sakura. She gave the Haruno a timid yet bold smile.

"That's my Hina-chan," Sakura said proudly, wiping away the moisture that had spilled out of opal eyes. "Now let's get you dressed!"

Hinata nodded excitedly. She loved getting dressed up, especially when she was going out with her friends.

Sakura went straight to Hinata's closest and started looking at her dress selection. There were a few options to pick from, but Sakura was going through everything. Hinata was beginning to worry that she wouldn't have anything that would gain approval from Sakura's discerning eye. Finally, after what seemed to be forever, Sakura finally found a dress that met her criteria. She tossed the dress on the bed in front of Hinata.

The Hyuuga looked at it, slightly embarrassed and confused that she even owned such a thing.

"Are you sure about this Sakura-chan?"

Sakura put her hands on her hips, and if it was anybody besides Hinata, she might have just whacked her on the head with one of her famously monstrous punches.

"Yes! The color is gorgeous because it goes with winter and it will also look wonderful on you. And the style of the dress is perfect for you because you don't want anything tight resting on your tattoo for a long period of time. And the fact that it's somewhat short and formfitting will make Sasuke-kun go crazy. Trust me Hinata, this is the dress."

With the confidence radiating out of Sakura's entire being, it was hard to disagree with her. Hinata gave a nod of agreement and went to put the dress on. Butterflies were building in her stomach from the excitement over Sasuke seeing her in a way he never had before.

Sasuke was already at the club with Naruto, waiting not-so-patiently for their female friends to finally make an appearance. They had told them to meet them at the club at 10:30PM, and it was now a half hour later.

"Where are they?" he asked aloud, though he doubt the blonde next to him could hear him over the booming bass and drum song that was currently playing. Sasuke had a gin and tonic in his hand, annoyance coloring his handsome pale face.

"Right here!" Naruto shouted as he leapt to his feet at the sight of a pink-haired young woman who was beautiful in every aspect. Sasuke had tattooed her before, but he couldn't remember her name.

"You look beautiful Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted, as it was the only way to communicate in this environment. And he was right. Sasuke looked at Sakura, who was wearing black mini-skirt and a red crop top that showed off her body as well as the tattoos that covered her torso and legs. However Sasuke's attention was quickly taken away from her when Hinata finally appeared in his line of vision.

She was like a dream. Hinata was wearing a tight fitting silver sequenced dress. It stopped a bit above her mid-thigh and hugged her curves in such a nice way. The dress only had one sleeve, leaving her left shoulder and arm exposed. She was wearing black heels that made her significantly taller than usual, however Hinata was still shorter than Sasuke. She met his gaze shyly, glossy lips pulling up into a smile.

Sasuke immediately stood and went to her, feeling underdressed in her presence. In a sense he was; the Uchiha hadn't put too much thought into his outfit for the night. He was characteristically wearing all black. Sasuke's shirt was a tight V-neck that plunged deeply to show off the many tattoos covering his chest plate. His pants were tight and ripped while heavy black boots were on his feet.

"You look beautiful," he shouted into her ear.

Hinata looked down at her feet, shyly pushing hair behind her ear. Sasuke found it incredibly sexy when she did that, especially when she looked up from underneath her long lashes. Her pearl eyes glowed iridescently in the light of the club.

"You look handsome," she yelled back, giggling.

"Do you want a drink? It's on me," he offered as he led the way back to the booth where Naruto and Sakura were already sitting and flirting.

"I'll have a mojito, please." Sasuke waved down a waitress and ordered just that for the lovely little dove sitting next to him.

"You look like the moon," he said, smiling nervously at her. Why are you feeling nervous?

Even in the dim light of their surroundings, Sasuke was able to see the bright blush that colored her pale beautiful skin. He so wanted to put his lips on her neck, to leave a trail of kisses that would turn Hinata's neck scarlet from his touch. Sasuke knew that keeping his hands off of her was going to be hard tonight.

"Let's dance Koneko-chan." Sasuke's pleading shadowy eyes bore into Hinata's own, almost begging her to accept his offer. The Uchiha hoped he didn't look as desperate as he was feeling. His entire life, girls always chased after Sasuke; he was not used to being the pursuer. But for Hinata, he would take on any role.

Her slow, deliberate nod filled his heart with joy. Smirking, Sasuke grabbed her tiny hand and led the martial artist to the dance floor. The DJ was playing a remix of some popular tune that was all over the radio. The dance floor was packed with glistening, gyrating and pulsing bodies; there was no such thing as personal space.

Hinata turned to face Sasuke, her petite body essentially on top of his own. He was acutely aware of the fabric of her dress being pressed against the flimsy cotton of his own shirt. Sasuke swallowed, watching the shy and timid Hinata transform into a sexy vixen on the dance floor. She smirked at him for the first time as she began to move her body to the rhythm of the music.

Sasuke couldn't keep his hands off of Hinata. He placed them on her hips, helping her move her body to the music. Hinata laced her arms around his neck, straddling one of his thighs with her legs. She began to move her hips in a circular motion up and down his captured limb. It was hard not to be aroused from her actions, especially when Hinata looked up at him so seductively and gave him an innocent smile. Not being able to take anymore of her teasing, Sasuke cupped her face and brought his lips crashing down on hers.

The tattooist kissed his client with such ardor that one would've thought it was his first time being with a beautiful woman. Sasuke kissed Hinata like a man starved who was able to taste the most delectable fruit. What made the kiss even more glorious, however, was the fact that Hinata was kissing back with equal passion.

"Come back with me," he shouted at her, his throat raw and his voice hoarse.

Hinata did not hesitate in nodding her agreement. She put her hand in his and allowed Sasuke to lead the way out of the club to retrieve their personal belongings before catching a cab to his apartment.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this update! It was fun to write this bit, because I like writing Sasuke being all smitten haha. I apologize for the late update, but since I started school again a couple weeks ago (as well as work) things have been hectic with homework so I haven't really had time to write for this. I do promise to try to update a bit more regularly, but please don't hold me to it! I'm in college so things come up. Anyway, please leave a review and add this to your favorite's list as well as follow it! Thanks so much!~