Okay, so I finally managed to find inside my brain what seemed like a nice IchiRuki story. Hopefully, you'll think the same. This will be a multi-chapter fic. I just hope it'll come out better than my first story. Which I think honestly sucked. By the way, any OOC-ness...sorry, that is just how I write..if you don't like OOC-ness...beware..it may be present...bear with me...

Don't own Bleach. If I did this might have happened already.

Summary: Ichigo and Rukia's class is going on a camping trip! Fun, no? Beautiful lakes and forests and mountains. Bunnies. Man-eating animals and thunder storms...Ahh...nothing better.

It was one of the colder days of January. You might as well have been freezing your ass off..But everyone was inside so it didn't matter. Plus the weather doesn't matter right now.

There was a man standing in front of the class,who was currently trying to get the class's attention so he can speak to them about something really important, he was red in the face. Like a tomato. Only it, the tomato, must have been on steroids to match that shade of red.

"Shut up and listen you bunch of ingrates!" he yelled, furious. The entire class quited immediately. It was as if someone shot a gun off in there. Total silence. Like waiting for a jury's decision during a trial in court. A silent and absolutely quite moment. Except for a certain orange-haired boy who was talking to petite raven-haired girl about something seemingly more important. Hollows, of course.

"Dammit! Why do they have to show up at the most annoying times! Last night, this morning, during lunch! Can't those freakin things take a break!" Ichigo said, obviously pissed off.

"Shut up! Stop complaining! Your duty as Shinigami calls for you to slay Hollows whenever they show up! Not just when you want to. Deal with it!"scolded Rukia.

"Whatever, midget."was his reply.

"What did you say!?" She was about to kick him straight in the face. Until a voice interrupted the attack.

"You two!" shouted the man. Ichigo and Rukia turned to see the man's angry glare staring back at them. "Young man you can talk to your girlfriend later! Now listen!"

Ichigo and Rukia's faces turned redder than how the man's had just been. The girls in the class couldn't help but giggle. The boys on the other hand, gave whistles, catcalls and congratulated Ichigo on his 'catch'.

They looked at each other. Then stared at the man.

"We're not-" Ichigo began. He was cut off.

"Okay, now that I have the lovebirds' attention." More giggling and whistling ensued...

"I'll introduce myself, I'm Mr. Yamamoto. Pleased to meet you. Well I'm here to tell you students about a very exciting opportunity. I have a beautiful campground resort up in the mountains. Now, it has cabins and such. All the comforts of being at home. But, you'll be camping, of course. You can chose to stay in a tent instead of a cabin..Well there is a lot to do there..Sports and other fun things..Hiking..."

He sounded like a commercial for a timeshare..

"Let me get to the point."

"About time." said Ichigo.

"I'll will be giving you all, this entire class, a two week stay there! Along with a few other classes from other schools. All free too! Just to test it out. Before it's open to the public."

The class seemed to be at a loss for words. A free vacation to the mountains. No school, homework..free man, free! You didn't have to pay for a thing! Mr. Yamamoto was bombarded with questions until the class's end.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow at 7:00 A.M. Don't be late and we're taking a bus to our destination and it is quite far. Maybe a good 5 hour drive. So, make sure to bring a pillow and blanket to keep you warm and to rest on. Or in some people's case.." He then looked at Ichigo and Rukia. "Your boyfriend or girlfriend." He smiled. The two blushed. Luckily no one else had heard.

"Well, its gonna go downhill from here isn't it?" Ichigo said, running a hand through his hair and scowling even more than usual, if at all possible.

"Actually, I think it'll be fun!" said Rukia, clearly in a mood the exact opposite of his. "Come on don't tell me you aren't looking forward to it! You said you were tired of fighting Hollows and wanted a break. Well, here it is!"

"Yea, whatever." He walked faster, leaving her behind.

"Idiot."she said under her breath. She ran to catch up with him.

They arrived home soon enough. Only to go to through the usual ritual of Isshin attacking Ichigo as if he was some kind of madman breaking into his house.

"So a trip to the mountains, huh? You an Rukia-chan will be all alone together. Now, my son don't force yourself on-" Wham!

"Shut up, Dad!" yelled Karin, removing her foot from her father's face, who was lying on the floor, crying and being comforted by Yuzu.

"Now, now. Don't cry Daddy." she said.

"Karin how could you treat you're father in such a way?" he cried.

"Anyway, Ichi-nii, if you guys are leaving tomorrow you should start packing now. It is for two weeks."

"She's right, Onii-chan, you better." Yuzu agreed.

"Yea, we will after dinner."

The rest of the evening was nothing to complain about. It was relatively peaceful. After they ate dinner, Ichigo and Rukia went through the list of things needed on the trip that Mr. Yamamoto had given them. Going though it three times to make sure they had everything.

