This chapter is dedicated to Say the Samurai for such an amazing review! This review really gave me the motivation to make this chapter. With everything planned out, I should be getting this story going at a much faster pace. Thank you for bearing with me. Keep reviewing!
Special thanks to my wonderful beta and great friend HomeSkillitBiscuit.93 for beta-ing this chapter. She keeps me going! Love you!
A foreign ease fell over her as she stepped out the door of the Uchiha mansion that early afternoon. The brisk wind blew her hair about her back, the very pink strands that silhouetted past her lean curves. Her viridian eyes set about the road before her as she looked about the small shops that passed her. Shutting her eyes, she took in the familiar smells that surrounded her. On any normal day, passing through this area was a hassle as she tried to maneuver about the working civilians. Now, they had a glow about them that she could only appreciate this very moment as she shut her eyes. The smell of baked goods reached her nostrils as an unknown smile grew on her face. Opening her eyes, she couldn't help but think of all the things her eyes missed. The eyes see the exterior of anything and everything. But, it's her other senses that make those images come alive. Biting her lip, she couldn't help but wonder if being blind was better.
Maybe those that are blind are the ones that see clearly.
It was an odd thought, really. Having a blind person see the world in its entirety while those that see are blind is twisted, yet true in a sense. The eyes lie the most and one's opinions and actions are based off of what one sees, not by what one smells, hears or touches. As she pondered it more, she questioned whether this was happening to Sasuke. Maybe he was finally seeing things he had never seen before. It was a nice thought, especially for someone known to care little about other things and people.
Arriving at her destination, she stared at the door of the teahouse she was at yesterday. The small, shack-like area was clean and simple and had no special qualities about it. It was simply plain.
Walking in, a small bell rang, something she had never noticed before. Looking around, her eyes landed on a familiar blonde. Smiling towards the person, she casually walked over and sat down, folding her hands in front of her as she did so.
"How have you been? I haven't seen you in awhile!" exclaimed the pinkette, her green eyes dancing with happiness. The said figure smiled and winked.
"I've been great! How's your mission going, forehead?"
The woman Sakura had grown to love and cherish sat before her, her light blue eyes sending her a teasing glint while Sakura laughed at the comment. The name was always a term of endearment. Shaking her head, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"It's had its ups and downs, like all missions do." She received a look from Ino after speaking.
"No, you know what I mean, Sakura," Ino huffed as she moved in a bit closer, as if telling her a secret. "I'm talking about Sasuke. How have you been around him?"
Blinking, Sakura had completely forgotten about her past feelings towards Sasuke recently and how they've been up until this very moment. It wasn't like her to forget something like that so easily. Then again, other things have been going on to distract her. Now that she thought about it, there were some moments she was sure she felt something towards the man, but as of now, she wasn't sure she wanted to tell Ino about it…
"Well," she trailed off, trying to find the words to describe it. "I guess you can say we're on good terms as of now. We've had some hard times, but those have blown over pretty quickly, surprisingly."
Smiling, she knew how awkward she sounded. Ino sent a look of curiosity and suspicion as a short silence fell between the two. Sighing, Sakura ran her hands through her hair.
"It's hard to explain, really. He's…changed. Maybe not entirely, but there is something different about him. I just can't place it."
Ino nodded slowly, acknowledging what she said. Her hands were on the table, her chin cradled by her slender extremities as she looked to her friend with light blue and calculating hues. She knew Sakura more than Sakura knew herself sometimes. The saying "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" came to mind as she thought about their relationship over the years. She learned more of Sakura through hating her, and now that they are friends, it became easier to read the girl.
When the two were younger, fighting over the Uchiha boy was but a pastime for the two. Bickering and arguing and challenging each other was something they still did frequently, although, in a playful manner, instead of jealousy. She used to think she would be with Sasuke, having him love her for her long hair and obvious good looks.
Staring at Sakura, she wasn't sure if she should thank her for saving her from loving a man that turned out to be so mysterious and unpredictable or feeling sorry for the girl, seeing as she's been stuck in the same emotional turmoil since the man left. Fate was cruel to the Haruno girl, while she's been lucky enough to have both her teammates. In the beginning, Ino would have done anything to be in Sakura's place. Now, she'd rather be anywhere but in Team 7. Friendship is a peculiar thing, when it comes down to it. But, sometimes it is all one needs to make it through the day.
Taking in Sakura's features, Ino noticed the small bags under her eyes, ones she tried to cover. Her hair was messy as stray strands flew from the top of her head. Dead ends were evident as the bottom of her hair split in odd places. Her clothes were wrinkled and in all honesty, it looked as though she had just rolled out of bed. Holding her tongue, she simply sent the pink haired female a cheeky smile as she outstretched her limbs.
