Disclaimer: As much as any of us has dreamed about this, I do not own the Teen Titans.
Would appreciate criticism seeing as this is my first contribution, hope you enjoy.
Beastboy finished a game. It's not a stretch to say that just about anybody knows the feeling you have after experiencing that.
Accomplishment, mixed with a dash of emptyness, like the carpet was swooped out from under your feet just as you were about to jump for joy.
Woozy, excited and thoroughly inspired, the boy-turned-man rose from his desk, taking in a deep, contemplative breath. He paused for a second, a towering dark silhouette against the glare of the screen. The weak light hung on the yellow walls and gently poured over the pillars of trash, the landmark for which Beastboy's room had become notorious for. Head, hunched forward, arms hanging limp by his body, he drew the air deep into his soul.
Sombre green eyes shot open. Green skin turned greener. A whiff of the room's smell mixed into the inspiring air his nose was recieving. His super-sensitive, enhanced nose, that is.
Through the blur of his tears, Beastboy was able to make out the discarded pizza-box which seemed to have magically held every single one of his meals for the last couple of days.
Instead of re-filling the box, Beastboy got a hold of himself, sucked on his tongue, and picked himself up. The smell was so putrid it killed most of the fungi that was taking the closet hostage. He considered putting his shirt over his nose for a second but, in a flash of genius, realized that it was probably worse than the ambient odour.
Sneaking his way out of the dumpster he had come to call his room (or rather, the room that went through a gradual transition to the current dumpster-state), he counted the appointments he had missed with the showers. He got distracted at five, taking longer than usual to remember his door code.
Beastboy walked into the bathroom, softly closed the door and pulled off his clothes. He threw them into a green plastic basket. Unlike the purple, blue, red and black baskets in the row, his was empty, the contents still stuck (quite literally) on his bedroom floor.
Flexing, he looked in the mirror. He looked dead serious - determined to the point where his eyes could almost pierce the glass. The heavy bags under his eyes and messy hair complimented his intimidating look. A grin slowly broke out on his face, baring his teeth. If not for his boyish features, he'd seem rather sinister, but instead was more reminiscent of a grade-schooler in his best attempt at looking cool. Upon noticing that, his head sunk a bit and a feeling of embarassement crept up his spine.
But his spirit was unyielding! Today was the day.
Well, in a couple of hours, when the sun comes up anyway, but those few moments until the blazing sphere rose from its slumber were just what he needed.
As water poured onto his greasy skin, he began plotting. A movie started rolling in his head as he chuckled maniacally.
The sun was up. And he's there, perched against the cobblestones, tall dark and handsome. And she is rounding the corner. Without a hint of hesitation, he pops up from his cool pose against the wall and blocks off her way.
"Terra." he starts with his best low, raspy voice. "This is it. Today, I make you mine. Or...-" he pauses dramatically, for effect.
"-never lay my eyes on you again!"
Pure shock overcomes her and she feels compelled to listen, a huge blush, caused by his unstoppable manliness, crosses her cheeks.
"Wh-what do you m-mean?" she stutters unsurely, trying to come up with some semblance of defence. But all in vain. Beastboy confidently advances.
"Ah, dear." Beastboy continues matter-of-factly, pushing a pair of super-cool shades further onto his nose, his silky voice putting Slade's to shame. "Your feeble riposte will not save you from the outpouring firestorm of my deepest feelings. See this heart you have toyed with for too long? See it grow wings and carry your future. For..."
his hair blocked the light off his eyes as he dragged out another pause, before his voice erupted with emotion "I have bled too much at your feet. Today. Today! You come with me!"
Completely immersed in his wild fantasy, Beastboy opened his eyes and drew breath, stepping on the edge of the bathtub. The door of the bathroom opened, but it was too late. He yelled his heart out.
"Come with me, and I will show you the WORLD!"
A short silence ensued.
"I'll have to regretfully refuse."
The green changeling became painfully aware of the cold hallway air suddenly nipping at his sides. He slowly and painfully looked down.
Robin's eyes were glued shut by drowsiness. Apart from sleepy, he looked rather vexed. Face twitching, he stepped out of Beastboy's field of vision and proceeded to use the toilet.
"Beastboy, whatever you've been doing these past few days, it ends today... In the morning, that is. I expect you to attend training at seven flat, otherwise we're sending in Starfire."
Beastboy's nude, exposed body shuddered. "Not the Morning Glory."
His pupils contracted, a look of unparalleled terror flashing across his face.
"Morning Glory indeed."
Beastboy shrieked in a high pitched voice - Robin had flushed. Cold water (as well as deep fright) quenched the green boy's body, making him fall into a fetal position in the tub.
"Take this as a mortal reminder." the boy wonder added sternly, walking out of the bathroom.
Beastboy shuddered periodically. He remembered the last time Morning Glory was sanctioned against him. Robin and Cyborg convinced Starfire that he had fallen into a hybernation state and that, to prevent damage to his body, he had to be suddenly awakened. The method was unorthodox to say the least; half a dozen starbolts, followed by half of the contents of a CO2 extinguisher, tied together by a short expedition through a closed window and into the sparkling bay below.
The memory terrified the living daylights out of him. He dried himself off and realized he had forgotten to bring a fresh set of clothes. The clock on the wall said 00:30 AM.
This was late enough to take a risk and go towel-commando. Besides, he could always shapeshift in case something went wrong. Feeling satisfied with his bravery and tactical expertise, Beastboy ventured from the safety of the bathroom into the cold, harsh darkness of the hallway. He was used to his eyes being able to see in the pitch-black corridors, but the overdose of computer games left him temporarily blind as a bat in such conditions. The dark, however, provided cover and a feeling of rush and excitement, which is why he opted not to dash for the lightswitch. So, with a racing heart he... Raced for his room.
"Last corner." he thought, brushing his hand against the wall as he ran for the turn.
He tripped on something. And everything went into slow motion. Expecting a rough landing, Beastboy shielded his face with his arms, awaiting the painful carpet burn. Just before his sight went dark, he felt something... Soft?
Beastboy was awakened by the cold. He was lying face-down on the hallway floor, a small spot formed where he was drooling. "How did I get here...?" he muttered to no one in particular. Now aware of his rather exposed state, he quickly grabbed the cast-aside towel and covered his shame. He smashed in the code for his room and slipped inside.
The main menu screen on his computer was still lighting up the room. This reignited a flame in his heart. Sitting down at his desk, Beastboy started furiously scribbling down a plan to finally win Terra over, complete with makeshift illustrations and side-notes. It was going to be perfect. A brief glance at the digital clock by the bed quickly convinced him that after school was a better idea than the morning. Now he needed a good amount of rest to ready himself for the ordeal.
Something was bugging him, though. It felt like he had forgotten something extremely important. He shrugged, re-double checking the rough draft of the girl's schedule he had come up with from more stalking than he'd ever admit. She'll be done at two. Setting his alarm for eleven, giving himself plenty of time to ready up, Beastboy laid down and entered a dreamless sleep.
Through the haze of deep sleep, Beastboy thought he heard voices. They sounded as if he was at the bottom of a deep lake and they were at the surface. As he felt closer and closer to the surface, he could finally make out the words the voices were saying. Was that Robin?
Beastboy awoke with a start.
And that's that! Let's see what the other Titans prepared for the poor changeling in the next chapter. If you see any spelling mistakes or poor grammar, it'd be nice of you to drop a complaint. Toodles!