Once they had that done, it was time to go to bed. Well, in Rukia's mind bedtime was about an hour ago,and her bed was Ichigo's bedroom floor. And no matter how many times Ichigo tried to wake her, she wouldn't budge.

"Rukia! Wake up! You need to go to your own bed!"

No answer.

"I doubt the floor is that comfortable!"

Still, no answer.

"Rukia!!" he yelled.

"Shh, quiet Ichi-nii, just let her sleep there." Karin said,appearing at Ichigo's door suddenly.


"Come on, its no big deal." He looked over to Rukia. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully. The floor not bothering her at all. She looks beautiful laying there like that..What?!..okay weird thoughts..bad Ichigo don't do that again.

"Okay, fine she can stay." Karin left the room. Ichigo walked over to Rukia and placed a blanket over her. He also opened the closet. Just in case she woke up and decided to sleep there. He went to his bed and soon fell asleep.

Rukia woke up early the next morning, in Ichigo's closet. Earlier than she was supposed to. Ichigo had set his clock to go off at 5:30. It was currently 4:30. Off by an hour,but who cares, right?

Ichigo did.

"Rukia, we still have at least an hour left of sleep 'till we have to get up to go to that stupid thing, so back to sleep!"Ichigo told her, half asleep.

"Ohhh, come on I'm anxious. I've never been camping before."

"That's not my problem, go to sleep!"

She continued to complain. Until, the alarm went off...

Soon enough, the entire class was at the school. Waiting for the bus to arrive.

"Kurosaki-kun, Kuchiki-san!" The two turned to see Inoue and Tatsuki walking towards them.

"Hey, Inoue." Ichigo said. She smiled, obviously looking forward to the trip.

"Are you guys excited? I can't wait it's gonna be so fun! Right, Kuchiki-san?"

"Umm, yea I think, it'll be fun."

Inoue then started to daydream about some scenario involving a forest fire, a talking bear, and some one named Mike..Don't want to know.

"Hello, Earth to Orihime! The bus is already coming. Come on!" said Tatsuki. Grabing her friends arm.

The four turned to look at the bus. That thing was as fancy as it could get. It had a fire kind of design with stripes and all that. On the side it simply read 'Yamamoto Mountain Camping Resort.' They loaded up the luggage and went to enter the bus. The inside made the outside look like a 50-year-old beaten down school bus.

It had compartments built to fit a few people in each. Inside each compartment had a radio, a T.V, and DVD player, assorted movies and the seats had footrests like recliners. The bus was obviously for people with a lot of money.

"Wow." the four said in unison.

"Kuchiki-san, you should come sit with me and Tatsuki."Inoue told the petite girl.

"Huh? Oh, actually I think I'm going to sit with Ichigo."she said nervously. This is my first time on one of these things. I can't help but be a little nervous..

"Okay, then. See you later. Bye."Inoue waved.

"Bye. Okay where's Ichigo?"she said, looking around.

She found him eventually. He was sitting with Keigo. She managed to drag Ichigo to another compartment,even though it took awile to get that stubborn ass up. The entire time hearing,

"Ichigo! I am so jealous! You get to sit with the beautiful goddess Rukia Kuchiki! Ahh, love is so beautiful!" Keigo said,loud enough for everyone to hear. With the added effect of sparkles and tears.

"Shut up, Keigo! You dumbass!" Ichigo yelled.

Rukia managed to find an empty compartment in the back of the bus for her and Ichigo. They mostly sat in a silence for about an hour. Felling uncomfortable, Rukia broke it.

"Hey, Ichigo how much longer?

"About four hours."

Rukia yawned.


He smirked at her

"See, you could've just gone back to sleep earlier. But, you didn't. Now you're tired."

"Be quiet!"she angrily said,"Don't start with me. Damn, why is it so cold in this thing?"

"Didn't you listen? He said to bring a blanket."

"I did but its with all my stuff in the back."

"Hmph. I figured you might do that." he said, reaching into the bag Rukia had brought on the bus. After digging through it he finally pulled out a blanket.

"Huh? When did that get in there!" Rukia said shivering. "Give it to me!" She grabbed for it. Only to have Ichigo to pull it away, smirking. Causing her to fall forward. She glared up at him. He tossed the blanket over her.

"Okay, here." he said.

"Thanks, Ichigo. It was nice that you were thinking of me."

She pulled the blanket over herself and closed her eyes. It's nice to know he cares.

"What?"he said, confused. Too late she was already asleep.

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.
-Matt Groening

Weeee! I like chocolate milk!

You're probably thinking something along the lines of...WTF?

Yea, I got problems. Well, that was the first chapter. Since you're down here I assume you read it.


So, please tell me if I did any better than last time. Oh, and tell me if you have any ideas on something that should happen. I'll consider using them.

And the quote I just added all of a sudden. I'll probably put a different quote at the end of each chapter...if I remember...

Thanks, for reading!