"So, what do you say we have an all girl's day? I think you need it, forehead."
Sakura shook her head as she smiled. She didn't see any harm in spending the afternoon with Ino on her last day off. In fact, she'd rather be with her than anyone else right now. Sometimes, being surrounded by guys had it's downfall. With a small nod, Sakura let her eyes fall on Ino in an appreciative manner.
"Yeah. That sounds like fun, Ino-pig." Chuckling, Ino stood from her spot and walked towards the door. Sakura followed, sending a small wave to the owner of the shop before walking through the door, the ringing of the bell chiming in her ear.
"She's doing what with who?"
Sasuke could feel his annoyance rising as he looked in Naruto's direction. He could picture his sparkling sapphire hues with it's mischievous glint. The thought made him frown. He didn't care that she left, it's that she left without telling him that angered him. Not only that, but she left him with this moron. A moron who he had a bad encounter with last time. His nonchalance around Sasuke was starting to get on his nerves, seeing as though he still wasn't mentioning their last unfortunate encounter.
"She's having a girl's day out with Ino or something," he repeated. Standing up from his spot on the couch, he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around his friend's neck and gave him a thumbs up. "This is our chance to have a guy day! Just the two of us!"
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke manoeuvred himself out of his grasp, fixing the hair that became dishevelled and out of place from his escape. Sending a glare towards the blonde, he didn't know what the man had in mind, but he didn't want to know. Crossing his arms over his chest, he tapped his foot as his patience thinned. How was he to spend a whole day with Naruto and remain sane? The two just don't go together. Not for Sasuke, at least. Next to Sakura, the man was a disaster waiting to happen.
"I'm not doing anything with you. Keep dreaming, idiot."
Naruto rolled his eyes and shook his head. Eying the man, he noted his change in behavior with Sakura around. Whether he noticed it or not, with Sakura around, Sasuke was forced to think of someone else. He was forced to notice her presence. It used to be easy for the man to shrug her off as though she were nothing; like she stood in his way. Now, he depended on her if he wanted to see. He needed her more than she needed him. That was the sad reality of their relationship.
"Fine. Then you will sit here and be miserable the whole day, or, we can go grab some ramen. I'm starved!"
Sasuke looked away, a stubborn look, that boarded on pouting, showed on his face. He was contemplating his actions. He could deny Naruto and sit and sulk until Sakura got home, or he could go with the idiot and try to not lose his mind. It was a lose-lose no matter how he looked at it. Scoffing, he walked to the front door, his feet feeling for his shoes before sliding themselves in easily. Naruto took the hint and smiled happily, a small glimmer of happiness evident in his eyes as he stepped out the door, following the Uchiha from his house.
"Ino, I don't know about this…"
Eying her friend through the reflection of the mirror, she frowned at herself. Noting the frizzed ends of her hair and the tired look on her face, she didn't look too attractive. Not in her eyes anyway. Ino touched her shoulders gently as she flashed her a friendly smile.
"You'll be fine. Besides, I'm right here. They aren't doing anything major."
Sakura looked to the woman who held scissors in her hand, as if taunting her fear of having her hair cut. Usually, she cuts it on her own. Since her last encounter with Sasuke, she couldn't find the time to take care of herself or her hair. Her appearance came in last to everything she did. Staring at herself, she sighed. She had never thought about her appearance around Sasuke. He was blind, after all. Why worry? In the old days, the way she looked was her main priority for she'd do anything to impress the boy of her dreams…
Shaking her head, the girl ran her hand through her pink hair, her eyes avoiding her reflection. She didn't want to see how she let herself go. She didn't want other people to see it, either. Her confidence was close to nothing as she looked at herself. Frail and childish came to mind. She was a woman. A respected one, at that. Why not look the part?
Swallowing hard, she nodded towards the woman who took it as a signal to begin.
She shut her eyes, her wet hair pressing against her face as a brush pulled knots she had never known. Tugging, she bit her lower lip, wanting to punch the woman for being so aggressive with her. Ino sent her a look causing Sakura to roll her eyes in frustration.
"So what do you plan on doing to me, anyway?"
Her curiosity was getting the best of her, as she looked to Ino for an answer. The blonde adjusted herself in her chair, flipping a page in the magazine she was reading. Sending her a quick glance, she spoke nonchalantly.
"Well, you need to cut the split ends off. You really don't need much done to it. You're lucky your hair stands out, Sakura. Otherwise, you'd be too plain."
