Disclaimer: No, I don't own it.

A/N: Yes, an update! Sorry to keep you waiting guys! But I had many troubles these past few weeks that I had to stop writing for a while. As much as I want to tell you that this story will still have many chapters and all, this is as far as I can go. This has been my real plan since the very beginning, and I am sorry if some of you will be disappointed by it. But on the brighter side, it may have a two-part epilogue, one from Harry's view and the other Life Goes On, will be from his wife (if you would like to). :)

I hope that this will not disappoint too much, because I really worked hard on it. If you have questions/suggestions/opinions/loose ends, please hit the review button (also for the last part of the epilogue, if ever)! It will be your last gift to me. :)

Also, I posted another story, which I wrote eons ago but never posted. lol. I hope you'll read it too, because I really love it. The title is, Make Believe and you will find it in my page. Don't worry, updates for this one will be fast, like once or twice a week.

Epilogue I: Keep Moving Forward

How does a person fall in love? This was something I always asked myself, before I found her. I never really had a normal childhood, never even uttered the words 'I Love you' to someone so dear to me. But as I stood here and watched her sleep, my heart fluttered and an unknowing smile appeared in my lips.

You don't decide to love your best friend, it would just happen eventually.

As I reminisced of the bond we had over the years, I realized that loving her was like breathing, you never really notice it until a series of events would make you realize how much she's worth. It may take you years, but you would, one day… and it would be the most wonderful feeling that would leave you speechless.

After five years of being with her, I realized that loving someone was never be easy. There would be misunderstandings, fights, pain… but if you really love each other, no matter what the circumstance may be, you would always value your relationship over these petty things… you would go back to each other; for love also contained laughter, joy and something that would make you wear a constant smile on your face whenever you thought about your loved one.

Now, as I watched her, I couldn't help but remember what we've been through… couldn't really believe that it had been five years since then. The day when I decided to give her the ring was one of the proudest moments of my life… it was the day that I decided to do something for myself, to be selfish but at the same time… it was the day I realized that I am willing to spend the rest of my life with her.

It hadn't been that easy after. I swear, when she announced to her parents about our engagement, I thought her father was going to kill me. He was murderous and livid that he even told Hermione that I should be worthy enough to gain his trust. Hermione was quick to disagree, she protested but I told her it was all right, that I wanted to prove myself in front of his dad, if it would mean I would have his blessing.

So I spent the next months of my life trying to prove myself worthy of her daughter's hand. There were times that I thought he wanted to kill me right then and there if Hermione wasn't around. She was asked to live in their old home, up until well… up until I would be worthy of her. So I always made sure to be there first thing in the morning and last thing in the night. It was worth it though, as I remembered the words her father imparted upon me when he gave me his blessing.

"Harry, can I speak to you in private?" he started, just before I opened the front door to leave.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, suddenly interested. He gestured me into his office and when both of us were seated across each other, he sighed.

"I wanted to ask you why you think this is the best time to marry Hermione," he said.

"I – er, never really thought about it. I just knew. It was also the biggest decision I've made after a long time and I don't regret it," I answered, a bit taken aback by his question, "I know you think that we are still young to do this, but she has been my best friend for a long time, Mr. Granger. And I would be honored, if you decide to grace us with your blessings."

"Hermione had never been the same ever since that day he boarded that train. That day, my little girl was gone… and when she came back, years later, she was finally a woman, no longer my little Hermione who used to read books in my lap." His eyes were far, lost in his own thoughts as he poured his feelings into his words, with a sigh, he continued, "Up until now, as her father, I still want to see that little girl and hold her in my arms, read her stories… but then again, she's already grown up. Hogwarts took her away from me, but I am happy that she finally found her happiness in you. Years from now, maybe you would be the one to do that with your own child… do the things that I wasn't able to do."

Mr. Granger hesitated, fiddling with his wedding band. "I don't know if Hermione told you this, Harry, but I worry that this decision of yours is right. I've been married to Jane for many years now and I want to tell you that marriage is a big step you'll have to take. Are you really ready to make this big choice?"

"I am, sir," I replied with conviction.

"Hermione is really her mother's daughter you know, she might have inherited her love of learning from me but she is every bit of her. And if you can make this father at ease when I place my daughter under your care, then you'll have my blessing."

