A/N: So this idea has been in my head for awhile. It can be crackfic, or it can just be for fun. But I have a few of these ideas, so there's going to be more chapters. If you like it and want more, please be patient as my schedule is going to become very hectic soon...This is written in co-authorship with my love LawandOrderFreakBAEO.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS. Nor the song mentioned in italics in the story (ies).

Read and Review!!

It was a slow day for the MCRT team. Agent Tony DiNozzo sat in the squad room, feet propped up on his desk and hands behind his head, reclining in his chair. The bullpen was empty- Ziva had gone down to see Abby, Gibbs was up with the Director and he had sent McGee out on a coffee run. He sat around examining the amount of papers that laid on the three desks. They should be doing paper work and looking into any new information on cold cases, but it was Friday and they just wanted to get out of the office.

As he glanced around the room, his eyes fell on Ziva's desk. Laying in open site was her cell phone-it was as if it was left there purposely. It was just calling him, telling him to come and lurk into her personal business. He smirked as he got up from his seat and walked over to her phone. He leaned against her desk, and began looking through her contacts. As he looked into the phone, he fell upon her ringtone section. He chuckled to himself, an idea forming in his head. His smirk grew bigger-if possible-as he waited for his selection to open.

"What are you doing?" a voice questioned from beside him.

"What does it look like I'm doing McCurios? I'm getting Ziva some nice music." He responded, typing in his selection.

"No, I think what you're doing is invading her personal privacy." McGee responded, walking past and placing Tony and Ziva's orders on their desks. Tony scoffed as he finally found what he was looking for. He let out a small laugh, clicked purchase and set it as her default ringer. He smiled triumphantly, placed her phone back on her desk and sat back down. It was as if nothing happened. Now, all he had to do was wait. Tony sat down at his seat and propped his legs up on his desk, took out his own phone and began to play Tetris. Ziva then walked out of the elevator straight to her desk. She noticed her cell phone was moved a quarter of an inch from how it was... Tony. She opened it and looked around in all the obvious places. Nothing seemed to be different... She glared at Tony who pretended not to notice and sat down at her desk.

She placed her phone down and then picked up her tea, taking a sip. She glanced at Gibbs desk and then up to the Director's office. He must still be up there; which was good. It meant that he wasn't aware of her abscense. Placing down her cup, her eyes fell upon the paperwork that rested on her desk. Sighing, she opened a folder and continued to look through it.

"How's the paper work Ziver?" Gibb's questioned, taking a long sip from his coffee.

"It....it is making some progress." She replied, reading through the files.

"Lotsa progress in the lab, I take it?"

She knew she was caught, but didn't let it show. "I suppose so, Gibbs," she responded, finishing up one of the reports. She closed the folder, and stood up from her desk. She walked confidnetly over to Gibbs desk and placed the folder down.

"Finished?" he questioned. Ziva nodded and he opened the folder, reading through it. Closing the folder he looked up at his agent. "You know, you still have a lot of paper work. Maybe if you hadn't gone down to see Abby..."

She responded, unfazed "I'm not sure what you mean Gibbs. I was up here the entire time."

He smirked at her and stood up, his icy blue eyes piercing into her chocolate ones. "You sure about that?"

Before she could respond a phone rang through the air-and it wasn't one of their desk phones. Instead her cell phone was ringing incesantly.

She wants to touch me

She wants to love me

She'll never leave me

Don't trust a ho

Never trust a ho

Won't trust a ho

Won't trust me...

The phone continued to ring and no one moved to answer it. They only stared at her desk, as the phone continued to play the same thing over and over. Finally it beeped, signalling she had a missed call. The bullpen was still filled with silence. Finally, Gibbs cleared his throat. He stared at her, as her hair fell in her face, covering her blush.

"Interesting choice of....sound thing." Gibbs commenting, taking a final sip of coffee and leaving the bullpen. Once she knew he was gone, she ran over to her desk to look at her phone. She pulled up her calls page and noticed it was from Tony. She jerked her head up, glaring at him.

"I'm going to kill you, DiNozzo."