Blinking, Sakura wasn't sure what to think of that statement. She was plain? A small frown made it's way to her lips as she tried to push the comment from her head. Plain. Maybe that's why no one was interested in her. She had no appeal to the opposite sex. Not that she minded much since she didn't feel the need to impress anyone. At least, not really…
Blowing a strand of hair that entered her vision, she watched as wet strands of pink hair fell past her and onto the floor, a middle aged woman sweeping them into a container as they hit the floor, not allowing them to scatter and make a bigger mess.
Time passed fairly quickly for the girl. Her now dry locks fell just past her breasts while her bangs framed her face, creating an elegant look about her. Smiling a bit, she tried to hide her happiness with the overall look. She didn't want to give Ino the satisfaction of a job well done. Not yet, at least. Running her hands through her pink locks, she noted the soft texture and was reminded of her encounter with Sasuke not long ago. His eyes seemed interested in the way she looked, for once. A blush rose to her face as she touched her cheek, only to be met with warmth. It wasn't exactly a compliment, but he made her feel special. If only he was like that more often. Maybe living with him wouldn't feel so intolerable.
A pressure on her shoulder caused her to jump and turn, her eyes meeting a sweet blue. With a familiar, cocky smile to match the teasing in Ino's eyes, she chuckled with her loud voice.
"Stop staring at yourself, forehead. We're not done yet," she exclaimed, removing her hand from Sakura's shoulder. Handing the hair cutter her money, she sent her a wave and turned to leave. Sakura followed suite.
"Ino, where are we going?" Sakura frowned as she tried to keep in step with the blonde. She didn't like that she wasn't in charge and that she was left in the dark. When she was teenager, it happened frequently among her team, seeing as though she always held a small part in their plans. Being the brains sometimes had its flaws. With Sasuke's brain and brawn and Naruto's determination, there was never a need for the girl. Maybe her fear of not having some part in Ino's scheme sprouted from her inability to help her teammates when she was younger. That, or she's become accustomed to leading now that she works as one of the main medical ninjas on sight. Either way, Ino's vagueness was creating a bit of unease within her.
"We're buying you a kimono! What else?" she chuckled, her hand waving off Sakura's comment casually. Raising an eyebrow, Sakura paused, hesitating in her step. Ino turned her attention to her, crossing her arms over her chest while eying the pinkette. "What?"
"What do you mean a kimono? For what?" Ino shot her a look of confusion, which quickly turned to disbelief and astonishment. Closing the distance between the two, her hands grabbed Sakura's forearms and then proceeded to shake her.
"What do you mean 'for what?'! The festival! It's in less than two months! You need an outfit and knowing you, you'll put it off and will end up with nothing!"
Ino's apparent freak out caused Sakura to flinch, her viridian eyes glaring at the blonde. How was she supposed to know about the festival? The last several years, she never had the time to go to the event. Her mind was focused on work, considering she worked through the festival into the early morning. It always seemed that people did stupid things at these kinds of events. She would never know how they got into their predicament, but people never ceased to amaze her. You see everything when working at a hospital.
"I don't know if I want to go that, Ino," the girl stated, a weak smile plastering itself to her porcelain cheeks. Ino wasn't sure what to think of the girl as she stepped back and analyzed her. Tilting her head to the side, she knitted her eyebrows together in slight concern.
"Sakura, this is your chance to have some fun! Spend time with your friends! You never get out anymore. You're in that stupid hospital all day…" Her voice trailed off as her shoulders slouched. Her friend was wasting the rest of her youth cooped up in a place filled with death and misfortune and she didn't seem to mind. If only she knew how it was effecting her.
A girl that used to be so full of life and fun now consisted of dry humor and straight, cut throat responses. She didn't care about herself in the slightest and being that she's in a profession that requires this feature, she is taken advantage of. Spending hours on end tending to other people and their needs, she hardly had any time to herself. Her heart was too good and thus it hurts more than ever. When she loses someone, Ino can see the regret and resentment on Sakura's face. It stays there for days as she thinks about the deceased. It's hard admitting your mistakes, especially when you're not accustomed to making them. For Sakura, being perfect is her priority. Knowing she isn't troubles her.
Sakura eyed her friend and sighed. She didn't like disappointing people. But, she has a priority, and that is the hospital. Shaking her head, she sent Ino an apologetic look.
"Maybe I can ask Tsunade-sama to switch my shift so I get out earlier…"
Ino's sulking exterior changed to one of excitement as she jumped and hugged her pink haired friend. The warm embrace made Sakura laugh as the girl's behavior was contagious. She could always count on Ino to cheer her up.
"Come on! Let's go!"