"I will sir, I promise," I replied, my eyes brightening after hearing these words.

Mr. Granger sighed, giving me a warm smile. "You look at Hermione just like how I look at my wife. If that is your answer then, I give you my blessing. Make my daughter the happiest."

After that, I always made a mental note to myself to remember Mr. Granger's words. To tell you the truth, I am still shocked at I was able to make him approve of it in less than two months and up until now, I couldn't still believe that he was already my father-in-law and that time had passed since then.

I felt old.

Suddenly, I could feel Hermione stirring at the bed, her eyes fluttering. When she looked up, I gave her a warm smile and reached for her hand, squeezing it affectionately. "Hello, love. How are you feeling?"

She looked at me and returned the gesture. "I'm fine," she insisted, it surprised me how sincere she was.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink? Mrs. Weasley is cooking dinner," I said, anxiously hovering over her, still holding her hand.

"Really, Harry, I'm f – " she stopped short, sucking in a sharp breath that made my body rigid as I waited for it to subside. When she opened her eyes, she gave me a warm smile as my ring caught her attention. She fiddled with it and brought it closer to her. "Do you remember our wedding day?"

I nodded at her, giving another squeeze to our joined hands. How could I forget it? It was a silent affair at the small church in Godric's Hollow, all our friends were there as well as Hermione's family… and frankly, it was the best moment of my life.

The little church had been Hermione's choice, especially when she found out that my parents married there. We went through the preparations together, adding our own personal touch to it. Unlike Ron who wanted Luna to be in-charge of their wedding, I personally saw every detail and helped Hermione in every decision… simply because it was our wedding, because we wanted it to represent us.

The isle was filled with rose petals that I could still remember their fragrance… the music was rather gentle, with a piano and a violin playing at a corner, enveloping those who entered with an enchanting tune that could melt your heart. Everyone was anxious as they waited for it to start, because murmurs and whispers filled the church, along with the smiling faces of everyone we knew.

It was the day when I felt as if my life was… normal for once, without the threat of Death Eaters or the demands of life. Time seemed to have stopped as I entered the church, dressed in a black tuxedo. I couldn't really describe what I felt back then, for it was a mixture of all sorts of emotions – I was anxious, excited, happy, nervous… I couldn't really tell it.

But one thing was for sure though, I felt my heart stopped when I finally saw her. Her chocolate eyes were bright and glowing as a sweet and tender smile erupted from her features while she walked down the aisle. In that moment, all I could see was the radiance in her face as she moved towards me… and I unashamedly shed bright tears when I realized that this meant so much to me… to the both of us. She greeted the people she passed through, giving her thanks as she tightened her hold at her father's arm. And when our eyes finally met, I never thought that I would be able to be happy.

I didn't think I was capable of shedding so much tears of joy until that day. It was brilliant and scary and my heart fluttered so much. The whole time, the muscles of my face became too stiff because of too much smiling, but it was worth it. But what surprised me more was when I told her my vows… because in that one moment, my heart was filled with so much love as an impromptu speech reverberated down the halls while I held her hands…

"You have always been my best friend, a constant figure in my life. And now that I am finally standing here right in front of you, I feel like the happiest man alive. We've been together so much, we fought, laughed and cried… through it all, I just want you to know how lucky I am that I had you. From the day I met you on the train, I knew you were special… and in one instant, that Halloween night, I finally found out that you were not just an ordinary girl. I love you," I started, smiling as tears fell from my eyes… as I watched her own tears fall from her eyes while she smiled. I gave her hands a gentle squeeze, my whole being welling up with love as I continued my vows, "From this day and for the rest of our lives… and even after, you will be my beloved half, someone I will live with, laugh with. I will always stand by your side, be the joy to your heart and food to your soul as I promise to bring out the best in you and make you the happiest woman alive. I will also be the best I can be, just for you… to celebrate with you in the good times and to struggle with you on the bad, holding your hand. And when you are down-hearted, I will bring you solace, I will wipe away the tears in your eyes, never let you go. I will be there to care for you and to share with you everything I have, because I love you, always and forever."

