![]() Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, Teen Titans, and Pokémon. Disclaimer: I do not own the profile picture! I can't remember who does, but it's not mine. Ok, I'm finally writing in this thing. Yay. My name is PsychoNinjaWolf (and yes, as far as you know, that is my real name) I consider myself an artiest. I draw, paint, I do a little wood burning (pyrography), and I take photographs (mostly nature stuff). I've been reading fanfiction since I was like. . . 13? 14?. . . I don't remember. . . I think I was in middle school. . . Anyway, I've been reading for a long time. A lot longer than I have been writing. I love to write but I suck at spelling and grammar. I type everything on my phone so it has my back most of the time. If you don't already know, Auto Correct can sometimes be a double edge sword. It will turn a simple word into something outrageous without my knowledge. So, please be genteel and let me know nicely and I'll will do my best to correct it. I'm female, in my twenties. . . Um yeah, I think that's all you need to know about me personally. I currently have 5 stories posted but I have about twenty other stories in mind, some I already have the first half written, but I've learned from my first multi-chapter fic, that I should have it already completed before I post it because I have a horrible time keeping it updated. Below is a list of my favorite shows, anime, books, etc. They're not in any specific order. Although, the ships are. If I write or read anything it will have these or no couples in it unless otherwise specified. (Anime/Cartoons) Naruto Sasuke/Sakura (yes! SasuSaku is now officially cannon:) Neji/Tenten (sadly Neji died :( which really sucks) Naruto/Hinata (Naru Hina is also cannon now:) Ino/Shikamaru (not cannon but oh well) Sarada/Boruto (lol one chapter and I already ship them) Bleach Ichigo/Rukia (so pissed about that Ichihime ending) Pokemon (I've been into pokemon since I was like... 7) Ash/Misty (I love the original) May/Drew Dawn/Paul (don't judge me) Digimon (same with digimon) Tk/ Kari or Takeru/Hikari I prefer Tai/Sora but honestly as long as it's takari I don't really care about the other shippings. Teen Titans (this is by far my favorite Anime/Cartoon ever. I was in love with this show before I even knew what Anime was. I still watch reruns on the internet and it never gets old:) Beastboy/Raven Robin/Starfire X-Men: Evolution Kitty/Kurt AKA: Shadowcat/Nightcrawler Jean/Scott AKA: umm... Jean Gray/Cyclops (am I the only one a little miffed that Jean doesn't get a cool alias?. . . Well, er. . . Phoenix dosen't count) Rave Master Haru/Elie Fairy Tail Gray/Erza (I have shipped them since I started watching the anime and now I can't stop lol) Natsu/Lucy Gajeel/Levy Lyon/Juvia Fate/Zero (this is a prequel series to Fate/Stay Night, I liked Zero a lot more) Saber/Lancer (Arturia Pendragon/Diarmuid Ua Duibhme) I don't know why but I've ship them since the moment they met lol I absolutely hate how he died. I was so disappointed. Legend of the Legendary Heroes Ferris/Ryner Btooom! Ryōta/Himiko Gurren Lagann Kamina/Yoko Simon/Nia Black Cat Train/Rinslet (I'm embarrass to admit that when I was younger I had a major crush on Train and didn't want him with anyone. Thankfully I'm over it now lol) Shakuhan no Shana Shana/Yuji Black Lagoon Revy/Rock Okami-San and her Seven Companions Ryōko/Ryōshi Sword Art Online Kirito/Asuna Elfen Lied Lucy(Nyu)/Kohta Avatar the Last Airbender Aang/Katara Legend of Korra Mako/Korra (TV Shows/Dramas) NCIS Tony/Ziva (I'm sad to see Ziva go. I really hate it. She was my favorite character not just my favorite ship. . . but yay we have a Tiva baby lol) McGee/Abby Gibbs/Jenny (I really hate that she died) Once Upon a Time I kinda like the idea of Emma hooking up with Hook (lol pun intended) Sooo... Captian Swan (Hook/Emma) Everything else I ship is canon. Ha! And now Captian Swan is too :) (Books) Percy Jackson & The Olympians/Heroes of Olympus Percy/Annabeth I don't really ship anyone that's not canon in this book. Which it's odd. . . but oh well. Harry Potter I don't like canon in these books at all :( Harry/Hermione (I'm not picky when it comes to the other ships I just hate Harry/Ginny and/or Ron/Hermione) |