A hand grasped her own as she was forced forward, being pulled in the direction of Ino's favorite shop. All the while, she smiled happily at the back of her blonde haired savior.
"One miso ramen and one chicken ramen to stay, old man!"
Naruto's boisterous tone rang through the small shack-like area. The stalls seated two growing men, one brooding and the other voicing his satisfaction.
"Naruto, you're too loud."
Sasuke could feel his anger rising. It was never easy dealing with Naruto alone, especially if you're Sasuke Uchiha. His patience mixed with Naruto's unfavorable personality made it hard for him to stay around the blonde for too long. On any other day, he would punch the idiot and be done with it. Unfortunately, one wrong move on his part and he is left answering to an interrogator about his "crude" and "unnecessary" behavior. Everything he did was necessary when it came to silencing Naruto.
Earning a look from the said man, he simply scoffed and waved off his comment. It was the normal antics for the two when they spent their time together. At least, it used to be. The old memory of their genin days came flooding back. Sakura smiling happily, her unusually pink hair flowing with the passing wind as she sat between he and Sasuke, attempting to stop their bickering. Or rather, hitting him over the head so she could to talk to Sasuke. No matter how he looked at it, he missed the idea of them being together.
One family. One team.
Shaking his head, he slapped Sasuke's back, only to receive an offset glare from the victim. Chuckling, he broke his chopsticks and began twirling the noodles onto them, only to shove them messily into his mouth soon after. An odd scene began to unfold before him. From the corner of his eye, he watched as Sasuke felt for his chopsticks. Once finding them, the separated them with ease. Skimming his fingers against the wood, he flinched when he was met with the hot bowl that held his food.
Bringing it a bit closer to him, he broke is chopsticks and slowly began to eat, his concentration on accomplishing the goal of setting the food in his mouth without missing. As Naruto watched, he couldn't help but frown and eye his bowl. It was hard watching your friend struggle and knowing how small you'd make him feel if you were to offer help. His pride was sacred and for him to ask would shatter it even more, beyond repair. Setting his chopsticks back into his food, he ate at a normal rate, all the while trying to keep his gaze from manoeuvring back to the Uchiha.
"So, how is Sakura doing? I haven't talked to her recently," he commented, attempting to break the silence. He noted how Sasuke paused before swallowing the food in his mouth.
"How am I supposed to know. You make it sound like I talk to her."
His words were curt. Naruto's brows furrowed in slight agitation as he eyed the man before him.
"You mean to tell you me you guys spend all that time together and you don't talk to each other? That can't be," he stated harshly, his words reflecting his annoyance in the Uchiha. A scoff was all he received as a response. Slamming his hand on the table, Sasuke moved his head in the fiery blonde's direction. "You," he paused, breathing out his frustration before continuing. "You better be good to her, teme! She's been there for you since the beginning! You better respect her. Thank her at least!"
Sasuke rolled his eyes. A headache was forming at his temples and all he wanted to do was go home. He's been lectured enough. Whether it was from Kakashi or Naruto, the headaches kept coming his way. He knows how the two men feel about Sakura and yet he couldn't see why he was the receiving end of their frustration. He wasn't doing anything to the girl. Why bother him about treating her well? Hell, he treats her perfectly fine! Like every other girl he's encountered.
"Sakura is a big girl. She can take care of herself," the Uchiha mentioned in his stoic tone. He didn't know why everyone was defending her recently, but he was beginning to get sick of it. If he was so much trouble to her, why have her take care of him?
"That may be true, but she refuses help from anyone." Naruto folded his arms over his chest as he slouched back in his chair, making a face at his unfinished ramen. For whatever reason, the Uchiha was making him lose his appetite.
Sasuke turned in Naruto's direction, furrowing his brows in curiosity.
"What do you mean?" Naruto sent him a look and sighed, shaking his head in frustration.
"She decided to take on the responsibility of having you in her care only. She's willing to give up part of her shift to come home early so Kakashi and I don't have to baby sit your disrespectful ass."
Sasuke released his chopsticks as they settled on the rim of the bowl. The steam hit his face as he gave a thoughtful look. Putting his chin in his now folded hands, he blinked, the blurred colors of the restaurant causing his head to hurt more.
Why was she taking on so many things? What was she trying to prove? Questions formed in his mind and without any answers, aroused his curiosity. Sakura was never the mysterious type or one to keep her thoughts to herself. This girl was something far from the genin he used to know. She was something entirely new. As he thought about her more, he couldn't picture her attitude with her feminine and child-like face. He was plagued by these thoughts, but refused to voice them.