Even until this very day, I still could sum up the vows I told her for the feelings I had back then was as sincere as I could be, only stronger. I could still remember her face, how I wiped her tears as she let out a laugh, too overwhelmed and surprised after my brilliant speech. She even told me that she could never top that, but who would believe the brightest witch of her age?

"I never thought that this moment would come. From the skinny boy I met from the Hogwarts Express, you have grown to be the man I always will believe in. In our time together, you taught me that life isn't confined in the four corners of the classroom, that there are more important things, friendship, bravery and most of all… love. You taught me the meaning of love and believed in me, as I have believed in you. Your heart knows no boundaries and you always managed to make my days magical." Her radiant eyes welled with tears which gracefully fell from her face as she let go of my hand and caressed my cheeks lovingly. Without gazing away, she smiled at me as she continued her vows. "Harry James Potter, loving you had given me joy. You are my best friend… my love… my hero and from this day forward, I will be by your side. I will love you deeply for who you are, be the light in your darkest days. I will welcome you home with open arms, will share you with joy and fill your heart with hope. And whenever you feel down, I will give you my love and faith. I hope the world will see how much you mean to every life you touched, for I do and I will always remind you of it. I love you, my heart is yours."

I am a lucky bastard. Because I realized, when she married me, how truly blessed I was to have her. And that I have such great friends… especially when I finally heard Ron's speech at the wedding reception. Even with the congratulations and well wishes and gifts, the dances and the laughter… it stood out during the rest of the night.

"Hello there, everyone. I just want to tell you all how happy I am for my best friends. I have been with them every step of the way and I am quite proud that I was able to experience their love first hand," with a smile, Ron gave us a knowing look as his cerulean eyes shined with sincerity, "I have learned from Harry and Hermione what it means to be truly committed to another person because if it wasn't for them, I would never realize how important my other half is. Because of Harry, I realized the importance of ceasing the moment, because you can't go back, you can never go back… you have to live for today, for no one can tell you what the future will be or what the past could've been. And because of Hermione, I realized that you have to have faith, believe that what you have together is worth everything, worth every fight and misunderstanding, worth every tears. Because when you are made for each other as much as these two are, then your life is the happiest. Hermione and Harry, I give you my blessing, and I promise you both that I will still be there to tease you, joke around and to be your best friend. Cheers!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I remembered that moment. "How could I ever forget? It was the moment I realized that I could never wake up without you by my side."

"You'd better not, or I will hex you," she replied, her eyes shining. "I think it is not my 'favorite day' anymore." She told me as she let out a breath. My brow quirked at her remark as I finally understood what she meant…

For months we've been waiting impatiently, murmuring sweet words and gentle lullabies. And now that the time was finally arriving, I had another set of mixed feelings on the matter… one thing was sure though, I am as giddy as a ten year old.

"Harry," she whispered after a few minutes of silence ticked by. "We'll finally get to meet him soon."

I didn't answer at first and squeezed her hand, stroking her hair and brushing away the stray locks from her face. "I know."

A comfortable silence fell between us as we got lost in our own thoughts. Frankly, the excitement that was rushing in my nerves also got a tinge of fear; one, because this will be the first time I would be a father and I fear that I wouldn't be good enough, and two, I fear for Hermione.

I felt the weight of my wife's hand as it fell against the blankets, realizing that she had drifted to sleep once more. The contractions were some minutes apart, but I could tell that they were still not imposing as they would be, later on. Without really knowing it, my hand drifted into her belly, caressing it as I realized that soon, I would become a father… a part of a family.

It still seemed surreal to me, even if I had been a part of those nine months of Hermione's pregnancy. During that time, it was the hormones who talked that even Ron got afraid of talking back to her… it was also the time I realized that my mission was complete.

During that time, Malfoy, who was now a part of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement's Healers, helped us track the remaining Death Eaters in hiding, by plotting out all the probable locations they would go to. And with the help of Ron's brilliant mind and tactics, we were able to hunt them down by planning a trap that would draw them to the Elder Wand, while still ensuring its safety. It was only Dolohov who refused to surrender that time, after the battle. He was too lost in his madness to even be afraid of dying. When he was sure that he could no longer escape, he attacked us and killed himself, but not before telling us that it was the most honorable way to die.

After that, Malfoy gained back some respect from the magical community, as they told him that what he did was of great service to the Ministry… after that, I was able to breathe again, without fear of someone attacking behind my back, without fear that someone would hurt the people I love. I knew at the back of my mind that there were still more dangerous missions that the Auror Office had to handle, but this… it was something that I wanted to do, a goal that I fought so hard to achieve. Because of it, I was able to let out something that had been a fragment of what remained of Voldemort, embrace life fully… finally, my mission was completed… I could let go. But of course, Hermione was livid after she found out I had set off in another one of those 'missions'.

An hour after my thoughts drifted to that part of my life, the struggle began.

I was still sitting down the chair beside the bed, holding Hermione's hand as she gripped it as tightly as she could. Jane and a Healer hovered all around her, whispering comforting words and giving her instructions.

I didn't want to leave her side, not now, not when she was suffering. She was biting down hard on her lip, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, her face scrunched up in pain that all I could do is whisper words of comfort to her, reassure her that what she was doing was for the baby.

"Breath, Hermione, breath. Don't hold it in, love," Jane whispered comfortingly, brushing away the locks of hair splattered from her face as the Healer worked at the side, bringing out a set of potions and instruments needed for the birth of the child. There were moments when she would finally relax after each contraction, only to close her eyes again after another one. It was painful for me to watch, but I couldn't do anything but reassure her it would be over soon.

It was a painful process, one that kept repeating for a long while. Throughout it all, Hermione had lost consciousness a few times, only to be woken by the onslaught of pain. The contractions, which had been so deceptively mild at first, had intensified ten folds that she could only squeeze my hand tightly every time she moaned and screamed.

As her latest contraction subsided, she fell limp against the bed, her hair plastered to her forehead as I stroked her back gently, cooing at her. "It will be over soon, love. We'll finally get to meet him. Stay strong for me," I chanted those words many times, memorizing every line. Hermione only nodded every time that I couldn't help but feel worried by her silence. George and Bill told me that women tend to snap at you and scream murderous words while they were having birth, but I still hadn't experienced it. Hermione had been so quiet, save for the time she couldn't hold her scream… I was getting anxious.

"We'll… finally…" she said, unable to complete her words as she placed my hand on her bulging stomach, giving me a small smile.

The first time I felt the child kicking, I realized that the life she had inside her was something… enchanting. It was the first time I finally came to terms that I would become a father in a few months, that I would finally meet my own child. Every night after that said event, I would whisper to the baby, telling him of our adventures and of his mother's place in my life. Sometimes, I would tell him of my wishes and my plans for the future, on other ones, I would just softly caress the bulge, drawing strength in knowing that in a few months, I would have my own family.

But now, as Hermione pressed my hand to the spot on her belly where the baby was kicking, I felt really impatient. I wanted to finally meet him and see his face, to spoil him rotten and teach him… love him unconditionally and be with him in his every milestone. My heart fluttered with excitement that I couldn't hide the smile that tinged my lips.

But the warm and gentle moment subsided abruptly as a ripping pain knifed through Hermione's stomach, causing her to shout. Her mother hurried to her side, telling her once again to breath. The labor was brutal and I knew that any moment now, it would finally end.

I didn't know what else happened after that; only that Mrs. Weasley and Jane kept fussing over Hermione, whispering words of comfort and encouraging her to push, while the Healer did her job. She had been very strong, refusing to give up even though the pained ripped her. As for me, I contented myself holding her hand, I could feel my bones being crushed at her grip, but I knew that whatever pain I felt right now was nothing of what she was feeling.

When the last of the contraction subsided, Hermione allowed her head to fall back against the pillow with a frustrated cry, "I don't… think… I can… do… this anymore," she panted, as I wiped the tears that mingled with the sweat that lined her forehead and cheeks.

"Shhhh, we'll get to meet him in a while, love," I murmured comfortingly, "Be strong, I'm here."

"These are the last contractions, Mrs. Potter, it won't be long now and you'll finally get to see him," he Healer continued, giving her words of reassurance.

Hermione wiped her sleeve across her face miserably, gasping for air. She buried her face in the pillow, too tired to answer as the contractions ceased. Everything was a blur for me, a repeated motion… as I stood there, holding my wife's hand.