"What does Sakura look like?" His vocal chords acted on their own. Grunting, it annoyed him that he spoke his thoughts. Maybe the pink haired female was getting to him.
Naruto's eyes widened slightly as ramen fell from his mouth. He hadn't expected a question like that from Sasuke. For someone that acted as though they didn't care, it was weird hearing him voice a thought such as that. Clearing his throat, Naruto placed his hand on his chin and made a sound to demonstrate he was thinking, seeing as though the man couldn't see him. Opening his mouth, a small grin formed on his face.
"She became someone that people look up to—kind of like old lady Tsunade. She may not have the same chest as Baa-chan," he sent a laugh that caused the Uchiha to glare. "but, she's beautiful. Man, you're a lucky guy, teme." Smiling widely, Sasuke could sense something in the blonde's voice.
"You still have feelings for her."
His words were more of a comment than a question as he ignored the man's presence. An odd feeling came over him as he thought of Naruto and Sakura together without him. How had they been in his absence?
A sigh was heard from the man's lips, causing Sasuke to turn his head in recognition.
"That was a long time ago. I will admit, when I see you two together, I can't help but feel there is something wrong with me. Why did she go for you and not me? I never used to understand," he chuckled as he stretched his arms out over his head. "But, I've thought about it. I get it now." He smiled his goofy, signature only to look at the Uchiha. His face was expressionless as he remained silent.
"What did you come up with?"
It was odd asking Naruto about his feelings, considering he never really cared in the first place. For whatever reason, when it came to Sakura, everything held a meaning, no matter how insignificant it was deemed at first. Naruto shrugged, unsure of how to answer the question.
"You'll know when you see it."
Sasuke glared at the blonde, his fist clenching the chopsticks until they snapped beneath his course hands. Eying him, Naruto sent him a questioning glance. Soon understanding, he laughed, patting the brooding man on his back.
"Not in that sense, teme! I mean…when you let Sakura reach you, you'll understand what it means to care about someone." Pausing, he set his face to the ceiling in thought. "Sakura is the essence of caring. I learned a lot of things from her. I learned what it means to love someone in more ways than one." Finishing his statement, he didn't look in Sasuke's direction as the thought of Sakura's smiling face came to mind. He always enjoyed her presence.
A sudden laugh caught the two off guard as bobbing females could be seen appearing in the distance. Edging his seat back and lifting the curtain of the small shack, his smile widened at the sight of a specific woman. Raising his hand, he waved it back and forth, gaining the attention of the two figures.
"Sakura! Over here!"
His rasp could be heard from miles away as the two females paused, and then walked towards them. Sasuke felt frozen in his spot. His thoughts were interrupted by the mention of her name. Never did he feel so out of place. He didn't like the feeling that slowly crept into his stomach and settled there. A bitter taste on his mouth caused him to frown.
"Wow! You look great Sakura! What's in the bag?"
Naruto attempted to poke his head into the large bags held by both females, only to be intercepted by a smack to the head. Frowning, Sakura glared at the male.
"Don't look! You are only allowed to see it on the day of the festival!"
Sasuke's ears perked at the word. The spring festival? They still had that? Listening in on the conversation, his lips formed a grim line. A whine from Naruto kept his attention on the three as they conversed.
"Oh man. Well, fine. I suppose I can wait. I'm just shocked you're actually going this year, Sakura-chan! What made you want to go?"
Ino coughed and held up her hand excitedly, her want for attention evident.
"I convinced her that it was in her best interest to take a break and go to the festival!"
Shaking her head, Sakura smiled towards the woman beside her. She always felt the need to take part in a conversation, even though she wasn't a part of it. It was a feature Sakura had learned to cope with.
"Ino's right. She did have a large involvement in my decision."
Nodding, the two blondes made small talk as Sakura's green hues caught sight of familiar onyx hair. Stepping aside, she moved the curtain and placed her bags near a seat. Smiling, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"How was your day with Naruto, Sasuke?"
Her voice was the only thing he heard as he turned his head, his attention notably on her. Pausing before speaking, he pushed himself from his chair and lifted up one of Sakura's bags beside him. Sakura watched in confusion.
"Fine. I want to go home."
Blinking, the girl watched as he slowly made his way from the restaurant. Naruto and Ino fell silent as he passed, only to exchange looks with one another. Sighing, Sakura sent a small wave to the two loud blondes before following after.
"Sasuke, wait!" her voice called out to him, the rustling of the bags echoing her strides. A slight pause in his step allowed the pinkette to catch up as she blew a strand of pink from her view. "Thanks."
Unsure of what to say, he hesitated. Maybe what Naruto said was true. Even something small like a cherry blossom had the power to change.