"Do you remember the first time you told me that we're going to have a baby?" I asked, trying to keep her awake, afraid that if she fell asleep, she would wake up screaming again.

She only nodded at me, giving a slight pressure on our joined hands. "I thought you should know that I am the happiest man alive. Only a few more moments, Hermione, and we would get to see him."

Those were the last words I told her before I finally heard the scream of our child.

I had taken two hours for her to finally… expel the child out, two hours before the child's first cries echoed down the hall. Throughout it all, my mind was in a haze, barely registering any sound or voice it heard… that was until I finally heard him.

"A healthy, baby boy," someone shouted.

The next thing I saw was Hermione slumping back again into the pillow, too exhausted to move as she tried to catch her breath. I couldn't hide the tears that fell from my face at that moment, as I observed how the Healer used her wand to clean the child… our child…

When I moved my gaze back to Hermione, she was fighting back the urge to fall asleep as she too, got caught by the sound. I kissed her sweaty forehead, her check, her nose… and finally, her lips. I wish I could tell her what I felt as of the moment, but when she looked at me, the only thing I was able to do was smile.

I could finally hear the people's voices echoing down the hall of our house. Because of the labor, I forgot that the Weasleys and our friends were on the other side of the door, waiting for the news. I could hear George shouting for the last call of probably another bet, and Ron's whines.

But Jane brought me back to the moment as she handed me her grand child for the first time. Both she and the Healer exited the room with a delighted smile on their faces. When they opened the door, I could hear people asking loads of different questions and the delighted squeals of some as Jane told them of the news.

I quickly turned him to Hermione's direction so that both of us could finally see him. She tilted her head as I lowered him into her arms. I could see the tears that fell from her face as she tenderly caressed the baby's face.

"He's a little Harry," she said, looking down at me with such grateful eyes that even with her tired features, I knew how radiant… happy, she felt.

I looked down at the baby, noticing his features for the first time. "You have your mother's chin and cheeks, and my nose and hair," I started, chuckling as I traced a fine line on his features. "I am thankful that we finally got the chance to meet you."

"We'll be with you every step of the way, love," Hermione continued, looking at our child with such joy, her eyes shining brightly. "Your father and I have been waiting all these time for you, James."

"I want you to grow strong and healthy, play quidditch with me and read books with your Mum," I said, my heart welling with pride as the little boy opened his eyes inquisitively for the first time.

I lifted him up, cradling him as I told Hermione to rest. I was drawn to the little guy, as if my heart already knew the connection we had a long time ago. It was a strange sensation, as I stared at the baby's eyes – deep inside me, I knew this child and loved him so much. I am his father.

"Welcome to the world, James Sirius Potter. Your name was something your mum and I picked when we found out that you're going to be a boy. You are named after two mischievous and troublesome Marauders, but your Mum wanted to prove that you would not be like them. I love you, my son, mum and dad loves you very much. And so does little Teddy, Uncle Ron, Aunt Ginny and the others. This life is my first gift to you."

Now, I realized with perfect clarity as I stared at my little boy that life always convinced you that you won't be able to make it out alive… only to realize that you could, if only you have the drive to do so. Life could be harsh and demanding… but it could also show you so much joy and happiness that could well inside your heart.

Without a doubt, all the efforts and sacrifices that we made in order to defeat Voldemort was not in vain. For because of all our efforts, we were able to give the new generation a future that was filled with peace and love. Because of it, I was able to keep my promise to Remus and Tonks that Teddy Lupin would grow happy and contented… show Hermione that her fears of a peaceful world for Teddy were for naught because we worked hard to give him a brighter future.

Living after the war helped me to experience the side of life that I didn't know I could. Because of it, I was able to love someone enough to spend the rest of my life with her. Being with Hermione taught me so much. She gave my life a new direction, a new goal that was not based on my past. Because of her, I was able to find a new hope, create a new future. And now, as I stared at my son, I finally realized that I had moved on with the world, that my life was finally worth living.

Love could take a while before you'll finally realize it for what it was, it was patient, it was kind. For love always knew what to do.

As I stared down my family, I realized that everything I had worked for, was for this. That what I finally longed for had been given to me. I have a family – a child and a loving wife, a home to go back to and friends that would always be there for me.

It was all that I needed to keep moving forward.